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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

avatar_Erica Mena


Started by Erica Mena, October 05, 2022, 09:24:38 AM

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Erica Mena

Who watched it?

Evan Peters is a superb actor. He really dug into this role tho. I can't imagine what it must do to an actor's psyche to prepare for this type of role.


Isn't he that faggot serial killer? Fun fact, a disproportionate percentage of serial killers are in fact homos.

Erica Mena

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=476121 time=1665053333 user_id=1728
Isn't he that faggot serial killer? Fun fact, a disproportionate percentage of serial killers are in fact homos.

Gacy and Dahmer, yes. Bundy a few others were not.


I love that people complained about the content being disturbing.  Apparently they'd never read a fucking book before.  Hell, it was on the news for some of us.


People got upset when Netflix put it in the LGBT category.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Quote from: Odinson post_id=476172 time=1665080792 user_id=136
People got upset when Netflix put it in the LGBT category.

Yeah that pride seems to go out the window when knives and forks become involved.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


The LGBT fag brigade gets mad when the reality of homo culture is exposed, they much prefer deluding themselves with the fairyland, rainbows & unicorns, fantasy nonsense.


Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=476157 time=1665072132 user_id=3382
I love that people complained about the content being disturbing.  Apparently they'd never read a fucking book before.

Or listened to a Macabre album.



I saw the tqpes on Netsflix. I think the series was pretty accurate.


Netflix is engaging in propaganda, pure and simple. As a consequence, reality gets warped, if not told to get in the toilet entirely.">

The provable allegations of fictional "facts" in the series is one thing, as long as you are aware you are effectively being lied to you are then free to treat it as the fiction it deserves to be. But that's not the worst of it. In order to pander to a community that is expected to incorporate minor attracted persons into theit movement, Dahmer has to be marketed to them as a racist to make him a baddie???

The series is assuredly NOT accurate.


Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=476157 time=1665072132 user_id=3382
I love that people complained about the content being disturbing.  Apparently they'd never read a fucking book before.  Hell, it was on the news for some of us.

 Right?! I remember this case being discussed on the news when I was a kid.

 Who expects a doc series about a serial killer to NOT be disturbing?

 I also saw people were asshurt it was labeled LGBTQ lol
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: UoT post_id=476534 time=1665558629
Netflix is engaging in propaganda, pure and simple. As a consequence, reality gets warped, if not told to get in the toilet entirely.">

The provable allegations of fictional "facts" in the series is one thing, as long as you are aware you are effectively being lied to you are then free to treat it as the fiction it deserves to be. But that's not the worst of it. In order to pander to a community that is expected to incorporate minor attracted persons into theit movement, Dahmer has to be marketed to them as a racist to make him a baddie???

The series is assuredly NOT accurate.

 Did you know the co owner of Netflix....Marc related to known propagandist Edward Bernays?

 I thought that was interesting when I read it. He is also related to Sigmond Freud.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: UoT post_id=476534 time=1665558629
Netflix is engaging in propaganda, pure and simple. As a consequence, reality gets warped, if not told to get in the toilet entirely.">

The provable allegations of fictional "facts" in the series is one thing, as long as you are aware you are effectively being lied to you are then free to treat it as the fiction it deserves to be. But that's not the worst of it. In order to pander to a community that is expected to incorporate minor attracted persons into theit movement, Dahmer has to be marketed to them as a racist to make him a baddie???

The series is assuredly NOT accurate.

Give some eamples. What was not accurate?


Quote from: Herman post_id=476831 time=1665798148
Quote from: UoT post_id=476534 time=1665558629
Netflix is engaging in propaganda, pure and simple. As a consequence, reality gets warped, if not told to get in the toilet entirely.">

The provable allegations of fictional "facts" in the series is one thing, as long as you are aware you are effectively being lied to you are then free to treat it as the fiction it deserves to be. But that's not the worst of it. In order to pander to a community that is expected to incorporate minor attracted persons into theit movement, Dahmer has to be marketed to them as a racist to make him a baddie???

The series is assuredly NOT accurate.

Give some eamples. What was not accurate?

You want me to paraphrase the examples already provided in the video?? No dice mang, I'd only be repeating what was already pointed out and you've thus far not bothered to refute their research on the topic. I'd necessarily have to do a deep dive into the Netflix wokery myself, something I'm not prepared to do since it would defeat the purpose of not giving Netflix the opportunity to propagandize myself any more than is absolutely necessary.

If you can spare the hours in front of the tube to inhale the "documentary" to declare it "accurate", you can spend the 23 minutes to watch the critique for the purposes of pointing out where they were wrong in their assessment of how key details were changed to suit the people who produced it. We can go from there if you like, though I would posit that if the commentators were misrepresenting the production company and their efforts there would already be leftists crawling all over them with threats of lawsuits. Which thus far has not materialised, so I'm inclined to think The Lotus Eaters podcast on the subject more or less nailed Monster for the inaccurate and misleading pretense of an historical accounting.


Quote from: Dove post_id=476567 time=1665593690 user_id=3266
Quote from: UoT post_id=476534 time=1665558629
Netflix is engaging in propaganda, pure and simple. As a consequence, reality gets warped, if not told to get in the toilet entirely.">

The provable allegations of fictional "facts" in the series is one thing, as long as you are aware you are effectively being lied to you are then free to treat it as the fiction it deserves to be. But that's not the worst of it. In order to pander to a community that is expected to incorporate minor attracted persons into theit movement, Dahmer has to be marketed to them as a racist to make him a baddie???

The series is assuredly NOT accurate.

 Did you know the co owner of Netflix....Marc related to known propagandist Edward Bernays?

 I thought that was interesting when I read it. He is also related to Sigmond Freud.

The same Edward Bernays who is credited for leveraging the suffragette movement to encourage women to smoke, yes I was aware. That entire family tree is dodgy as hell, a bunch of immoral fucks that treat the population at large as a resource to be exploited for personal wealth.

I disagree with such practices, even though I might respect the efficiency with which they accomplish it. It's not something I wish for myself, but then I'm not a lizard.