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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

avatar_Erica Mena


Started by Erica Mena, October 05, 2022, 09:24:38 AM

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Meh, if you've got something to say, express it in the best way you know how. If that involves pumping out verbiage at fire hydrant capacity, tough titties for anyone whining about the quantity of it.

Would it surprise you to know that those who demand brevity are by and large unwitting actors in a socialist bid for control over the individual? Thumb through your copy of George Orwell's 1984 and pay close attention to O'Brien's reasons for reducing the language down to as few words as possible. Remember, Orwell wrote that at the close of World War 2 in response to what he saw the socialists engaging in in Europe, long before they got their hooks into our society for the purposes of dumbing down the individual into a conformed, easily controlled mass.


Oh I know! I've pointed out how Orwellian things have become.

 I call the the King flu "Covid 1984" for that reason.

 And its horrifying how effective it's been.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


I call it the Pinko Pox. Alright, so it was nominally capitalists who funded the research, but with a large whack of them doing it at a global level and chinese scientists doing the legwork after O'Bummer was forced to hand it over to them... Pinko Pox seems as good a name as any.


Quote from: UoT post_id=477820 time=1666386946
I call it the Pinko Pox. Alright, so it was nominally capitalists who funded the research, but with a large whack of them doing it at a global level and chinese scientists doing the legwork after O'Bummer was forced to hand it over to them... Pinko Pox seems as good a name as any.

 Chinese Aids is another one lol.

 Did you happen to catch how people who have taken 3 mrna vaccines are now testing positive for HIV?  ac_toofunny  :yuk:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=477825 time=1666388800 user_id=3266
Quote from: UoT post_id=477820 time=1666386946
I call it the Pinko Pox. Alright, so it was nominally capitalists who funded the research, but with a large whack of them doing it at a global level and chinese scientists doing the legwork after O'Bummer was forced to hand it over to them... Pinko Pox seems as good a name as any.

 Chinese Aids is another one lol.

 Did you happen to catch how people who have taken 3 mrna vaccines are now testing positive for HIV?  ac_toofunny  :yuk:

Mmmm, I was aware for the potential for that over a year ago when it was being reported Covid shared proteins with HIV. The Australian government put the kybosh on the rollout of one particular vaccine about three months later because their Prime Mincer Scott-no-mates Morrison declared testees were "falsely testing positive for HIV" then, noting a little later that if the vaccines made you sick, then that was on the people who chose to take them. The media of course reported on it once, then shuffled it all under the carpet with the "100% safe and effective" mantra.

I'm not surprised mind you. The same gremlin being regarded as an expert on the affair (Dr Anthony Faucism) is the same assclown who once claimed you could catch AIDS from cereal boxes in the 1980s. Not to venture into tinfoil hat territory or anything, but this whole Pinko Pox malarkey has a lot of uncanny parallels to the AIDS scare of the eighties, and if I am being particularly uncharitable I can surmise that these vermin engineered the whole shitshow for personal profit, both fiscal and political.

Just have to stick a "V" on the front of the symptoms and hope people are too stupid or frightened to point out the root cause is identical. And if there is any one thing I can agree with that false prophet ScoMo (or his successor AnAl, not to mention an increasing number of insurance companies), it's this...

If you took the jab, any side effects are on you. Don't go sticking your hand out, begging for assistance to get you out of the mess you chose for yourself. Rather, just deal with it as best you can... perhaps sue the utter fuck out of anyone who promised you it was safe when it clearly wasn't... and good luck.


Quote from: UoT post_id=477832 time=1666390634
Quote from: Dove post_id=477825 time=1666388800 user_id=3266

 Chinese Aids is another one lol.

 Did you happen to catch how people who have taken 3 mrna vaccines are now testing positive for HIV?  ac_toofunny  :yuk:

Mmmm, I was aware for the potential for that over a year ago when it was being reported Covid shared proteins with HIV. The Australian government put the kybosh on the rollout of one particular vaccine about three months later because their Prime Mincer Scott-no-mates Morrison declared testees were "falsely testing positive for HIV" then, noting a little later that if the vaccines made you sick, then that was on the people who chose to take them. The media of course reported on it once, then shuffled it all under the carpet with the "100% safe and effective" mantra.

I'm not surprised mind you. The same gremlin being regarded as an expert on the affair (Dr Anthony Faucism) is the same assclown who once claimed you could catch AIDS from cereal boxes in the 1980s. Not to venture into tinfoil hat territory or anything, but this whole Pinko Pox malarkey has a lot of uncanny parallels to the AIDS scare of the eighties, and if I am being particularly uncharitable I can surmise that these vermin engineered the whole shitshow for personal profit, both fiscal and political.

Just have to stick a "V" on the front of the symptoms and hope people are too stupid or frightened to point out the root cause is identical. And if there is any one thing I can agree with that false prophet ScoMo (or his successor AnAl, not to mention an increasing number of insurance companies), it's this...

If you took the jab, any side effects are on you. Don't go sticking your hand out, begging for assistance to get you out of the mess you chose for yourself. Rather, just deal with it as best you can... perhaps sue the utter fuck out of anyone who promised you it was safe when it clearly wasn't... and good luck.

 Yep. I was born in 1980, so I was too young to really remember the politcal AIDs shitshow.....but my wacky ass mom was pointing that out and I went back and started reading on it.  And there are definately parallels.  I dont usually launch into any politcal rants about it because it sounds like conspiracy theory and when I'm arguing covid and politcs I dont like to muddy the waters....the bottom line is, we have a right to refuse any and all medical interventions with NO consequence to our jobs or place in society.  And if private employers require it it needs to have been covered in the hiring contract that the employee agrees to take any future medical interventions as a requirement of continued employment and if something goes wrong....the employer is responsible for compensation.

 I'm VERY irked how people were coerced and forced into taking some brand spanking new technology vaccine.  And how it was the left turning actual dictators and violating the bodily autonomy shit they scream only when it involves killing another human being for the crime of existing (abortion).  But even looking at that it's still coercion because most women abort because they feel they have no choice at all....that's a whole other topic though.

 At the end of the day, having a pharmaceutical injected into ones body should only be the choice of the one getting and if they dont want it that needs to be respected. Period.  Today saying this gets you labeled an "anti vaxxer".  And I'm definately not an anti vaxxer. I support the use of vaccines. I just also support personal fucking choice and I view it as draconian, disgusting and inhumane to coerce, force or shame people if they dont want it.  It's a form of rape. You CAN medically rape people.

 I've only worked jobs where I'm in some form of intimate contact with other human beings. From teaching pre school, to stripping, to patient care. I've never laid a hand on someone who wasnt comfortable, consenting, understood what I was doing to them. Even taking care of dying hospice patients who have gone into that nonresponsive phase where they dont interact with you....I always would narrate everything I was doing.  They still hear and feel and how frightening is it if someone comes in and just starts handling your body.  I always spoke to them with respect and said outloud everything I was doing.  

 So this whole covid 1984 vaccine bullshit was just so disgusting and vile to me.  We really got to see how little regard and care people show towards other human beings. If someone doesnt want to put something in their BODY....fucking drop it and leave them alone.

 Forcing people to shut down their businesses (while big box got to stay open and did amazing while we lost hundreds of thousands of small businesses), the whole embarrassing cloth mask fiasco. Forcing fucking CHILDREN to wear cloth masks at school.....yeah lets make sure children pass everything.

 I started realizing the dems/left were fucked up during Obama.  I voted for Obama in 2008. 2012 i didnt even bother voting. Any real criticism of Obama was met with anger.  So I started figuring out these people were a problem and going to become a threat to our rights and freedoms.

 And I do believe covid was a massive stunt pulled by the elites to grab power and money. I'm not saying covid was faked. Im saying it was heavily exaggerated and exploited and used as a politcal and socail weapon to excersize control over ordinary people.  I think this was a project planned out a long time ago during SARS.  When I followed the Corona info, stuff like this was predicted years ago. In China they were digging the bats out of caves and taking covid out of them and working on making it transmissible to humans. That's what the "gain of function" research was and this shit was documented and written about long before the outbreak.  It's not some conspiracy theory.

 There was even a simulation done called Event 201 that went into scary detail about what would happen if a corona pandemic occured. They even predicted PPE shortages."> ... nario.html">

 So this really cannot be chalked up to some freak fuck up, IMO.  A lot of wealthy people have become much wealthier because of this happening. Including pharmaceutical companies.

 It's really sad that so many people were frightened into getting a vaccine and ended up suffering as a result and I HOPE we see some serious lawsuits. Forcing and manipulating people like that is so unethical and vile.

 All of that being said, I did get vaccinated. More so to calm my mother down. I made sure that we took the J&J one though because I just dont feel good about the Pfizer one. My husband went ahead and took the Pfizer shot and.....never again. For an entire year his heart would just start racing. He was getting tachycardia and no one knows why. He had every test and still no one knows why. Thankfully it stopped eventually and he has been fine....but we were all nervous because he took that Pfizer shit and started having weird heart issues.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=477842 time=1666402760 user_id=3266
 It's really sad that so many people were frightened into getting a vaccine and ended up suffering as a result and I HOPE we see some serious lawsuits. Forcing and manipulating people like that is so unethical and vile.

I agree.  Consider this:  In my province of BC (healthcare decisions are a provincial thing in this country), there were no requirements for anyone to have any vaccinations at all before Covid.

School children did not have to have any vaccinations at all before entering the school system, and nowhere were adults required to be vaccinated against anything.  The only thing that was enforced was those who work with people that are immunocompromised either have to take an annual flu shot, or wear a mask in lieu of when working with these people, such as employees in an old folks homes, hospitals, etc.  This is fair enough.

The global response to Covid was something that I could never have imagined...  The cure was worse than the disease.  I am unvaxxed, and 100% fine.  I feel for all of those that lost their jobs because they were coerced into getting injected with an experimental vaccine or get fired.  I feel for all the small businesses that were forced to shut.  I feel for people that are still, to this day, paying extra for almost everything due to 'Covid logistical issues'...  How dare my government tell me when I can leave my home, and where I can travel to.  How dare they tell me who I can have over on my own property.

This didn't need to be.  I hope the next time the global elites cook up some 'pandemic panic,' that the entire world will revolt in such a way that makes the Ottawa trucker protests look like an episode of Mister Rogers.

I have no problem with vaccines.  If someone wants to get boosted with a vaccine every three months, great.  I do not judge them.  But I will not ever endorse the global response to this chink flu, nor will I ever respect those who pushed for even more extreme lockdowns and measures.  Seeing people driving their cars alone wearing a mask tells me all I need to know:  I live amongst fucking idiots that should be removed from the gene pool.


My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=476126 time=1665059257 user_id=2845
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=476121 time=1665053333 user_id=1728
Isn't he that faggot serial killer? Fun fact, a disproportionate percentage of serial killers are in fact homos.

Gacy and Dahmer, yes. Bundy a few others were not.

 Look up UK Dennis Nilson. killed, raped and ate faggits and was a faggit himself just like Dahmar.... Also Canada's Bruce McArthur, a married man, who had a double life raping, murdering and dismembering other faggits.

There is a name in Canada for slaughtering willing humans who want to be killed and eaten but I can't find it in google.

Scouse is correct about the disproportionately amount of gays like Dahmer.

And the first  known raping, murdering cannibal serial killer was a monk in Medieval times who raped, murdered and ate 800 boys.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=477905 time=1666426183 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=476126 time=1665059257 user_id=2845

Gacy and Dahmer, yes. Bundy a few others were not.

 Look up UK Dennis Nilson. killed, raped and ate faggits and was a faggit himself just like Dahmar.... Also Canada's Bruce McArthur, a married man, who had a double life raping, murdering and dismembering other faggits.

There is a name in Canada for slaughtering willing humans who want to be killed and eaten but I can't find it in google.

Scouse is correct about the disproportionately amount of gays like Dahmer.

And the first  known raping, murdering cannibal serial killer was a monk in Medieval times who raped, murdered and ate 800 boys.

 You just reminded me of this guy">
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=477914 time=1666444431 user_id=3266
Quote from: caskur post_id=477905 time=1666426183 user_id=2156

 Look up UK Dennis Nilson. killed, raped and ate faggits and was a faggit himself just like Dahmar.... Also Canada's Bruce McArthur, a married man, who had a double life raping, murdering and dismembering other faggits.

There is a name in Canada for slaughtering willing humans who want to be killed and eaten but I can't find it in google.

Scouse is correct about the disproportionately amount of gays like Dahmer.

And the first  known raping, murdering cannibal serial killer was a monk in Medieval times who raped, murdered and ate 800 boys.

 You just reminded me of this guy">


Ugh, and there was a Russian one as well.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


I read the entire article now. Meiwes is allowed to walk the streets??? He should get the death penalty!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=477935 time=1666463416 user_id=2156
I read the entire article now. Meiwes is allowed to walk the streets??? He should get the death penalty!!

 If his victim consented.....I mean. I agree with you, but if the guy gave permission that probably casted a different view on it.

 It's disgusting and I agree he should be given the death penalty.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=477842 time=1666402760 user_id=3266
Yep. I was born in 1980, so I was too young to really remember the politcal AIDs shitshow.....but my wacky ass mom was pointing that out and I went back and started reading on it.  And there are definately parallels.  I dont usually launch into any politcal rants about it because it sounds like conspiracy theory and when I'm arguing covid and politcs I dont like to muddy the waters....the bottom line is, we have a right to refuse any and all medical interventions with NO consequence to our jobs or place in society.  And if private employers require it it needs to have been covered in the hiring contract that the employee agrees to take any future medical interventions as a requirement of continued employment and if something goes wrong....the employer is responsible for compensation.

 I'm VERY irked how people were coerced and forced into taking some brand spanking new technology vaccine.  And how it was the left turning actual dictators and violating the bodily autonomy shit they scream only when it involves killing another human being for the crime of existing (abortion).  But even looking at that it's still coercion because most women abort because they feel they have no choice at all....that's a whole other topic though.

 At the end of the day, having a pharmaceutical injected into ones body should only be the choice of the one getting and if they dont want it that needs to be respected. Period.  Today saying this gets you labeled an "anti vaxxer".  And I'm definately not an anti vaxxer. I support the use of vaccines. I just also support personal fucking choice and I view it as draconian, disgusting and inhumane to coerce, force or shame people if they dont want it.  It's a form of rape. You CAN medically rape people.

 I've only worked jobs where I'm in some form of intimate contact with other human beings. From teaching pre school, to stripping, to patient care. I've never laid a hand on someone who wasnt comfortable, consenting, understood what I was doing to them. Even taking care of dying hospice patients who have gone into that nonresponsive phase where they dont interact with you....I always would narrate everything I was doing.  They still hear and feel and how frightening is it if someone comes in and just starts handling your body.  I always spoke to them with respect and said outloud everything I was doing.  

 So this whole covid 1984 vaccine bullshit was just so disgusting and vile to me.  We really got to see how little regard and care people show towards other human beings. If someone doesnt want to put something in their BODY....fucking drop it and leave them alone.

 Forcing people to shut down their businesses (while big box got to stay open and did amazing while we lost hundreds of thousands of small businesses), the whole embarrassing cloth mask fiasco. Forcing fucking CHILDREN to wear cloth masks at school.....yeah lets make sure children pass everything.

 I started realizing the dems/left were fucked up during Obama.  I voted for Obama in 2008. 2012 i didnt even bother voting. Any real criticism of Obama was met with anger.  So I started figuring out these people were a problem and going to become a threat to our rights and freedoms.

 And I do believe covid was a massive stunt pulled by the elites to grab power and money. I'm not saying covid was faked. Im saying it was heavily exaggerated and exploited and used as a politcal and socail weapon to excersize control over ordinary people.  I think this was a project planned out a long time ago during SARS.  When I followed the Corona info, stuff like this was predicted years ago. In China they were digging the bats out of caves and taking covid out of them and working on making it transmissible to humans. That's what the "gain of function" research was and this shit was documented and written about long before the outbreak.  It's not some conspiracy theory.

(quote truncated due to allowed character limit)

Well it was never really a vaccine to begin with - that much was obvious when the dictionary definition had to be amended to include this particular set of treatments which (and I'm being generous here) might at best be regarded as theraputics. I always understood the purpose of a vaccine was to confer a level of immunity against the pathogen it was designed to target. There isn't a single Covid shot that does this, at least to my knowledge. And I've been inhaling a ton of data and reports on this for the last two and a half years.

And why would it? I remember asking my mother when I was a child why if we could vaccinate against things like measles, mumps, tetanus etc, why was there no vaccination against the common cold? She explained that it was because the virii that caused them easily mutated, faster than anyone could come up for a preventative or a cure. I accepted the explanation, she was a teacher after all and from a generation where the sharing of knowledge and the interpretations that might be drawn from it was prized. The things we took for granted, eh?

And what exactly is a cold? What family of virii to the majority of colds come from again? Rhinovirus and.... oh yeah, CORONAVIRUS. And suddenly, out of the blue we have half a dozen miracle preventatives being rushed to market... don't blame me for raising an eyebrow over this development, I was calling "horseshit" from the moment Trump was extolling their virtues, tellingly enough around the same time his political opponents were saying they wouldn't trust it themselves. The same people who later changed their tune when they were handed the keys to the golden crapper. I have a pretty good memory, I also enjoy an analytical mindset and with enough data in front of me I can often sense when something is off and start pulling at threads to see how a narrative fits together. Also to extrapolate likely outcomes from same. Besides, I had already been given a heads up in January 2020 from a colleague who did IT consultancy work for the FBI that the game was afoot. It played a large part in my decision to sell up and get the fuck out of Canada later that year.

The Pinko Pox is definitely real. I agree. I suspect I've had it twice, though as you alluded the overblown hype makes it difficult to tell and the testing methods are far from perfect. I've had far worse colds previous to the two most recent illnesses (December 2019 and July 2022) and my immune system has wiped each and every one of them out in less time than people who have led healthier and more active lifestyles. So I didn't see any pressing need to be first in line for a shot which I knew to be experimental and lacking proper testing; as the months wore on and the pressure to conform mounted I became more convinced than ever the whole thing was an exercise in grifting. People I know and cared about have died, whether it was from the disease itself or the chillingly ugly treatments is something I shall never know for sure.

Not that it makes a lot of difference. They made their choice, I made mine. For my part I did what I could to appraise them of what I knew, what I suspected and the outcome I anticipated - my due diligence was done and my conscience is clear. Yeah I miss them, but...

"> could have been worse. Frank Herbert levels of worse. Constantly forced to kneel at the altar of a bunch of corporatists more interested in their enslavement, sick, diseased, immuno-compromised and begging for a little sauce to buy them a little more time... they're better off wherever they are.

I'm aware of the Event 201, I even made copies of the videos in the event YouTurd decided to memoryhole them. What generally isn't discussed is that the John Hopkins Institute was also involved in the 2019 Military World Games around the same time. I'll let you guess where they were being held that year (five letters, first one W). Officials anally swabbing athletes, many of whom subsequently fell ill, taking their illnesses back to their countries of origin. Nearly three years later and nobody in a position to order an investigation into what very well may have been the world's first super-spreader event for Covid19. "Gee" say I, "I wonder why that stone is being left unturned" as if I couldn't draw the obvious conclusion for myself of the volumionous undercurrents of shitbaggery gushing from the proverbial spigot. It's almost like they know, but aren't quite ready to take responsibility for it yet.  

So yeah, I've cause to doubt the sincerity of our leading authorities. I've worked extensively in the media, I am familiar with the Tells of a manufactured narrative. I spent a good many years in Spook Central (Ottawa) and heard and saw a bit more than perhaps I should. Or perhaps not - maybe I was intended to be privy to this knowledge. I have to figure someone somewhere is keeping half an eye on me; my secret service dossier was inked at the tender age of six, lighting candles for the death of representative democracy on the steps of Parliament House in Cuntberra during the constitutional crisis of '75. Like I could give a shit; most people here are probably on a watch list of some description, they just aren't aware of it. Just another attempt of control by those who as like as not recognise their hold over the population at large is a tenuous thing. And as long as you don't get too big, your threat level to them remains minimal and un-actioned.

That's our world according to cun`T. Hey, it's not ALL bad, there's still plenty of decent joys to be had, you just gotta learn not to sweat the ugly stuff that costs you more to fix than it's worth. Treat that crap with gallows humour (if at all), "the devil...that proud spirit...cannot endure to be mocked."


Quote from: "Melvin Gibson" post_id=477853 time=1666412683
Seeing people driving their cars alone wearing a mask tells me all I need to know:  I live amongst fucking idiots that should be removed from the gene pool.

No shit. And if they aren't changing that mask for a fresh one every ten to fifteen minutes, the budding colonies of germs therein may very well do you the favour.  ac_biggrin