**long post alert, and I'm stepping into my Christain perspective and please dont take from this that I'm preaching....I'm not. This is how I see it and I cant avoid speaking from a biblical perspective here****
The Roman Cathlic church is evil.
You know I'm a believer and we have butted heads on this.....and i dont wanna butt heads on that again so I'm not trying to start that.
I just want it clear my stance on the RC, they are evil. And part of the whole beast.
Of course you agree with legitimate Christian values. I would tell you that's because you cannot escape the image of God you are imprinted with. So you have a sharp sense of justice and liberty. God is a God of justice and liberty. When we are told we are made in the image of God...that is telling us we are unique, conscious beings who share qualities with our Creator, such as our sense of justice, our ability to love, our ability to reason and apply logic, our sense of purpose...et. And Gods design is the family. The joining of male and female to create and bring forth life and to nurture that life. We have our roles in this, those "traditional" roles that are so shat upon by the culture.
We would expect an evil, fallen world to attack and distort all thing God designed that are good.
What communism is at its nucleus is like a distortion and shadow of the coming kingdom of Christ. But instead of God, the government is at the helm. And instead of equallyvsharing in Gods goodness, life and light.....we share equally in toil, darkness and death. That's why communism SOUNDS good to people on paper but it can never, ever be successful in reality. We have to be perfect for this to work.
Look how depraved the world becomes when the objective standard and foundation for righteousness and liberty is rejected. Even our sexual dimorphism is being rejected. What is the point of all these genders? It's completely absurd and the hatred driving it is breathtaking.
You agree with these Christian values because you are more than just a sack of biological material firing off chemical reactions. You have fundamental value as an image bearer of God.
The Catholic church replaces Gods word with traditions. They worship Mary and pray to dead people. The pope is an ungodly office.....what creeps me out is how elevated the pope is. There is no "vicor of Christ" anywhere in the bible. In fact the Catholic church discourages people studying the word of God.
What's interesting is everywhere you'll see humans enslaving other humans you will see a place where the bible(and the values it teaches) is hated, banned or people are discouraged from reading it. And we are told "religion and the bible is about control" but when you study it.....it convicts humanity and removes the authority from humans. Humans who seek power hate it. The world enslaves and controls us with money, jobs, sex, consumerism and materialism and our desires to be admired. That's why all these puppets are fighting to be superior to the rest of us. They dont want to actually love their neighbor as themselves and sacrifice anything. They want to make themselves feel good.
I'm not saying that everyone in the Catholic faith is lost. I've actually heard a priest preach Christ with conviction and compassion. He preached the fulness of the gospel beautifully. I definately believe there are many people in the catholic ranks who are fully devoted to Jesus. I've met them.
But catholics as a denomination operate on guilt and fear and teach a false works based salvation and they engage in an uncomfortable amount of idolatry. You really have to ignore so much scripture to be catholic. Jesus said just a little bit of levon will spoil the whole loaf and the catholic church really shows the truth of that.
And at their highest levels they are joined with the world.....not God.
People who are following the Jesus of the bible are always going to be hated by the world. Jesus said the servants will never be greater than their master.....and the world hated Christ and still hates Him today. Visciously.
And you'll notice everything God designed and the order and the message is what is attacked relentlessly. Even science is treated as some world view or religion on its own....when all it really is is study of the natural realm. What is happening at root of this is war with God. Rejection of God and truth and reality. You'll notice at the core of this is a hatred and rejection of Jesus.
I believe that you being a rational man with a sound mind, of course you agree with Gods values. Objectively you should because God is the objective standard. . Truth is truth and logic is logic. The farther people run from God, the more into absurdity they go. We see it all around us. And brokenness and sin enslaves humanity. All we will get from the world is enslavement and misery and toil and death. We didnt get "liberation" from a single secular movement ever. It all leads to slavery and death.
What did the sexual revolution bring us besides misery and sex trafficking and broken relationships between men and women? And broken homes, single parenthood, disease and abortion...such an abominable act of violence. Its actual human sacrifice. Being told that its liberation....we will be free and prosperous if we have our offspring brutally destroyed in the one place a human should be safest....its a violation of our bodies, our being, and an attack on God Himself (Jesus said He IS the life, He is the very source of life itself and we all live and exist in Him). If you notice all their commie rhetoric and causes all lead to death. They literally speak death.
The abolition of slavery and civil rights was brought by the Christian world view. Notice a pattern? Where Gods word is the foundation we have freedom and life and value. Where Gods word is rejected we see enslavement and death and degradation. Even Japan where they have no "religion".....they may have a low crime rate but they have the highest suicide rate in the world.
I'm not preaching at all.....I'm just sharing what I see with someone I think is more like minded with me than he isnt.
It shouldnt be a shocker to see the catholic church in unity with these ungodly principles and see them just as corrupt and vile as the heathenist secular gospel we call communism. They will be judged by God and be held to account for their crimes against Christ. The abuse of those innocent children angers God and Jesus said it's better for one to tie a boulder around their neck and cast themselves into the sea before harming the little ones. I believe the catholic church will be judged more harshly than others because they claim to come in the name of Christ. But they are wolves among the sheep.
Plus I'm convinced they are working with fallen angels(that we will be told are aliens from other planets)...but that's a whole other convo that would get really weird really quick LOL.
You arent wrong at all about the Vatican and the conflict between them and the teachings of Christ. I'm impressed with that observation. And I'm glad because as the world dives deeper into reprobate mind and the wheat and chaff are separated you are agreeing with God and I hope to see that progress in you as hell on earth consumes us.
Just wait, in the next 5 years pedophilia will become openly just another orientation and soon we will be hearing about it harms children to NOT allow adults to fuck them. It's already a public conversation and its gonna get more mainstream and embraced by these demonic minded psychopaths who are supporting the removal of women's protections and erasing us in law and pushing to medicalize confused minors.