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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood


The scary tranny thread

Started by Dove, October 24, 2022, 12:38:08 PM

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Quote from: Guest post_id=492329 time=1674557174
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492324 time=1674541663 user_id=3351

Killing these people is commanded by God. He does require a proper trial for them though.

Would that be the God that nobody can agree on the form for? Seems to me that your version leans towards the authoritarian as well... which while congruent with the Old Testament tales of fire, brimstone and floods (not to mention requirements of genital mutilation and the sacrifice of animals you were previously charged with saving) seems rather at odds with the whole "he loves us all so very very much" bit.

It's not a very logical argument.

Neither is the premise that any entity allegedly endowed with the ability to smite shit at a whim in one millennia would need his faithful servants to do it for him in the next. So he might mete out the required justice... forever? I'll question the validity of that argument, it rather seems to me it's the kinds of self serving bullshit I'd expect from any authoritarian looking to weight the scales in their direction.

I'm an agnostic. There may very well NOT be a God Eternal for all I know, but in case there is, he'll get his chance soon enough in the grand scheme of things. Me... I'm the kinda guy who needs something a little more quantifiable and concrete before I start putting my faith in things. I understand the concept of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" better than you wish I did, also that justice must be seen to be done.

Fact: your method has worked as well as communism ever did - that is to say "not at all". I know this because there are still pedophiles plying their trade, both at the worker level as well as the most exalted levels of our leaders and their controllers. Fear of the eternal hereafter does not sway them, your despotic demands to go hack and slash on a small subset of them notwitstanding. Execution in and of itself is a quick and easy out from their punishment and it is easy to see why, you need only still your bloodlust for the time it takes to process it logically.

Whereas exacting the pain and suffering from their flesh publicly and at length is a quantifiable deterrent. It isn't a "promise" that we must "have faith to believe in it being done"... that doesn't even work for the supposedly god fearing nonce men of the cloth we've heard so much about and I'll be buggered why it should serve as a compelling reason for agnostics, atheists who do not recognise such an authority.

Pain and humiliation on the other hand, does. Both of those you would demand the nonce be spared of in your mad rush to exercise your authority over their life and death.

I repudiate your argument. To my mind it doesn't go far enough to ever have hope in being effective. Extreme physical and psychological reproach conducted publicly is a far superior deterrent I think, and it is the very fact that I am NOT an authoritarian shitweasel who would demand its employment in favour of your ineffective self serving means that assures us of a never ending supply of practicing pedophiles for the gallows.

If your way fixed it, you wouldn't be demanding my support. nor would you be tempted to bear false witness of my supposed support for their repugnant practices. That your way NEVER fixed it, provable in the few you and yours executed in your ever apparent failure to stem the tide, assures me that sterner measures are called for.

Mine are those measures. Punish the buggers properly you ass, you're only kidding yourself by rushing to pass off the hard work to the Man in the Clouds.

That would be the one and only God. The God of the Bible. The God that granted all of us God given inalienable rights.

Thats right there is the biggest downfall of the gaytheists that want to eject the warp core of religion in this country. And BTW, the line between "religion" and "God" is blurred to the point where I no longer wish to point out a distinction. Failure to recognize that kicking the concept that rights come from God, not government is wholly moronic to their own self interests. Gaytheists hate religion more than they love their civil liberties. Its as simple as that.  Now if they insist of this course, the proper thing to do is reject the Declaration of Independence, which just so happens to be Americas single founding document, and the Constitution which is the government operating manual that came along A DECADE AFTER America was founded.

Personally, I view myself as authoritarian, within the confines of governmental restraint spelled out in our historical and Judeo-Christian foundations. There needs to be authoritarianism in any functioning system because there will always be a slurry of asshats pushing their whataboutisms in an effort to break the system. Those cunts need to die. Someone like me needs to swing the axe. Sure, its a great concept to take the position of live and let live but thats led us right to where we are today. No better words apply to todays situation in America than these: "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other." The wheels have come off the clown car.

Statements about equivalence of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization and communism ignore the greatness and freedom of the West and the incredible suffering and death experienced by the citizenry of the USSR and China. There is absolutely no commonality between either system. "Bloodlust" as you call it is justice. Anyone who murders should pay with their life. Anyone, including a muhzie, that makes war with the Western form of civilization should die. Any faggit that argues that his sexual perversion should be tolerated, or he should be a protected class, or that its normal and acceptable for them to dress up like a demon or woman and read books to 6 year olds ANYWHERE, should be gathered in the town square in front of men like me, or hell, just me, while I punch in their skulls with rocks and make their brains spill into the street for the entire world to see on live TV. After a fair trial of course as The One and Only God commands. Also known as The Living God.

A simple solution for all the gaytheists and muhzies can be learned by listening to Jim Croche's "You Dont Mess Around With Jim".

Just to clarify for others as I know you recognize this, "My way" is not my way and it is not even my ideas. These are centuries old standards that worked far superior to the complete shit show we have today. I find it laughable that people today pile on Christian authoritarianism so to speak when we have 80% or more of the churches in any given community that flatly refuse to condemn what is condemned in the Bible. Its a big fat joke. Damned trannies are ordained now FFS! Someone told me the other day that Christians only care about abortion. Hell, I saw a church group even refusing to condemn that! 100% of them should without question. 100% should also condemn murder, faggotry, trannies, divorce, adultery, etc, etc. In the spirit of gaytheists tearing things down, I notice that they insist on people not following the Constitution and not following the Bible. I mean, what could happen, right? LMFAO!

"The Flying Spaghetti Monster"  meme is noted. But again, as a society, we've moved further and further away from Judeo Christianity and closer and closer to the nature that aligns with Sodom and Gomorrah in this country and we are far more dysfunctional as a result.

I'm A-OK if we cant be buddies any longer but simply put, or TL:DR, I'm right, you're completely wrong.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351
That would be the one and only God. The God of the Bible. The God that granted all of us God given inalienable rights.

Yeah yeah, I've had a bunch of those clowns on my doorstep. Some of them were wearing their magic underpants.

None of them had convincing arguments, any more than your average atheist does.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351
Personally, I view myself as authoritarian

And there it is, right there.

So what I have facing me is a self styled dictator demanding my obeisance to his whim as he calls upon a higher power he cannot prove exists. Is that the sum and substance of it? It's looking very much like the sum and substance of it.

I'm undecided on the existence or otherwise of your god. And I seem to recall...


...something in the opening pages of my Junior Birdman Book of British Bibles about "thou shalt have no gods before me".

First commandment, and you want me to break it. Here am I, without belief in the existence or non-existence of god, and there goes you, demanding god like powers for your word. And I'm supposed to accept that, when I cannot say for sure if the backing for it even exists, but in the most favourable case scenario, requires I acknowledge it before anything else?

If I told you to pull your foreskin over your head and vanish up your dick, would I learn you had broken the Abrahamic Covenant governing genital mutilation as well?

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351
Those cunts need to die. Someone like me needs to swing the axe.

Disagree. Those cunts need to be punished, tortured even. From your constant carping for a quick and clean release of their obligation, I have to figure you need to be tortured along with them.

Do you need to be tortured along with them Lokmar?

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351"Bloodlust" as you call it is justice.

Yeah, well you're an underachiever. You might relish the idea of executing everything outside of your wheelhouse, that's more of less how the lefties on Twitter used to operate before Elon wrecked their little red wagon. I didn't agree with them doing it, I'm not going to agree with you doing it. Not when there is a better way.

I reiterate; in the absence of God, death holds no fear. You want to publicly torture the bastards, I'm listening. Hell, I'd even do the gig myself if you promised not to complain too loudly about my methods.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351Anyone who murders should pay with their life.

Ohh you amateur, you think the only person affected by a murder is the victim? Really? Hey, if it was the case, I wouldn't be arguing with you. What about the families and friends left behind, don't they deserve consideration? Ohh sure, "muh closure"... I call that "cope".

Torture them.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351Any faggit that argues that his sexual perversion should be tolerated

I don't give a fuck what they do among consenting partners, as long as they aren't raping people (and that includes statutory, just so we are clear) and as long as they aren't waving it about in public and especially in front of children, I-DONT-GIVE-A-FUCK.

Protected class? No more or less than any of the protections you and I enjoy. And yeah, that means we get to hold Straight Pride marches in the streets if we so choose. You know, where we might get to celebrate the traditions we hold so dear. Should be a right old hoot, considering us normies are facing more or less the same prejudices today as the gays, lesbos and double adaptors were facing half a century ago, right. Right.

I know, I know... a limited number of them keep banging on about the destruction of our values, our people... these assholes enjoy support in the highest echelons of our society... repeat after me "TORTURE THOSE FUCKERS". Get your Popr John Francises, your Klaus Schwabs, your George Soroses and start nailgunning their cocks to any available surface, pump them full of gender affirming goop and staple their tits together when they sprout. With a healty side salad of wolverines to rape their dungfunnels. Broadcast that shit on national television along with the phone number people can ring up and pledge donations with their suggestions on how to humiliate them further.

Which do you think is more likely to serve as a deterrent to future aspiring nonces? Your method? Or mine? Choose carefully, a safer, happier tomorrow hangs in the balance.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351Just to clarify for others as I know you recognize this, "My way" is not my way and it is not even my ideas. These are centuries old standards that worked far superior to the complete shit show we have today.

So far, so good. And lest we forget, these ideas DO come from a different time and as like as not were a reflection of authoritarianism of that time... men, not a god or gods, who enumerated them. It is perfectly possible that these men created them to serve their own ends."

Be that as it may, it's what our society was founded on. It isn't perfect, but it's served us better than the current sociological flux ever could. The gold standard is what I can fight for. And we don't have time to convince each other of the validity of our reasons WHY we enter into this fight, it is enough to recognise our goals our congruent to a certain degree and work towards those ends intelligently.

You want nonces gone. Hey, so do I. But I'm not prepared to go all scorched earth on the crew they arose from; fact is if we go that route, we'll keep widening the net like a pack of damned fool Social Justice Warriors. Eventually one of us will be determined to be surplus to requirements and there's every chance it could be you. Have a look at what happened to JK Rowlings and tell me it ain't never gonna happen like that again. Take the energy of that wholesale hack and slash you propose and direct it towards a surgical strike. Launch it at your average nonce-in-the-street's heroes. Demand Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs. Prince Andrew's scalp was not enough. His punishment was a mere crumb, and Jeffrey surely didn't make bank off him alone. Jarm a hot soldering iron up his ring and pull the flight logs for the Lolita Express to see who's next. In fact, pull Jeffrey's entire financial history and crosschek it with the logs, I fancy you'll identify the key players in out society's destruction from that act alone.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492358 time=1674592205 user_id=3351I'm A-OK if we cant be buddies any longer but simply put, or TL:DR, I'm right, you're completely wrong.

That's wholly up to you pal; we can both think each other completely full of shit, if some of the shit has corn in it then it might be worth salvaging. For what it's worth, I still reckon you are letting them off lightly and it all boils down to a truth I'm sure you've yet to recognise; namely, that not everyone enjoys the same fears you do. And I know this because I don't. I'm not sold on the idea of eternal life, I don't fear death. I see the value in some of your beliefs without needing the cudgel to bring me to that table as a result.

And I know there are others out there who can say the same. Some of those are the people you want to kill. How nice would it be if we could reduce that number to zero overnight and to get on with more worthwhile and rewarding things?

So I say... torture society's cancers. Give the latent cancers an incentive not to metastacize.


I've had a soft whisper in my dreams, my ears, and so on that a God/or Gods exist, since my earliest years... but I was also tormented in those same years with dream state trauma, and sweating through my mattress at age 5-6...


Because I can only describe the feeling of being punched through the skull while some person is talking at me, then their voice just keeps going on and my fear cycle recycle renews, thus copping it again.

Prior to this, I would have categorised it as being in hell with Satan himself or a demon, and they'd just hit turbo repeat.

I know death isn't the end... I've re-experienced and then tried to forget one of my most violent deaths.

I don't know shit about theology, but I now this... there is an After.

I feel it in my person, despite...everything.


Quote from: Guest post_id=492398 time=1674644297

Fuck me dead you travel!


Quote from: Guest post_id=492390 time=1674629409

You're no different than any other anti American clown I've ran into. The agenda is always the same with you people: Come in, tell us all how shitty our system is, proceed to burn the entire motherfucker down, and then sit in the ashes naked with the cold rain pouring down on our heads while you people exclaim "Aint it fukin GRRRRREEEAAAT!"

America was great from its Judeo-Christian inception right up to the time some faggit decided toleration of kweirdos, murderers, and multiculturalism was a good idea.

When the wheels completely fall off the clown car that this country has become, you'll have your anarchy. You'll cry about it though like a defender of communism. "It just wasnt really realz anarchy ENOUGH!" LMFAO!


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492438 time=1674662682 user_id=3351
Quote from: Guest post_id=492390 time=1674629409

You're no different than any other anti American clown I've ran into. The agenda is always the same with you people: Come in, tell us all how shitty our system is, proceed to burn the entire motherfucker down, and then sit in the ashes naked with the cold rain pouring down on our heads while you people exclaim "Aint it fukin GRRRRREEEAAAT!"

America was great from its Judeo-Christian inception right up to the time some faggit decided toleration of kweirdos, murderers, and multiculturalism was a good idea.

When the wheels completely fall off the clown car that this country has become, you'll have your anarchy. You'll cry about it though like a defender of communism. "It just wasnt really realz anarchy ENOUGH!" LMFAO!

So my argument got the better of you and rather than admit it, you fall back leftie tactics of misrepresentation and outright airclaims... because why? Perhaps those lefties appear insurmountable to you? I imagine they'll wear you down in a war of attrition, perhaps because you aren't smart enough to recognise a solution when it's presented you.

I've told you what that solution is; I scarcely would have bothered to if I were anti-American, I could just sit back and watch you implode. Which is what you are presently doing.

I'll miss America when she's gone, but I won't shed a tear. I mean I haven't for all the others I've offered sage advice to, only to have them bullishly go their own way and wonder why it all comes tumbling down around their ears in a screaming heap. I can't see a point in crying over a once proud nation blowing out a sandshoe and collapsing in a fit of the whimpers.

The choice is yours, and if you insist on behaving the same way when it's clear it's not working, then you've only yourselves to blame. For my part, I suspect it's what you will do, because people like you refuse to credit an effective solution and would rather go with what you know. The Queer and Pedophile activists in your midst have your number, and they are relying on your inbred insanity... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Don't embarrass yourself by saying your way has never been tried, you'll only end up sounding like a communist.


James Burnham called liberalism the ideology of Western suicide, because it made a society incapable of defending its own values and culture. Biden met with Dylan Mulvaney, a grown man who identifies as a little girl for a discussion on issues of concern to women. How did we get to this point.


Simple. Not enough of us defended our own values or culture. Whether it was inability or unwillingness, it amounted to the same end. Too many of us made excuses as to why we couldn't do what was necessary, and people like Dylan and Joe, facing no real opposition, simply took what we had as a result.

You think this is bad... it gets worse. A lot worse.


Quote from: Guest post_id=492519 time=1674715836
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492438 time=1674662682 user_id=3351

You're no different than any other anti American clown I've ran into. The agenda is always the same with you people: Come in, tell us all how shitty our system is, proceed to burn the entire motherfucker down, and then sit in the ashes naked with the cold rain pouring down on our heads while you people exclaim "Aint it fukin GRRRRREEEAAAT!"

America was great from its Judeo-Christian inception right up to the time some faggit decided toleration of kweirdos, murderers, and multiculturalism was a good idea.

When the wheels completely fall off the clown car that this country has become, you'll have your anarchy. You'll cry about it though like a defender of communism. "It just wasnt really realz anarchy ENOUGH!" LMFAO!

So my argument got the better of you and rather than admit it, you fall back leftie tactics of misrepresentation and outright airclaims... because why? Perhaps those lefties appear insurmountable to you? I imagine they'll wear you down in a war of attrition, perhaps because you aren't smart enough to recognise a solution when it's presented you.

I've told you what that solution is; I scarcely would have bothered to if I were anti-American, I could just sit back and watch you implode. Which is what you are presently doing.

I'll miss America when she's gone, but I won't shed a tear. I mean I haven't for all the others I've offered sage advice to, only to have them bullishly go their own way and wonder why it all comes tumbling down around their ears in a screaming heap. I can't see a point in crying over a once proud nation blowing out a sandshoe and collapsing in a fit of the whimpers.

The choice is yours, and if you insist on behaving the same way when it's clear it's not working, then you've only yourselves to blame. For my part, I suspect it's what you will do, because people like you refuse to credit an effective solution and would rather go with what you know. The Queer and Pedophile activists in your midst have your number, and they are relying on your inbred insanity... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Don't embarrass yourself by saying your way has never been tried, you'll only end up sounding like a communist.

Your argument fell flat as soon as you refused to accept that the Judeo-Christian Principals America was founded on are what made it great.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=492971 time=1674976230 user_id=3351
Quote from: Guest post_id=492519 time=1674715836

So my argument got the better of you and rather than admit it, you fall back leftie tactics of misrepresentation and outright airclaims... because why? Perhaps those lefties appear insurmountable to you? I imagine they'll wear you down in a war of attrition, perhaps because you aren't smart enough to recognise a solution when it's presented you.

I've told you what that solution is; I scarcely would have bothered to if I were anti-American, I could just sit back and watch you implode. Which is what you are presently doing.

I'll miss America when she's gone, but I won't shed a tear. I mean I haven't for all the others I've offered sage advice to, only to have them bullishly go their own way and wonder why it all comes tumbling down around their ears in a screaming heap. I can't see a point in crying over a once proud nation blowing out a sandshoe and collapsing in a fit of the whimpers.

The choice is yours, and if you insist on behaving the same way when it's clear it's not working, then you've only yourselves to blame. For my part, I suspect it's what you will do, because people like you refuse to credit an effective solution and would rather go with what you know. The Queer and Pedophile activists in your midst have your number, and they are relying on your inbred insanity... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Don't embarrass yourself by saying your way has never been tried, you'll only end up sounding like a communist.

Your argument fell flat as soon as you refused to accept that the Judeo-Christian Principals America was founded on are what made it great.

No, I don't think so. In fact you are airclaiming again, but that's okay. You're not the first who's thusly waved the white flag at my arguments, nor are you the first to dig your heels in and bullishly chase your own personal defeat.

You are welcome to of course, I certainly don't pretend the sum total of your worth hinges on whether you can learn from your mistakes or the counsel of others. But do know that your religious fanatacism is as cringe as those practiced by a million other flavours of fanaticism, from the mullahs of Pakistan to the wokest of blender botherers.

They each of them believe their extremism is just too. Just as you do. And since none of you seem to have the argument to back up your hubris, I am left to decide for myself what is a fair thing based on what I know.


I'm not air claiming a thing. Its factual. I'd be happy to quote the founders if you'd like. lord knows everyones seen me do it dozens of times over the years.

There's only 2 possibilities though.

1. You are a completely uneducated imbecile that has no knowledge of Western History in general let alone American

2. You are hedging I dont have the proof bookmarked and you're just a liar.

Lets just cut to the chase. Which is it?


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=493016 time=1675026192 user_id=3351
I'm not air claiming a thing.

Sure you are, you airclaimed my argument. It's okay, pure logic is a bastard and many will default to unsubstantiated claims in the face of it.

It's okay to be wrong you know. Admitting error is a strength and shows confidence of character. Were I a praying man, I might beseech the good lord to grant you some, only I'm not and I think that character only worth the bandwidth it's hosted on when it's earned, not given. And since you've taken your first faltering steps towards building such character by conceding your authoritarian nature, I know you've seen the door I'm holding open for you.

All that remains really is for you to walk through it. Baby steps Lokmar, baby steps.


Quote from: Guest post_id=493093 time=1675077239
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=493016 time=1675026192 user_id=3351
I'm not air claiming a thing.

Sure you are, you airclaimed my argument. It's okay, pure logic is a bastard and many will default to unsubstantiated claims in the face of it.

It's okay to be wrong you know. Admitting error is a strength and shows confidence of character. Were I a praying man, I might beseech the good lord to grant you some, only I'm not and I think that character only worth the bandwidth it's hosted on when it's earned, not given. And since you've taken your first faltering steps towards building such character by conceding your authoritarian nature, I know you've seen the door I'm holding open for you.

All that remains really is for you to walk through it. Baby steps Lokmar, baby steps.

Oh, so you accept that the Judeo-Christian Principals America was founded on are what made it great. Got it.


I think a lot of times people talk past eachother on this.

 The arguement that the country was founded on the principles of Christianity isnt the same as saying everyone in the country was walking the Christian walk. Or even that they had belief in the God of the bible. You can have human rights and liberty whether you believe in the God of the bible or not.

 And it's the principles of that world view that allow for that.

 It's a problem if we decide that our rights are no longer inalienable and granted to us by a power well beyond ourselves. Our Creator.  Because if we take the position that our rights are decided by the form of government....that means our rights are negotiable.

 This premise isnt asserting that everyone has to believe in the God of the bible. Its saying that humans didnt grant certain rights and thusly humans cannot remove those rights.  And philosophy matters.

 Everytime this is moved away from we end up with shit like Dred Scott chattel slavery and today the abolition of biological sex in favor of this disgusting and dangerous gender cult. And years of brutal, cruel slaughtering of our most vulnerable members of humanity (humans in utero).

 Everyone believes in something and everyone has a world view.  And we are going to act according to that view. Right now we have a godless and cruel government owned mostly by corporations that views God as archaic and unnecessary and has decided humans are God. And our basic rights are negotiable.

 I think well beyond homosexuals, its authoritarianism and marxism that are the real problem and virus impacting peoples minds. Its not that people are gay and we leave them alone. It's that things like race and homosexuality have divisive powers that can be exploited to the benefit of the elites.  I've had this argument with Lokmar. I understand where he is coming from. I just insist this problem is much deeper and larger than gayness.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.