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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Progs pushing electric cars is not about the environment or climate change. It is part of an effort to eventually end private car ownership.



Quote from: Herman post_id=493159 time=1675127024 user_id=3396
Progs pushing electric cars is not about the environment or climate change. It is part of an effort to eventually end private car ownership.


Yup, and limit us to small travel around approved cities, towns  and villages...thus eliminating the threat of unmanageable uprisings, strikes, and information flows.

They're trying to bring the feudal system.... for US....not THEM.

I won't live in that matter what. If I'm strong armed into such a situation, I'm popping off in my own unique way.

And believe they are billions of similar souls out there, but their complete worship and trust will put them at a such disadvantage, they'll be unable to do nothing.

They'll be psychologically imprisoned in a manner. I don't want to discuss this topic in any deeper manner. I know what's coming. It's heartbreaking and inhumane.


Professor of psychology and public speaker Jordan Peterson has announced the formation of an international consortium that would serve as a kind of populist alternative to the elitist World Economic Forum (WEF) and provide a countervailing force against globalist aims and narratives.

Peterson laid out his plan in an appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast, telling him that an inaugural event of the group is being planned for the cusp of October/November 2023 in London.

Around 2,000 business, cultural, and political figures will be invited to take part in the consortium, he said, adding that he wants the discussions open to the public and membership in the organization to be as broad as possible.

That would put participation at a similar scale to the WEF's recent meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which amassed around 2,700 international leaders, Wall Street executives, central bankers, and celebrities.

Peterson said that a core idea of the consortium—which does not yet have an official name—will be to provide an "alternative vision of the future ... an alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that's being put forward, at least implicitly, by organizations like the WEF."


Cops that cannot write a ticket. Britain has gone right down an unshined shitter."> ... ing%20News">

In hopes of satisfying diversity recruitment quotas, London's Metropolitan Police prioritized immutable characteristics prized by DEI consultants over candidates' relevant skills.

An inspector tasked with assessing police forces and policing has concluded that in the pursuit of this allegedly "noble and right" end, the Met police have dropped their standards and in some instances accepted applicants that could not competently read or write in English. Some recruits also happened to have significant criminal histories.

Illiterates on patrol

The Guardian reported that former Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick and London Mayor Sadiq Khan hammered out a deal in 2021 to ensure that 40% of new recruits came from black and minority communities. This was, in part, reportedly a decision made in response to the death of George Floyd and the BLM riots that ensued in the United States.

Prior to this arrangement, the target for representation on the basis of preferred immutable characteristics had be 19% of the overall force. At the time the arrangement was made, 15.4% of the force was black, Asian, and minority ethnic, or what English authorities lump together as "BAME."


Cool... illiterate ethnic cops.

Get out of tickets and get off scott free when they overstep the law and you have to put them down.


There is gonna be a massive strike in Finland... Which is good.

I'm tired of hearing companies making record profits while we have the shittiest wages in the west.

That whole gas-prices increasing due to Ukraine... Its a hoax.

The oil companies are making huge profits.


Quote from: Odinson post_id=493247 time=1675237638 user_id=136
There is gonna be a massive strike in Finland... Which is good.

I'm tired of hearing companies making record profits while we have the shittiest wages in the west.

That whole gas-prices increasing due to Ukraine... Its a hoax.

The oil companies are making huge profits.

The left wants you to blame the oil and gas sector for government greed. European governments are at war with cheap energy development. It will get worse as their insane green schemes get more extreme. It is pushing people from prosperity to poverty throughout the developed world.


Quote from: Herman post_id=493234 time=1675222046 user_id=3396
Cops that cannot write a ticket. Britain has gone right down an unshined shitter."> ... ing%20News">

In hopes of satisfying diversity recruitment quotas, London's Metropolitan Police prioritized immutable characteristics prized by DEI consultants over candidates' relevant skills.

An inspector tasked with assessing police forces and policing has concluded that in the pursuit of this allegedly "noble and right" end, the Met police have dropped their standards and in some instances accepted applicants that could not competently read or write in English. Some recruits also happened to have significant criminal histories.

Illiterates on patrol

The Guardian reported that former Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick and London Mayor Sadiq Khan hammered out a deal in 2021 to ensure that 40% of new recruits came from black and minority communities. This was, in part, reportedly a decision made in response to the death of George Floyd and the BLM riots that ensued in the United States.

Prior to this arrangement, the target for representation on the basis of preferred immutable characteristics had be 19% of the overall force. At the time the arrangement was made, 15.4% of the force was black, Asian, and minority ethnic, or what English authorities lump together as "BAME."

At least qualified evil white people weren't given jobs.


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=493271 time=1675273896 user_id=3374
Quote from: Herman post_id=493234 time=1675222046 user_id=3396
Cops that cannot write a ticket. Britain has gone right down an unshined shitter."> ... ing%20News">

In hopes of satisfying diversity recruitment quotas, London's Metropolitan Police prioritized immutable characteristics prized by DEI consultants over candidates' relevant skills.

An inspector tasked with assessing police forces and policing has concluded that in the pursuit of this allegedly "noble and right" end, the Met police have dropped their standards and in some instances accepted applicants that could not competently read or write in English. Some recruits also happened to have significant criminal histories.

Illiterates on patrol

The Guardian reported that former Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick and London Mayor Sadiq Khan hammered out a deal in 2021 to ensure that 40% of new recruits came from black and minority communities. This was, in part, reportedly a decision made in response to the death of George Floyd and the BLM riots that ensued in the United States.

Prior to this arrangement, the target for representation on the basis of preferred immutable characteristics had be 19% of the overall force. At the time the arrangement was made, 15.4% of the force was black, Asian, and minority ethnic, or what English authorities lump together as "BAME."

At least qualified evil white people weren't given jobs.

I guess the progs in Britain think all Black folks are illiterate.


Democrats are apparently unwilling to turn the page on the pandemic this week and move beyond a framework of perpetual emergency, particularly if that might mean significantly less power for the Biden administration — power to achieve political ends tangential to American health and safety.

The White House indicated Monday that Jim Crow Joe, who declared "the pandemic is over" in September 2022, will bring an end to COVID-19 national public health emergencies on May 11. The timeline is not entirely arbitrary, suggested the White House; this "would align with the Administration's previous commitments to give at least 60 days' notice prior to termination of the [public health emergency].

The Pandemic Is Over Act passed the House along part lines with democRATs opposing it. democRATs will likely spike it in the Senate. Failing that, Biden may exercise his veto power.

According to Fox News Digital, Biden is incentivized to stick to his preferred timeline. His student loan forgiveness program depends upon the legal argument that COVID is an ongoing public health emergency.


A group of four House Republicans lead by Don Bacon (R-Neb.) introduced a bill that hopes to establish a commission that will investigate the involvement of Antifa in domestic riots.

H.R.649 seeks to establish a National Commission on Domestic Terrorist Attacks on the United States by Antifa, with House members saying it will be structured like the 9/11 Commission and "mirrors" the January 6 commission.

Bacon, along with Republican Reps. Brian Babin (Texas), Maria Salazar (Fla.), and Claudia Tenney (N.Y.), wants to create an "independent bipartisan commission" that will examine the 2020 riots (colloquially known as the George Floyd riots) as well as the most recent rioting that happened in downtown Atlanta.

"While the majority of participants in demonstrations across the country are peaceful, some events themselves became destructive due to organized pushes for violence by Antifa," said Bacon.

"Many cities were burned and businesses destroyed," Bacon continued, even remarking on the viral videos where people were harassed while eating at outside restaurants, propositioned with violence or bending a knee.

According to Fox News, estimates from the riots say they caused up to $2 billion in property damage.

"Most recently, Atlanta was the scene of violence as businesses were targeted and law enforcement vehicles were attacked. Just as with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, we must learn the truth about who is behind the violence and who is pushing the narrative to try and weaken our country and scare people into submission," the Nebraska politician concluded.


I hope so.

Biden's administration, the least transparent in our history, is about to get a great big wake up call

For the past two years, the Biden administration was not forced to answer any tough questions from either the Democrat majority in Congress or the biased mainstream media.

Because of that disastrous arrangement, President Biden, his cabinet, senior staffers, and faceless bureaucrats mistakenly believe they're all untouchable.

Thankfully for the American people, with the election of the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives, there's finally someone minding the store in Washington.

Republicans have been entrusted with the majority in the U.S. House -- the People's House -- partly because millions of citizens believe the Biden administration is in dire need of some accountability.

Americans want answers about their open southern border, Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the targeting of parents who attend school board meetings, COVID-19 origins, Joe Biden's mishandling of classified information and his family's foreign business ties, and the unprecedented raid of Mar-a-Lago.

Telling congressional Republicans, "Sorry, it's really none of your business," is no longer a sustainable strategy because of the changes that were put into place during the previous Congress.

The Justice Department isn't a fortress; it's part of American government that's supposed to be of the people, for the people, and by the people.

Everyone knows that the executive branch has grown far too big and powerful, but that doesn't mean Congress is no longer a co-equal branch of government.


Quote from: Herman post_id=493330 time=1675395509 user_id=3396

So far Dems are not accepting any responsibility for the political climate that lead to this that they created.


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