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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: Oerdin post_id=494271 time=1676553927 user_id=3374
Quote from: DKG post_id=494183 time=1676472874 user_id=3390

That kind of rapid decline should warrant an immediate independent commission.

Everyone knows it is the corrupt teacher's unions but Democrats are slaves to the unions so they don't care.  We have to many stupid people here who are brainwashed to vote blue no matter who so things only get worse.

Especially the public sector unions.


A pollster said Tuesday that the results of a recent Gallup and Knight Foundation poll, which found that half of Americans believe the media intends to mislead the public, were "pretty striking."

The study found that only 25% of Americans agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead the public. Fifty-two percent of Americans said they disagreed with the statement, according to the poll.

"That was pretty striking for us," Sarah Fioroni, a consultant for Gallup, told the Associated Press.


Senior Democrats are rallying behind President Joe Biden for reelection in 2024, not because he is their first choice, but out of concern an alternative, younger nominee won't be successful.

Concerns over Biden's age and mental state have circulated since he entered office, something the president has brushed off numerous times. While not all Democrats are thrilled about having an 82-year-old run for a second term, they find the alternatives, such as Vice President Kamala Harris securing the Democratic nomination much more alarming.


Elon Musk used an unlikely forum this week to protest the formation of a single global government: the "World Government Summit."

Speaking at the conference in Dubai via remote signal, Musk warned that a one-world government creates "a civilizational risk" that could result in the collapse of modern society."> ... government">


This is some screwed up shit.

White Ohio elementary students reportedly herded, dragged, then violently forced by black peers to pledge fealty to BLM"> ... Daily%20PM">

American students are no longer just being subjected to identitarian propaganda and prejudicial race theories by teachers. Fellow classmates are now reportedly getting in on the action and participating in kids' forceful indoctrination.

Black students at an elementary school in Springfield, Ohio, allegedly hunted down, captured, and dragged white students to the playground, where they forced them recite identitarian Marxist slogans against their will on camera.

Some outraged parents are wondering why school officials did not intervene sooner, and it remains unclear whether the seeds of the allegedly violent BLM activism were first planted in the classroom.

What are the details?

Police were dispatched to Kenwood Elementary at 10 a.m. on Monday to deal with possible assault and menacing offenses, reported the Springfield News-Sun. The alleged assaults took place during recess Friday.

The school's principal, Evan Hunsaker, reportedly told law enforcement that a group of black students had herded several white students over to the playground and coerced them to state "'Black lives matter' against their will.'"

Students who had attempted to evade the coercive mob of junior identitarians allegedly were "chased down and escorted, dragged or carried" back to the playground.

One student was bashed in the head by one of the BLM-supporting aggressors, according the the police report.

Springfield police have questioned multiple juveniles believed to have been involved in the racially charged incident.


Quote from: Herman post_id=494315 time=1676589316 user_id=3396
Senior Democrats are rallying behind President Joe Biden for reelection in 2024, not because he is their first choice, but out of concern an alternative, younger nominee won't be successful.

Concerns over Biden's age and mental state have circulated since he entered office, something the president has brushed off numerous times. While not all Democrats are thrilled about having an 82-year-old run for a second term, they find the alternatives, such as Vice President Kamala Harris securing the Democratic nomination much more alarming.

It's not the age that's the problem, it's the coherence. Joe Biden lacks it in spades, yet using someone like George Carlin as an example, you can see that it's possible for some people to retain their mental acuity for far longer.

Addressing the lack of a viable alternative in the democrat ranks, they kind of had that in the marketability of Pete Butt-edge-edge (which is as I understand it his preferred pronunciation and more on that later). Younger, ticks a number of woke points for the average libtard given that he is a mincing pooftersexual and he certainly could hold a thought longer than Biden could in his current state of geriatric befuddlement. With a fully weaponized media at their disposal (and a not insignificant amount of electoral shenanigans) the dummycrats could likely have pulled it off.

Until Ohio. Sorry Buttplug, you don't get a pass on this one. If it was all Trump's fault for yanking the necessary safety precautions, mind telling me why you didn't fix it in the two years since he's been out of office? Should have been your first order of business I reckon, instead all we get is a bunch of "buh-buh-buh-buh muh Trump" bullshit which not even the most rabidly partisan voter could push with a straight face to shift the blame to the evil orange man. Not everyone is operating at Fetterman levels of imbecility you screaming bum bandit.

There is still hope for the gutless fag... a wan hope and from a most unlikely quarter too, but a hope nonetheless. It's all to do with the way he wishes you's pronounce his name.... "Butt Edge Edge". The amateur anotomicists will understand, for the rest of you, you may need a quick primer.

Everyone knows what a butt is. Most of us are able to find our own and you are invited to inspect yours if you need confirmation of my assertion that the edge of the butt is in fact that delightfully pungent manky stretch of skin known as the taint. That is your butt edge.

But what of the edge of that? Girls, feel free to grab your special guy's rump for a guide, guys... if you're as sexually confused as Pete is, you can grab your boyfriend's hips for close inspection... the rest of you will just have to make do with a mirror and a bit of digital manipulation. Pay close attention to the edge of the taint... the edge of the butt edge as it were... and tell me what you find.

A scrotum. The Butt edge edge is in fact the scrotum. Yes. Pete's (and the dummycrats) only hope is there are enough wags in the electorate who'd get enough of a kick out of the idea to elect a self professed ballbag to the highest office in the fifty.

President Scrotum. Has kind of a ring to it, no?


But he'll never be the First Lady Scrotum...

Michelle Obama already has that distinction.


And he won't be the first gay prez, Barack O'Bummer beat him to that one.


Biden refuses to grant disaster aid to Ohio because he doesn't want to help a state with a Republican governor."> ... derailment">


Biden is a geriatric home scumbag propped up by handlers and media/bureaucracy pundits.

May he rot in hell...



Quote from: Guest post_id=494387 time=1676625643
Hurricane Katrina moment, I'm calling it.

What does who calls it matter? The West is fucked in the head by CCP SHIT.

I'm saying this here again.... every CCP monitor to this site or any others I might frequent.... I will kill you or somebody like you and I will sleep peacefully because you are subhuman filth.

First, I will remove you toddlers sized prick with small tweezers and stuff it in your little mewling mouth... and while you bleed out, make you watch John Wayne and Gary Cooper films, as I stick chopsticks in your eyes.

Come to Australia, motherfuckers.... I'll get at least 50 of you before you get me.


Quote from: Frood post_id=494389 time=1676627066 user_id=1676
Quote from: Guest post_id=494387 time=1676625643
Hurricane Katrina moment, I'm calling it.

What does who calls it matter?

Brownie points of course. I revel in my ability to make judgement calls that others insist on ignoring to the own cost!  :laugh3:

Quote from: Frood post_id=494389 time=1676627066 user_id=1676
The West is fucked in the head by CCP SHIT.

I'm saying this here again.... every CCP monitor to this site or any others I might frequent.... I will kill you or somebody like you and I will sleep peacefully because you are subhuman filth.

First, I will remove you toddlers sized prick with small tweezers and stuff it in your little mewling mouth... and while you bleed out, make you watch John Wayne and Gary Cooper films, as I stick chopsticks in your eyes.

Oooh, can I watch?


Students at a California university are encouraged to report "race-related stress," such as not being called on in class by the professor, the New York Post reported.

California State University Monterey Bay's Personal Growth and Counseling Center website instructs students to document and report instances of racism and intolerance experienced on campus. The center cites not being called on in class as an example of possible covert racism by the professor and urges students to report the behavior.


I would like to see some tangible proof too.

Where Is This "Climate Crisis" That Activists Keep Talking About?

Climate change hysteria has been an ongoing point of social contention since at least the 1980s.  For the past 40 years, western countries have been relentlessly bombarded with global warming propaganda and predictions of an environmental cataclysm.  Many people spent their formative childhoods and school years being indoctrinated with tales of oblivion - A world in which the oceans rise hundreds of feet and land masses are swallowed by the waves.  A world in which exponentially rising temperatures create havoc with the weather as millions die from hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and drought.  

As many of us now know, all of these claims ended up being false.  The glaciers and polar ice caps never melted.  The land is not covered by the seas.  The only famine today is a result of economic disaster, not climate disaster.  And, most endangered species have not disappeared from the planet.  But, climate scientists chasing billions of dollars in funding from governments and globalist think tanks still say the weather Apocalypse is coming; they were wrong for 40 years, but we should trust them now.  The "debate is over" they say, and we must defer to the "experts."

But where is the evidence of this climate crisis that these well funded scientists and activists keep talking about?  Where are the weather effects?  One can see the very tangible results of our ongoing economic crisis; inflation and high prices, floundering consumers relying on credit cards, mass layoffs in the tech industry spreading to other sectors, etc.  People are experiencing the downturn and they can witness the consequences for themselves.  If the climate cult wants people to take them seriously, they will have to show some kind of visible proof that global warming is real and a legitimate threat.  

The problem is, they have no proof, and so they are forced to dishonestly connect every single bad weather event to "climate change" as a means to frighten the public.  Let's look at the real weather data and see if supposedly dangerous man-made carbon emissions are somehow contributing to weather calamity.  

The US is often cited as a primary carbon polluter (even though nations like China produce 30% of global carbon emissions while the US produces only 14%).  Let's look at a track record of US weather data and see if we can find signs of impending disaster.  If the problem is global, then it should certainly be visible in US weather as much as any other country.  

How about hurricanes?  Every time a hurricane hits the Gulf Coast the mainstream media rants about climate change as the cause.  But has there been a significant increase in hurricanes in the US?  No, there has not according to long term data.  Storms are forming at a rate consistent with the historic record.

What about major flooding events?  Has there been more downpours and raging rivers?  No, there has not.  Flooding events are not happening at a greater frequency or severity today than they have in past decades.  Even climate scientists are forced to admit that US and global flood damage has been in decline for decades.  Data of damage as a proportion of GDP shows this.

Does this mean we are facing increasing drought conditions?  Surely, global warming is causing significant damage through loss of rainfall?  Nope, that's not happening either.  The worst droughts in recent US history occurred in the 1930s and 1950s.

Maybe we can see a noticeable shift in tornadoes and severe weather inland?  Are there more deadly tornadoes today than years ago?  No, there are not.  In fact, dangerous tornadoes have been declining.  

Climate change hysteria often relies on the theory of temperature "tipping points" as a basis for their arguments.  Official temp data only goes back to the 1880s, giving us a tiny window to view climate and compare data from today with the data from the past.  According to the NOAA, global temps have risen less than 1°C in 100 years.  They assert that it only takes a 1.5°C increase to trigger a "tipping point" event that could destroy the Earth as we know it.  There is no evidence to support tipping point theory, nor is there a historic precedent.  Certainly there is no evidence in the weather, and skeptics are having a difficult time finding any indications that a catastrophe is on the horizon.

If anything, the data proves that man-made carbon emissions have no effect on weather events.  So, if we are on the verge of global warming annihilation, it's not because human industry caused it.  

The truth is, climate change has become a religious ideology, an extension of Earth worship based on faith rather than facts.  And like every religion, the climate cult needs an Apocalypse mythology, an end of the world image to keep the flock in line.  Every decade they conjure up new tales of inevitable destruction unless we follow their rules and bow to their whims.  It is a sad attempt to co-opt science as a tool for zealotry."> ... ha6ivCg_ik">