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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: Oerdin post_id=495276 time=1678148148 user_id=3374
Lies are all they have left.

You bet.


73% of Americans do not believe the government spends their tax dollars wisely with 28% of Americans preferring their dollars go to charity, 26% to local government, and 13% to religious groups.

"I am actually surprised that the figure is not higher than 73%. Given how large the federal government has become, anyone can find particular expenditures to object to," Professor Emeritus of Law at Case Western Reserve University Erik M. Jensen said. "And since no one is familiar with the practices of all federal agencies—indeed, hardly anyone has any idea what most federal agencies do, if anything—people can assume that lots of inappropriate expenditures are being made. I do."

Additionally, 72% of Americans believe their tax rates are too high and nearly half of Americans would move to a different state if it would help them avoid taxes. 34% of Americans are afraid of not having enough money on tax day.

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Tucker Carlson assraped the Jan 6th narrative last night. Fucking democRATs should be skinned alive!


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=495299 time=1678206597 user_id=3351
Tucker Carlson assraped the Jan 6th narrative last night. Fucking democRATs should be skinned alive!

All it took was getting his hands on video the democRATs and their propaganda msm wing tried to keep hidden from working Americans.


Bill Maher asked Sanders. "How would you differentiate between 'equity' and 'equality'?"

"Well, equality we talk about — I don't know what the answer to that is," Sanders replied.

Responding to video of Sanders' remarks, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld called the senator's lack of distinction "intentional."

"They want to replace the word 'equality' with 'equity,' but with equality, everybody has the opportunity from below to excel. So the starting blocks are the same. Equity requires that everyone finish the same, you know, which means there has to be force from above to keep everybody down, which is absolute fascism," Gutfeld explained.


Canada should increase productivity, not supercharge immigration

Today, populations are shrinking in Italy, most Eastern and Central European countries, Russia, Japan and South Korea. China recently joined the club, with its population starting to fall owing to the impact of the "one child" policy long enforced by the Communist government. As for the United States, its population is still growing but at a very feeble pace of roughly half of 1% annually.

Against this backdrop, Canada is a demographic outlier. We have by far the fastest-growing population of any G7 country and among the fastest-growing in the entire developed world. This is mainly because of Canada's commitment to unusually high levels of immigration — a commitment reinforced by the Trudeau government's decision last year to boost Canada's targets for permanent immigrants to 500,000 a year by 2025, almost double the numbers who arrived in the first half of the 2010s.

In 2022, Canada's population rose by 703,000, representing a hefty increase of 1.8% from the year before. Only 46,000 of this population jump was due to "natural increase" — the difference between births and deaths. International migration, both permanent immigrants and foreigners in Canada on study or temporary work visas, accounted for the rest. No other major advanced economy has a population growth rate close to Canada's. And none have adopted immigration targets as aggressive as Canada's, measured relative to national population size.

What does Canada's steadily rising population mean for our economy? There are two ways to grow the economy over time. One is to add more workers, which expands the amount of "output" the economy can produce. The second is to build a more productive economy so the value of what's produced increases for every hour of work. Clearly, the Trudeau government has decided on the first option — it plans to grow the economy by increasing the size of the workforce, largely through immigration.

Federal policymakers exhibit little interest in the other half of the economic growth equation — making Canadian workers and businesses more productive by creating conditions so companies will want to invest here, workers will upgrade their skills, and more Canadian businesses will innovate and export.

Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that simply enlarging the population and workforce is not a reliable way to improve overall prosperity. Despite strong immigration-fuelled population growth, Canada is struggling to increase how much our economy produces on a per-person basis — what economists call "GDP per capita." In fact, several other peer countries with more slowly-growing populations have outperformed Canada on this key metric of economic well-being since 2015, including the United States, Germany and France.

The only way to fix Canada's "deficit" in per-person economic growth is to tackle the country's longstanding productivity problems. This should be the central focus of the upcoming federal budget."> ... mmigration">

Simply doubling the number of immigrants does not tackle Canada's poor productivity. It grows the overall size of the economy, but not necessarily GDP per capita.


A federal judge in Florida on Wednesday agreed with the state's Republican attorney general that the policy of President Joe Biden's administration to release many people who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexican border rather than detaining them violates U.S. immigration law. :thumbup:


CHIPS Act: Jim Crow Joe increases government to increase control over everyone's business.

The CHIPS and Science Act, a corporatist policy that is plausibly defensible as a matter of national security, is being larded up with social engineering by the Biden administration. As a Washington Examiner editorial explained Sunday, "in addition to complying with the burdensome and costly National Environmental Planning Act, companies accessing subsidies from this fund will also have to comply with Davis Bacon pay regulations, buy American, buy a certain set-aside percentage of source materials from minority- or female-owned businesses, run their plants on low-emission energy, and provide free child care for all employees and construction workers."


As Alaska labor and political leaders plead with President Biden to approve America's largest pending oil and gas project in his final deciding moments, the state's governor revealed he's expecting the White House to turn it down.

We're preparing for them to deny this," Gov. Mike Dunleavy said on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Tuesday. "And it's sad to say that, but their idea of a compromise, apparently, is to allow only two drilling pads for this oil play called Willow, about 180,000 barrels per day at peak, instead of the three or more that really the investors, ConocoPhillips, need to have to make this thing work for everybody."

The Willow project – currently the largest pending oil and gas plan in the U.S. – is a proposal by ConocoPhillips to develop energy resources in a small portion of what's known as the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska on Alaska's North Slope.

Currently, Alaska pumps about 500,000 barrels of oil per day, according to the governor. But he expressed fears that the likely Willow disapproval will set the precedent for future drilling opportunities.

"You want more production to drive the prices down across the board for all of our Americans and Alaskans," Dunleavy explained. "It's problematic. Again, we're supposed to hear some word of the decision here this week or early next week; hoping for the best, but expecting the worst."

Dunleavy predicted that, when Biden likely shuts down the Willow project, his administration will go to adversaries like Venezuela for more oil supply – when, as the governor stressed, the answer lies within American borders.

"Alaska probably has more sanctions put against it by our own government than our government has against Venezuela," the governor said. "So, this is not the end of oil, it's just the end of oil in America."


Joe Biden's budget proposal, set for release this week, is unlikely to come close to balancing or presenting a viable path to stabilizing the debt despite his embrace of major tax hikes on high-income earners. It's been tried before in Canada and the States and it's never worked.

Although specific details about the numbers involved aren't readily available, Biden said in his State of the Union address that the budget proposal will cut deficits by $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

The problem for Biden, and the country, is that the accumulated deficits over the next 10 years are estimated to total about $20 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office's latest projections. The debt, meanwhile, which represents the accumulated annual deficits, is expected to rise to about 120% of annual gross domestic product.

And because Joe Biden spends money like a drunken sailor, the States has inflation which is met with high interest rates from the Fed. What they have right now is even if they add no new borrowing, Americans will be spending over $10 trillion on interest payments over the next decades.
gay, conservative and proud


Oh come on... you know that major conflicts purge national debts... it's almost formulaic.


Quote from: Frood post_id=495400 time=1678345890 user_id=1676
Oh come on... you know that major conflicts purge national debts... it's almost formulaic.

Wars and wartimes in recent U.S. history have been funded in the following ways:

World War II was funded by debt and tax increases.

The Korean War was almost entirely paid for by higher taxes.

The Vietnam War was financed by higher tax rates and inflation.

The Cold War Period was paid for by increased national debt and taxes.

With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the government took a new approach: Since the beginning of these wars, taxes have actually gone down instead of up. Because of this, the wars have led to historic and ever-rising debt levels.


Biden's approval rating has fallen to its lowest level since mid-January, according to a new survey.

The Premise poll of 2,116 U.S. adults, conducted between March 4 and 7, found just 38 percent approve of the president's performance in office, with 52 percent disapproving.


Biden's Budget Denies Reality

Biden says he will not even begin to discuss the kind of reforms that could put our nation back on the path of fiscal solvency.

Today, President Biden is releasing a plan that he claims will trim $3 trillion off the deficit and save Medicare from financial collapse. In reality, what we already know about the president's plan indicates it will likely be a mishmash of shell games, budget gimmicks, and massive tax hikes that will harm economic growth while merely delaying Medicare's insolvency by a few more years.

On its current trajectory, Medicare will be unable to make good on its bills in 2029, triggering automatic cuts that will slash health-care benefits for millions of elderly Americans who rely on the program. The president and his team of economists and Ph.D.s want to kick the can down the road and let others deal with the long-lasting structural problems that have plagued the program for decades. Is this really the best we can do?

If Biden truly wanted to get us out of the financial hole we find ourselves in, there is a much simpler solution available to him: Stop digging. That is, Biden could single-handedly eliminate $1.3 trillion from the deficit by repealing the costly executive orders issued during his first two years, especially his unconstitutional student-loan-forgiveness plan, which remains on hold pending a Supreme Court decision. Instead, Biden is intent on adding more than $1 trillion to America's growing mountain of debt.

The reason Biden is doomed to fail at reducing the deficit is that he refuses to acknowledge the heart of the problem: It's not that we tax too little, it's that we spend too much. Yet Biden and his team refuse to cut one dime of spending.

With tax collections already at an all-time high, there is simply not much additional revenue that can be squeezed out of American taxpayers. In 2022, Americans paid an amount in taxes equal to nearly 20 percent of U.S. GDP — just a fraction less than our ancestors had paid to fuel the Allied war machine during World War II, when the top marginal income-tax rate was 94 percent.

Every day under President Biden, we are falling deeper into in an economic pit that we cannot tax our way out of. If we fail to turn things around soon, the next generation will bear a debt burden totaling $100 trillion or more by 2050.

It is time for political leadership to acknowledge reality. Denial has allowed the fiscal problems before us to fester like a cancer. In 1965, entitlement programs such as Social Security (which Biden's proposal does not even begin to address) and Medicare constituted one-third of the national budget. In the intervening years, mandatory spending has metastasized to 76 percent of the budget, dwarfing all other spending, including national defense.

President Biden's policy is insolvency."> ... s-reality/">

Biden's profligate spending is to buy votes. It is creating inflation, high interest rates, unsustainable debt and will ultimately doom entitlement programs he claims to be saving.