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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: Guest post_id=495408 time=1678382117
Biden's approval rating has fallen to its lowest level since mid-January, according to a new survey.

The Premise poll of 2,116 U.S. adults, conducted between March 4 and 7, found just 38 percent approve of the president's performance in office, with 52 percent disapproving.

LOL! 38%? I dont even believe its 28%!!!



Angry, irrational marxist mobs never get justice.

A mob of leftist student protesters who allegedly chased, punched, and kicked conservatives after an Allen West event at the University of Buffalo last year will not face any charges, according to the Erie County District Attorney's Office, the Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed.

In April 2022, the University of Buffalo's Young Americans for Freedom chapter invited former Republican Florida representative and retired Lt. Col. Allen West to host a lecture on campus titled "America Is Not Racist – Why American Values Are Exceptional."

Swarms of leftist protesters gathered to demonstrate against the conservative group's lecture.

University police received reports from three YAF students who had organized the event that a "group of approximately 50 to 100 people" had harassed, chased, and even physically assaulted them.

Therese Purcell, one of the event organizers, reported that she feared for her life when an "angry mob" began to chase her following the lecture. Purcell stated that she removed her shoes because she "could not run fast enough with them on" and hid in a men's restroom in one of the campus buildings."> ... west-event">


Quote from: Herman post_id=495429 time=1678413713 user_id=3396">

That is a cartoon, but it is very close to reality.


Quote from: DKG post_id=495443 time=1678464755 user_id=3390
Quote from: Herman post_id=495429 time=1678413713 user_id=3396">

That is a cartoon, but it is very close to reality.

China shares Justine with Klaus Schwab.


Feminist author Naomi Wolf offered a formal apology to conservatives who "put America first" after reviewing newly-released footage of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

"Peaceful Republicans and conservatives as a whole have been demonized by the story told by Democrats in leadership of what happened that day," Wolf said in a lengthy post on Substack Thursday.

Feminist author Naomi Wolf offered a formal apology to conservatives who "put America first" after reviewing newly-released footage of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

"Peaceful Republicans and conservatives as a whole have been demonized by the story told by Democrats in leadership of what happened that day," Wolf said in a lengthy post on Substack Thursday."> ... er-beliefs">


The Biden administration assumes that the Treasury needs more tax revenue to reduce the deficit. At first glance, that checks out mathematically – but it ignores the larger reality.

Fundamentally, the nation does not have a revenue problem; it has a spending problem. Tax revenue has never been higher, whether measured in nominal terms, or adjusted for inflation, or as a percent of GDP, or as a percent of income. Rather, it is government spending which has ballooned to unsustainable levels and created record-breaking deficits.

Consider that federal expenditures were about $4.8 trillion in 2019 but were over $6 trillion in 2022. That's a 25%-increase in three years — far outpacing economic growth — and it doesn't even include the $6.7 trillion spent during the pandemic in 2020 or the record-breaking $7.2 trillion spent in 2021, Biden's first year in office.

The logical choice would be to cut spending, but the White House has opted for more taxes instead. However, many of the proposed tax increases won't even be paid by those allegedly being taxed. The corporate tax increase is a prime example of another act of deception in this shell game.

Corporations do not pay taxes; only people can pay taxes. The corporate income tax is paid by employees in the form of lower wages, by customers in the form of higher prices, and by savers in the form of lower returns on their investments.

The White House touts this as "making corporations pay their fair share," but that is a sound bite which isn't very sound. The middle-class employee at a corporation, who is also a customer at corporations, and who has a 401(k) invested in corporations, is unknowingly paying the very taxes which Biden alleged would fall on "big business."

Likewise, tax increases on coal, oil and natural gas will simply be passed onto consumers, both in the form of higher utility bills but also higher prices just about everywhere. When businesses are paying more for their own utilities and for transportation, they end up raising the prices they charge for their own goods and services.

A similar illusion is at work in the White House's proposal to effectively double the tax on capital gains. Inflation has driven up the price of many investments, but there has not been a commensurate increase in the real value of those assets. Nevertheless, capital gains tax is due on these inflated price increases, at twice the current rate.

On top of inflation already being a tax, the White House wants to increase that burden on savers even further in this budget, so that inflation gets you coming and going. That doesn't sound like "paying your fair share," as the president says.

All told, the proposed budget adds $5.5 trillion in additional taxes over the next decade. And where is all this tax revenue going?

Instead of addressing the structural problems in Medicare, Obamacare, Social Security and the Highway Trust Fund, this budget kicks the can down the road, merely putting off the day of reckoning a little longer by throwing more money at the problem. Ironically, research shows that this budget's higher taxes will undermine the very economic growth that is necessary to keep these government programs adequately funded.

If that weren't bad enough, the White House also proposes continuing to spend billions of dollars on "environmental justice," "advancing equity," and sending more money to Ukraine with no accountability.

In short, this latest budget is a masterclass in deceptive marketing, and Americans need to pay close attention to the fine print, not the rhetoric surrounding it. Getting distracted by the slick marketing in this shell game means more than losing track of the ball – it means losing your money.


The democRATs are very desperate to disarm everyone because the shit WILL hit the fan and they're afraid of being lynched. Its as simple as that.


Secretary Granholm is a bold faced liar."> ... na-climate">


A married couple in Boston who became heavily involved in the Black Lives Matter movement several years ago are now facing more than two dozen federal charges in connection to their activism.

A year ago this week, Monica Cannon-Grant and her husband, Clark Grant, were charged with 18 federal counts in connection to their organization, Violence in Boston. The pair founded VIB in 2017 with the stated goal of reducing violence, raising social awareness, and aiding community causes in Boston, according to NECN. VIB partnered with BLM in the ensuing years, especially in 2020. That June, VIB and BLM organized a Boston rally and vigil for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, and thousands reportedly attended.

Though VIB was a nonprofit which had raised over $1 million, Cannon-Grant and Grant allegedly used a significant portion of those funds for personal use. The 2022 federal indictment claimed that the couple had spent that money on gas, restaurants, personal travel and hotel reservations, nail salon appointments, auto repairs, and ride-share services.


Citing "systemic risk" as justification for extraordinary actions, the Treasury Department, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., and the Federal Reserve have indicated that they will use the FDIC's insurance funds to prevent coastal tech elites from losing money after the collapse of SVB.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=495557 time=1678681308 user_id=3351
The democRATs are very desperate to disarm everyone because the shit WILL hit the fan and they're afraid of being lynched. Its as simple as that.

Biden has declared he will illegally and unconstitutionallynrewtrict everyone's second amendment rights without authorization from Congress via executive order.  Which just amounts to an illegal decree.


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=495652 time=1678812823 user_id=3374
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=495557 time=1678681308 user_id=3351
The democRATs are very desperate to disarm everyone because the shit WILL hit the fan and they're afraid of being lynched. Its as simple as that.

Biden has declared he will illegally and unconstitutionallynrewtrict everyone's second amendment rights without authorization from Congress via executive order.  Which just amounts to an illegal decree.

Thankfully, I've purchased all the guns and ammo I will ever need. Hell, I even bought for my kids!


I was watching a financial expert speak about how Jim Crow Joe Joe is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He pretends to be fighting inflation and avoiding a recession, while the recent insolvency of Silicon Valley Bank has seemed to spread to other regional banks.

Jim Crow Joe's newly-announced budget, which has been estimated to increase the national debt from $24.6 trillion to $43.6 trillion over the next decade, doesn't get the economy anywhere close to balanced. Data from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released last week showed the budget sets a path towards a record national debt, rising from 98% of GDP at the end of 2023 to 106% by 2027 and then 110% by 2033.


Quote from: Herman post_id=495678 time=1678833653 user_id=3396
I was watching a financial expert speak about how Jim Crow Joe Joe is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He pretends to be fighting inflation and avoiding a recession, while the recent insolvency of Silicon Valley Bank has seemed to spread to other regional banks.

This is what happens when a bank puts all their eggs in one ESG approved basket.

SVB is not a Main Street bank and never was. Most banks of that size have 1,000 branches, but Silicon Valley had 16. Its assets quadrupled in four years — explosive growth that ought to raise flags.
gay, conservative and proud