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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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That is their goal.  To lower living standards.


Biden's overall approval ratings have dipped to a new low of 36% less than two weeks after he formally announced his intention to seek re-election, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

"Biden's overall approval ratings, however, are only part of a broader and largely negative assessment of him as a candidate for reelection," the Washington Post wrote of its poll jointly conducted with ABC.

Asked who was better at handling the economy, 54% said former President Trump did a better job, with only 36% endorsing Biden's economic strategies.

In addition to the flagging overall approval rating, the Post-ABC poll showed only about 1/3 of Americans believe the current commander in chief has the mental acuity required to do the job.


Jim Crow Joe's approval rating is now the lowest of any first term president."> ... up-survey/">

Trump leads President Biden by 7 points in a hypothetical 2024 matchup between the two, according to a new survey.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 49 percent of Americans said they would definitely or probably vote for Trump or are leaning toward casting their ballots for him in a hypothetical matchup with Biden in 2024 if Trump and Biden are the Republican and Democratic nominees. About 42 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for Biden or are leaning toward supporting him in 2024.

When asked who they would vote for if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were the Republican nominee instead of Trump in a matchup with Biden, the governor also led the president by 7 points. The poll released Sunday found that 48 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for DeSantis or would lean toward voting for him, while 41 percent said the same thing for Biden.

And this is from the Washington Post.


Biden's number have been dropping since he announced he was seeking reelection. Nobody wants six more years of Biden. Do not be shocked if someone like Gavin Newsome jumps in the race.


Anerica might be destroyed before the next election ..

It's heading that way.


Sadly, I don't see anyone jumping in as the DNC is making it clear there will be no effective Democrat primary.  No debates (because Biden can't debate), the party insiders will rig everything, and the stinking dying turd will be coronated no matter what

Shen Li

Quote from: Oerdin post_id=500183 time=1683627680 user_id=3374
Sadly, I don't see anyone jumping in as the DNC is making it clear there will be no effective Democrat primary.  No debates (because Biden can't debate), the party insiders will rig everything, and the stinking dying turd will be coronated no matter what

I laugh my shapely yellow ASS off when the US lectures China about democracy and transparency. ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao  :roll:


The ACCP is without a doubt the most evil and vile government in the world as it is currently carrying out genocide, it has no rule of law, it is hyper abusive to ots own subjects, and it is telling that just about every person in China wants to leave China.  Desperately.


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=500211 time=1683656529 user_id=3374
The ACCP is without a doubt the most evil and vile government in the world as it is currently carrying out genocide, it has no rule of law, it is hyper abusive to ots own subjects, and it is telling that just about every person in China wants to leave China.  Desperately.

Where are you getting your information? The ethnic cleasing of Uighurs likely has more than a grain of truth to it.


The Great One, Mark Levim on illegal immigration.



White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Monday there have been more than 200 mass shootings in the United States this year alone.

Not only did Jean-Pierre claim there has been more than one mass shooting per day, but she blamed Republicans for gun violence.

Unfortunately, Jean-Pierre did not elaborate on what "leading sources" she used to derive her figure, nor did she define what constitutes a "mass shooting."

Around the same time Jean-Pierre made the shocking claim, the Associated Press published a story reporting a much lower number of mass killings this year.

From the AP:

Over the first four months and six days of this year, 115 people have died in 22 mass killings — an average of one mass killing a week. That includes the bloodshed Saturday at a Dallas-area mall where eight people were fatally shot.


House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., warned Wednesday will be "judgment day" for the White House as he prepares to unveil additional information surrounding the Biden family's overseas business dealings.

Comer detailed why he believes it will be a "bad day" for the Biden administration during "Fox & Friends First," as House Republicans are expected to make a major announcement on their investigation.

"Tomorrow is going to be a bad day for the White House, and it's going to be interesting to see what Joe Biden has to say," Comer told co-hosts Todd Piro and Ashley Strohmier Tuesday. "He lied about the laptop. He lied about his knowledge of his family's shady business dealings. He lied about his involvement in his family's shady business dealings."

"He lies when he says his son has done nothing wrong, so it's going to be judgment day tomorrow for the White House," he continued.

All these companies were shell companies used to launder money from foreign governments to the Biden mafia clan.


Quote from: weebles post_id=500250 time=1683718553 user_id=2191

Stop spamming this this thread with unrelated videos.


Congress should consider stripping Attorney General Merrick Garland of his salary if he does not enforce federal laws prohibiting protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) suggested in a new interview.

Under 18 U.S.C. § 1507, protesting outside the homes of justices, among other areas, "with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty" is prohibited. Violators are subject to fine or imprisonment.