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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: DKG post_id=501355 time=1684766214 user_id=3390
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501331 time=1684736722 user_id=3409

Or someone who buys their influence.

Unfortunmately, that is already happening.

Good thing the name "Clinton" is synonymous with "asshole" or we might not know to treat her as one.  ac_biggrin
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501350 time=1684761665 user_id=3351
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501346 time=1684748483 user_id=3409
Fetterman, doing his best Koopa impersonation....">

Hey dickhead, we know thee deal about how speech (in your ears) sounds like Charlie Brown's schoolteacher, but you claimed an ability to read, so read this:

Nobody is questioning the debt, you bumblefuck. We ARE however adamant as fuck that you fiscally incompetent dribblers not be allowed to create MORE of it. Stop spending money, and you stop creating more debt... get it Gumby?

Fucks sake...

That is so fuckin pathetic. This shit has to be part of a plan to utterly destroy America.

Pretty obvious I would say, but apparently there are still those out there who think the problem will magically evaporate if only the government would print mo money.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


29 has got nothing on 24+

Start planting popcorn and tweaking your stills....

 :pop:  ac_drinks


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501469 time=1684841000 user_id=3409
Quote from: DKG post_id=501355 time=1684766214 user_id=3390

Unfortunmately, that is already happening.

Good thing the name "Clinton" is synonymous with "asshole" or we might not know to treat her as one.  ac_biggrin

I would say it's synonymous with criminal. But, still asshole.


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed into law Democratic gun-grab bill SB 83 on Monday. This law will enable family members, quacks, cops, roommates, and others to petition to void another citizen's Second Amendment rights if they can halfway persuade a judge it might prevent the targeted citizen from doing future harm either to themselves or to others.


DeSantis said today he would seek the 2024 Republican nomination for president. He and his advisers were determined to wait to enter the race until the Florida Legislature could hand him a series of policy victories – and lawmakers have done just that.

He signed measures that severely restricted abortions in the state, made it easier for residents to carry concealed weapons, expanded a voucher program to allow students to attend private schools and eliminated funding for diversity programs at public universities, among other things.


What do you folks think of venture capitalist Vivek Ramaswamy.

Ramaswamy's message wasn't the usual mix of promises on jobs, wages, health care, and foreign policy. It was instead about identity. Namely, in his view, Americans have become so consumed with their differences that they have lost sight of what unites them. His mission is to restore a sense of national pride and community.

The demands of running a pharmaceutical company didn't stop Ramaswamy from turning his talents toward cultural criticism. His issue? Corporate America's embrace of socially conscious investing. He sees it as hypocrisy that allows companies to obscure how they are damaging the fabric of American society. His criticism quickly made him a fixture on Fox News. Does this mean that Ramaswamy is a conservative? Perhaps not. "I feel like I recoil when I see someone describe me as a conservative," he told an interviewer. "Not that there's anything wrong with being a conservative. It's just not how I would describe myself."

Ramaswamy stepped down from Roivant Sciences in 2021. He kept up his attacks on "wokeness." But in addition to his cultural criticism, he founded a new investment company, Strive Asset Management, with the backing of libertarian billionaire Peter Thiel. Strive's self-proclaimed mission is "to restore the everyday citizens in the American economy by leading companies to focus on excellence over politics." That is, no socially conscious investing.  

One of Ramaswamy's law school friends was J.D. Vance, the author of Hillbilly Elegy, and now the junior senator from Ohio. Ramaswamy says he considered running for the Senate seat that Vance won. He eventually decided against throwing his hat in the ring. Why? "One of your main jobs as a senator is to make laws, and I came to understand that many senators were not interested in engaging in that job," he said. "Their goal was to get on cable television, and I was already on cable television."


Ramaswamy's Message

Ramaswamy contends that the central problem facing the United States is identity. As he told Tucker Carlson last month: "We are in the middle of this national identity crisis where we have celebrated our diversity and our differences for so long that we forgot all of the ways we're really just the same as Americans, bound by a common set of ideals that set this nation into motion 250 years ago."  

He thinks, for example, that affirmative action is a "national cancer." Indeed, he says that his first step as president will be to cancel Executive Order 11246, which has been in place since 1965 and "requires affirmative action and prohibits federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin." 

When it comes to the positive steps he would take to focus Americans on their common interests, Ramaswamy turns to generalities about how he wants to reaffirm "those basic rules of the road: meritocracy, the idea that you get ahead in this country, not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character."


Justine  explains on Twitter that absolutely nothing is his fault - it's yours.

According to Justine, everything that is broken in Canada is the result of billions of decisions YOU & I made - not him.

Voting for Polievre won't fix anything. You simply need to "be better," he says.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Herman post_id=501646 time=1684968973 user_id=3396
DeSantis said today he would seek the 2024 Republican nomination for president. He and his advisers were determined to wait to enter the race until the Florida Legislature could hand him a series of policy victories – and lawmakers have done just that.

He signed measures that severely restricted abortions in the state, made it easier for residents to carry concealed weapons, expanded a voucher program to allow students to attend private schools and eliminated funding for diversity programs at public universities, among other things.

I did notice there was a Newsweek poll that indicated a swing against him in party support, though it could be an outlier (it's why I prefer to look at aggregates of various polls and even then only for trending interest levels instead of actual figures) and of course way too soon for it to reflect the results of his announcement on policy.

As for Vivek wanting to kick affirmative action to the curb, it makes sense to do so and it wouldn't be the first constructive suggestion to come from that guy. No real way of determining his being genuine on the matter until he's in there of course and politicians are known for talking a big game until they're actually in the position. I can only think of one in recent memory that actually followed through on much of his policies and he was vilified for it.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501735 time=1685034127 user_id=3409
Quote from: Herman post_id=501646 time=1684968973 user_id=3396
DeSantis said today he would seek the 2024 Republican nomination for president. He and his advisers were determined to wait to enter the race until the Florida Legislature could hand him a series of policy victories – and lawmakers have done just that.

He signed measures that severely restricted abortions in the state, made it easier for residents to carry concealed weapons, expanded a voucher program to allow students to attend private schools and eliminated funding for diversity programs at public universities, among other things.

I did notice there was a Newsweek poll that indicated a swing against him in party support, though it could be an outlier (it's why I prefer to look at aggregates of various polls and even then only for trending interest levels instead of actual figures) and of course way too soon for it to reflect the results of his announcement on policy.

As for Vivek wanting to kick affirmative action to the curb, it makes sense to do so and it wouldn't be the first constructive suggestion to come from that guy. No real way of determining his being genuine on the matter until he's in there of course and politicians are known for talking a big game until they're actually in the position. I can only think of one in recent memory that actually followed through on much of his policies and he was vilified for it.

I saw that Vivek guy. I say he is the real deal.


I like what Ronnie has to say."> ... -interview">


After DeSantis announced a presidential bid on Wednesday, his campaign claimed that it had scored more than $1 million in an hour.


I strongly prefer DeSantis over Trump because DeSantis can get the centrists and so win the election where as Trump cannot.  BTW Republicans still haven't got an organization to harvest ballots like the Democraps did in 2020.  Elections changed in 2020 with legalize ballot harvesting and universal mail in voting so which ever side does better at ballot harvesting will win.  Democraps know that dirty trick is how they plan to win every election going forward.


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=501761 time=1685055239 user_id=3374
I strongly prefer DeSantis over Trump because DeSantis can get the centrists and so win the election where as Trump cannot.  BTW Republicans still haven't got an organization to harvest ballots like the Democraps did in 2020.  Elections changed in 2020 with legalize ballot harvesting and universal mail in voting so which ever side does better at ballot harvesting will win.  Democraps know that dirty trick is how they plan to win every election going forward.

I also believe DeSantis has a better chance of winning a general election. And I also agree the GOP had best pull their heads out of their asses and learn to cheat like the democRATs do,