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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: caskur on August 29, 2023, 05:48:03 AMI am 10000% against married homosexuals adopting.

They just go overseas and abuse kids in Asian countries..

According to leftists, all is cured in therapy...and not just leftists, organised religion also are culpable.

Women should think twice about having more children than they can afford and lookout for. Today's laws are lax.

Most people approach deviates or deviants as some like to call them as people to be pitied but then if they had a child who was sexually wounded, they would know full well how tortured the child becomes...

According to one psychiatrist I spoke with, children who have been sexually molested and raped end up committing suicide or joining bikie gangs.

It's like a slow poisoning of the spirit and a slow death...

The Birnie serial killers last victim is a homeless drug addict now... 39 years on. Still affected by being  kidnapped, raped and escaping naked running to the nearest shops to get help.

Lokmar is right about them and what should happen to them.

Parents need to be vigilant... and the people at most risks are stupid ignorant teenagers who have no experience about boogie men dressed in personable personalities.

Yet... I agree with two sane adults wanting to raise children despite what their biology permits them.... either in IVF or same sex couples.... as long as they put the children's needs first.

I believe Thiel is such a component.

Why should a child not get a loving guardian or Thiel not get the opportunity to be a loving parent because of his personal bedroom antics?

Hetero is the overriding baseline. Gay parents who understand and support that shouldn't be penalised.

After all, it's about the kids... not the parents.

How many straight parents are so eager to foist their kids up on the altar of LGBTQ+ plus these days, and why should THEY be parents in allowing young impressionable sorts to make ill informed choices at their very beginnings of life?

Look... if Thiel by himself, or Thiel with a committed partner want to give a home to a young child with no home, and both guys pass with flying colours on the suitability charts... who's harmed? Beyond that, who is helped... the kid is!

That is where my 90's perception has melted away...

Suitable parents....

If it's okay to be gay, it's okay to be gay parents.

It's however not ok to be a shit gay parent/s.. there's already too much protection going on towards hetero/biological parents, and they don't hardly cop any blowback unless the situation was severe...

I say WAS because what a lot of hetero and LGBTQ+ parents are doing in the last 5-10 years is bordering on child abuse, or is well past that border.

I don't know Thiel well, but based on his comments, I view him as a likely loving parent.

I still won't change my mind on IVF or artificial births though.

If you want to have your own kids, you should fuck someone who wants to give you them.

There's nothing stopping anybody from getting some LG porn, a baggie, and a turkey baster..

Don't try to sidestep the legal shit we've all had to endure over many decades.  :pardon:


Quote from: caskur on August 29, 2023, 12:41:02 AMThey are groomers and enablers and lower than pond scum. We should stop supporting streaming... hit them in their pockets.

I don't have net Netflix anymore and I am thinking I might chuck in STAN too.

I am not even going to movies anymore...

The reality is they are chasing ESG scores which means they have to push a far left radical political ideology or they lose access to investment funds.  Most investment funds come from institutional investors, mostly retirement fund, and 80% of those are controlled by just three companies.  Democrats here in the US have done what the WEF told them to do and changed fiduciary laws so that retirement funds and investment companies no longer have to strictly do what gets investors the best return on their investment.  Now, they have placed political requirements are rate them via ESG scores so investors get screwed by earning less money but politicians are happy because they have corrupted the entire system to push their own political agenda.

This will have massive negative effects on the economy by causing problems with efficient capital allocation and much lower returns for investors.  That means much less financial security for retirees and much less investment capital available for good ideas unless those startups pander to the political class first and foremost.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Oerdin on August 29, 2023, 11:44:06 AMThe reality is they are chasing ESG scores which means they have to push a far left radical political ideology or they lose access to investment funds.  Most investment funds come from institutional investors, mostly retirement fund, and 80% of those are controlled by just three companies.  Democrats here in the US have done what the WEF told them to do and changed fiduciary laws so that retirement funds and investment companies no longer have to strictly do what gets investors the best return on their investment.  Now, they have placed political requirements are rate them via ESG scores so investors get screwed by earning less money but politicians are happy because they have corrupted the entire system to push their own political agenda.

This will have massive negative effects on the economy by causing problems with efficient capital allocation and much lower returns for investors.  That means much less financial security for retirees and much less investment capital available for good ideas unless those startups pander to the political class first and foremost.
It's not just the ESG scores, though I agree that is substantial part of it. A torturous legal system replete with may questionable laws and a penchant for differential enforcement thereof at the judicial level all but assures that any individual or business that doesn't pander to the Right People can be hauled on to the mat and beaten with rubber hoses the minute some crybully decides to get their spinnaker up.

There is an antidote to this, we saw it in the form of the Anheuser-Busch and Target buycotts. The only mistake being one of not committing to your principles permanently, since your opponents in this matter are more than prepared to wait you out and stare you down, shaking their finger at you and calling you every name under the sun until you capitulate. By capitulating, you reinforce business's reasoning to continually kowtow to things like ESG.

I see in the monday edition of LWC that Target are back to their usual tricks; the children's book "Bye Bye Binary" is on sale. All the more reason to double down on a buycott of Target products, as well as ridiculing and ostracising those who would yet give that shithole their custom. Yes, I am a libertarian who believes in personal choice and freedom of association. But I also know there are consequences for certain actions in this world and my consequence for someone else's support of these wankers is to mock and ridicule them until they sprint for their cry-closets, tears streaming down their cheeks. I know there are others that disapprove of the gendernending normative malarkey, maybe some of them will follow the example I set in the face of it. I really don't care if they don't either, I made my choice and delivered my consequence, and the troonie-supporting woofter is bawling his eyes out in a cry-closet and otherwise not bothering or harming anyone while they're wailing there. Win.

You see, at some point you'll need to push back against it if it truly offends you, or it's just going to keep taking liberties at your expense. And you know it's headed in a more odious direction. Silence isn't violence, it's compliance. Don't comply with what truly offends you; if there's anyone about that is similarly offended, you've just set them an example of an alternative they too might be encouraged to adopt.

And made an ally.
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Portland Public Schools has passed a rule that teachers cannot give students zeros for cheating or not turning in assignments.  The reason?  Black students are often caught cheating or are to lazy to turn work in on time.  Therefore in the name of "equity" blacks must be passed even if they fail to do any of the work.


Quote from: Oerdin on August 30, 2023, 02:48:13 AMPortland Public Schools has passed a rule that teachers cannot give students zeros for cheating or not turning in assignments.  The reason?  Black students are often caught cheating or are to lazy to turn work in on time.  Therefore in the name of "equity" blacks must be passed even if they fail to do any of the work.
Anti Black blatant racism.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that if elected president, he would create a 3 percent mortgage for Americans guaranteed by the government and funded by the sale of tax-free bonds, and he would work to make it less profitable for large corporations to own single-family homes in the United States.

"If you have a rich uncle who co-signs your mortgage, you will get a lower interest rate because the bank looks at his credit rating. I'm going to give everyone a rich uncle, and his name is Uncle Sam," Mr. Kennedy said at a recent town hall in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Mr. Kennedy added that the first 500,000 of those 3 percent mortgages would be reserved for teachers.

It's an interesting proposal, but it seems a repeat of the Clinton administration making mortgages accessible to those who could not possible pay them back. This caused the financial crisis of 2008.
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Quote from: DKG on August 30, 2023, 07:18:51 PMRobert F. Kennedy Jr. said that if elected president, he would create a 3 percent mortgage for Americans guaranteed by the government and funded by the sale of tax-free bonds, and he would work to make it less profitable for large corporations to own single-family homes in the United States.

"If you have a rich uncle who co-signs your mortgage, you will get a lower interest rate because the bank looks at his credit rating. I'm going to give everyone a rich uncle, and his name is Uncle Sam," Mr. Kennedy said at a recent town hall in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Mr. Kennedy added that the first 500,000 of those 3 percent mortgages would be reserved for teachers.

It's an interesting proposal, but it seems a repeat of the Clinton administration making mortgages accessible to those who could not possible pay them back. This caused the financial crisis of 2008.

I see it as yet another case of democrats promising free ponies for all but after getting elected only handing out a few buckets of horse shit.

Even if he's serious about the proposal (and the republicans or the rotating villains in the democrat party don't find a way to block him) he's still not fixing the actual problem just like the laughingly named 'Affordable Care Act' was just another transfer of wealth into the coffers of the insurance industry.

Personally I still believe he's just farting into a void and there's no actual substance to anything RFK promises.
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Quote from: Garraty_47 on August 30, 2023, 09:56:51 PMI see it as yet another case of democrats promising free ponies for all but after getting elected only handing out a few buckets of horse shit.

Even if he's serious about the proposal (and the republicans or the rotating villains in the democrat party don't find a way to block him) he's still not fixing the actual problem just like the laughingly named 'Affordable Care Act' was just another transfer of wealth into the coffers of the insurance industry.

Personally I still believe he's just farting into a void and there's no actual substance to anything RFK promises.
I am liking RFK less with each new promise he makes. But, there is one thing that makes him likeable and that is his opposition to funding the war in Ukraine.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Thiel on August 30, 2023, 10:00:06 PMI am liking RFK less with each new promise he makes. But, there is one thing that makes him likeable and that is his opposition to funding the war in Ukraine.

I'm okay with his takes on covid as well, but all his good points are more than offset by his stance on Israel (very telling, that) and the fact that he's running as a democrat. He's a creature of the establishment; I ain't got no time for those kinds of critters.


Quote from: Garraty_47 on August 30, 2023, 10:15:15 PMI'm okay with his takes on covid as well, but all his good points are more than offset by his stance on Israel (very telling, that) and the fact that he's running as a democrat. He's a creature of the establishment; I ain't got no time for those kinds of critters.
I like his position on COVID too.
gay, conservative and proud


A consultant for Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer used the Greek alphabet to "conceal" a message in a "calculated" effort to hide the sensitive information from the public, a lawsuit obtained by the Washington Free Beacon revealed.

The lawsuit claimed that Andy Leavitt, a state energy department consultant, sent a coded email to one of Whitmer's advisers in September 2021. Leavitt's message reportedly addressed concerns about Michigan's water crisis.

The complaint alleged that the consultant's email was typed in the Greek alphabet in a purported effort to hide the sensitive information.


Tucker Carlson has suggested that former President Donald Trump could be targeted for assassination. And I could see that happening.

Carlson, who made the comment while being interviewed by Adam Carolla, noted that Trump has been the subject of criticism, protests, impeachments, and indictments.

"We're speeding toward assassination, obviously," Carlson said, adding that "permanent Washington, both parties, have decided that there's something about Trump" which is "so threatening" toward them that they cannot have him in office.


Man, Canada has become such a screwed up place.  A Canadian woman who went to the hospital seeking help with suicidal thoughts was offered assisted suicide as a solution.


Michigan governor Witmer had official emails for her team written in Greek in an attempt to avoid FOIA disclosures.  This is an obvious attempt to break the law.


Just saw a clip that's a couple months old and I can't believe I haven't seen it before.

Transportation czar 'Sneaky Pete' introduced Joe 'Gaffe Machine' Biden then our amazing totally lucid president walked up to the podium and said:

"Thank you secretary Booty Juice."

I'm fucking dying.
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