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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Dont see my Pureblood thread, guessing its in here, so.....,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/121/658/898/original/04264b1371d1190a.jpg">
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


The White House falsely claimed Wednesday that President Joe Biden has visited the southern border, an assertion that was promptly fact-checked.

Biden, in fact, has never actually stopped to visit the border.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren attempted to take a shot at Elon Musk on Wednesday over his acquisition of Twitter. Instead, the Massachusetts Democrat accidentally exposed the problem with Twitter that Musk is seeking to correct.

"Do you think that users have a right to freedom of speech, even if what they're saying is wrong or offensive?" Vaughn asked.

"I think that one human being should not decide how millions of people communicate with each other," Warren responded. "One human being should not be able to go into a dark room by himself and decide: 'Oh, that person gets heard from, that person doesn't.' That's not how it should work."

But one of the reasons that Musk purchased Twitter was to reform it from the inside out.

Twitter is widely seen as the digital town square, but the powers that used to be moderated the content posted to Twitter in a way that often cohered with the progressive agenda. Far-right personalities were often banned, and conservatives at large complained of being shadow-banned. And who can forget how Twitter censored the now-vindicated Hunter Biden laptop story?

Thus, what Warren alleges Twitter will be under Musk's control is what Twitter already was under previous management. Musk, in fact, has promised to do the opposite of what Warren now expresses concern over.

Ironically, Warren and other Democrats outraged about Musk's Twitter takeover were not angry when, under previous management, Twitter decided who should and should not have a voice on its platform.


Florida is yanking $2 billion worth of state assets managed by BlackRock, escalating the GOP standoff with the world's largest money manager over its ESG investment policies.

The state treasury will freeze about $1.43 billion worth of long-term securities and remove BlackRock as the manager of about $600 million worth of short-term overnight investments with the goal of giving that business to other money managers by the beginning of 2023, Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis said in a statement  Thursday.


Every conservative organization, company, and person should be divesting from companies that push ESG.


There are of course a bunch of establishment cucks now pretending this is proof the "maga Republicans" are nazis.

 So because Kanye wore a maga hat and loves Trump he is now the embodiment of us all. Our clearest representation.

 What frustrates me is that they dont understand what causes atrocities like WW2s attempted genocide. It's not how someone feels about the elite jews or someone who has negative biases about a race. Not on it's own.

 It's when you have people with power whipping up hatred and fear of a certain group and demonizing, dehumanizing them and attaching evil motives to them....and using the arm of government against them.  You know.....what dem/prog/rino establishment is doing to us "maga republicans" everytime they start hysteria about things they say we are and are going to do that isnt the truth.  They function more LIKE the nazis than anyone.

 They took politcal prisoners ffs. Their shit president labeled half the country extremists and blathered out a civil war speech. Everyone can protest and do so as violently as they wish.  If "maga" people protest at the Capitol (that left wing activists have occupied AND bombed in the past) its sedition, insurrection.  Wtf does that tell us?  Protest their government and you are now a criminal.

 But yeah.....everyone understands Kanye isnt so hot mentally.  They are saying he is completely off the deep end. Right? But at the same time, he is speaking the view and stances of every Trump voter in the country. I'm not sure how they can make both be true.  Kanye is delusional and crazy but also clearly representing half the country? Come on now. I dont believe even the people saying REALLY believe that.

 Normally I would be annoyed at someone technically on "our side" saying something that can be used against us. But at this point it doesnt matter what anyone says because they already believe what they want to believe and ONLY hear shit they want to hear. They want to hate all of us. And you cant reason with them. Which makes them far more like nazis than crazy Kanye who is really just saying shit that makes his mental health questionable. He isnt trying to rally up a bunch of mobs for violent means. That's democrats.

 So this is already being used as a politcal weapon because Trump just had dinner with them. Never mind Trump will literally meet with and talk to ANYONE willing to sit and talk. Even left wing activists. He was willing to meet with BLM people.  Biden wouldnt even give them some minutes.

 It wont be enough to disapprove of Kanyes comments on Jones.  We will be expected to spew hate and cancel and all that mess or else we will be just as "guilty" to a lot of the "other side".   To them you are either all bad or all good. If you are on their team you can get away with anything. If you are not on their team...and you do or say something fucked up, they take that as EVERYTHING you stand for is bad.  If someone who supports Trump says "I like Hitler" during a mental decline God that's where ALL our views lead. All our stances are clearly wrong, see? Because a dude who shares them said he liked Hitler. That means we all like Hitler....because we want LESS government in our lives, lower taxes, and our 2A left alone. You know all the shit Hitler was the actual opposite of.

 Makes sense.  :crazy:

 We dont call all the socailists Hitler because Hitler was a socailist. Even though many of them are genuinely acting like it.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: DKG post_id=485516 time=1669937085 user_id=3390
Sen. Elizabeth Warren attempted to take a shot at Elon Musk on Wednesday over his acquisition of Twitter. Instead, the Massachusetts Democrat accidentally exposed the problem with Twitter that Musk is seeking to correct.

"Do you think that users have a right to freedom of speech, even if what they're saying is wrong or offensive?" Vaughn asked.

"I think that one human being should not decide how millions of people communicate with each other," Warren responded. "One human being should not be able to go into a dark room by himself and decide: 'Oh, that person gets heard from, that person doesn't.' That's not how it should work."

But one of the reasons that Musk purchased Twitter was to reform it from the inside out.

Twitter is widely seen as the digital town square, but the powers that used to be moderated the content posted to Twitter in a way that often cohered with the progressive agenda. Far-right personalities were often banned, and conservatives at large complained of being shadow-banned. And who can forget how Twitter censored the now-vindicated Hunter Biden laptop story?

Thus, what Warren alleges Twitter will be under Musk's control is what Twitter already was under previous management. Musk, in fact, has promised to do the opposite of what Warren now expresses concern over.

Ironically, Warren and other Democrats outraged about Musk's Twitter takeover were not angry when, under previous management, Twitter decided who should and should not have a voice on its platform.

 It's never ending hypocrisy. Warren runs into this problem a lot ....she always jumps in narrative first and never really gathers any facts.

 People who follow her dont question shit she says though.

 Sometimes I want to like her as person because she has that vibe like that caring and cool aunt you can trust with anything....but shes so not.  Shes a mouthy ass liar.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Why the Canadian main stream media is corrupt and you cannot trust it.  You need to end government funding of the MSM because it means the government controls all the coverage in the MSM."> ... 9883611137">


I really dont understand how we can have so many historic examples of what bad happens when the government controls media and the mainstream and the institutions....and still completely buy into the hateful and divisive bullshit that gets spewed.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.



Hey Dove!!!! You listened to the Kanye/Alex thing, and I know you said your youngin' was even like "Noooo Kanye, NO!" hahahahaha, that was hilarious. I have to ask, what was bad? I havent had the time to give it a listen. I was reading up on some things earlier though, some highlights.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Im dying here  :roll:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/121/736/751/original/90e867b347013ebb.jpeg">
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


A Marquette Law School poll revealed that in a hypothetical 2024 matchup between DeSantis and Biden, the two candidates were tied among registered voters, both receiving 42% support. About 11% said they would choose a different candidate.

The results reflect a major increase in support for DeSantis compared to a January Marquette poll where he received only 34% support compared to Biden's 43%. In a March poll from the university, the Republican governor began gaining momentum, locking in 35% support and eventually hitting 38% support in a September survey.

When respondents were asked who they would vote for if Trump were the GOP nominee and Biden the Democratic pick, the poll found Biden with a 10-point edge over the former president, 44% to 34%. Nearly 20% of respondents said they would choose a different candidate and 4% would not vote.

The results show a decline in support for Trump over the past few months, after a March poll found he received 38% support, while still trailing Biden by 5 percentage points.

Trump’s Niece

Elon did it. He posted proof that Twitter meddled in the election


I decided to cut and paste this here lol I posted this to Big

 Oak started a thread posting an opinion piece on British colonization in India. She feels like this is a good example for her pro CRT stance.  The opinion piece of course leaves out tons of info and context because the author wants you to really hate white colonizers.  So it's not bad enough as it actually was has that extra bent. The language was loaded and emotional. You know..the usual.

 So I tried to engage it. And of course Admin has to laugh at my post, quote it and ask me to talk about your mansion and jacuzzi. In a discussion thread in politics.

 I swear to God these people are mutants. They just drool nothing but one sided idiotic retard garbage.

 Vitty blasted them and completely nailed them. I'll show you what he said. It was SO accurate. Elsewhere though because this is a good thread and I dont wanna start a whole other thing about that garbage board.

 In fact I'm gonna move this post.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.