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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: Blazor post_id=485838 time=1670026491 user_id=2221
Im dying here  :roll:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/121/736/751/original/90e867b347013ebb.jpeg">

 :roll:  ac_lmfao
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=485834 time=1670026001 user_id=2221
Hey Dove!!!! You listened to the Kanye/Alex thing, and I know you said your youngin' was even like "Noooo Kanye, NO!" hahahahaha, that was hilarious. I have to ask, what was bad? I havent had the time to give it a listen. I was reading up on some things earlier though, some highlights.

 Go to infowars and just watch it LOL
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=485887 time=1670037375 user_id=3266
I decided to cut and paste this here lol I posted this to Big

 Oak started a thread posting an opinion piece on British colonization in India. She feels like this is a good example for her pro CRT stance.  The opinion piece of course leaves out tons of info and context because the author wants you to really hate white colonizers.  So it's not bad enough as it actually was has that extra bent. The language was loaded and emotional. You know..the usual.

 So I tried to engage it. And of course Admin has to laugh at my post, quote it and ask me to talk about your mansion and jacuzzi. In a discussion thread in politics.

 I swear to God these people are mutants. They just drool nothing but one sided idiotic retard garbage.

 Vitty blasted them and completely nailed them. I'll show you what he said. It was SO accurate. Elsewhere though because this is a good thread and I dont wanna start a whole other thing about that garbage board.

 In fact I'm gonna move this post.

There was a forum for a very brief time that was a clone of CBT. It had the exact same posters. The owner invited Fash and I. I remember one of the threads was about discrimination against Asians applying for university admission. That was the first time I encountered Oak on a forum. She insisted that it was not discrimination against Asians, but a necessary response to White privilege. :crazy:

Needless to say Fash and I didn't stay long.


That is literally how dumb most CRT supporters are.  It is all lies and nonsensical double talk designed to gish-gallop theor support for overt racial discrimination.


Quote from: DKG post_id=485894 time=1670038118 user_id=3390
Quote from: Dove post_id=485887 time=1670037375 user_id=3266
I decided to cut and paste this here lol I posted this to Big

 Oak started a thread posting an opinion piece on British colonization in India. She feels like this is a good example for her pro CRT stance.  The opinion piece of course leaves out tons of info and context because the author wants you to really hate white colonizers.  So it's not bad enough as it actually was has that extra bent. The language was loaded and emotional. You know..the usual.

 So I tried to engage it. And of course Admin has to laugh at my post, quote it and ask me to talk about your mansion and jacuzzi. In a discussion thread in politics.

 I swear to God these people are mutants. They just drool nothing but one sided idiotic retard garbage.

 Vitty blasted them and completely nailed them. I'll show you what he said. It was SO accurate. Elsewhere though because this is a good thread and I dont wanna start a whole other thing about that garbage board.

 In fact I'm gonna move this post.

There was a forum for a very brief time that was a clone of CBT. It had the exact same posters. The owner invited Fash and I. I remember one of the threads was about discrimination against Asians applying for university admission. That was the first time I encountered Oak on a forum. She insisted that it was not discrimination against Asians, but a necessary response to White privilege. :crazy:

Needless to say Fash and I didn't stay long.

 Woooow....shes such a racist ass.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Guys who the fuck decides what is high fashion and beautiful or artsy?">

 This bitch looks like shes busting out of the astroplane dimension and coming through a childs closet at 3am to yeet the kid to illuminate land for an andrenochrome harvest aka Balenciaga photoshoot.

 What the FUCK?  Do you guys ever see pictures or quick footage from these fancy "high end" fashion shows and campaigns and think "my god....this is fucking ghoulish"?  All that money that goes into making people (or what we assume are people) look like fucking sleep paralysis demons is insane.

 This is the kind of shit super wealthy people do on weekends.  Gather and watch these ghouls lumber around wearing shit that NO ONE wears or even likes.

 And now we know they rape kids and enjoy child snuff art.  Why are we not burning their world down?  Does this not call for actual violence? Have we not tolerated them enough at this point?  None of this....absolutely NONE of this nightmare fuel represents ANY of us in the slightest.  The children of ordinary people like US are sick with CANCER... laid up in hospitals...while these sicko fucks spend MILLIONS to sit around watching shit like this and molesting and violating children and TAUNTING us with it. FUCK them.  

 And BLM burns down the neighborhoods of regular ass people and their businesses while we have THIS demonic shit infecting our culture. I would have applauded them.....hell i would have JOINED them had they gone after THESE disgusting pieces of shit.  WHY are we allowing them to use resources and suck our air? This is the dark, demonic and revolting things people get up to when they become so wealthy they are BORED. This crap is UGLY. Look at it! Do you guys think this is beautiful or "high fashion"?

 And we all allow this. We do. We should rally pitchfork mobs and lynch every single piece of evil SHIT associated with this brand. We should demand action and transparency and justice.

 I'm ready for the Lord to come back. this point with the layers of disturbing and fucked up mess being unraveled about Balenciaga, I felt like having a specific thread to hate on them, hate on Hollywood, and hate on that whole nasty industry.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.



 So glad to see a content creator addressing the Views disgusting and sociopathic response to this.  They whole "omg how is this gonna be about LBGT"?

 They are pretty much are annoyed that children were exploited by evil pervert pigs made their side of politcs look bad. They dont care its happening.....they care about how it makes them look.

 "Guys go rape kids more're ruining our politcal  narratives!"

 Just for clarity is NOT about politics....its about the pile of shit we have as culture.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


And what the fuck is this?

 Is seeing Mothmans 80 year old abortion blowing bubbles supposed to make me wanna buy over priced feces from child rapists?">

 Who the fuck does this marketing?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Their disgusting focus on bloody children and murdered and mutilated children.">

 This is an ongoing thing with them and their death disciples.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.



 I agree with everything Walsh says here on this.

 It's amazing how absolutely no one on the right that the establishment cucks claim are all white supremacists neo nazis totally support this when in reality absolutely no one has supported it.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=485913 time=1670048919 user_id=3266
Quote from: DKG post_id=485894 time=1670038118 user_id=3390

There was a forum for a very brief time that was a clone of CBT. It had the exact same posters. The owner invited Fash and I. I remember one of the threads was about discrimination against Asians applying for university admission. That was the first time I encountered Oak on a forum. She insisted that it was not discrimination against Asians, but a necessary response to White privilege. :crazy:

Needless to say Fash and I didn't stay long.

 Woooow....shes such a racist ass.

The CBT echo chamber there didn't disagree with her.


Quote from: Dove post_id=485889 time=1670037629 user_id=3266
Quote from: Blazor post_id=485834 time=1670026001 user_id=2221
Hey Dove!!!! You listened to the Kanye/Alex thing, and I know you said your youngin' was even like "Noooo Kanye, NO!" hahahahaha, that was hilarious. I have to ask, what was bad? I havent had the time to give it a listen. I was reading up on some things earlier though, some highlights.

 Go to infowars and just watch it LOL

I dont have 2 1/2 hours to kill!!! lol

Maybe next week.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


If you're on Twitter and not already following Matt Taibbi you may want to start...">


Yup... though nary a mention on the msm rags about the drops.

Fucking lefties...


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=485954 time=1670084715 user_id=3381
If you're on Twitter and not already following Matt Taibbi you may want to start...">

 I'm following lol.

 The comments are hurting my brain. How can some people be so stupid?  They are talking like this laptop thing is no big deal and it's just "conservatives" who are mad about the whole shit show.

 I've definitely become a free speech absolutist.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.