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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Like working class Californians don't have high enough taxes already. And now Newscum wants to hand them a bill for fourteen trillion dollars.

The five woke economists who will decide how much Californians pay in reparations"> ... tions.html">

Policy expert who wants $14 TRILLION to be paid across US, professor who says 'economics is racist' and couple claim Native Americans 'are irrelevant' for payouts

Expert panel deciding how much black Californians are owed include a professor who believes black Americans are owed $14 trillion

Others on the panel have said that economics is inherently racist and the plight of Native Americans are 'irrelevant' to payouts

The panel has calculated how much they believe black Californians are owed for racial injustices in the state

A Reparations Task Force will now make its final report to the State Legislature at the end of June

The five economists who will determine just how much the state will pay black Californians for historic injustices include a professor who has called for nationwide reparations of up to $14trillion.

Other members of the expert panel advising California's Reparations Task Force on what they believe would be a fair amount repaid to the descendants of racial discrimination have said there is no such thing as a black middle class and argued the plight of Native Americans is 'irrelevant.'

Woke professors William Spriggs, Thomas Craemer, Kaycea Campbell, William A 'Sandy' Darity Jr and his wife, lecturer Kirstin Mullen, are charged with quantifying the past economic injustices African Americans faced and determining how much compensation black Californians should receive for those crimes.

The controversial task force now has until the end of June to submit its final report outlining just how much black Californians are owed and how many residents would be entitled to the funds.


LOL Herm you are just  showing  how bad you lost... Your propaganda is not just funny but kind of sad.

Oh well Xi's  China is done and Putin's Russia  are done.... Well heck even the whole Russian Federation and all their allies are done... so lets dance to a classic... Too the death of communism cheers ac_drinks  ac_dance



Weebles, what the hell are you talking about? Just tell me in your own words. No videos.


In her New Year's Day Inaugural speech following her 2022 election, New York Governor Kathy Hochul took aim at one of the biggest problems plaguing her state: People who are fleeing New York to escape the consequences of Democratic policies.

Her words were a far cry from her campaign rhetoric back in August where she suggested that her political opponents, including Rep. Lee Zeldin, should "Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK? You are not New Yorkers."


This would be HUGE if true!

Elon Musk Calls for Investigation Into George Soros for Controlling Information"> ... formation/">
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


A regulation issued by California's Air Resources Board in 2008 went into effect January 1, 2023, and the regulation will have the effect of making a large number of commercial vehicles operating in the state illegal (or, as Californians might like to put it, undocumented).

The rule states that, as of Jan. 1, 2023, any vehicle weighing at least 14,000 pounds operating in the state must not have an engine that was manufactured prior to 2010. The board's justification for requiring engines that had not even been built yet at the time the regulation was passed was based on the theory that future engines would do a better job of reducing emissions.

As might have been predicted, however, the regulation is about to potentially cause chaos for California's already teetering economy, which has seen another six-figure population exodus in 2022. The reason is that 70,000 big rig trucks operating in the state — about 10% of the state's total — are still not compliant with the law and thus must immediately cease operating.

The rule also applies to trucks that are based out of state and merely travel into California, which threatens disruption to trucking routes throughout the country and may strain already fragile supply chains in the United States. However, Biden's Environmental Protection Agency is apparently working with California to help enforce this regulation upon out-of-state drivers, according to KCRA.

Trucking lobbying groups begged the state of California to delay implementation of the rule for at least one year, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. "We as an association are seeing members drop because of this rule, they've simply decided they're not going to go out and spend $150,000 on a truck that could lead them to bankruptcy," said Joe Rajkovacz, director of government affairs for the Western States Trucking Association. Rajkovacz also noted that even trucking companies that can afford compliance with the regulation have found difficulty purchasing a new truck, due to supply chain disruptions in the truck manufacturing industry.


Whatever governments around the world are doing to lower greenhouse gas emissions, it's not working.

Entering the new year, emissions from fossil fuels and cement production in 2022 were virtually identical to the highest level ever recorded — 36.7 billion tonnes in 2019.

The estimate for 2022, with final calculations still being done, is 36.6 billion tonnes, up from 36.4 billion tonnes in 2021 and 34.8 billion tonnes in 2020. However, 2020 was an outlier year because it was the first year of the pandemic, which caused a global recession.

The only other time emissions fell in the modern era occurred from 2008-09, caused by the global recession that started with the subprime mortgage derivative scandal.

Logically, emissions this year will go down from 2022 because of the current recession, but relying on recessions to lower emissions isn't desirable or sustainable.

By contrast, replacing coal-fired electricity with natural gas is the single most effective way we have to lower emissions, using existing technologies, because natural gas burns at half the carbon dioxide intensity of coal.

If the rest of the world used as little coal as Canada does to generate electricity, the problem of rising emissions would be solved.

The most effective way Canada, the world's fourth-largest producer of natural gas, could lower emissions globally would be to develop the infrastructure needed to transport natural gas from Canada's interior to tidewater, convert it to liquified natural gas and export it globally on ocean-going tankers.

I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Justine doubled down on his remarks regarding the trucker protest of 2022, referring to some of the activists as "tinfoil hat" conspiracy theorists who engage in "disinformation" and "misinformation."

The Canadian leader somewhat walked back his previous remarks, calling the people he referred to a "small minority" group within the "movements" that are spreading "harmful lies." He referred to the demonstration in its entirety as a "fringe minority." In late 2021, Trudeau said that the unvaccinated were "often mysoginists" and "racists," while also calling them "extremists" who "don't believe in science.""> ... at-comment">


A New York Times guest opinion column published on Sunday claimed that mating with "shorter people" is a "step toward a greener planet" since smaller individuals are "inherent conservationists."

The essay by writer Mara Altman, titled "There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be Short," argued that people of shorter stature live longer and are "better" for the planet because they use fewer resources. :2r4ml1j_th:


Dry Tortugas National Park, located in the Florida Keys, was forced to close on Monday after being overwhelmed with hundreds of migrants.

Officials said approximately 300 migrants have arrived at the remote national park in recent days, forcing the closure "while law enforcement and medical personnel evaluate, provide care for and coordinate transport to Key West" for the migrants, the National Park Service said in a statement."> ... ant-crisis">


Those elitist anti working class clowns at Extinction Rebellion are finally waking up to the fact working folks don't like people who don't work preventing them from going about their daily lives."> ... ther-means">

The climate extremist group Extinction Rebellion has resolved to quit being such a nuisance in the new year. In a statement issued on Jan. 1, ER, a predominantly British group, vowed to "temporarily shift away from public disruption as a primary tactic."

In a move that some have suggested indicates a modicum of self-awareness, ER has suggested it will instead seek to "prioritise attendance" and foster better "relationships" rather than making commuters lives' miserable, blocking thoroughfares, defacing private property, and attacking beloved works of art.

While ER may have caught onto the fact that there is little love lost for it or its cause, in its announcement was a concession pointing to a greater reason for its about-face: "Very little has changed" despite all of its public conniption fits and challenges to fellow citizens' mobility.

Extinction Rebellion is an allegedly decentralized group of radical leftists keen on ridding Western nations of affordable energy.

While its proponents denounce the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy, a stable electrical grid is not the only object of its disdain.

Extra to the patriarchy, normalcy, and national defense, ER also holds Europe and the West in contempt, claiming "reparation is needed," since "Europe stole its wealth through its imperialism, colonialism and slavery."

Members of this extremist group — who sometimes overlap with those in the climate alarmist group Just Stop Oil — shut down a London meat market in 2019, prompting Spiked to brand them "time-rich, well-connected green activists sneering at working people and preventing them from doing their jobs."

Whereas ER will try applying political pressure as opposed to engaging in public intimidation, the Guardian reported that Just Stop Oil, funded in part by an ultra-rich oil heiress and other coastal American elites, has made no such commitment.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Quote from: Herman post_id=490024 time=1672794486 user_id=3396
A New York Times guest opinion column published on Sunday claimed that mating with "shorter people" is a "step toward a greener planet" since smaller individuals are "inherent conservationists."

The essay by writer Mara Altman, titled "There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be Short," argued that people of shorter stature live longer and are "better" for the planet because they use fewer resources. :2r4ml1j_th:

Life is too short to be in a hurry


You do know many of you sound like broken washer stuck on rise and repeat in an echo chamber  right?



Quote from: weebles post_id=490039 time=1672804149 user_id=2191
You do know many of you sound like broken washer stuck on rise and repeat in an echo chamber  right?

You do know there is no political right in North America. All there are, are rich power hungry progtards and their obedient shills like you. On the other side are working class folks like me who oppose their tyranny.

And you never answered my question.