"The risk of developing depression – the most prevalent mental disorder in the world, characterised by low mood and feeling helpless – is 20% higher in urban dwellers than those who live outside the city. Meanwhile, the risk of developing psychosis – a severe psychiatric disorder associated with hallucinations, delusions, paranoia and disorganised thought – is 77% higher in urban than rural dwellers. The risk of developing generalised anxiety disorder, a state of mind characterised by feeling anxious and a sense of impending danger or panic, is also 21% higher in urban than rural dwellers.
Critically, the longer you spend in an urban environment during childhood and adolescence, the higher your risk of developing mental illness in adulthood. This "dose-response" association provides indirect support for a causal relationship between urban living and mental illness."
I mean....yikes. No wonder people are more violent towards others and more likely to commit suicide in cities and metro areas than out here in an area like mine.
I mean.....it really is not safer than where I'm at, Joe. And I dont like to be depressed and suffer psychosis or have to worry about other people who are depressed and suffering psychosis.
I think I'll stay put and buy some ammo
Why do you supposed you have such a fear of legal gun ownership, Joe? Kinda scared of the wrong things yeah? You are worried about people like me being armed and I'm the one that would save your unarmed ass when one of the psychosis suffering wack jobs you call neightbors uses a ghost gun to shoot up a Walmart. Js.