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Re: Forum gossip thread by Garraty_47

avatar_Erica Mena

Satanic sick shit

Started by Erica Mena, November 29, 2022, 07:55:04 PM

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I think gay males go on pilgrimage every year to the grave of Fred Phelps so they can urinate on it.

 Westboro was petty af.....but not nearly as petty as a gay democrat.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=485400 time=1669908131 user_id=3266
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=485394 time=1669907807 user_id=1582

its just his fontanel.... hes a fuckin idiot and talking to him is a waste of time despite your good intentions....  :sad:

 Well I'm sick with a sinus infection and childless today so lucky you guys lol

ok.... well.... i had country ham and biscuits for breakfast.... do you wanna tell me how thats wrong too? lmmfao....  :laugh:


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=485404 time=1669908441 user_id=1582
Quote from: Dove post_id=485400 time=1669908131 user_id=3266

 Well I'm sick with a sinus infection and childless today so lucky you guys lol

ok.... well.... i had country ham and biscuits for breakfast.... do you wanna tell me how thats wrong too? lmmfao....  :laugh:

 Pork is horrible for you. Pigs eat garbage and dead shit! They have parasites too.   :empathy:

 Go to church, Ed.  :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


no thank-you.... pigs are wonderful.... and the ppl at church are NOT.... :laugh:


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=485409 time=1669908748 user_id=1582
no thank-you.... pigs are wonderful.... and the ppl at church are NOT.... :laugh:


 I actually have bacon in the fridge I bought the other day lol.  My husband and Squish like deli ham. Other than the ham I only buy bacon and that's once in a while.

 I dont preach at or harrass people who eat pork(you asked me too lol)....I just dont eat it often.

 I worry about professing Christains who dont have a group of other believers to help them live in this awful world is all. The bible says it's important and it is.

 Not trying to nag - it's out of genuine care.

 You said yourself.....the world is satan's play ground. No one should go this hell scape alone.

 Look at this OP alone. WTF.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


i have myself and sometimes THATS too many ppl.... i'm okay.... thanks though.... :sad:


this was fun good morning or good evening depending on where you live peace.



Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=485404 time=1669908441 user_id=1582
Quote from: Dove post_id=485400 time=1669908131 user_id=3266

 Well I'm sick with a sinus infection and childless today so lucky you guys lol

ok.... well.... i had country ham and biscuits for breakfast.... do you wanna tell me how thats wrong too? lmmfao....  :laugh:

Country ham biscuit is my favorite biscuit!!! Though I realize you mentioned they are separate, which is even better lol. This time of year I go hog wild eatin' them  :laugh:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=485409 time=1669908748 user_id=1582
no thank-you.... pigs are wonderful.... and the ppl at church are NOT.... :laugh:


When folks ask me if I go to a church, I simply say "nah, I dont go to Hypocrite House"  :laugh:

I feel like I graduated from church lol. And that I dont need to go to a building to pray, or serve Him. I can do that anywhere.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


I mean I dont understand how being around some hypocrites in a church is so much different from all the vast amounts of hypocrites everywhere else.

 Arent we all guilty of hypocrisy to some level at some point?

 If you want to follow Jesus....wouldnt you want to get togther with others who also seek to follow Jesus?

 If you like join gun clubs. Hunting clubs. Larp groups. There are all kinds of groups devoted to hobbies for those who are into those hobbies so they can commune with and be around others who enjoy the hobby. You discuss it. You get togther and do the hobby. You give eachother pointers and advice in the

 But when it comes to church, we are too good for it and church people suck? Why judge them so harshly? Are these judgements founded and biblical? And our spiritual health is so important.  If you are into physical go to the gymn and join work out classes and stuff.  You dont say " yeah I like to exercise but I dont go to the gym because those people are hypocrites and eat junk sometimes" or stuff like. You go and encourage eachother in your endeavors.  Our spiritual health is just like that. If we dont take care of it, we can become sick.

 The early church stuck together during some of the worst persecution under Rome. In Africa and China....believers in Christ go to church illegally. Some walk miles in the dark to meet up in shacks for the purpose of reading scriptures and praying togther.

 I get that there are terrible churches, some that are unbilical in their teachings and attitudes. But there are some really good ones out there with great people. Imperfect as we all are....but people who are genuine in their desire to serve God and learn and support eachother in their walk with Christ.

 Believers need eachother and are to regard eachother as brothers and sisters and the west really takes this for granted.

 As times become more and more hostile to God and everything that God stands for, that priviledge to congregate togther will start to dwindle as churches either go the way of the world and culture or they end up needing to go more underground. Following Christ is only to get more unpopular and more hated and pretty soon it will be regarded as archaic and "not needed in modern times".

 Jesus said He will build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

 Obviously I cant tell anyone what to do and I'm not trying to do that.  But I do hope you guys rethink this position you have on church and think more about what it is that Jesus built and all the people of God who have died for it. You guys are correct in that it's not a "building".  Its the body of redeemed believers. The "bride" of Christ. And Christ sure found it important. We are told not to forsake the assembly of God.  Of course we can serve God anywhere. But Jesus built His congregation for a reason, He wants His flock to join togther and help eachother. Do we know better than God?

 We live in increasingly evil days. Those who hate us are VERY organized. They are in all levels of government....state and federal. They are in every institution...major and local. They are in media and entertainment. They have well funded groups and clubs and they recruit young people from every platform.

 They shouldnt be more organized and better funded than we are...and yet, here we are.  Shouldnt we ourselves have some more grace and patience towards those who show up...but stumble?     There is never going to be a group of people that is completely free from hypocrites, assholes and liars. If we avoided everything because assholes and liars abound...we wouldnt have anything. You know?  

 It doesnt even have to be a specific building. There are "home churches" where groups of believers meet in homes for study the Word and pray togther. And it's not just a Sunday is everyday.  You are building relationships with like minded believers. That's church.

 ***Again for clarity I'm talking about biblically sound churches....not just religious clubs that go off from what Christianity actually is and teaches....its the teachings that matter****

 Now I'm reminded that Flea and I had talked about having a bible study and Peaches wanted in on it and we never did it

My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


If it was a choice between losing a testicle or bible study, the ball is gone.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=485458 time=1669914689 user_id=1676
If it was a choice between losing a testicle or bible study, the ball is gone.

 You also are not a believer so, there you go. No one should be forced into anything.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Dove, I simply havent found the right church. Was no need to go all Dove Style on me  :laugh:

Most churches I've been to, are not only full of hypocrites, but also snobs. They come, gruel through the sermon, if they dont fall asleep, and then talk about you behind your back. Cant stand 'em.

Believe it or not, one of the best churches I ever been to, was a Black church. Those folks really had the spirit!!  :laugh:  These days, if I walk in there, they might pat me down, to see if Im some White Supremacies there to shoot the place up  :laugh:

Growing up, I would go to church 3 times a week, until I was an adult. Was even the Senior High Representative of my Youth Group I was in. Was a member of the choir too lol. Also, I was reading the bible, before being taught how to read!!! No kidding, I was 5 years old, reading out the bible, and folks couldnt believe it lol.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Biggie Smiles

Religion. Christianity included. Have given themselves a rather bad rep

and they've earned it to a large and wide degree.

Instead of teaching people what is actually contained within the scripture they attempt to interpret it's contents with their own silly ideas where God is some subservient entity in a make a wish capacity. And when people make a wish, and that wish does not come true they become discouraged and begin to doubt his existence despite the overwhelming evidence which points to his presence.

They drone on and on about how he blesses and protects people in this life and offer no real explanation when you counter such a silly supposition with facts about the MILLIONS of people who never do find themselves blessed or protected in any capacity. Telling you "The lord works in mysterious ways"

he doesn't work in "mysterious ways" you dumb fucking idiots; his workings are clear and concise and included in rather excruciating detail if you'd simply pick up the bible and read it for yourself with an open mind instead of letting some dipshit wearing a bathrobe interpret it for you.

The simple fact is this people. He neither protects nor harms anyone. Karma does not exist and I've seen just as many bad people live long and happy lives free of peril as I have good people burdened with despair

and God has a hand in neither. This is a fact. And if you read the book of Genesis and have the ability to absorb the context you'll know why.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=485474 time=1669919009 user_id=2221
Dove, I simply havent found the right church. Was no need to go all Dove Style on me  :laugh:

Most churches I've been to, are not only full of hypocrites, but also snobs. They come, gruel through the sermon, if they dont fall asleep, and then talk about you behind your back. Cant stand 'em.

Believe it or not, one of the best churches I ever been to, was a Black church. Those folks really had the spirit!!  :laugh:  These days, if I walk in there, they might pat me down, to see if Im some White Supremacies there to shoot the place up  :laugh:

Growing up, I would go to church 3 times a week, until I was an adult. Was even the Senior High Representative of my Youth Group I was in. Was a member of the choir too lol. Also, I was reading the bible, before being taught how to read!!! No kidding, I was 5 years old, reading out the bible, and folks couldnt believe it lol.

 Not trying to go "dove style" I'm just starting to get frustrated with the sentiment that church is not a worthy endeavor because there are hypocrites there.

 There are hypocrites everywhere. The grocery store. The library.  Fucking everywhere. Right here on the forum....hypocrites abound.

 Its pathetic that antifa is running stronger than the church....there is no excuse. We wonder why the countries culture is in the toilet and we are headed into authoritarianism.

 Well.... the church has too many hypocrites and antifa doesnt. Act blue doesnt have hypocrites. So I guess that's why people go do that. They arent thinking their comrades arent living up to the standards....whatever those standards are.

 Everytime I go to church. ...they have one more hypocrite in the pew. I'm not better than anyone.

 The only way the tide will turn is of the church wakes up. I hope that happens BEFORE the country is legally killing children up until their brains can form memories and fucking them at 4 years old.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.