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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li

Having 4 bots and 2 active poster means you need to put some energy into this place

Started by weebles, December 11, 2022, 02:43:18 AM

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No disrespect either... just  fucking truth  so get it going...This sounds like missing a shift on T-56



I am guessing you not only  Spent,time, money and sweat and tears on this endeavor.... so go fucking kill it.





Feebles, aka the forum vegetable, who does nothing except spam youtube vids and post cucked pro-establishment politics, is complaining about lack of content?  :crazy:

I can tell you one thing, you complete waste of fucking bandwidth, if you permanently disappeared, not a single fuck would be given.


It's all good kid have some fun and have a laugh or two.


Plus it literally the is Truth... what else do you want me to say?


I see weebles posted close to midnight. Were any of the competing forums rocking then? I doubt it.


Quote from: DKG post_id=487159 time=1670758104 user_id=3390
I see weebles posted close to midnight. Were any of the competing forums rocking then? I doubt it.

you're wasting logic on this clown.... hes seamonkeys (slightly more coherent) brother.... this motherfucker is retarded as hell....  :laugh:

Erica Mena

Quote from: weebles post_id=487148 time=1670744598 user_id=2191
No disrespect either... just  fucking truth  so get it going...This sounds like missing a shift on T-56


Weebles, I work and have a family. This place is for entertainment, it's not a job. I'm not in competition with anyone.

This forum is fine the way it is. We have real active posters, not alts.

Shen Li

Weebs, VF is 4 libtard posters who haven't accepted DV has been gone for 13 years plus scooter dogpiling on conservatives calling them alts and Seadunce. We have a superior product here.

Erica Mena



Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487168 time=1670768881 user_id=3389
Weebs, VF is 4 libtard posters who haven't accepted DV has been gone for 13 years plus scooter dogpiling on conservatives calling them alts and Seadunce. We have a superior product here.

VF is a pretty good forum outside of its political affiliations.... BUT i do prefer this one currently though....  :sad:

Shen Li

Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=487179 time=1670771013 user_id=2845
Weebles needs to go complain elsewhere. I'm not here for the shits

Weebs and I have posted together for a long time. He is not contributing much here or on VF anymore. Mostly youtube spam. However, I've lost my edge too over the years. Having a family will do that I suppose.

Erica Mena

I love VF and Evs. It's a different atmosphere.

Weebles is acting like Semen now. Not good

Shen Li

Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487181 time=1670771060 user_id=1582
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487168 time=1670768881 user_id=3389
Weebs, VF is 4 libtard posters who haven't accepted DV has been gone for 13 years plus scooter dogpiling on conservatives calling them alts and Seadunce. We have a superior product here.

VF is a pretty good forum outside of its political affiliations.... BUT i do prefer this one currently though....  :sad:

VF grew out of DV. The remaining core members are in denial.

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