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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

avatar_Erica Mena

Poofer is being a messy queen

Started by Erica Mena, December 11, 2022, 01:18:11 PM

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Maybe he is packing.

Short, fat, no money... But the dick-game is good.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487628 time=1670972197 user_id=3389
Quote from: Dove post_id=487432 time=1670886339 user_id=3266

 The worst judgement call I've ever made.

 In my defense he lied a lot and believably in the beginning. I was pretty clear that hanging out and talking was okay but no relationship.  I had divorce filed and I was going through a lot.  He pretty well cat fished me. He wasnt at all what he claimed to be and he ended up clinging and getting intense and love bombing.

 The whole thing lasted like 3 weeks and he raged for years  :crazy:

 Had he just dropped it and acted normal I wouldn't have put him on blast.  I think he was paranoid and wanted to get ahead of me thinking if he smeared me first and pretended he did the "dumping" he would just make it out like I was the crazy one.  He could have just let it go.

The whole relationship played out in real time on SG and here to a lesser extent. I think it lasted over a month. I don't understand how it could last more than one face to face meeting. Anybody could tell he's the definition of the word loser.

 Yeah that was one of the first things that rubbed me wrong. I kept asking him to stop making it such a topic and he was like "come on I'm just trolling and having fun".  So a lot of that was fabricated and I think the awkward mushy shit was him trying to love bomb me so I was get into a serious relationship with him.

 I did try to be friends with him for a week but he was pushy with that.

 He picked a fight over some completely made up issue and blew up my phone one night until I told him never contact me again or I'd have police involved and I blocked him from my phone and messenger.

 He sent me some pretty long and disturbing PMs at SG... I ignored them....and he started attacking. Thus began a drama that went on MUCH longer then the actual "thing".

 I genuinely felt bad so I made an effort to gently distance on that level but he just amped way up in response.

 He isnt just a loser, he is an actual psychopath.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Shen Li

Quote from: Dove post_id=487635 time=1670973962 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487628 time=1670972197 user_id=3389

The whole relationship played out in real time on SG and here to a lesser extent. I think it lasted over a month. I don't understand how it could last more than one face to face meeting. Anybody could tell he's the definition of the word loser.

 Yeah that was one of the first things that rubbed me wrong. I kept asking him to stop making it such a topic and he was like "come on I'm just trolling and having fun".  So a lot of that was fabricated and I think the awkward mushy shit was him trying to love bomb me so I was get into a serious relationship with him.

 I did try to be friends with him for a week but he was pushy with that.

 He picked a fight over some completely made up issue and blew up my phone one night until I told him never contact me again or I'd have police involved and I blocked him from my phone and messenger.

 He sent me some pretty long and disturbing PMs at SG... I ignored them....and he started attacking. Thus began a drama that went on MUCH longer then the actual "thing".

 I genuinely felt bad so I made an effort to gently distance on that level but he just amped way up in response.

 He isnt just a loser, he is an actual psychopath.

It appeared you were into him for at least a week or so. I don't see how that is possible after meeting such an obvious loser.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487636 time=1670974997 user_id=3389
Quote from: Dove post_id=487635 time=1670973962 user_id=3266

 Yeah that was one of the first things that rubbed me wrong. I kept asking him to stop making it such a topic and he was like "come on I'm just trolling and having fun".  So a lot of that was fabricated and I think the awkward mushy shit was him trying to love bomb me so I was get into a serious relationship with him.

 I did try to be friends with him for a week but he was pushy with that.

 He picked a fight over some completely made up issue and blew up my phone one night until I told him never contact me again or I'd have police involved and I blocked him from my phone and messenger.

 He sent me some pretty long and disturbing PMs at SG... I ignored them....and he started attacking. Thus began a drama that went on MUCH longer then the actual "thing".

 I genuinely felt bad so I made an effort to gently distance on that level but he just amped way up in response.

 He isnt just a loser, he is an actual psychopath.

It appeared you were into him for at least a week or so. I don't see how that is possible after meeting such an obvious loser.

 I mean you said it. About a week. Then I met him and it started a turn for the absolute worse.

 First time I met him it was coffee....second time I saw his house.

My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=487543 time=1670953603 user_id=3214
Even Vitty is seen as MAGA to them for not towing the line to the letter.

That's because they use that term as a generic pejorative. In their world being associated with Trump, deservedly or not, is the worst thing they can throw at you. He's their ultimate nemesis; their perpetual avatar of everything that's "bad".

To me it seems like it's just fucking lazy.

They can't be bothered (or are inadequately equipped) to debate issues or topics on their own merits so they just chuck someone into the box labeled "Trump-adjacent" and that frees them from having to prove anything or listen to anything that person says. They aren't even *supposed* to engage with those icky Trump-adjacent people... they're afraid they might get MAGA cooties or some shit.

So from then on it's just automatic derision and immature insults and blinkered avoidance.

They labor under the delusion that it's less stressful than actually thinking but in reality maintaining that elevated level of pompous anger and sanctimonious judgement based on literally nothing is corrosive.

It's slowly melting their brains.

I'm tempted to care about it now and then but then remember that I'm just a MAGA Trumper right-wing zealot to them so I just point and laugh instead.

As the Joker once said:

"You get what you fucking deserve!"



Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487641 time=1670978006 user_id=3381
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=487543 time=1670953603 user_id=3214
Even Vitty is seen as MAGA to them for not towing the line to the letter.

That's because they use that term as a generic pejorative. In their world being associated with Trump, deservedly or not, is the worst thing they can throw at you. He's their ultimate nemesis; their perpetual avatar of everything that's "bad".

To me it seems like it's just fucking lazy.

They can't be bothered (or are inadequately equipped) to debate issues or topics on their own merits so they just chuck someone into the box labeled "Trump-adjacent" and that frees them from having to prove anything or listen to anything that person says. They aren't even *supposed* to engage with those icky Trump-adjacent people... they're afraid they might get MAGA cooties or some shit.

So from then on it's just automatic derision and immature insults and blinkered avoidance.

They labor under the delusion that it's less stressful than actually thinking but in reality maintaining that elevated level of pompous anger and sanctimonious judgement based on literally nothing is corrosive.

It's slowly melting their brains.

I'm tempted to care about it now and then but then remember that I'm just a MAGA Trumper right-wing zealot to them so I just point and laugh instead.

As the Joker once said:

"You get what you fucking deserve!"


 Us maga people are a lot cooler so it's not so bad being lumped in with us  ac_wub

 And wow you really nailed that. I'm gonna have to read this everytime I feel like trying to reason with these bots.

 I wonder sometimes what they believe the end goal is. Throw us all in gulags and have utopia?  Corporate and government meshed togther giving everyone their daily agendas and proper talking points?  

 Do they even KNOW what kind of world they want? They really are building a hateful, hostile authoritarian one.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=487642 time=1670978326 user_id=3266
 I wonder sometimes what they believe the end goal is. Throw us all in gulags and have utopia?  Corporate and government meshed togther giving everyone their daily agendas and proper talking points?  

 Do they even KNOW what kind of world they want? They really are building a hateful, hostile authoritarian one.

They're only 100% sure of what, or rather who, they're against.

That's all that matters.

Anyone who hates the same people they hate is okay in their eyes.

They'll overlook any amount of corruption, forgive any unspeakable act as long as that person appears to be the enemy of their enemies.

If -and this is a huge if- you can ever get them to stop condemning a specific person and start discussing an issue they begin floundering immediately.

They don't know and don't care about anything except who they are (subjectively) better than.

You can't debate with them because they aren't really knowledgeable about silly things like facts and logic.

They only know who they hate, rationality be damned.

Shen Li

Quote from: Dove post_id=487638 time=1670977682 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487636 time=1670974997 user_id=3389

It appeared you were into him for at least a week or so. I don't see how that is possible after meeting such an obvious loser.

 I mean you said it. About a week. Then I met him and it started a turn for the absolute worse.

 First time I met him it was coffee....second time I saw his house.


Second time? Why?

I have been with my guy 12 years. I never did the online hook up thing. However, if I did and the guy showed up taking the bus, he's out of shape and smelling of cigarette smoke, the meeting would not last one second past 10 mins, let alone meet him a second time at his house.

Fuck Dovey, were you on drugs at the time?

Shen Li

Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487641 time=1670978006 user_id=3381
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=487543 time=1670953603 user_id=3214
Even Vitty is seen as MAGA to them for not towing the line to the letter.

That's because they use that term as a generic pejorative. In their world being associated with Trump, deservedly or not, is the worst thing they can throw at you. He's their ultimate nemesis; their perpetual avatar of everything that's "bad".

To me it seems like it's just fucking lazy.

They can't be bothered (or are inadequately equipped) to debate issues or topics on their own merits so they just chuck someone into the box labeled "Trump-adjacent" and that frees them from having to prove anything or listen to anything that person says. They aren't even *supposed* to engage with those icky Trump-adjacent people... they're afraid they might get MAGA cooties or some shit.

So from then on it's just automatic derision and immature insults and blinkered avoidance.

They labor under the delusion that it's less stressful than actually thinking but in reality maintaining that elevated level of pompous anger and sanctimonious judgement based on literally nothing is corrosive.

It's slowly melting their brains.

I'm tempted to care about it now and then but then remember that I'm just a MAGA Trumper right-wing zealot to them so I just point and laugh instead.

As the Joker once said:

"You get what you fucking deserve!"


American and Canadian democracy is a fucking joke. Singapore is a multiracial society with a sustainable model.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487641 time=1670978006 user_id=3381
As the Joker once said:

"You get what you fucking deserve!"


I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487643 time=1670981229 user_id=3381
Quote from: Dove post_id=487642 time=1670978326 user_id=3266
 I wonder sometimes what they believe the end goal is. Throw us all in gulags and have utopia?  Corporate and government meshed togther giving everyone their daily agendas and proper talking points?  

 Do they even KNOW what kind of world they want? They really are building a hateful, hostile authoritarian one.

They're only 100% sure of what, or rather who, they're against.

That's all that matters.

Anyone who hates the same people they hate is okay in their eyes.

They'll overlook any amount of corruption, forgive any unspeakable act as long as that person appears to be the enemy of their enemies.

If -and this is a huge if- you can ever get them to stop condemning a specific person and start discussing an issue they begin floundering immediately.

They don't know and don't care about anything except who they are (subjectively) better than.

You can't debate with them because they aren't really knowledgeable about silly things like facts and logic.

They only know who they hate, rationality be damned.

 How do people get like this?

 I watched this old interview with a Russian defector....I cant remember his name. Yuri something. He talked about ideological subversion and demoralizing the people and how once that happens....truth, facts, mean nothing.

 Paired with what I read about the psychology of genocide it's all pretty scary.

 I find myself a bit hyper defense when some one starts complaining about Trump and I have to really talk myself through it because my knee jerk is it's one of them....the bots. Not always the case clearly but that does kinda "trigger" that in my brain. That "oh man here we go" switch.

 And its not that I have no complaints about Trump. I definately do.....but they are rooted in reality. But it's like, I need to feel "safe" before I start criticizing any "maga" people.  Like I dont feel safe at all around those people.

 Isnt that stupid? LOL. I keep hoping that something will click with them but it never does.

 They are legit over looking women being stripped of our rights and protections and the sexualizing of children. It's just horrific.  

 And they dont debate anything. They flounder and get angry.

 This is a typical Trump hater">
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487644 time=1670983770 user_id=3389
Quote from: Dove post_id=487638 time=1670977682 user_id=3266

 I mean you said it. About a week. Then I met him and it started a turn for the absolute worse.

 First time I met him it was coffee....second time I saw his house.


Second time? Why?

I have been with my guy 12 years. I never did the online hook up thing. However, if I did and the guy showed up taking the bus, he's out of shape and smelling of cigarette smoke, the meeting would not last one second past 10 mins, let alone meet him a second time at his house.

Fuck Dovey, were you on drugs at the time?

 I hear you. I wish I could blame it on drugs. Even if I was on drugs I'd have to own it. It was my bad judgement.

 The first time I met him I had already been in Chicago visiting friends. So I met him at a Target and we went to the Starbucks. He walked to meet me, said he lived a few blocks away.  I thought nothing of it. I walk when I can as well. He had a baggy hoody on....just looked pretty normal. We had coffee. Hung out for a few hours and I went home.

 Nothing about it set off my alarms....that came the second time and with background checks and the pathological level lies contradicting.

 He would talk about running errands. Taking his kids places. Picking things up. Like normal people. For about 2 weeks he did sell it. I really wasnt expecting lies that insane.

  This is weird I know but this actually saved my marriage. Poofer being a psycho gave my husband and I a common enemy and we became friends again and from there just worked things out.  Of course that doesnt mean I'm glad I did it.  It was idiotic and embarrassing. Unfortunately the entire drama had to be on forums probably that was the only medium of communication that was still open for him.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=487659 time=1670991000 user_id=3266
 And they dont debate anything. They flounder and get angry.

That's how you know they didn't reach a conclusion or form an opinion on their own.

They didn't actually think it through or critically examine the facts or verify anything.

They accepted whatever somebody (probably a media personality or a pundit brought onto the media stage specifically to present a particular narrative) told them on its face and that was that.

It's also why it's so difficult/impossible to change their minds; their minds were never part of the equation to begin with.

They merely absorb the narrative offered by a source they trust and stick it straight into the 'belief' bin with no thinking necessary; trying to introduce thinking after the fact only causes discomfort and confusion.

They don't call it television "programming" for no reason. LoL


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487664 time=1670994600 user_id=3381
Quote from: Dove post_id=487659 time=1670991000 user_id=3266
 And they dont debate anything. They flounder and get angry.

That's how you know they didn't reach a conclusion or form an opinion on their own.

They didn't actually think it through or critically examine the facts or verify anything.

They accepted whatever somebody (probably a media personality or a pundit brought onto the media stage specifically to present a particular narrative) told them on its face and that was that.

It's also why it's so difficult/impossible to change their minds; their minds were never part of the equation to begin with.

They merely absorb the narrative offered by a source they trust and stick it straight into the 'belief' bin with no thinking necessary; trying to introduce thinking after the fact only causes discomfort and confusion.

They don't call it television "programming" for no reason. LoL

I said it before, but my dad had dealings with Trump, and my dad was enthralled with all the chicks at the time in Philadelphia which Trump hired and sometimes fired.

Black, brown, or yellow... Trump fucked up the East Coast business scene.

Now he's a racist... go figure.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487643 time=1670981229 user_id=3381
Quote from: Dove post_id=487642 time=1670978326 user_id=3266
 I wonder sometimes what they believe the end goal is. Throw us all in gulags and have utopia?  Corporate and government meshed togther giving everyone their daily agendas and proper talking points?  

 Do they even KNOW what kind of world they want? They really are building a hateful, hostile authoritarian one.

They're only 100% sure of what, or rather who, they're against.

That's all that matters.

Anyone who hates the same people they hate is okay in their eyes.

They'll overlook any amount of corruption, forgive any unspeakable act as long as that person appears to be the enemy of their enemies.

If -and this is a huge if- you can ever get them to stop condemning a specific person and start discussing an issue they begin floundering immediately.

They don't know and don't care about anything except who they are (subjectively) better than.

You can't debate with them because they aren't really knowledgeable about silly things like facts and logic.

They only know who they hate, rationality be damned.

Dove and I have also posted about this very same topic over there several times.  It is good to hear someone else reached similar conclusions.  Heck, you seem to be somewhat left of center but at least based in reality.