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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

avatar_Erica Mena

Poofer is being a messy queen

Started by Erica Mena, December 11, 2022, 01:18:11 PM

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Quote from: Dove post_id=487659 time=1670991000 user_id=3266
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487643 time=1670981229 user_id=3381

They're only 100% sure of what, or rather who, they're against.

That's all that matters.

Anyone who hates the same people they hate is okay in their eyes.

They'll overlook any amount of corruption, forgive any unspeakable act as long as that person appears to be the enemy of their enemies.

If -and this is a huge if- you can ever get them to stop condemning a specific person and start discussing an issue they begin floundering immediately.

They don't know and don't care about anything except who they are (subjectively) better than.

You can't debate with them because they aren't really knowledgeable about silly things like facts and logic.

They only know who they hate, rationality be damned.

 How do people get like this?

 I watched this old interview with a Russian defector....I cant remember his name. Yuri something. He talked about ideological subversion and demoralizing the people and how once that happens....truth, facts, mean nothing.

 Paired with what I read about the psychology of genocide it's all pretty scary.

 I find myself a bit hyper defense when some one starts complaining about Trump and I have to really talk myself through it because my knee jerk is it's one of them....the bots. Not always the case clearly but that does kinda "trigger" that in my brain. That "oh man here we go" switch.

 And its not that I have no complaints about Trump. I definately do.....but they are rooted in reality. But it's like, I need to feel "safe" before I start criticizing any "maga" people.  Like I dont feel safe at all around those people.

 Isnt that stupid? LOL. I keep hoping that something will click with them but it never does.

 They are legit over looking women being stripped of our rights and protections and the sexualizing of children. It's just horrific.  

 And they dont debate anything. They flounder and get angry.

 This is a typical Trump hater">

Dove, I think you are talking about Yuri Bezmenov who was a Russia defector and former KGB agent.  I believe he defected in 1972 and most of his interviews, videos, and lectures are from the 1980's when he was a professor at some university in the U.S..  I highly recommend everyone watch it because he exains how the ideological subversion and demoralization process works and, yes, you can really see it happen among the more radical segments of the left today.


Notice how in the 1985 interview he speaks about Marxist/Leninist terms like "equality" and "social justice".


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=487668 time=1670997772 user_id=3374
Quote from: Dove post_id=487659 time=1670991000 user_id=3266

 How do people get like this?

 I watched this old interview with a Russian defector....I cant remember his name. Yuri something. He talked about ideological subversion and demoralizing the people and how once that happens....truth, facts, mean nothing.

 Paired with what I read about the psychology of genocide it's all pretty scary.

 I find myself a bit hyper defense when some one starts complaining about Trump and I have to really talk myself through it because my knee jerk is it's one of them....the bots. Not always the case clearly but that does kinda "trigger" that in my brain. That "oh man here we go" switch.

 And its not that I have no complaints about Trump. I definately do.....but they are rooted in reality. But it's like, I need to feel "safe" before I start criticizing any "maga" people.  Like I dont feel safe at all around those people.

 Isnt that stupid? LOL. I keep hoping that something will click with them but it never does.

 They are legit over looking women being stripped of our rights and protections and the sexualizing of children. It's just horrific.  

 And they dont debate anything. They flounder and get angry.

 This is a typical Trump hater">

Dove, I think you are talking about Yuri Bezmenov who was a Russia defector and former KGB agent.  I believe he defected in 1972 and most of his interviews, videos, and lectures are from the 1980's when he was a professor at some university in the U.S..  I highly recommend everyone watch it because he exains how the ideological subversion and demoralization process works and, yes, you can really see it happen among the more radical segments of the left today.


Notice how in the 1985 interview he speaks about Marxist/Leninist terms like "equality" and "social justice".

 Yep.....that's the one.

 I've also been looking at all the creepy research and resources our government poured into mind control. Controling messaging and narrative.  

 They didnt do all that for no reason. And the timing makes sense for us to see this level of drooling programmed tards now.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487664 time=1670994600 user_id=3381
That's how you know they didn't reach a conclusion or form an opinion on their own.

They didn't actually think it through or critically examine the facts or verify anything.

no way.... so you thought your avatar was cool enough to use as an avatar.... and i thought your avatar was so cool that i had to tell you how cool it was.... and you think my opinion is so wrong that it convinced you that we're BOTH wrong and you changed your fuckin avatar??? that hurts, brother.... lmmfao....  :laugh:


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=487667 time=1670997199 user_id=3374
Dove and I have also posted about this very same topic over there several times.  It is good to hear someone else reached similar conclusions.  Heck, you seem to be somewhat left of center but at least based in reality.

I'd be considered waaay left of center on most issues, especially in 'Murica's political climate today.

But not because that's where my "team" is or because I followed someone there.

I try to look at issues objectively and holistically and sometimes that's where my conclusions take me.

I care fuckall about any specific -isms or partisan/tribal nonsense.


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487694 time=1671027358 user_id=1582
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487664 time=1670994600 user_id=3381
That's how you know they didn't reach a conclusion or form an opinion on their own.

They didn't actually think it through or critically examine the facts or verify anything.

no way.... so you thought your avatar was cool enough to use as an avatar.... and i thought your avatar was so cool that i had to tell you how cool it was.... and you think my opinion is so wrong that it convinced you that we're BOTH wrong and you changed your fuckin avatar??? that hurts, brother.... lmmfao....  :laugh:

Nah, I recently acquired a piece of software that I happened to notice could generate QCR codes and save them as .png files.

So I generated a couple of them and started using 'em as avatars before I realized my old-ass cell phone doesn't 'do' QCR codes, at least not without installing a fucking app which I'm not about to do.

Then I just sort of forgot about it. LoL

I'll be changing my avatars for the holidays anyway, then afterward back to one of the ol' standards.


Quote from: Dove post_id=487691 time=1671026544 user_id=3266
 I've also been looking at all the creepy research and resources our government poured into mind control. Controling messaging and narrative.  

 They didnt do all that for no reason. And the timing makes sense for us to see this level of drooling programmed tards now.

You have no idea lol. I been trying to tell folks for nearly 2 decades lol. Its why I have the avatar I do, with Rowdy Piper from the movie They Live. Have you seen that movie?

This shit been going on since the 1960's minimum. Do you remember back when we only had 3 channels lol? And at the end of the night, the station would sign off? They would play the National Anthem, and then we would have static. Well, when the lyrics would flash across the screen, the letters would rotate, and as they did, other messages were in there. Like "dont question government" and shit. TOTALLY like They Live. Now shit aint analog no more, its all digital, harder to detect I imagine.

Watch this shit!!!

I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=487702 time=1671029873 user_id=2221
Quote from: Dove post_id=487691 time=1671026544 user_id=3266
 I've also been looking at all the creepy research and resources our government poured into mind control. Controling messaging and narrative.  

 They didnt do all that for no reason. And the timing makes sense for us to see this level of drooling programmed tards now.

You have no idea lol. I been trying to tell folks for nearly 2 decades lol. Its why I have the avatar I do, with Rowdy Piper from the movie They Live. Have you seen that movie?

This shit been going on since the 1960's minimum. Do you remember back when we only had 3 channels lol? And at the end of the night, the station would sign off? They would play the National Anthem, and then we would have static. Well, when the lyrics would flash across the screen, the letters would rotate, and as they did, other messages were in there. Like "dont question government" and shit. TOTALLY like They Live. Now shit aint analog no more, its all digital, harder to detect I imagine.

Watch this shit!!!


 Yep. I know about all of that.

 I always feel creeped out by older broadcasts like that....just something creepy about them. Besides the MK Ultra lol.

 I'm just saying they didnt start all that and invest in it for no fucking reason.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487694 time=1671027358 user_id=1582
no way.... so you thought your avatar was cool enough to use as an avatar.... and i thought your avatar was so cool that i had to tell you how cool it was.... and you think my opinion is so wrong that it convinced you that we're BOTH wrong and you changed your fuckin avatar??? that hurts, brother.... lmmfao....  :laugh:

How's this one?

Shen Li

Quote from: Dove post_id=487661 time=1670991612 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=487644 time=1670983770 user_id=3389

Second time? Why?

I have been with my guy 12 years. I never did the online hook up thing. However, if I did and the guy showed up taking the bus, he's out of shape and smelling of cigarette smoke, the meeting would not last one second past 10 mins, let alone meet him a second time at his house.

Fuck Dovey, were you on drugs at the time?

 I hear you. I wish I could blame it on drugs. Even if I was on drugs I'd have to own it. It was my bad judgement.

 The first time I met him I had already been in Chicago visiting friends. So I met him at a Target and we went to the Starbucks. He walked to meet me, said he lived a few blocks away.  I thought nothing of it. I walk when I can as well. He had a baggy hoody on....just looked pretty normal. We had coffee. Hung out for a few hours and I went home.

 Nothing about it set off my alarms....that came the second time and with background checks and the pathological level lies contradicting.

 He would talk about running errands. Taking his kids places. Picking things up. Like normal people. For about 2 weeks he did sell it. I really wasnt expecting lies that insane.

  This is weird I know but this actually saved my marriage. Poofer being a psycho gave my husband and I a common enemy and we became friends again and from there just worked things out.  Of course that doesnt mean I'm glad I did it.  It was idiotic and embarrassing. Unfortunately the entire drama had to be on forums probably that was the only medium of communication that was still open for him.

I can't believe there was a second meeting. Poofter is a loser.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487738 time=1671040924 user_id=3381
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487694 time=1671027358 user_id=1582
no way.... so you thought your avatar was cool enough to use as an avatar.... and i thought your avatar was so cool that i had to tell you how cool it was.... and you think my opinion is so wrong that it convinced you that we're BOTH wrong and you changed your fuckin avatar??? that hurts, brother.... lmmfao....  :laugh:

How's this one?

it looks more like a garden gnome than santa.... but i hate santa so i like it....  :laugh:


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487909 time=1671136141 user_id=1582
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487738 time=1671040924 user_id=3381
How's this one?

it looks more like a garden gnome than santa.... but i hate santa so i like it....  :laugh:

Dammit I may be short but I'm not *that* short.


Besides I thought it made me look more like Tim Allen's Santa character than anything.

Oh the lies we tell ourselves...


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487914 time=1671136504 user_id=3381
Besides I thought it made me look more like Tim Allen's Santa character than anything.

Oh the lies we tell ourselves...

in addition to hating santa, i hate everything xmas including movies.... but i googled tim allen santa and you're the spitting image, ya handsome bastard....  :laugh:


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487917 time=1671137243 user_id=1582
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487914 time=1671136504 user_id=3381
Besides I thought it made me look more like Tim Allen's Santa character than anything.

Oh the lies we tell ourselves...

in addition to hating santa, i hate everything xmas including movies.... but i googled tim allen santa and you're the spitting image, ya handsome bastard....  :laugh:

I'm more of a Halloween type guy personally.

XMas itself doesn't do much for me but I like how other people react to it.

Ordinarily I'm allergic to saccharine nonsense so I make up for this holiday by poasting my standard "clown on a cross" image during easter.

It's a real crowd pleaser.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=487919 time=1671139158 user_id=3381
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487917 time=1671137243 user_id=1582

in addition to hating santa, i hate everything xmas including movies.... but i googled tim allen santa and you're the spitting image, ya handsome bastard....  :laugh:

I'm more of a Halloween type guy personally.

XMas itself doesn't do much for me but I like how other people react to it.

Ordinarily I'm allergic to saccharine nonsense so I make up for this holiday by poasting my standard "clown on a cross" image during easter.

It's a real crowd pleaser.

i like halloween too.... for alot of different reasons.... but i do love God so i feel somewhat conflicted about halloween.... xmas though is advertized as a christian holiday and its totally not.... i prefer holidays that are upfront in their intentions....  :laugh:


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=487922 time=1671141142 user_id=1582
i like halloween too.... for alot of different reasons.... but i do love God so i feel somewhat conflicted about halloween.... xmas though is advertized as a christian holiday and its totally not.... i prefer holidays that are upfront in their intentions....  :laugh:

Every day I'm still breathing and can find something at which to laugh is a holiday in my book.

As far as I'm concerned the rest of it is just all the other shaved apes making excuses to party. Heh

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