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avatar_Erica Mena

People not acting their “culture”

Started by Erica Mena, December 15, 2022, 06:07:08 PM

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Erica Mena



Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=488011 time=1671155477 user_id=2845
Not Beckisha :roll:

 Beckisha and her baby daddy Dusty

My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=488007 time=1671154803 user_id=2221

I've wanted to see that movie lol.

Really  that is what they now call a "Classic" movie  it makes you feel old LOL.


If you live in a hardcore  part of the burbs or the city why not just join the Military and get a free college education or a skilled trade to get out of it?


Acting hard and being stupid when there is a way out makes no sense  to me...I hope those people popping rounds know that what goes up must come down? ac_umm">">">


Put this song over the other video and you get other vibes...People  fight for stupid shite all the time and that is proven throughout history itself... It is the hope just maybe some people might learn something through it all that is the goal.


Shen Li

Are African-Americans who didn't vote for Joe Biden still allowed to claim to be Black?


I have a strong accent so I´m automatically from the hood in America. ac_cool

Erica Mena

Quote from: Odinson post_id=488019 time=1671160363 user_id=136
I have a strong accent so I´m automatically from the hood in America. ac_cool


You love us here, don't you Odi  :laugh:


Quote from: Dove post_id=488012 time=1671155570 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=488011 time=1671155477 user_id=2845
Not Beckisha :roll:

 Beckisha and her baby daddy Dusty




Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=488020 time=1671160396 user_id=2845
Quote from: Odinson post_id=488019 time=1671160363 user_id=136
I have a strong accent so I´m automatically from the hood in America. ac_cool


You love us here, don't you Odi  :laugh:



Quote from: weebles post_id=488015 time=1671156854 user_id=2191
If you live in a hardcore  part of the burbs or the city why not just join the Military and get a free college education or a skilled trade to get out of it?


Acting hard and being stupid when there is a way out makes no sense  to me...I hope those people popping rounds know that what goes up must come down? ac_umm">">">

Sadly those stupid piece of fertilizers can't even be trusted with a piece of plastic, but yea, aside from 10% probably that had no choice, most likely 90% are morons thinking their badass by causing trouble and the good folks have to clean and put up the aftermath, nothing but immature low-life cowards.  :sdfjh(2):
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=487933 time=1671145628 user_id=2845
Does it irk you to see people act out of their race? Like seeing whites act black or Mexicans act black?

I don't know every person's story I meet, so I just give them the benefit of the doubt. Wankers make themselves known very quickly anyway.


Quote from: Dove post_id=488009 time=1671155328 user_id=3266
Quote from: Blazor post_id=488005 time=1671153816 user_id=2221

Lol, my Mom loved Motown music, and we lived around lots of Blacks, so a lot were our friends. You didnt wanna make my Mom mad, cause when she got mad, her "Soul Sista" came out  :laugh:

Other than that, I was raised to be real clean too.

 My grandmother loved Motown. She was a Detroit native :D

 She still had no tolerance for hood speak. She wanted us well read and well spoken. The older way of our parents generation, "hood speak" was different. It changed when rap became popular.  At least it did here in Michigan.

 And yeah the clean thing.....she was really intense about that. Not like abusive neat freak at all....but I was taught to be clean and tidy.

 I can tell when a white person who is NOT from the hood tries to sound hood...and it's so cringey. Beckisha lol

I mean, I didnt walk around talking hood all the time lol, jus' around my friends. I blame Hip Hop's arrival in the late 80's lol.

Prolly a good thing I lived with my Great Grandparents til I was 5, Great Grandma is the one that raised me proper. Teaching me manners and going to church and all. That was on the weekdays and Sundays.

My Great Aunt would pick me up on Friday, and I would stay with her til we all met up for church. She would take me by the store and let me pick out one candy, I would normally get Sixlets lol. She also always treated me to a country ham biscuit every Saturday morning. I credit her for my love of animals, and love for primitive living. Her home, which was a one room plywood shack, with roofing shingles for siding, no electric, no indoor plumbing, oil lamp for light, and pot belly stove for heat. She had more animals than you Dovey  :laugh:  She lost half of them, and everything she did own, in the flood. The ones that survived, she had put on top of the roof of the shack, while she clung to a telephone pole.

Later in life when I lived with Mom, I always had to keep my room clean and tidy. By the age of 9, I had SO many frickin' chores lol. And I would get grounded, if I didnt have them started within 30 minutes of getting home from school.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: weebles post_id=488014 time=1671156288 user_id=2191
Quote from: Blazor post_id=488007 time=1671154803 user_id=2221

I've wanted to see that movie lol.

Really  that is what they now call a "Classic" movie  it makes you feel old LOL.

Its a classic now!?  :oeudC:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: weebles post_id=488015 time=1671156854 user_id=2191
If you live in a hardcore  part of the burbs or the city why not just join the Military and get a free college education or a skilled trade to get out of it?


Acting hard and being stupid when there is a way out makes no sense  to me...I hope those people popping rounds know that what goes up must come down? ac_umm">">">

 There is a game at night we played called "gun shots or fireworks" lol.

 People are raised in that, Weebs. Detroit schools are total shit, they dont even teach the kids to read. They claim its funding....but I didnt spend anything to teach my kids to READ.  

 Kids as young as 9 get recruited into gangs there. That's why. The culture is terrible.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

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