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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

avatar_Erica Mena

Opinions please

Started by Erica Mena, December 20, 2022, 02:59:16 PM

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Quote from: Blazor post_id=489022 time=1672064852 user_id=2221
My Wife was glad I managed the money I made. She wouldnt of been able to lol. For one, Math is something she wasnt good at. For two, she blew all hers lol. People might say Im so tight that I squeak when I walk, but my bills are paid, and I can afford a beer lol.

When I think about it, most Women I know, aint very good with money lol. I say "most", Im sure some are good lol. My Great Grandma was good with it, but after that, nope. Grandma wasnt, Mom wasnt, Sister wasnt, Wife wasnt, and I know my friend's Wife aint, nor his daughter. My Dad's wife aint. Those jus' off the top of my head lol.

My old lady is good with money. She makes good coin and invests wisely.


When it's me being paid to manage or oversee money or resources, it's a job I'm good at.

When it's my money, it's a chore and feels tedious. I don't like it but I do it when necessary. If it's our money, I surrender and let the wife do what she will... unless it's a really really bad idea, then we get snarky with each other and she generally gets her way. Lulz


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=489111 time=1672107191 user_id=2845
Quote from: Blazor post_id=489046 time=1672072230 user_id=2221

You must be a good girl, and get on your knees  :2i760jm:

haha, I kid, I kid.

Fo' sho' you should never change who you are. I do know "compromise" is key to a relationship, til its too much compromise in favor of one or the other.

Like I said, I will never be that demure preachers wife. Not gonna happen.

who ever came up with that subjection crap ... was an idiot!!!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Dont have to be totally obedient but... Do know when to shut up, dear.  ac_biggrin


Quote from: Blazor post_id=489022 time=1672064852 user_id=2221
My Wife was glad I managed the money I made. She wouldnt of been able to lol. For one, Math is something she wasnt good at. For two, she blew all hers lol. People might say Im so tight that I squeak when I walk, but my bills are paid, and I can afford a beer lol.

When I think about it, most Women I know, aint very good with money lol. I say "most", Im sure some are good lol. My Great Grandma was good with it, but after that, nope. Grandma wasnt, Mom wasnt, Sister wasnt, Wife wasnt, and I know my friend's Wife aint, nor his daughter. My Dad's wife aint. Those jus' off the top of my head lol.

 My mother is a complete retard with money.  

 One night while I was asleep she went into my purse and got the bank card for her account (it's in my name because the doctor feels she needs a that's me) and wrote down the numbers.

 Then she sits and orders shit all night. Blows her money and than relies on us for shit she needs.

 I didnt even get the money for bills this month before she fucking blew it all. She ordered 8 heating blankets. A bunch of skin stuff she doesnt even use. She bought a mat for 60 dollars (10 for 70 bucks) thinking she could put it on the couch and sleep on it. There is no way that would work and this dumb ass bought it.

 And she smokes and spends like 60 bucks a week. Everytime we go to the store she wants a bunch of stuff


 I get after her and she whines about being "bossed around" and having her money "controlled".

 It's at the point where we are going to just let her go without and not cover her at all if she wont stop blowing through her money.

 I'm gonna have to stay up until midnight on the 2nd so when her benefits hit I can hurry up and move her portion of the bills and groceries. Then if she blows it....shes gonna have to suffer. I feel like shes infantizing herself and taking advantage of us.  

 She claims sometimes she "always had her bills paid" and I have no clue where she gets that. I've watched her never hold a job and rely on family and then get married and stay home and do absolutely nothing for 20 years. She never handled their bills.....I handled her bills more than she has.  Her ex actually blocked her from the bank account because she just spends money. And she called that "financial abuse".  So no doubt shes gonna be accuse me of "financial abuse".

 It will be 1am....and shes just thinking of shit and ordering it. She has gone to these sketchy sites and got her last account hacked. It's just so irresponsible it blows my mind.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Erica Mena

I don't know how you do it, Dovey.


I always pay my bills on time because of the net-bank thing.

"unconfirmed bills".

I just check the box and hit enter.

There is an automatic option but I like confirming them.


Quote from: Dove post_id=489264 time=1672279308 user_id=3266
Quote from: Blazor post_id=489022 time=1672064852 user_id=2221
My Wife was glad I managed the money I made. She wouldnt of been able to lol. For one, Math is something she wasnt good at. For two, she blew all hers lol. People might say Im so tight that I squeak when I walk, but my bills are paid, and I can afford a beer lol.

When I think about it, most Women I know, aint very good with money lol. I say "most", Im sure some are good lol. My Great Grandma was good with it, but after that, nope. Grandma wasnt, Mom wasnt, Sister wasnt, Wife wasnt, and I know my friend's Wife aint, nor his daughter. My Dad's wife aint. Those jus' off the top of my head lol.

 My mother is a complete retard with money.  

 One night while I was asleep she went into my purse and got the bank card for her account (it's in my name because the doctor feels she needs a that's me) and wrote down the numbers.

 Then she sits and orders shit all night. Blows her money and than relies on us for shit she needs.

 I didnt even get the money for bills this month before she fucking blew it all. She ordered 8 heating blankets. A bunch of skin stuff she doesnt even use. She bought a mat for 60 dollars (10 for 70 bucks) thinking she could put it on the couch and sleep on it. There is no way that would work and this dumb ass bought it.

 And she smokes and spends like 60 bucks a week. Everytime we go to the store she wants a bunch of stuff


 I get after her and she whines about being "bossed around" and having her money "controlled".

 It's at the point where we are going to just let her go without and not cover her at all if she wont stop blowing through her money.

 I'm gonna have to stay up until midnight on the 2nd so when her benefits hit I can hurry up and move her portion of the bills and groceries. Then if she blows it....shes gonna have to suffer. I feel like shes infantizing herself and taking advantage of us.  

 She claims sometimes she "always had her bills paid" and I have no clue where she gets that. I've watched her never hold a job and rely on family and then get married and stay home and do absolutely nothing for 20 years. She never handled their bills.....I handled her bills more than she has.  Her ex actually blocked her from the bank account because she just spends money. And she called that "financial abuse".  So no doubt shes gonna be accuse me of "financial abuse".

 It will be 1am....and shes just thinking of shit and ordering it. She has gone to these sketchy sites and got her last account hacked. It's just so irresponsible it blows my mind.

Do what ya gotta do. If she wants to smoke cigs n be able to LIVE with heat and food, she needs to quit that sneaky shit n let you do what you gotta do.

And when she gets mad, make her smoke some weed  :laugh:

You want some edibles? My dude makes shit look like chocolate bars, she be out in no time after a case of the giggles and the munchies  :laugh:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=488376 time=1671566356 user_id=2845
Should a couple go halves on mortgage/rent and bills or is it only right that the man pay for everything?

I feel it's only right since he's the "man" of the house.

we have a joint accout and both earn about the same but have two seperate gift accounts


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=489274 time=1672280489 user_id=2845
I don't know how you do it, Dovey.

 I honestly dont know how I'm doing this either  :oeudC:

 One time while I was living on gulf coast, their electricity was shut off....they owed almost 800 hundred dollars.

 So like a dumbass I called and paid it. And the reason it was shut off is because her and her dumb husband were drunks and they would buy beer before paying their bills....he would wait until they got shut off notices and than pay the lowest amount possible to keep it that balance just kept rolling over. This month they claimed they didnt have anything to pay it with at all but you can bet they had beer.

 I once did the math and he was spending 640 something a month on beer.  They were hardly paying rent and the land lady ran a shop underneath the apartment and they reeeaalllyy took advantage of her. She should have evicted them MANY times. I think she felt bad for my mom and that's why she didnt.   She loved me and my kids and that's probably another reason why. Whenever I stayed there I gave her my half of the rent every month. Their rent? You will die......525 a month. That's IT. And they STILL didnt pay it. 640 a month on beer and no rent money.  :oeudC:

 When I got into it with him I brought the beer bill up....and he fired back by telling me that he returned the bottles and used that money. Dude. He bought an 18 pack of Labatts for my mom and a 6 pack of Corona for himself. Every. Single. Night.  Returning bottles does not cancel the cost of buying the shit like that.

 I have so many wacky stories about those could be a comic strip series.

 They had cats and he wouldnt buy cat litter so he just left the boxes to mummify. And mom never did shit.   Not even joking. I bought new cat boxes and litter when I moved back to Michigan and stayed with them. The cats were not even going in their boxes at all. I had to throw out 4 large rugs (they had hardwood flooring and rugs...the cats pissed all over the rugs so badly it was garbage).  I'm doing this and my mother is just sitting at the table going "oh was that bad?" Like WTF do you think?! Of course it's bad. Shes blaming HIM. Her reasons for never cleaning? Well he "cleans over" her anyway.   :dash1:  

 These are (or were....he died last year of cardiac failure) two people who were able to skip through life drunk and immature without ever having to ever face any real consequences.  And my ignorance and my need for validation....enabled them both for a long time.

 Even his death is because he was irresponsible. He had a widow make heart attack 11 years ago. Got taken for emergency surgery and had a stent placed. When he was released from the hospital he chucked his meds. Didnt follow up with a cardiologist. Went right back to drinking and managed to suck air for another decade....with that same stent in his heart....before he finally dropped dead on the kitchen floor in front of the guy he was renting a room from.

 You cant go through something that serious and run around with a stent in there and just fuck off the doctor. It's a fucking miracle he even lived that long like that.

 You have no idea how much trolling material I have picked up that is based on my actual family and real life events lol

 When I introduced Big to my family (and you know I'm serious when i introduce people i like to my "parents") step father wanted to go to the pub with Big, shoot pool and have "guy time". And Big...bless his big heart...went. And put up with listening to my step father trash me the entire time. :oeudC:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=489286 time=1672281558 user_id=2221
Quote from: Dove post_id=489264 time=1672279308 user_id=3266

 My mother is a complete retard with money.  

 One night while I was asleep she went into my purse and got the bank card for her account (it's in my name because the doctor feels she needs a that's me) and wrote down the numbers.

 Then she sits and orders shit all night. Blows her money and than relies on us for shit she needs.

 I didnt even get the money for bills this month before she fucking blew it all. She ordered 8 heating blankets. A bunch of skin stuff she doesnt even use. She bought a mat for 60 dollars (10 for 70 bucks) thinking she could put it on the couch and sleep on it. There is no way that would work and this dumb ass bought it.

 And she smokes and spends like 60 bucks a week. Everytime we go to the store she wants a bunch of stuff


 I get after her and she whines about being "bossed around" and having her money "controlled".

 It's at the point where we are going to just let her go without and not cover her at all if she wont stop blowing through her money.

 I'm gonna have to stay up until midnight on the 2nd so when her benefits hit I can hurry up and move her portion of the bills and groceries. Then if she blows it....shes gonna have to suffer. I feel like shes infantizing herself and taking advantage of us.  

 She claims sometimes she "always had her bills paid" and I have no clue where she gets that. I've watched her never hold a job and rely on family and then get married and stay home and do absolutely nothing for 20 years. She never handled their bills.....I handled her bills more than she has.  Her ex actually blocked her from the bank account because she just spends money. And she called that "financial abuse".  So no doubt shes gonna be accuse me of "financial abuse".

 It will be 1am....and shes just thinking of shit and ordering it. She has gone to these sketchy sites and got her last account hacked. It's just so irresponsible it blows my mind.

Do what ya gotta do. If she wants to smoke cigs n be able to LIVE with heat and food, she needs to quit that sneaky shit n let you do what you gotta do.

And when she gets mad, make her smoke some weed  :laugh:

You want some edibles? My dude makes shit look like chocolate bars, she be out in no time after a case of the giggles and the munchies  :laugh:

 I WISH she liked weed. That would solve everything as far as I'm concerned.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


a cocaine addiction would be more affordable than trying to satisfy the munchies in bidens economy.... :sad:


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=489374 time=1672323982 user_id=1582
a cocaine addiction would be more affordable than trying to satisfy the munchies in bidens economy.... :sad:

 Save money on groceries by using the crack diet lol.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=489375 time=1672324273 user_id=3266
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=489374 time=1672323982 user_id=1582
a cocaine addiction would be more affordable than trying to satisfy the munchies in bidens economy.... :sad:

 Save money on groceries by using the crack diet lol.

biden handed out free crackpipes to promote racial equity because demonrats know black ppl love smoking crack.... and republicans are racist....  :sad:


Quote from: Dove post_id=489373 time=1672323789 user_id=3266
Quote from: Blazor post_id=489286 time=1672281558 user_id=2221

Do what ya gotta do. If she wants to smoke cigs n be able to LIVE with heat and food, she needs to quit that sneaky shit n let you do what you gotta do.

And when she gets mad, make her smoke some weed  :laugh:

You want some edibles? My dude makes shit look like chocolate bars, she be out in no time after a case of the giggles and the munchies  :laugh:

 I WISH she liked weed. That would solve everything as far as I'm concerned.

Nestle crunch bars, rice krispy treats.... jus' sayin'  :laugh:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.