Quote from: Oerdin post_id=490151 time=1672872000 user_id=3374
Hard facts about EVs.
This has some good information. I liked the first half better than the second.
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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar
Started by Herman, December 24, 2022, 12:41:25 AM
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Quote from: Oerdin post_id=490151 time=1672872000 user_id=3374
Hard facts about EVs.
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=490150 time=1672868407 user_id=61Quote from: DKG post_id=490096 time=1672841011 user_id=3390
Doug Ford is certainly better than Ontario's alternatirves, but he is no Danielle Smith.
I'm like Doug Ford too, though Rob Ford was still my favorite politician.
Quote from: Odinson post_id=490162 time=1672884328 user_id=136
Quote from: Herman post_id=491767 time=1674095257 user_id=3396Quote from: Guest post_id=491765 time=1674095010
Workers can hold on to their vehicles, its not going to do them any good if they can't refuel/recharge them.
I don't think it will get that far...
Quote from: Herman post_id=492248 time=1674442046 user_id=3396
The whole electric vs ICE debate might become a moot point. The WEF in Davos reveals a new plan for no more private care ownership.
The era of cars as the ultimate tool for personal freedom and mobility will, if the future the World Economic Forum (WEF) envisions comes to pass, soon be over. Cars will be something you ask to borrow and the cloud will be taking the wheel.
An October McKinsey study identified four trends in automotive tech, which they call ACES: autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification, and shared mobility. Regarding connectivity, the report states: "Intelligent communication within and outside of the car is a key enabler for autonomous technologies."
Regarding shared mobility, it states that the "ownership model of cars is evolving to renting and sharing as customer preferences shift."
The era of cars as the ultimate tool for personal freedom and mobility will, if the future the World Economic Forum (WEF) envisions comes to pass, soon be over. Cars will be something you ask to borrow and the cloud will be taking the wheel.
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