Quote from: Lokmar post_id=490746 time=1673466599 user_id=3351Quote from: Blazor post_id=490732 time=1673455623 user_id=2221
I dont understand how they get away with shit like that. Its bypassing the Constitution.
If they come knocking, hold up a copy of the Constitution, and say "I got my permit!"
Its a BFD and I'm pissed. DemocRATs DGAF and they damned well know its unconstitutional AF and will get tossed in court. Meanwhile, they've convinced shitloads of people to register their guns and mags or to get rid of them altogether. Pistol mags over 15 rounds are instantly illegal. Supposedly, FOID cards wont be issued for under 21. If you have any have any ghost guns, they must be serialized. Now, you cant even make your own guns even if you voluntarily serialize them. If you own a shotgun that holds more than 5 rounds, ILLEGAL! It has to be registered with the State Police and you can only transport it back and forth to your private property or gun range. 30 round mags that are moved out of state or passed onto heirs must be reported to the State Police. In short, 95% of us wont do any of this shit, making us all felons. Oh well.
That is some bullshit indeed!
I saw a good meme yesterday. Said something like "These motherfuckers lost over 30 nukes and think WE are irresponsible to have an AR" lol