Quote from: Guest post_id=491012 time=1673589772
So what if I don't? It only speaks to their obscurity as artists, I'm sure if I cared to I could reel off hundreds of names you'd never heard of, but other people had. Many other people. A lot of it stuff that has been deemed too dangerous for mere mortals such as yourself to encounter on your mommy's little pocket trannie.
So why are you in my thread rabbiting on when I just wanted ID on the black guy and people to watch his reactions to our famous Aussie talents?
Quote from: Guest post_id=491012 time=1673589772
I won't miss it when it's gone you know. Radio I mean. Hell, I barely miss it now. Boomer technology, destined to wither and fail as Generation Alpha looks to other,superiormethods of content distribution. Same goes for television.
Well we like it on driving around and I am sure guys in workshops appreciate radio but I do have a USB stick with 500 down loaded songs making sure each one is a song I love. TELLIE IS INDEED SHIT but so is the net now inundated with ads.
Quote from: Guest post_id=491012 time=1673589772
Only dinosaurs will cling to it and dinosaurs go extinct, especially given the tendency of todays dinosaurs injecting themselves with poisons because their radios and televisions convinced them to. Good riddance to bad rubbish I reckon.
Good point. TV had potential to educate the masses rather than indoctrinate but discerning viewers will watch the good stuff and turn a channel over on rubbish... plus how can a person watch Survivor without a TV .... we have Giant TV IN 3 rooms... you know modern TV'S are actually computers and you can use them as such, right Dinosaurus?
Tell me again why every post you respond to is some type of pissing contest again... did you ever learn cordiality? Hmmmm?