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The meaning behind Father Figure

Started by Erica Mena, January 21, 2023, 08:38:23 PM

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Quote from: caskur post_id=493061 time=1675047047 user_id=2156
Quote from: Guest post_id=492974 time=1674978716
Bum bandits have been buggering each other throughout recorded history. As has been previously noted, this even applied to Jesus in the Ethiopian translations of the bible where unredacted verses hint him to have indulged in pederasty. And yeah, he got nailed to the cross, but it was for pissing off the government, not because he stuck his willy twixt a boy's buttocks.

Far too many people were doing it back then to prosecute it, even if the heebs were going nuts on social media about the practice. Flash forward 2000 years and their descendants are getting found out for raping boys in New York synagogues with no oversight from the gods and all too few of the faithful actually willing to break the sixth commandment on their behalf.

 so because Ethiopian translations hinted at Jesus committing faggitry it must be true? Your insanity is complete... :sdfjh(2):

Project much? I'm not the one madly insisting the legitimacy of what might very well be fairytales, that would be your job. I'm simply throwing it out there to watch you dodge it, and you certainly don't disappoint me there. I know it's an inconvenient argument for you, kind of like the sixth commandment apparently is, but I've asserted before that I'm agnostic and in  the absence of compelling evidence from you or anyone else on the topic, an agnostic is how I remain. No belief in a god, no belief in its absence either... nobody has ever proved it to me one way or another that any of it actually happened or that it didn't.

No doubt you'll continue to assure me that your favoured cherrypickings are the only message that should be considered, but I can hear that same battlecry sung by countless other faiths. At the end of the day, that is all they are... faiths, with little if anything concrete to back them up. Heck, I've even heard argument made that Jesus was a fabrication of the Romans, invented for the explicit purpose of the deification of Romano heads of state to a point where they might be represented in Jewish temples in defiance of the first and second commandments, kind of ironic considering its parallels to the attacks made on the first and second amendments of the US constitution. At least it seems so to me. And what of the Apocryphon of John or the Gospel of Thomas? They both come from the same stock of tales that gave you the bible, they were only decreed non-canonical four centuries after the fact. That alone poses more questions than it answers. Those at the Council of Nicea didn't have boots on the ground to be realistically be confused as a "bawwthority" any more than you or I are. The same collection you wave about to support your bloodlust, I view as a potential lie by omission. I'm gonna need that matter put to bed and no amount of the "you're either with us, or you're with the wallsocket fucking kweermoes" is going to advance the argument in any direction. Especially not since some editions of the bible paint its principle prophet as a nonce.

So many threads to pick at, but as soon as anyone does so for the purposes of making any sense of the whole schemozzle, people like you go "REEEEEEE" and take to invoking leftist styled defences of casting the inquisitive as heretics. It's almost as though you don't want it settled, that you would prefer a bunch of mindlessly drooling sheep that you might point in the direction of your choosing instead of reasoned intellects that can take the playbook and accurately infer the appropriate path. Like...oh, I dunno... a solution that stood the greatest chance of doing away with the pedos and wall socket fuckers... permanently. A solution that not only took care of the mortification of existing nonces, but also provided incentive for their would be successors following in their footsteps.

You prefer what amounts to the greatest cop out in terms of seeking redress. I get it, I really fucking do. Your interest lies in the termination/cancelling of that which offends you, you don't give a damn if there are any lessons for others to learn, you certainly aren't in the business of learning any yourself. I may agree with you on certain truths we both hold dear, but this certainly isn't one of them. Logically, none of what you proposed stacks up, and while you can crap on all you like about it being called for, your very argument makes a total mockery of the bible you base it on.


Oh boy... did I strike a nerve apostate?


 Dear sovereign Lord Jehovah God...  send that hideous apostate a brain cell please...

In Jesus name I humbly ask this of you...

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


People like you C'nt don't need proof. You are not one of the sheep.... you are a goat.

If you were one of the sheep the truth would be in you and it is not.

The message is for the pure hearted ones. They are very few apparently..... - narrow and cramped is the road leading to life and few are the ones who find it.... board and spacious is the road leading to destruction and many (including you) are on it.

I don't really care because I have well and truly accepted the fact most of mankind will have a permanent dirt nap. I am not here to rescue the world..  I say, rescue yourself and I think you are incapable of it.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


I'm of the firm belief everything we've ever been instructed, preached at, told, or educated is a half truth. (Through intent and the forgetfulness of the average human lifespan).

It may even be a quarter truth... but the kernels of truth are somewhat present.

Every culture has a catastrophic flood story in the background  and if you go back far enough in archaeology, the names become more and more similar..

So there was a great flood, long before Jesus or any other spiritual leader which people subscribe to these days. And the earliest unearthed evidence shows people were using forms of high technology and looking to the stars with mathematical accuracy modern humans have only begun to master in the last 200 or so years.... or remaster.

So you godbotherers can say what you will, or try to work your historical peoples into the mix (which you learned from churches of worship and other cults).

Go for it... I'm cool with you believing in likely poppycock. Highly likely poppycock (it might still be true in a bizarre trick on humans?) it's how you framed or got your way of life framed by your ancestors.

I think the golden rule or basic commandments are pretty universal and I respect their a general way.

But I fucking think none of us know what God is and we get amnesia not long after birth because we're not meant to know and are probably in some matrix or alternative reality we seldom can sense.


QuoteI think the golden rule or basic commandments are pretty universal and I respect their a general way.

I don't bother God...

Your statement here is correct... Jesus did away with the 10 commandments and gave us two...

1. Love God whole souled ...... 2. And love your neighbour as yourself.

You are not like him... the truth is in you, I can see it. I just hope the right person can you show you the truth before the end comes....
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Trust me "God" could literally careless about any of you TBH.">
... Gw&index=2">


Quote from: weebles post_id=493183 time=1675153349 user_id=2191
Trust me "God" could literally careless about any of you TBH.">
... Gw&index=2">

 You in the end might be

 Thy Kindom Come!!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=493181 time=1675151746 user_id=2156
QuoteI think the golden rule or basic commandments are pretty universal and I respect their a general way.

I don't bother God...

Your statement here is correct... Jesus did away with the 10 commandments and gave us two...

1. Love God whole souled ...... 2. And love your neighbour as yourself.

You are not like him... the truth is in you, I can see it. I just hope the right person can you show you the truth before the end comes....

I see satan in you sometimes... but I don't believe in the concept.


Like Cascur said....its odd figuring out why women become gay.

  Most every gay male has a story of being molested or raped by an older male.

 Women though?  I can kinda guess why I experinced attraction to women. My mother sexualized me at a young age.  No I dont mean she molested me.  She told me stuff no one should ever tell a child and I saw things children shouldnt see.  

 She used to dress me up like one of Palmer girls and I still remember the sex talk she gave me was well beyond mechanics and pornographic.

 I would oppose the materials and discussions being pushed in schools regardless if I had gone through this or not.....but I know what that's like to be given sexually graphic materials and be told things like that at a young age. Its confusing and emotionally disruptive and it messed with how I viewed sex.

 I'm not sure if this why I turned out bisexual. I know that it's not healthy for me.  Its completely out of line with my values.  And men I've dated and certain ex husband treated me as some sexual prop because of it. Like because I'm bisexual that must mean I'll be down for three ways and I'm gonna want to sit and talk about sex with women.  I feel like it ruined a lot for me. There is such a pornographic focus on women having sex with other women that completely straight women will do it.

 So I've also had otherwise straight women come on to me STRONGLY at parties and such where we were all drinking. And I'm gonna say....its actually scarier to reject a drunken female than it is to reject a male.  Men can handle rejection and still be cool. Hell if they really like you, they just adjust their strategy and try again at a another time.

 Women can and do freak the fuck out of they are drunk. You have to give them excuses.

 My oldest daughter is a lesbian and she was never molested or abandoned or sexualized.  When I think abount most of the lesbians I have known they are just more masculine. I have a family friend I've known since i was a baby who is a lesbian....she isnt a bull dyke but she is very masculine and she has elevated testosterone. So maybe that's what is going.

 We are not ever gonna learn why people are homosexual because it's such a political issue that narrative is crucial to. The whole "born that way" thing. It's more important to politcs that we accept it's some normal thing so there isnt gonna be any real research about it that is sound and ethical.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Frood post_id=493188 time=1675168701 user_id=1676
Quote from: caskur post_id=493181 time=1675151746 user_id=2156

I don't bother God...

Your statement here is correct... Jesus did away with the 10 commandments and gave us two...

1. Love God whole souled ...... 2. And love your neighbour as yourself.

You are not like him... the truth is in you, I can see it. I just hope the right person can you show you the truth before the end comes....

I see satan in you sometimes... but I don't believe in the concept.

Make sure you point out my Satanic traits when you see them or how else will I ever learn?
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol



Quote from: caskur post_id=493176 time=1675145931 user_id=2156
People like you C'nt don't need proof. You are not one of the sheep.... you are a goat.

If you were one of the sheep the truth would be in you and it is not.

Ahhh, so it's just as the song says....


"it is only for sheep... cos when you're awake, you're asleep"... got it.

Quote from: caskur post_id=493176 time=1675145931 user_id=2156
...board and spacious is the road leading to destruction and many (including you) are on it.

I don't really care because I have well and truly accepted the fact most of mankind will have a permanent dirt nap. I am not here to rescue the world..  I say, rescue yourself and I think you are incapable of it.

Right, but you also thought I was going to die from hepatitis for five years in a row, additionally promising you were going to get your mongrels to take a dump on my grave. And that was with the information that I (a) did not have hepatitis and (b) was going to be cremated when I went, so perhaps your word on the ephemeral hereafter might be just as safely discounted. I already rescued myself from many tangible and identifiable threat, many of them people whose plans for me weren't ones I had for myself.

Unproven allegations of dire consequence may just as easily be a means of subjugating others, I've always held the door open for argument to prove the validity of whatever faith happens to be on the table at the time, even to the point of the occasional visit to various houses of worship. So far with about the same level of success as the standard atheist enjoys when trying to prove their faith is the one true one... so I put my faith instead in myself and those about me who have given me cause to believe in them.

Not quite sure how that makes me the Greatest Of All Time, but whatever. You aren't the first to lavish hero worship upon me where I didn't ask for it, I doubt you'll be the last.

You're way older than me for one thing.  ac_biggrin


The hex was funny and you were thoroughly paranoid until the end of the year... never try and dominate me chump... I am a master at psychological warfare... it is one of my main talents.  I COULD  crush you in a flash...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Oh and Dean was the one who labelled me the greatest flamer of all time... I say it now tongue in cheek.

And he knew what he was talking about...

It depends on how mean I want to be... but I am very kind naturally by nature.... until I am not.

You know full well I was/am a minister of religion...

Also I have no desire to waste a nano second talking religion with you...I have no wish to save the world ... the sooner the Kingdom comes the happier I will be and its not too far away. The people who saw 1914... will see Armageddon.... one just died the other day..  118... so the Bible promises that the generation that saw nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom will not pass away before the end comes.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=493490 time=1675630556 user_id=2156
The hex was funny and you were thoroughly paranoid until the end of the year... never try and dominate me chump... I am a master at psychological warfare... it is one of my main talents.  I COULD  crush you in a flash...

If by "paranoid" you meant "laughing my ass off while unlooked for luck flowed my way. It got so that I was practically begging you to hex my ass, so I might find a deep discount on a new laptop purchase or land a potential contract to work with a particular touring artist. The last time you hexed me, I inherited property in the Bay Area, later sold at a tidy profit while some latino pig was screeching loudly about braining me with a ham hock on her front poarch (but only if she could lose enough weight to fit through the door).

Hexes are funny critters, they only work when one believes in them, at which point they become self fulfilling prophecies. Clearly I knew this before you started prancing about, or otherwise there would have been nothing of note for you to wager a PII war on me for. The worst you ever managed where I was concerned was to drive Flea into an absolute tizzy for the better part of five years and even that had a positive outcome, both for me and for her. I remained in Canada and enjoyed a career boost, she reconciled with her husband. And when she popped into FT to make nice after all was said and done, you tried your best to fan the flames of dissent yet again. Which worked about as well as any of your hexes ever did (ie: not at all how you would have liked).

I never tried to dominate you, all the angst and failure you experienced where I was concerned, you did it to yourself. I actually feel sorry for you Caskur, you remind me a lot of my deceased stepgrandmother, poisonous, hateful and vindictive for what you see in others and cannot have for yourself instead of being grateful for what you do have. I fancy I know a few of the root causes for your discontent, they are horrible crosses to bear and aren't the sort of thing I'd wish on anyone because...


Quote from: caskur post_id=493492 time=1675631160 user_id=2156
...Dean was the one who labelled me the greatest flamer of all time...

...I knew from the outset something you and Dean did not; namely that an abundance of hatred for others precludes you from being able to be good at pretty much anything but hating. You cannot be a flamer if you are a hater. You and Dean were (and are) haters; your greatest satisfaction is derived by pulling down and destroying things about you. Flaming is about the sharing of gay invective with ones opponents.

So you see, you weren't ever a flamer, you aren't even a flamer's arsehole. No biggie of course, but by all means continue to make an ass out of yourself proclaiming otherwise, citing alleged "authorities" that never set foot in a flame forum and for whom the only point of reference we have are the impotent savage snarls of some random assclown that bilked you and your hubby out of an unspecified sum of money which you subsequently waged a lolsuit to get back.

Quote from: caskur post_id=493492 time=1675631160 user_id=2156
And he knew what he was talking about...

I propose it was more about the semi-clandestine bathtub phonesex... a quantifiable deviation from the path a minister of religion might be expected to tread. No matter, I don't judge. People are fallible, they make mistakes. The real measure of one's worth is whether or not you learn from those mistakes. That's not easy if you're forever externalizing the blame. Remember that the next time you chance upon the Lord's Prayer, particularly the part about "forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us"... and consider what you might be capable of walking the walk instead of simply talking the talk.

Quote from: caskur post_id=493492 time=1675631160 user_id=2156
Also I have no desire to waste a nano second talking religion with you...I have no wish to save the world ... the sooner the Kingdom comes the happier I will be and its not too far away.

This is the crux of why I feel sorry for you - you could be doing a whole lot better if you were happy now. Not marking the minutes until kingdom come because nobody can categorically quantify what comes next, if indeed there is a "next". You have spent a long time wandering, lost and broken and filled with doubt and loathing. I know you wont admit to it, but you reek of it in your whole Hyacinth Bucket routine. If you were acting it, you might have flipped the script long ago, but I've seen no evidence of that. Just one long slog of using all the resources at your disposal to get at your "enemies". Some of those "resources" have been the people in your social set; indeed the first time I encountered you, you were tight with Omnia. I saw how quickly you threw her under the bus when it suited you to do so, I've watched you do it to others since.

Quote from: caskur post_id=493492 time=1675631160 user_id=2156 The people who saw 1914... will see Armageddon.... one just died the other day..

Contradict yourself much? If that person saw 1914... and they are now dead... just how the hell are they in a position to see armageddon? Or are you one of these crazy wonk-eyed lunatics who have been telling us... for YEARS... that Armageddon is now?

If you are, then Armageddon aint such a bad place to be, at least not from where I'm standing. Oh sure, governments the world over are looking at new and inventive ways to strip us all of everything we own, make us their slaves and whatnot, but it's been going on throughout all recorded history and I for one am used to it. It's my baseline and anything on top of that that I get is something I can be grateful for. You could learn a lot from my example in the small amount of time remaining to you.

Just as I have learned from your example. It's all very well to say you could crush me in a flash, but this petty feud of yours has been something you've waged for 18 years now and I've not done too badly out of it. Five years of that included you all but making it your life's work to make mine miserable, while I pretty much did my thing despite you. And one of the reasons I am able to do this is because of the example you set when you measure your worth on the grandiose delusions of your power over others.

I don't have time for power over others. I am satisfied with the power I have over me. That is more than enough I think.

Quote from: caskur post_id=493492 time=1675631160 user_id=2156
  118... so the Bible promises that the generation that saw nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom will not pass away before the end comes.

A promise that has been broken for countless generations since the bible was first collated I notice. Nations and kingdoms have been duking it out for centuries and the end still hasn't arrived. The sun obstinately continues to shine on the gift of each new day, people like myself continue to make the most of it.

And enjoy it.

Remember that when you tl;dr this post.  :wink: