Quote from: weebles post_id=493471 time=1675590523 user_id=2191
I mean the U.K, U.S. and Canada are some real ride or die people we would never let happen cause we are a legit family.
The fact that you started this war and looking for a way out and to blame the West is actually sad and funny at the same time...
The fact you assume I started anything is patently ludicrous, the idea you can cheerlead thirty years of poking the bear while Ukrainian forces play silly buggers in the Donbas region. Ukraine isn't allied with the west, there is no formal agreement regarding a sovereign nation which was once part of the Soviet region and is thus so politically different from the west that any attempt to bring it under the umbrella of NATO has been rejected as an option time and time again. Hell, only a year ago western media were calling them nazis. Now they're your bosom buddies. I suppose I shouldn't have raised an eyebrow when Boris Johnson flew in to scuttle the proposed peace talks last year, not after your "legit family" had invested so much of their nation's resources to feed the hungry military industrial complex, starved as it was after four years of Trump waging peace upon the world.
Quote from: weebles post_id=493471 time=1675590523 user_id=2191
Heck Unlike the West do you even think Putin and Xi can even get along TBH.
As well as they need to I suspect. Russia will likely be a junior partner in the arrangement, which I imagine might chafe old pooty poot a bit, but then he doesnt own as much US debt as China does. Both countries are making moves in the direction of gold backed currencies, India is trading with Russian oil interests and the House of Saud seems interested in a slice of the pie. All in direct defiance of the west, who assured us this would be all over bar the screaming months ago. Except that didn't happen now, did it? Russia is still holding its own in the face of the NATO funded Ukrainian forces while President Potato is saber rattling about World War 3. All without a single Russian shot being fired at the West.
This is largely a product of the "legit family" you mentioned. I'm not a great fan of Putin either, but I know enough to keep my nose out of business that doesn't concern me, and Ukraine v Russia does not concern me. Your "legit family" seems to think otherwise and the push to make it so has gone into overdrive ever since Potato fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawal, arming the Taliban in the process. Who, if truth be known, is currently negotiating with Putin to sell him some of those sweet US armaments to aid in the war effort even as I school you.
Want to tell me again who started this?