Quote from: Guest post_id=494305 time=1676586799
I miss the old street directories for the ability to do your own route planning and not simply leave it to a computer to tell you where to go. The kids of today have been bred into being a bunch of conformist cabbage-craniumed cockmongling cuckpigs that need a good smack upside their moonfaced oblong shaped heads to think for themselves.
I see no difference between paper or digital maps except you can find your exact location on digital via gps, if enabled.
We regularly have to receive privately created maps of state and national parks in order to work the tracks in exact manners, guidelines.
Sometimes we have both paper and digital for a track or tracks, but I suspect plotting way points digitally is a whole lot more believable than holding a length of string to the scale and measuring out windy kilometres worked, then later a snapshot of the string, for when payments need to be made.
Unless of course the world goes mad and emp balloons go off.... then paper is king.