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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


This n that

Started by DKG, March 31, 2023, 07:16:01 AM

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A former neo-Nazi who inspired Edward Norton's character in "American History X" has recently revealed that he is of Jewish descent. After finding out the truth about his ancestry, Frank Meeink, 48, decided to turn his life around, according to the New York Post.

Meeink — who found out he was Jewish through a DNA test — was previously the figurehead of a violent far-right group in the early 1990s, even going so far as to torture those he perceived as enemies to ignite the flames of a race war.

The former neo-Nazi was a devout anti-Semite and sported a swastika tattoo on his neck. He claimed that the "Zionist occupation government" run by the Jews was the "root of all evil."


There has been a recent series of unprovoked, broad-daylight attacks on women in New York City. The savage assaults have prompted outrage, even among some Democrats.

One Democratic New York City councilwoman in particular asked why men were not altogether stepping up to address the issue. Critics swiftly provided Councilwoman Amanda Farías with one possible reason why: She and other leftists have cried foul when men have previously stepped into the breach.

With women and men alike ostensibly in danger, former Marine Daniel Penny, then 24, did not simply call out the danger. He did something about it.

Leftists such as Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) rushed to condemn Penny and paint the perp Jordan Neely as a victim.


I read a headline that there is some hope that Ivermectin could be used as a cancer fighting drug. If I can find anything, I'll post it.


Researchers from the Heart Research Institute (HRI) in Australia have found that a common vegetable eaten by millions every day may be able to prevent and treat a leading cause of death worldwide.

The study, published in the journal ACS Central Science, shows results from a three-year investigation into how a natural chemical found in broccoli can help dissolve blood clots and improve the action of a common clot-busting drug used to treat an acute ischemic stroke.


Healthy people with autism in their twenties are set to be euthanized by both the Dutch and Canadian regimes.


The Transmountain pipeline expansion is finally nearing completion. Sections of the pipeline is filling with crude. The first export shipment will happen before Canada Day on July 1.

The price of Canadian crude is expected to increase now that Canadian producers aint at the mercy of only one customer, the US.


The first shipment is paid for and all ready to go.


esearchers at Harvard have reportedly developed a metafluid that they have referred to as "intelligent liquid," according to the Debrief. The liquid contains "tunable springiness, adjustable optical properties, variable viscosity, and even the seemingly magical ability to shift between a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid."

Adel Djellouli — a Research Associate in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering at Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences — said: "We are just scratching the surface of what is possible with this new class of fluid."

"With this one platform, you could do so many different things in so many different fields."


Quote from: Brent on April 04, 2024, 02:17:47 PMHealthy people with autism in their twenties are set to be euthanized by both the Dutch and Canadian regimes.

Make that bitch a sex slave for a mullah and see if her survival instincts kick in.

Oliver the Second

Quote from: DKG on April 07, 2024, 02:01:19 PMResearchers at Harvard have reportedly developed a metafluid that they have referred to as "intelligent liquid," according to the Debrief. The liquid contains "tunable springiness, adjustable optical properties, variable viscosity, and even the seemingly magical ability to shift between a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid."

Adel Djellouli — a Research Associate in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering at Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences — said: "We are just scratching the surface of what is possible with this new class of fluid."

"With this one platform, you could do so many different things in so many different fields."

Rover supposedly operated by fluidics but I never believed that as liquid density would need to be near zero. However, if you could convert that intelligent liquid into intelligent vapor -

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A massive container ship attempting to leave the waters around New York City Friday reportedly suffered a similar issue to that experienced by the vessel that tragically brought the historic Francis Scott Key Bridge crashing into Baltimore Harbor late last month.

Unlike the Singapore-flagged Dali, the propulsion problem suffered by the APL Qingdao did not ultimately prove to be calamitous.

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed to the New York Post that the APL Qingdao, a 1,145-foot, 89,000-ton ship flying under the Malta flag, lost propulsion around 8:30 p.m. while sailing along the shipping lane between Staten Island and Bayonne, New Jersey.


lon Musk is challenging Justice Alexander de Moraes, a Brazilian judge, who has reportedly applied massive fines, threatened to arrest X employees, and threatened to cut off access to the app in Brazil.

"We will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit," Musk posted on X.

The judge has allegedly already jailed people without trial for posting threats on social media and has unilaterally blocked dozens of accounts and thousands of posts on social media.

"Over the weekend, he said if you don't give me your data, Facebook, Google, and X, on all of the people that are posting — if you don't give that to me, you're banned from being in Brazil."

"If you remember, the Left was saying Bolsonaro was a dictator. And so now, to prevent the dictator, they have become dictators — the exact scenario that we're worried about here in America, but nobody really seems to care," Glenn says.

"In their hunt for dictators, they have become a dictatorship. That's really important for everyone in America to understand," he continues, adding, "what's happening in Brazil is what's coming here. If we don't get out and vote, this is our future in America."


Quote from: DKG on April 10, 2024, 11:45:13 AMlon Musk is challenging Justice Alexander de Moraes, a Brazilian judge, who has reportedly applied massive fines, threatened to arrest X employees, and threatened to cut off access to the app in Brazil.

"We will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit," Musk posted on X.

The judge has allegedly already jailed people without trial for posting threats on social media and has unilaterally blocked dozens of accounts and thousands of posts on social media.

"Over the weekend, he said if you don't give me your data, Facebook, Google, and X, on all of the people that are posting — if you don't give that to me, you're banned from being in Brazil."

"If you remember, the Left was saying Bolsonaro was a dictator. And so now, to prevent the dictator, they have become dictators — the exact scenario that we're worried about here in America, but nobody really seems to care," Glenn says.

"In their hunt for dictators, they have become a dictatorship. That's really important for everyone in America to understand," he continues, adding, "what's happening in Brazil is what's coming here. If we don't get out and vote, this is our future in America."

This is what Rancidmilko was talking about in the Shoutbox.


Americans are increasingly suffering cancer at younger ages.

The journal Nature noted last month that the number of early-onset cancer cases will increase by roughly 30% between 2019 and 2030. Additionally, colorectal cancer, which historically has affected geriatric men, is now the leading cause of cancer death among men under 50 and is now the second-leading cause of cancer death among young women. Uterine cancer has increase by 2% every year for the past three decades. Early-onset breast cancer has reportedly jumped by nearly 4% annually between 2016 and 2019.

Various possible factors have been considered, including rising rates of obesity; dietary changes and corresponding alterations to gut bacteria; sleep deprivation; increased alcohol consumption; and vaccines.
gay, conservative and proud


A celebration near a Philadelphia park to mark the end of Ramadan, a month of daily fasting for Muslims, turned violent when members of rival "factions" began shooting at one other despite the crowd.

On Wednesday afternoon, an estimated 1,000 people gathered in and around Clara Muhammad Square in West Philadelphia for an Eid al-Fitr event. Families put up tents as people of all ages, including babies, enjoyed the beautiful spring day together.