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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li

avatar_Erica Mena

Any countries with a tranny ban?

Started by Erica Mena, April 06, 2023, 10:06:44 AM

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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501932 time=1685156106 user_id=3351
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501929 time=1685154534 user_id=3409

Who says I fear them? More to the point, who says I should? Caskur? You?

There is no reason to fear them, governments are large, unwieldy lumbering beasts. A bit like dinosaurs really (which your bible utterly fails to mention I notice) and you can tell when one is charging in your direction.

I don't know about you, but I am fleet of foot. It's an advantage of being smaller and more nimble you know. I saw your government lumbering my way, I chose not to stand there stupidly like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck as others did. And I did sound the alarm it was coming for the rest of you who were asleep. I shall continue to sound that alarm.

Fun fact: the word "government" is derived from the Latin "guvenare mentis". It literally means "to control the mind".

Do you like having your mind controlled Lokmar? No? Then why don't you put your bible away and start thinking for yourself for a change... see if you cannot work out for yourself what actions might promote a freer, more egalitarian arrangement that you and those you care about can thrive in?

I think I know the answer though. Deep down, you secretly crave for a Daddy figure to direct your actions... to control your mind. You may dress it up as "having faith", it really amounts to the same thing when we get down to tin tacks.

Guess what? I'm not your Daddy, nor do I particularly have the time or inclination to be. I've got my own life to live, as a consequence I am happy not to control you otherwise.

But I do expect you'll afford me the same consideration.

If you cannot agree to that, then I'll tell you now... you WILL be disappointed.


Only an idiot has no fear of government</snip>

No, an idiot would be the person that actively welcomed becoming a victim of it. They aren't better than you... or do you mean to tell me that you think they are? How does that correlate with your views on some of the decisions they make? Troon policy getting pushed to the head of the queue making you wet the bed of a night, is it? Buy some Depends like Biden does and get over yourself!

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501932 time=1685156106 user_id=3351
Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible, dont ask me where either.

Oh right, I'm supposed to put my faith in you, yeah that ain't happening.  ac_toofunny  A guy who widdles his dacks over an elected assembly of Fettermans and Pelosis and cowers in the corner, periodically cheeping that we should go dunn down some unfuckable hambeasts because a book said so. Not buying it. And before you default to your usual go-to of "u r teh gaytheist", I hold their accounts to the same standard as I hold yours. You're both as wet as each other, you both have ideas that you cannot back up with pure logic, let alone concrete proof.

Be happy you ratbag, at least you're in with a better chance than they are. It's a lot easier to prove a thing's existence than it is to prove its unequivocal absence.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501932 time=1685156106 user_id=3351A 2 second search on Google will prove you dont know WTF you're talking about.

And you can't spare that in among all the time you've spent replying to me. I call bullshit on your claim, I've invited you and plenty of others to pony up proof of this dinosaur creating God of yours from way before Jewgle was even invented. Nobody has taken two seconds to give me the concrete proof I asked for and I'll warrant if you tried now, you'd come across as some leftist Snopes fact checker, eager to provide context in the absence of any definitive statement.

That's why you want me to do all the legwork, isn't it? Fuck off, nobody elected your ass the authority of anything, you have to earn that status, at least where I'm concerned.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501932 time=1685156106 user_id=3351Also, the Bible doesnt teach 6/24 hour days of creation. Why is it gaytheists act all smart and say such stupid ass uneducated shit?

Dunno, you'd have to ask one.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501932 time=1685156106 user_id=3351 That was rhetorical BTW.

Then why bring it up at all? Bit thick are you?

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501932 time=1685156106 user_id=3351We are clearly wasting each others time here. You gaytheists are far too unenlightened IMO.

Ahhh, there's that default to black and white. This is why you lose. You cannot offer the proof I require, so you excuse yourself from any effort or admission that your efforts are futile and immediately default to baseless accusation. You aren't doing your credibility any favours, you know.

Like I said earlier, you and your gaytheist opponents are peas in a pod in this regard. I've challenged plenty of them to prove to me that god does not exist. They have come up as empty handed as you have here.

So here I remain, a declared agnostic, watching you assclowns bickering endlessly and lying to yourselves that you have the proof. Neither you religious adherents or those who claim no god exists have made a compelling case that stands up to scrutiny, both of you are that [size=150]idiotic[/size] that you would automatically declare that anyone that engages in legitimate critical argument must be on the other side.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501927 time=1685153284 user_id=3351
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501926 time=1685153153 user_id=3409

And your 3000 page document... is it the Word of your God or not?

(Tread careful now, remember... there be Dinosaurs)

God did not physically write the words in a trapper keeper if thats what you mean.

I didn't imply that he did. I was looking for specific reference in your sacred screed. I'd even have accepted the gnostic gospels that were cut from the canon too, I never did agree with the Council of Nicea's arrogance in determining which words of God were legitimate and which weren't.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Oerdin post_id=501854 time=1685114315 user_id=3374
BTW this is a great video of a radical leftist, but at least honest, speaker vs a hectoring crowd of Antifa loons.  He destroys them by showing how all of all founding "queer theory"  writings spent more than half of their book space advocating and  trying to justify pedophilia.


Classic. If more of the left's leading lights could be bothered to think it through like he's done there, we wouldn't have anywhere near the problems we have now.

Just blows me away how some people think. Some of the texts he quoted in order to highlight the connection between queer theory and pedophilia were insane. Paraphrasing here, but "old enough to choose their toys, old enough to choose to suck dick"? Reprehensible.

I'm glad we're finally making headway against such ideology and I welcome there's people prepared to walk into such places and deliver cogent arguments against it. We can certainly use every bit of help we can get.

Where's that guy today by the way? "Cancelled" I'm guessing.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501937 time=1685161881 user_id=3409
Quote from: caskur post_id=501934 time=1685156494 user_id=2156
Well it says in Genesis that God created the animals and last time I heard, Dinosaurs were animals.... he must be asking a trick question or

Not at all, I just find it incredible that mention might be made of lambs laying down with lions, yet such a sizeable beast, many of which were apex predators in nature would receive no mention at all...


 Dinosaurs had a purpose.... they were basically the earths lawn mowers.....Eden was a garden that  Adam was deposited in, the rest of the planet including Antarctica, was a tropical forest..... By the time the lamb and lion were written about (and it's about the future), whatever animal didn't make the ark, a couple of millenniums earlier, became extinct. It isn't rocket  science.

Please don't  bother showing some dipshits video....  I can barely keep up and you don't watch what I  put up.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


It isn't up to anyone to "prove" God exists.... It's up to  you to search for Him.

Faith GROWS when prayers are answered. Have you ever asked God, "please show me who you are?"

 if you tuely wanted to know, all your questions would be answered. BY GOD!!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Donahue had 300 homosexual men in his  audience in the 1990s.. and a speaker who converted to Christianity. The speaker said to the 300 men, "not one man in here hadn't been sexually interfered with by an older man when they were boys".... none of the 300 denied it. They all knew they were made homosexual....
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol



Quote from: caskur post_id=501960 time=1685180403 user_id=2156
Donahue had 300 homosexual men in his  audience in the 1990s.. and a speaker who converted to Christianity. The speaker said to the 300 men, "not one man in here hadn't been sexually interfered with by an older man when they were boys".... none of the 300 denied it. They all knew they were made homosexual....

That is the reality.  Gays are created by pedophiles not born as gay.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501957 time=1685179894 user_id=2156
It isn't up to anyone to "prove" God exists.... It's up to  you to search for Him.

I've done my due diligence. If you aren't coming to the party, you're either selfish, lazy, gullible or an outright liar. In any event, your prosletyzing on what you cannot or will not prove can safely be treated as so much Weebles YouTurd spam.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501957 time=1685179894 user_id=2156Faith GROWS when prayers are answered. Have you ever asked God, "please show me who you are?"

Once. It wasn't answered.

Later I heard someone say something about a divine plan. Logic at that point dictated that IF the was a god and IF that god had some sort of plan, then praying for anything was useless and redundant. I mean who are any of us to ask god to change his plan?

And if there wasn't a god or a play, who would be there to answer the call. You might as well masturbate with a cheese grater for all the good it would do you/

Quote from: caskur post_id=501957 time=1685179894 user_id=2156 if you tuely wanted to know, all your questions would be answered. BY GOD!!!

Not necessarily. See above. Also, with so many people praying, any potential god would have their hands full, rolling its eyes and yawning at the interminable requests to alter its divine plan.

I decided to be the better man instead and work shit out for myself. I got good at doing that you know. I figured if anyone was really keen to win converts, they could provide the requisite paraphenalia. But no-one ever did. Likely it was because they were either selfish, lazy, gullible or an outright liar.

I also reasoned that if man was created in god's image as has been claimed, and that image was either selfish, lazy, gullible or being an outright liar, I could easily be a better person than them and their god. By not being selfish, lazy, gullible or an outright liar.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501951 time=1685178496 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501937 time=1685161881 user_id=3409

Not at all, I just find it incredible that mention might be made of lambs laying down with lions, yet such a sizeable beast, many of which were apex predators in nature would receive no mention at all...


 Dinosaurs had a purpose.... they were basically the earths lawn mowers.....Eden was a garden that  Adam was deposited in, the rest of the planet including Antarctica, was a tropical forest..... By the time the lamb and lion were written about (and it's about the future), whatever animal didn't make the ark, a couple of millenniums earlier, became extinct. I

Or your god was a prankster god, burying fossils as a kind of IQ test to see who was smart enough to gain entry to the heavenly kingdom. That's not exactly rocket science either.

What? It has the exact same ring of authenticity as you palaver, doesn't it? And Bill Hicks had a lot more followers than you have. Pretty sure none of his were bots either!  :laugh3:
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Now... since you seem to have missed it on the first posting...

Quote from: caskur post_id=501870 time=1685127126 user_id=2156
I KNOW not every homosexual is a paedo.... BUT every paedo is homosexual.

Mind if I ask how you classify them when the culprit is heterosexual? I've always understood the definition for paedophile to mean "adult who fucks minors" irrespective of whether they were same sex liasons or not, there being a wealth of prosecuted cases over the years of female teachers caught buffing the boners of their students, as well as men going the grind on young females.

If you think that paedophiles are all old men that hang around toilet blocks, you'd be wrong.

In the last few years, there has been a lot of media coverage focused on predator adult women – female paedophiles, mainly in the teaching profession.

Female sexual abuse may be scoffed at by some, thinking that young boys are 'lucky' to have the opportunity to have sex with their teacher. But that is not the case. Female paedophiles cause just as much shame, humiliation, and long-term damage as male sex offenders.

In fact, according to The Daily Mail UK, the number of female paedophiles has doubled in the last four years.

Most parents trust the teachers of their children at school implicitly — particularly the female teachers. Female paedophiles that are teachers not only show favouritism to their victim or intended victim, but cut breaks on homework, and make threats to fail the child if the abuse stops.

The idea that women are able to sexually abuse children undermined feelings about the way women were supposed to relate to children. The general opinion was that women have roles primarily as caregivers. In this role, they should also be protectors against so-called predatory men. To put women in a sexually aggressive role was disrupting the preconceived notion that a woman is not able physically or morally to commit abuse or rape.

And there's instances in popular culture where some have extended that definition to include incidents of relationships widely considered improper between adult and minor where while no sexual contact was involved, the perpetrator nonetheless received gratification of a sexual nature (knifing children to death, nailing them to crucifixes etc).

Twisted, demented, totally cemented thought at the top of his mind

With an exotic, erotic smile on his face he sinks the knife into his find

Tips his hat and walks away, leaving your child to decay

Cracks a grin, life's a laugh down his deadly path

In feardom his mind will dwell keeps your children all on trial

Youth sucked in, aborted out, deranged paedophile">

- Despised, "Feardom" I'm interested to hear your reasons why you think the term "paedophile" would be exclusively reserved for same sex relationships and what nomenclature you would use to distinguish the ones that weren't.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


I do love Twitter Community Notes policy as it means leftist lies get almost instantly debunked.  Radical leftists hate it because they now have a much harder time spreading lies.  This is a big part of the reason so many threatened to leave Twitter but virtually all quickly came crawling back."> ... 1611821059">

As you can see a radical leftist "journalist" tried to lie about a violent sex offending troon pretending he was an innocent person who was just attacked by Italian police.  In reality the pervert was caught exposing his penis to young children, threatening to rape them and give them AIDS, then attacked police who showed up to arrest the sex offender.

Click to read the community notes.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Oerdin post_id=501978 time=1685195654 user_id=3374
I do love Twitter Community Notes policy as it means leftist lies get almost instantly debunked.  Radical leftists hate it because they now have a much harder time spreading lies.  This is a big part of the reason so many threatened to leave Twitter but virtually all quickly came crawling back."> ... 1611821059">

As you can see a radical leftist "journalist" tried to lie about a violent sex offending troon pretending he was an innocent person who was just attacked by Italian police.  In reality the pervert was caught exposing his penis to young children, threatening to rape them and give them AIDS, then attacked police who showed up to arrest the sex offender.

Click to read the community notes.

Yeah, lies by omission are unfortunately common these days, as are lies by structure (where a misleading preamble has its proper context buried several paragraphs deep in the text).

Got another troon-terror-tale... this one really muddies the proposition that all paedos are homosexual...


A transgender paedophile carried out a sex attack on a teenage girl while living as a man. Ryan Scott – who was born female – lured the schoolgirl back to their home after meeting up on Valentine's Day last year. The 20-year-old, who uses the name Coral Scott, pounced on the girl, who was just 14 at the time, and tried to engage her in sexual activity. After being caught, Scott set up fake social media accounts to abuse and threaten the victim. The sex attacker has been on remand on Polmont Young Offenders' Institution and is in the female wing of the prison – despite identifying as male since childhood. Scott appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court on Friday under the birth name Coral and admitted to a series of charges.

Last night, the mum of the victim, who is now 15, said: "After it happened my child changed, she became withdrawn, even violent and wouldn't speak to us. We knew something had happened. We didn't know she had gone to meet someone. "Then a friend got in touch and said this person had told others they were going to be meeting our daughter. They also said the person was called Coral Scott. We kept asking our daughter, 'Who is Coral?' She said he was called Ryan. We didn't understand."

The 33-year-old parent from Dundee, who cannot be named for legal reasons, added: "It was weeks later when she finally told us this person had forced her to do things she didn't want to do. She said she was traumatised and paralysed with fear when it was happening. "It broke our hearts to see what this monster had done to our little girl. It destroyed our beautiful daughter. She was a child and whether he was a man or a woman, this is an were adult preying on a child."

Scott – designated on court papers as "Coral Scott, also known as Ryan Scott" – admitted "engaging in sexual activity with or towards" the 14-year-old girl. In court, the paedophile was referred to as Coral and is understood to be identifying as female in prison.

During a hearing, prosecutor Joanne Ritchie told the court the pair had developed a friendship on Snapchat through a mutual friend's group. Describing the attack, she said: "She and the girl met at the McManus Galleries in Dundee. She and the accused then travelled to the accused's address by bus. "They were initially alone and sat in the living room watching movies. A short time later the accused's friend arrived. The accused's behaviour changed and she began to show off by kissing and sucking the girl's neck, leaving bruising." Scott then tried to pervert the course of justice by sending the schoolgirl death threats. The sex attacker used fake social media accounts to target her. Scott was reported to police and then traced and charged on May 1 last year.

Nine days later, when already subject to six bail orders, Scott sent threatening messages to the girl. She received two voice messages from Scott, who said: "So see if I get the jail mate, you're fucked mate. You're dead. You're just a pure fucking horrible cunt."

On April 29, the complainer was in her bedroom when she received a Snapchat voice message from someone called 'Bob', who was not known to her. When she opened the message, she immediately recognised her attacker's voice. Scott said: "See the next time I see you, you better not be in my scheme or I'll fucking do you."

The sex attacker is housed in the female wing of HMP Polmont in Falkirk, which houses remand and convicted youngsters of both sexes aged between 16 and 21. Scott, who turns 21 in June, could be moved to an adult prison if handed a jail term when she is sentenced on March 2. A spokesman for the Scottish Prison Service said: "We do not comment on individuals." First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is still facing questions over why male-born double rapist Isla Bryson was sent to a female prison.">
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Tell me this isn't child abuse."> ... 8333474818">


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=501981 time=1685200429 user_id=3374
Tell me this isn't child abuse."> ... 8333474818">

These sort of incidences make me cry. Poor kid.

Truly horrific.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

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