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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood


The Coronation has been now hijacked...

Started by caskur, May 10, 2023, 03:24:37 PM

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"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501863 time=1685121036 user_id=2156
I rolled up my sleeve for Novavax in March 2022 and April 2022 which was a good 25-26  months after the first and only global lockdown in March 2020... Then in June 2022 I got Omicron and it was agonisingly painful. Agonisingly painful!!!,... and because I am a very, very, very special person I got molnupiravir which costs the gov. $1001.39 but only cost me $6.80 and miraculously I lived. (Thank you God and Australian tax payers)

pssst.... I will tell something, I am not scared of vaccinations. Only silly people are scared of vaccinations. I was concerned mRNA vaccines, weren't going to be good enough.

As for police and what they did to the public during lockdown in Victoria they should be flogged and jailed for those crimes, and they were crimes. But that is the young shithead cops of the day. I have no respect for them. The 30 year old cop that tasered the 95 year old dementia woman and killed should receive 1000 shocks himself. What an animal he is.

Charles gave his mother covid... and if they were given saline shots.... ***shrugs,*** they still would get the antiviral, molnupiravir to save them.

We had a cruise ship in Fremantle at the start of the pandemic and 9 elderly Germans died from Covid. That was our Premier's introduction to covid and he kept us WA people safe and that is why 80% of WA people voted for him during the pandemic....Too bad Gladys Berejiklian was too much of a useless bitch and let NSW get out of control.
Quote from: DKG post_id=501958 time=1685179962 user_id=3390
I don't know how anyone can trust big pharma, any government or UN bodies like WHO after everything we were told about the vaccines and draconian measures like lockdowns and closing schools turned out to be false. Even those that pushed those things in science like Fauci and government like Trudeau are walking backing what they said two years ago.

Anecdotal evidence is fine, But, the fact remains that none of the vaccines controlled the spread which is why big pharma was given billions of public dollars. Immunizing healthy young men and women was a colosal blunder. Myocarditis and Pericarditis increased by a factor of fifteen times following vaccines in the US alone. These healthy young people should not have been vaccinated in the first place and now many are dead or they lives have been shortened by decades thanks to unscientific hysteria.

Well I do know how they trusted it, it was being blaster out of every mainstream news channel, every newspaper, every radio program... 100% safe and effective, enter your vaccination status into the government app, swipe your QR code and write your name and contact details on this clipboard... it was amazing how many hoops they had to jump through. And that was in New South Wales, whose premier Caskur derided above. Though to hear Caskur tell it, her own premier bare did a tenth of that... and they worked out just fine.

Funny how that works, eh?

I keep my eyes open, I listen, I question shit. Okay, it drives some people mad, but they're usually the ones who parrot talking points and never bother to find out the answers to the hard hitting questions themselves. I make no apology for pissing them off either; if you are expecting me to make a potentially life altering decision, I want to know the full details and decide for myself if I should commit to it or not.

Such as it was with the raft of covid "vaccines". I'm no anti-vaxxer, I've been innoculated against the usual round of maladies (measles, rubella, mumps, tetanus et al) but these were all injections that had a proven rate of efficacy, being in use for decades before someone stuck a needle in my arm. Not without their risks, but then no foreign object introduced into your body ever is. I know that, I weigh the risk against the benefits and make my choice accordingly.

Coronavirii are a different story, their rate if mutation makes it impossible to get out in front with a vaccine, even an experimental one. Which (and let us not kid each other here) the authorities admitted big pharma's jabs were. Hearing mantras like "trust the science" when it is openly admitted that little to no scientific testing had been done to determine the effectiveness on the alleged "vaccines" basically advetised the jabs required a level of faith which, I think it's safe to say, pretty much everyone here knows I am loath to give.

"I'll wait for the long term test results to come in" I used to say. That was supposed to happen in January of this year. And I'm glad I did, because by that time we already had Pfizer's admission in the EU courts that they hadn't in fact conducted any tests at all. Which was a bit of a lie - testing had in fact been done and the results were damning. All the rats they tested it on died in the testing phase, tests on cattle in Australia had a 17% mortality rate. Most disturbing was the way chickens reacted, the vaccinated fowl getting violently sick and infecting all chickens they came into contact with. When you consider that big pharma has been caught admitting to basing their entire profit model off getting this technology into as many people as they possibly can, you can kind of see why they wouldn't make a big deal out of test results such as these.

It's not as if they haven't pulled this kind of stunt before. You ever hear of the morning sickness pill Thalidomide? Causes birth deformities in one in five pregnant women who take it. Severe ones I might add, I've personally met two of them - in both cases they had no arms, just hands that stuck straight out their shoulders. 80 years or so having to deal with that kind of a disability because some doctor your mother trusted gave her a little pill to ward off some queasiness? No thanks.

It was caught fairly early too. At a court case in the UK, the pharma company that was manufacturing it and distributing it feigned concern over the results and undertook to cease distributing it in the UK forthwith. Whereupon the rebranded it under another name and told it in Spain. Pricks.

So when I'm watching the top scientists at Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson getting caught on hot mics admitting to Project Veritas that their companies are rolling this Fauci sauce out purely as a moneygrabbing exercise and that patient health is positively the last thing on their minds, when I look at Moderna and realise they haven't brought a single effective treatment to market in ten years, whan I hear voices like Dr Robert Malone raising coincerns over his work with mRNA technology or Dr Kary Mullis saying he's warned Dr Fauci that the PCR tests are useless because they can be used to get any result you want them to and Fauci continually stonewalls his demands for public and scientific debate on the topic... I think I have my answer.

I don't trust big pharma as far as I can comfortably kick them. It's been said that medical science owes a great debt to Nazi experimentation on the Jews and other "mud people" in World War 2, and I'm inclined to think similar things will be said of those who rushed out to be todays generation of mud people, long after they have died.

I don't think I should be one of them.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501962 time=1685184798 user_id=2156
Oh gawd... now he thinks Martin Bryant is innocent...

Do keep up, one of the heads of the taskforce blew the whistle on it being a false flag the day before the 25th anniversary of the massacre. I'm surprised you missed it; it was on the ABC.

Not that anyone familiar with firearms would need confirmation; when a guy with no military training and an IQ of 80 can manage a kill to wound ratio of 6 to 1, wipe out 20 patrons of a cafe with 19 bullets in under a minute and a half, the majority of them head shots fired from the hip on his non dominant side and is proficient enough to execute a military manouver (the Beiruit triple) from a standing unsupported position against a moving target 200 yards distant... but somehow cannot manage to plink off a single police officer in the eight hour standoff that follows?

Sure I think he's innocent. The trial was complete horseshit, the testimony coerced and nobody who expressed doubts about the identity of the shooter was allowed to testify. One of the three firearms was reported to be destroyed in a gun buyback in Victoria eighteen months before the shooting and all three were inoperable when he was taken into custody, with none of the traditional tells he had been firing anything at all that day.

You said you leaned left on some things - your knowledge of guns would be one of them. But by all means, download the pdf and do your best.

And know that there are gun enthusiasts here that will be rolling their eyes at your efforts all the way.

(ps: your nemesis Evil Blood once thought as you did... then changed his mind after reading the above link. Seems the account your media gave was... incomplete. So don't feel too bad about it and do try not to let your AOB derangement syndrome get in the way of you educating yourself).
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


I won't change my mind about Bryant.... I am not a dickhead and I was in that very cafe 1 year before the massacre. I WAS EVEN IN Newtown where he lived.

You are sadly coming across as a crackpot who believes every ridiculous conspiracy theory out there...

Cop whistle blower my arse. :001_rolleyes:
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501976 time=1685193803 user_id=2156
I won't change my mind about Bryant.... I am not a dickhead and I was in that very cafe 1 year before the massacre. I WAS EVEN IN Newtown where he lived.

You are sadly coming across as a crackpot who believes every ridiculous conspiracy theory out there...

Cop whistle blower my arse. :001_rolleyes:

What's the matter, facts hurting your fee-fees? Can't accept the word of someone who was on the taskforce, even when it's delivered through your authority of choice, the... *ahem* ..."mighty and unimpeachable""  ac_toofunny  Australian Broadcasting Corporation?

Don't fret, it's not as if those 2A savvy readers are going to think much worse of a left leaning frump who cannot admit her government is tyrannical. You can block your ears all you like, it doesn't matter either way to me if you recognize that your cherished Commonwealth is corrupt to the core.

For my part, I'll just shake my head sympathetically as I might do to a petulant child who's been told by her classmates the Santa isn't real or that magical bunnies aren't really out there dropping chocolate eggs in the bushes.

I might even go as far as to tell you your classmates are conspiracy theorists.... just so you can dry your little eyes and get a good night's sleep.  acc_hugz
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Morning Caskur!!!  :JC_howdy:

Something for you from the motherland....">

Not to worry though right? The have their king's coronation. And tourism, rock concerts and plays, (but only if they're black).  ac_toofunny

Lol, excuse my glibness. But you can kind of see why the interest in the royal family is dwindling, when the your average British citizen has to pay through the nose constantly for substandard ugly accommodation they don't even own, be told they aren't allowed to go to certain venues "because inclusivity", encounter gibbering jungle bunnies in the street and an every increasing number of refugees on their doorsteps... oh, and to have their children potentially raped as well. Paradise!

All the while their king is partnering with an organisation that wants even more of the same.

England is being killed off, bit by bit. Just like the United States, just like Canada...

Just like Australia.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501845 time=1685108424 user_id=3409

Quote from: caskur post_id=501827 time=1685092725 user_id=2156
I am not scared of your scare tactics...

You haven't seen his scare tactics. Your government on the other hand... they had you scared enough to roll up your sleeve time and time again for an untested injection purported to inoculate you against a disease you had less than a 0.03% chance of dying from. A disease you ended up catching anyway. And not dying from. Money wasted in other words.

You keep blaming THE GOVERNMENT for the pandemic as if they are scientists knowing about diseases and the control of them which makes me laugh. The government's workers ie public servants were shitting themselves too...

The government's were doing everything they could to SLOW DOWN the spread of which WA actually did during lockdown BORDERS...  until everyone was fully vaccinated... WA had no choice but to open the border...

The vaccine stopped working fully when the virus mutated.... that is the problem with virus and vaccines.

They should just promote anti-virals although we wouldn't want over use to render antiviral useless...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=502053 time=1685261208 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501845 time=1685108424 user_id=3409

You haven't seen his scare tactics. Your government on the other hand... they had you scared enough to roll up your sleeve time and time again for an untested injection purported to inoculate you against a disease you had less than a 0.03% chance of dying from. A disease you ended up catching anyway. And not dying from. Money wasted in other words.

You keep blaming THE GOVERNMENT for the pandemic as if they are scientists knowing about diseases and the control of them which makes me laugh. The government's workers ie public servants were shitting themselves too...

The government's were doing everything they could to SLOW DOWN the spread of which WA actually did during lockdown BORDERS...  until everyone was fully vaccinated... WA had no choice but to open the border...

The vaccine stopped working fully when the virus mutated.... that is the problem with virus and vaccines.

They should just promote anti-virals although we wouldn't want over use to render antiviral useless...

I don't know about Adolf, but I do not blame governments for the first two weeks to flatten the curve. This was new to all governments everywhere. When they kept repeating that mistake and making them longer and more restrictive, I do blame them for not questioning socialists masqueading as science. There were some leaders with a backbone who told them to take a hike. Florida governor Ron DeSantis for example.

As for the vaccines, they never did what they were supposed to do. And even now big pharma is still getting public money for variant vaccines. The whole pandemic response was a top down criminal conspiracy they made the richest, most entitled coroporations even richer and more powerful. And this a fiscal hawk saying this, not some liberty hating leftist.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=502053 time=1685261208 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501845 time=1685108424 user_id=3409

You haven't seen his scare tactics. Your government on the other hand... they had you scared enough to roll up your sleeve time and time again for an untested injection purported to inoculate you against a disease you had less than a 0.03% chance of dying from. A disease you ended up catching anyway. And not dying from. Money wasted in other words.

You keep blaming THE GOVERNMENT for the pandemic as if they are scientists knowing about diseases and the control of them which makes me laugh. The government's workers ie public servants were shitting themselves too...

You do know it was government grants that funded the Wuhan lab, yes? Principally Barack Obama after US scientists raised public concerns about gain of function research in 2015, whereupon he shipped the research to the lab in China which he and Fauci had a stake in?

And who rubberstamped the payments to the drug companies, hiding the minutia of the pharmaceutical company agreements from the public scrutiny? And did you bother to read the fine print on the cloth masks packaging? The bit about how the masks weren't appropriate for defending about disease transmission? I'm guessing you didn't, or you would have also been bitching about having to buy a ton of them so you could keep up with the other listed recommendation of changing them every ten to fifteen minutes.

And what of that piece of paper in the experimental vaccine bottles? You know, the ones in every pharmaceutical packet, tightly folded and riddled with fine print about its use and potential side effects. You never thought it strange that the ones in the covid jab bottles were completely blank, devoid of any such detail?

You're damn right I'm blaming the government - and their partners in this crime. You ought to be too. That's your tax dollars that helped pay for this shitshow. Why are you simping for them again?

Quote from: caskur post_id=502053 time=1685261208 user_id=2156
The government's were doing everything they could to SLOW DOWN the spread of which WA actually did during lockdown BORDERS...  until everyone was fully vaccinated... WA had no choice but to open the border...

No Caskur, they were running a scam. Hell, a good percentage of them were swearing up and down when the "experimental jabs" (their words, not mine) first became available, they held they would "never take one of Donald Trump's vaccines". That's what they called them. Those very same jabs were suddenly A-OK in their books once Trump was out of office and those people could start pushing it as though it was the most reasonable thing on the planet, taking unproven chemical agents into your body to start rewriting your RNA. For someone wont to invoke the powers of God Almighty as often as you do, I'm kinda surprised you would let a pharma company, much less some elected flunkey to play God over your biology.

But hey, you do you I guess. You do the faith-based healing shtick well. I bothered to look into what was going on at the time. It stunk.

Quote from: caskur post_id=502053 time=1685261208 user_id=2156
The vaccine stopped working fully when the virus mutated....

It never worked, at least not in the way you think. Virii mutate all the time, it's what they do. The common cold ( which includes the coronavirus family) mutates fairly quickly. This has been known for longer than you and I have been alive and it's the primary reason why a cure for the common cold has never arrived. No, not even now, in spite of what your government tells you as they shove that same concoction into your arm every 6 months or so.

Here's the thing (and do feel free to do your own research instead of accepting blindly what anyone else tells you), virii evolve like everything else on the planet and for the exact same reason; natural selection. A virus that kills its host before the host can infect another is going to do far less for itself than its milder variant. Result? Viral infections of the same genetic lineage tend to get milder over time. Sure, every so often you'll encounter one that's particularly damaging (ie: rabies), but for the most part the average virus will self prefer the variant that is more benign, therefore making it more ubiquitous. Which is good for those of us who are not immuno-suppressed, our natural defenses will deal with it and its subsequent variants. As it had been going on for millennia.

Handing out the same treatment in a needle is stupid; even if it was designed to prevent the pinko pox (and believe me, there's good reason to question if it was), the variant of coronavirus it was alleged to have treated is long gone, evolved into something else that shakes its little spines in laughter at that treatment. Your government is still buying that treatment by the boatload, no new ones have received emergency authorization, have they?  

Quote from: caskur post_id=502053 time=1685261208 user_id=2156
They should just promote anti-virals although we wouldn't want over use to render antiviral useless...

Ahhh, now we're talking. I can get on board with that suggestion, it makes a whole lot more sense than the current paradigm. We have an abundance of those, also of anti-parasitics which have shown similar efficacy in treating a variety of infections, coronavirii included.

Thing is, I cannot think of a single one which still pays royalties to the pharmaceutical companies that produce them, nor can any company expect license fees from other companies that might decide to produce their own stock of them.

But a new treatment? That's big dollars, right there. Propriety dollars too. Even better if you can dump them on the market, untested but with an emergency use authorisation.

Want to take a wild stab at why Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were banned for use after showing so much promise in dealing with the Covids?  :wink:
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: DKG post_id=502062 time=1685264843 user_id=3390
Quote from: caskur post_id=502053 time=1685261208 user_id=2156

You keep blaming THE GOVERNMENT for the pandemic as if they are scientists knowing about diseases and the control of them which makes me laugh. The government's workers ie public servants were shitting themselves too...

The government's were doing everything they could to SLOW DOWN the spread of which WA actually did during lockdown BORDERS...  until everyone was fully vaccinated... WA had no choice but to open the border...

The vaccine stopped working fully when the virus mutated.... that is the problem with virus and vaccines.

They should just promote anti-virals although we wouldn't want over use to render antiviral useless...

I don't know about Adolf, but I do not blame governments for the first two weeks to flatten the curve

Two weeks made sense. It still does. If you genuinely do not know the nature of a new pathogen and it is giving you cause for concern about the damage it might do in the short to medium term, two weeks can mean the difference between dealing with caseloads in a steady stream or getting swamped. You and I are on the same page here.

Thing is, I was in Ottawa when this hit in 2020. St Patricks Day, I awoke to find that all the businesses had been shut down under the auspices of us needing to "flatten the curve". Not all businesses though, businesses deemed "essential services" were exempt. Medical clinics were open (makes sense) as were supermarkets and various convenience stores of different stripes (also makes sense), the LCBO (err, wut?), construction (now you're taking the piss) and... (drum roll please)... public transport.

Now you can argue that people need to travel about town... fair call, but can you make a case for squeezing them all into the back half of an OCtranspo bus where they will all be breathing each others germs, further loading the equation by suspending the fare requirement? I shit you not; this actually happened. And I'm scratching my head thinking "what fuckwit dreamed this arrangement up?" Probably the same turd sandwich that thought the LCBO needed to keep its doors open as an "essential business". Fuckers.

But, two weeks... and if it had been honoured then we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. But that two weeks became two months... and then two years. All along the way, I was hearing promises being made that we only needed to clear this one last hurdle and we could all go back to the way it was. Every hurdle we cleared, every target we met, there was always one more. At some point the authorities stopped talking about going back to the way it was and doubled down on their temporary measure, making them effectively permanent. Governments are good at doing that, not releasing their newfound powers.

Some of the commentators I was watching at the time made predictions about what was going to unfold - these were dismissed as the ravings of conspiracy theorists, but one after another these "conspiracy theories" were becoming conspiracy fact. About four months in I was hearing these commentators predicting mask mandates and covid passports, the authorities denied these were being considered, a few moths later they were being rolled out. Herd immunity was raised, commentators predicted the  figure for such immunity would be raised, authorities scoffed... then started raising the percentage requirement. A few months after the "100% safe and effective" jabs were unleashed, I figured out for myself what the next play would be... sure enough, booster shots were being rolled out. And with the constant lowering of age where you could get these treatments, I knew it was only a matter of time before they were convincing parents to stick their kids with it... and only a quick hop from there to affording kids the right to choose for themselves and prosecuting aby parents that stood in their way. For a disease whose average age of death is two years older than the average life expectancy. Well, if I'm to take government sources at their word that is.

All of this is how I know it's a scam. These aren't "theories", these are documented events. I can add more such events that happened, but I think the point is well made enough.  

Quote from: DKG post_id=502062 time=1685264843 user_id=3390As for the vaccines, they never did what they were supposed to do.

They didn't, did they? Certainly they did not do what we were told they would. "100% safe and effective" my ass... I defy you to show me any vaccination that can legitimately boast such a claim. And this one didn;t receive anywhere near the testing that longer established medicines have, if it received any at all (as Pfizer has subsequently admitted). The claim was bullshit from the get-go - I knew that much by dint of there not being enough time to conduct long term studies.

So the conclusion is inescapable in my mind. This was an experiment reminiscent of those that nazi scientists were famous for, from their soldiers on the eastern front to the inmates of places like Birkenau. Only this time it was conducted on a global scale. Let that sink in for a moment; they tested that treatment, they're testing it right now on people like Caskur. Innocent people who want to believe that their leaders* have their best interests at heart and the resources available to make it work. The public have willingly allowed themselves to be the test subjects in lieu of laboratory rats and guinea pigs. That is all the authorities regard us as.

But if I am to indulge myself in theory, I suspect there was something darker at play. Bear in mind I have no categoric proof to support this theory (yet) but it rather seems to me that aside from bio-engineering the human genome (which is effectively what you are doing when you you start fucking with messenger RNA), there is a social engineering component to the experiment. A proof of concept perhaps of how they can push the greater herd of human society into doing what they want. Leftists two decades ago would have baulked at trusting large conglomerates - well, here today they are sucking on the hind tit of them, along with an alarming number of conservatives. Those who orchestrated the scamdemic have a much better idea on how to manipulate and shape society in the image they desire, they also have a bloody good idea on who is going to see through the Punch and Judy show for the purposes of telling them to fuck the hell off.

In that respect, the jabs worked a charm.

* - in a democratically elected system of public servants you have a reasonable right to expect representation, not leaders... so sayeth your friendly local libertarian.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


My great uncle Noel was in the Navy in the second world war.... you know what job he had?

Testing new drugs out... he was a human Guinea pig... so don't give me an shtick about human Guinea pig ism.... human Guinea pig is is a good thing.

As for Soul Bros comment about men and unhealthy hearts due to vaccine... the corona virus itself causes brain damage, liver and kidney damage and lung damage... AND chronic fatigue syndrome.... in males and females... which completely negates a few guys developing heart problems...

You lost boys, you need to move on and get over it.....

None of you guys worked in the hospital emergency and you basically know shit...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol




Quote from: caskur post_id=502069 time=1685270751 user_id=2156
My great uncle Noel was in the Navy in the second world war.... you know what job he had?

Testing new drugs out... he was a human Guinea pig... so don't give me an shtick about human Guinea pig ism.... human Guinea pig is is a good thing.

As for Soul Bros comment about men and unhealthy hearts due to vaccine... the corona virus itself causes brain damage, liver and kidney damage and lung damage... AND chronic fatigue syndrome.... in males and females... which completely negates a few guys developing heart problems...

You lost boys, you need to move on and get over it.....

None of you guys worked in the hospital emergency and you basically know shit...

Caskur, myocarditis increased fifteen fold among young men who were vaccinated with these fake vaccines that made no difference in controlling the spread. The increase in permanent brain damage among people like myself who caught COVID does not even begin to approach that.

Mass vaccination of people who did not need it was a grave error. Mask mandates did not work. Lockdowns and closing schools did not flatten the curve, bur caused a host of social and economic problems. Everything medical directors, the WHO and governments imposed were disastrous. Even the people who imposed all that mandate and anti liberty madness on us are denying they supported it.  Why do you continue to drink the spiked Kool Aid?


Tell me what would happen to those men with weak hearts developing  covid anyway Do you think they wouldn't have been damaged somehow permanently?

Just asking.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=502069 time=1685270751 user_id=2156
My great uncle Noel was in the Navy in the second world war.... you know what job he had?

Testing new drugs out... he was a human Guinea pig... so don't give me an shtick about human Guinea pig ism.... human Guinea pig is is a good thing.

I scarcely need to, it was already done for me. "Nazis are baaaad, mmkay?" Josef Mengele not the least of them, I've seen the deformities. If you think that laying on the slab and being shot full of experimental goop is your life's calling... fine, but you don't get to make that choice for the rest of us any more than your great-uncle did.

I've had Omicron myself, I came down with it middle of last year. An evening feeling a little fatigued, followed by a day of feeling headachey and two, maybe three days of coughing up the occasional phlegm gem. No big deal, I made sure to vape throughout, dosed up on vitamin C, played with my cock a bit to keep the balls loose... pretty much that was it. You said earlier your case of Omicron knocked you about pretty bad and I doubt it has anything to do with your inability to paint your ceiling with spoof, even wanking as hard as you do over the imaginary benefits your vaccination status afforded you over us purebloods.

You know, I was told to expect a "severe winter of death and illness" by the Potato in Chief. What I got was a full and speedy recovery, meanwhile mudbloods are out there queueing up for their experimental snifflesauce, complaining of aches and pains, coming down with what I was assured was the same malady over and over (the fitter ones about them were even dying from it), but me? Apparently those evil germie-wermies were leaving me the fuck alone. And I wasn't making any attempt to avoid infection.

You can bullshit me all you like over the supposed perils I face; fact is I am doing way better than you cognitively (then again I pretty much always did), liver and kidneys are fine, lungs never better (and that's from a person who was socking away two packs a day a dozen years ago) and my energy levels remain high. Shane Warne explodes his heart days after bragging about his latest booster shot, I'm cruising along just fine. I've learned long ago not to fuck with success and whatever I'm doing is working far better for me than whatever the fuck it is you're doing.

Want to tell me who lost again?  :laugh3:
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles