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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


The Coronation has been now hijacked...

Started by caskur, May 10, 2023, 03:24:37 PM

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Apparently if you actually knew the law you would know owners of properties only own the top 6 inches of soil.... below 6 inches it belongs to the crown....

I am talking civilly it's that I am trying to watch TV so  I am writing to the point.

Prince Andrew has never been charged for anything...he has not been charged nor has he been convicted of anything.....

Lady C has spent over 2 hours on youtube.... discussing Andrew... I will find the two tubes.

The King if he wants to exercise his authority does overrule the magda carta.. I have already researched it.

"Did you know?

Magna Carta was not intended to be a great charter of rights for all people, but designed by the barons to ensure that their rights were protected against the king's power."
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


HERE IS ONE... but will you have the patience to watch it is another story...?

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501225 time=1684585290 user_id=3409
You've been particularly vocal about "the muzzies" previously, I can't imagine it sits too well with you that the head of the Church of England might decide to simp for Allah in the future.

ALLAH means God in Arabic. It's a title like Mr, Esquire, Lord.

I have no respect for Muslim men however I like the women well enough. They are very respectful. It is nice in this day and age.

I don't really know what to make of King Charles position on that other than to say it was a unifying  stance to take. People following a faith and sticking to it TRY the get on in love. I assume that is the place the King is coming from.

Other people are complaining he is placating to many people. He is a people pleaser.

I remain open minded about it for now
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501234 time=1684595610 user_id=2156
Prince Andrew has never been charged for anything...he has not been charged nor has he been convicted of anything.....

He was accused of having improper relations with two minors and has settled out of court to make the allegations go away. He was also stripped of all his titles and privileges, something you wouldn't reasonably expect of someone who was innocent of all charges. But you will never see him convicted, he is a protected class. I would contend because if he were hauled up to answer in a legal setting, we would see a lot more heads roll.

When I think of the eight year straight witch hunt waged against Donald Trump, in the courts, in Congress and in the media which was waged over far less, I find it more than a bit off. Prince Andrew got off exceptionally lightly, meanwhile both Epstein and later Maxwell were incarcerated on charges of sex trafficking to... who exactly? No-one? How exactly does that work, that you could lock up two professionals for sexually trafficking children and yet not be able to definitively provide a single instance of where they actually did it?

The answer is that we are not allowed to know, that these people consider themselves at liberty to engage in the most heinous of acts at the expense of our civil rights and we have to simply shut up and take it. And you are tacitly defending their cause, effectively arguing their right to walk in and take it all in return for the bread and circuses of a couple of fancy TV appearances... I'm not buying it. As George Carlin once noted "it's a big club and you ain't in it", so why on earth would I support it? More to the point, why should I? A benevolent monarch might be different, I could respect and support a monarch that thought enough of the commoner wealth that he/she would seek to promote it, but the present set are avaricious ratbags that are hoovering up everything in sight it seems and I'm not the type to get all starry eyed when they bother to rub my nose in it.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501234 time=1684595610 user_id=2156
Apparently if you actually knew the law you would know owners of properties only own the top 6 inches of soil.... below 6 inches it belongs to the crown....

You don't even own the top six inches, you only rent it. That's what council rates are... rent. Try not paying yours sometime and see where it gets you; you'll lose your investment and be told "rightly so" by agents of the same crown you are defending. That's why you pay it, is it not?

Do you think it is a fair and reasonable thing that if after conscientiously living by that paradigm for as long as you remember that you might be summarily evicted and everything you've ever worked for appropriated for someone else's gain? That is the deal currently being stitched up by King Charles and his associates at the WEF, the complete suspension of the commoner's right to private property, effects and personal liberty with them being the sole beneficiaries of the deal. If your husband tried it you would call him every name under the sun; if I tried it you'd be looking to claw my eyes out. But put a fancy gold hat with pretty stones on the thief's head and you'd allow yourself to be led away meekly to your pen and await his next television appearance? In direct defiance of everything taught you by the book he's sworn to uphold no less? Because that is what it amounts to.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501234 time=1684595610 user_id=2156
The King if he wants to exercise his authority does overrule the magda carta.. I have already researched it.

"Did you know?

Magna Carta was not intended to be a great charter of rights for all people, but designed by the barons to ensure that their rights were protected against the king's power."

I am familiar with the original intent, I am also familiar that those same protections were expanded upon over time. Drafted by Cardinal Stephen Langton (the then Archbishop of Canterbury) it was designed as a peace deal between King John and 25 barons... land owners... and protected against illegal imprisonment, provided for access to swift justice, placed limitations on feudal payments to the Crown and promised protection of church rights, all things that you and I hold dear. It also declared the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documented the liberties held by "free men," making it the foundation for individual human rights and the cudgel we use to wag our fingers at places like China when they take to locking up people in internment camps. King John signed it under sufferance. Eight hundred years later and King Charles wants to return to a world that necessitated it's creation in the first place. There's a reason why we refer to early medieval times as The Dark Ages and it's not because of the global electricity shortage they struggled through.

I never figured you for a socialist which is good. My grandparents fought a war against socialists, specifically of the nationalistic stripe. My parents enjoyed and were called upon to defend a time of prosperity where it was possible to own the roof over one's own head and where the socialists of the day were reported to be living in the squalour and relative poverty of the Stalinist beacon known as the USSR. And now, as its rubble squabbles over where to put the fence between Ukraine and Russia and our *ahem* ..."representatives" compromise our own nation's security by throwing every last bullet and bomb at the equation, I'm expected to piss all over my forefathers' efforts and return to the yurt? Because rock concert?

I do beg your pardon, but I cannot see any reason why I should. But I'll listen to the provided video when I'm out and about later, along with the other one you said you'd post.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Now for part two (or three). Gah, multiple replies to the one post only invite further confusion.  :laugh3:
Quote from: caskur post_id=501237 time=1684597853 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501225 time=1684585290 user_id=3409
You've been particularly vocal about "the muzzies" previously, I can't imagine it sits too well with you that the head of the Church of England might decide to simp for Allah in the future.

ALLAH means God in Arabic. It's a title like Mr, Esquire, Lord.

I have no respect for Muslim men however I like the women well enough. They are very respectful. It is nice in this day and age.

I don't really know what to make of King Charles position on that other than to say it was a unifying  stance to take. People following a faith and sticking to it TRY the get on in love. I assume that is the place the King is coming from.

Other people are complaining he is placating to many people. He is a people pleaser.

I remain open minded about it for now

He isn't doing such a great job of it. Pleasing people I mean. A very divisive man, even his own mother Queen Elizabeth was known to chastise him on occasion in his adulthood. Which on the face of it seems in character for her; I mean the woman was not without her flaws and being the last reigning monarch to have seen the Victorian era are some pretty hefty clogs to fill. I like to think she did her best to groom him for the role of future king, but her displeasure at her firstborn son's antics was palpable at times, most notably in his defiance in continuing his extramarital affairs with Camilla, as well as her habit for shutting him down whenever he said something stupid.

And kow towing to a rival faith whose most fanatical adherents want your people dead assuredly ranks high in the Fetterman stakes. Unless of course you regard your own as beneath consideration, in which case "full steam ahead". And really when you get down to it, if your court is replete with the Prince Andrews, Rolf Harrises and Jimmy Savilles of this world, perhaps it's natural to pander to the whims of a competing religion that regards women and even girls as young as twelve as subservient cockslots and jizz receptacles.

I wouldn't know, I'm not an authoritarian, nor am I a nonce. But it does seem logical.

There's a reason why muslim women are largely respectful... it comes from a lifetime of subservience to the muslim men you despise. You could never do it yourself, you aren't the type. Those men see themselves as being in a position of power and privilege over their womenfolk.">
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501264 time=1684631971 user_id=3409
Quote from: caskur post_id=501234 time=1684595610 user_id=2156
Prince Andrew has never been charged for anything...he has not been charged nor has he been convicted of anything.....

He was accused of having improper relations with two minors and has settled out of court to make the allegations go away. He was also stripped of all his titles and privileges, something you wouldn't reasonably expect of someone who was innocent of all charges. But you will never see him convicted, he is a protected class. I would contend because if he were hauled up to answer in a legal setting, we would see a lot more heads roll.

When I think of the eight year straight witch hunt waged against Donald Trump, in the courts, in Congress and in the media which was waged over far less, I find it more than a bit off. Prince Andrew got off exceptionally lightly, meanwhile both Epstein and later Maxwell were incarcerated on charges of sex trafficking to... who exactly? No-one? How exactly does that work, that you could lock up two professionals for sexually trafficking children and yet not be able to definitively provide a single instance of where they actually did it?

The answer is that we are not allowed to know, that these people consider themselves at liberty to engage in the most heinous of acts at the expense of our civil rights and we have to simply shut up and take it. And you are tacitly defending their cause, effectively arguing their right to walk in and take it all in return for the bread and circuses of a couple of fancy TV appearances... I'm not buying it. As George Carlin once noted "it's a big club and you ain't in it", so why on earth would I support it? More to the point, why should I? A benevolent monarch might be different, I could respect and support a monarch that thought enough of the commoner wealth that he/she would seek to promote it, but the present set are avaricious ratbags that are hoovering up everything in sight it seems and I'm not the type to get all starry eyed when they bother to rub my nose in it.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501234 time=1684595610 user_id=2156
Apparently if you actually knew the law you would know owners of properties only own the top 6 inches of soil.... below 6 inches it belongs to the crown....

You don't even own the top six inches, you only rent it. That's what council rates are... rent. Try not paying yours sometime and see where it gets you; you'll lose your investment and be told "rightly so" by agents of the same crown you are defending. That's why you pay it, is it not?

Do you think it is a fair and reasonable thing that if after conscientiously living by that paradigm for as long as you remember that you might be summarily evicted and everything you've ever worked for appropriated for someone else's gain? That is the deal currently being stitched up by King Charles and his associates at the WEF, the complete suspension of the commoner's right to private property, effects and personal liberty with them being the sole beneficiaries of the deal. If your husband tried it you would call him every name under the sun; if I tried it you'd be looking to claw my eyes out. But put a fancy gold hat with pretty stones on the thief's head and you'd allow yourself to be led away meekly to your pen and await his next television appearance? In direct defiance of everything taught you by the book he's sworn to uphold no less? Because that is what it amounts to.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501234 time=1684595610 user_id=2156
The King if he wants to exercise his authority does overrule the magda carta.. I have already researched it.

"Did you know?

Magna Carta was not intended to be a great charter of rights for all people, but designed by the barons to ensure that their rights were protected against the king's power."

I am familiar with the original intent, I am also familiar that those same protections were expanded upon over time. Drafted by Cardinal Stephen Langton (the then Archbishop of Canterbury) it was designed as a peace deal between King John and 25 barons... land owners... and protected against illegal imprisonment, provided for access to swift justice, placed limitations on feudal payments to the Crown and promised protection of church rights, all things that you and I hold dear. It also declared the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documented the liberties held by "free men," making it the foundation for individual human rights and the cudgel we use to wag our fingers at places like China when they take to locking up people in internment camps. King John signed it under sufferance. Eight hundred years later and King Charles wants to return to a world that necessitated it's creation in the first place. There's a reason why we refer to early medieval times as The Dark Ages and it's not because of the global electricity shortage they struggled through.

I never figured you for a socialist which is good. My grandparents fought a war against socialists, specifically of the nationalistic stripe. My parents enjoyed and were called upon to defend a time of prosperity where it was possible to own the roof over one's own head and where the socialists of the day were reported to be living in the squalour and relative poverty of the Stalinist beacon known as the USSR. And now, as its rubble squabbles over where to put the fence between Ukraine and Russia and our *ahem* ..."representatives" compromise our own nation's security by throwing every last bullet and bomb at the equation, I'm expected to piss all over my forefathers' efforts and return to the yurt? Because rock concert?

I do beg your pardon, but I cannot see any reason why I should. But I'll listen to the provided video when I'm out and about later, along with the other one you said you'd post.

Can you just stick to one issue at a time please.. what TWO minors are you talking about? There are no two minors. JUST that ugly fat cunt Giuffre...And yes, I have pictures.

 Virgina Giuffre (nee Roberts) met Andrew in a London nightclub when she was over 17 but younger than 18 ....what was the prostitute doing in an adult night club at 17?... there were no two minors....Andrews lady friends have ALWAYS been adult women. He has NEVER gone with "minors."

The legal age for consent in the UK is 16. In the USA in 32 states, it is 16 also and in NY it is 17.... Giuffre was NOT a sexual minor.

This is her story which I am assuming you know nothing about...

Giuffre wagged high school often, got hooked on drugs and then hooked on the streets for money to buy drugs in her early teens. She also lived with two different men, one was 65 and a child sex trafficker and paedo... Her father took her to Epstein when she was just over 16 but not quite 17 to work. The job was supposed to be a masseur .... well, we know where that ended up. Giuffre admitted in court she lied and she also admitted to procurring young teens for Epstein. If she went back to America she would have got done for trafficking like Epstein. She had to make a deal if she came back to America she would't be charged.

There was a father, mother and covid that was delaying the civil court case and ANDREW OFFERED TO STEP DOWN from his Royal duties (and it was accepted) and settle with the whore (who was locked down in Perth and still is in Perth) and made a 5 figure donation to her charity...  Andrew did not pay millions to Giuffre like tabloids like to spiel... just 5 undisclosed figures to her charity...

This is why I get so jacked off because once the journalists make up bulldust and write it in the papers ya just cannot move it out of people's pinheads once they read it....

As I have said, Giuffre says she met Andrew at an adult bar in London....How the fuck was he was supposed know she was illegal if that really happened?.... the whore bragged to her other hooker mate, she got Andrew into bed. If that is true, then who was the rapest?

Also, Giuffre has had a habit of claiming rape pre-Epstein that were investigated and were dropped from lack of evidence... and post-Epstein which I cannot be fagged writing about now... I'll write about it later.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


QuoteThere's a reason why muslim women are largely respectful... it comes from a lifetime of subservience to the muslim men you despise. You could never do it yourself, you aren't the type. Those men see themselves as being in a position of power and privilege over their womenfolk.

I know... I would most likely kill all of them by joining the Women's Kurdish Army...

Muslims don't go to heaven if a woman kills them....bwahahaha
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Politically... I am right down the middle.... but lean left on a couple of issues...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


I doubt I am going to survive. I have developed some health issues...

I will do the euthanasia thing if it gets more painful..

I just  hope I die in my sleep...

I am not scared of dying, just the way I die.

I have 22 grand nieces and nephews and some nieces haven't bred yet... they'll have to clean up the mess we leave behind.

I used to be angry about that now I don't care. I too planted lots of trees... my carbon print is very low...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501264 time=1684631971 user_id=3409
Prince Andrew got off exceptionally lightly, meanwhile both Epstein and later Maxwell were incarcerated on charges of sex trafficking to... who exactly? No-one? How exactly does that work, that you could lock up two professionals for sexually trafficking children and yet not be able to definitively provide a single instance of where they actually did it?

ANDREW HAD no need to "get off lightly".... he didn't do anything illegal. HOWEVER the slut accuser is being done for sex trafficking for Epstein. Apparently it was Giuffre that used to score the young teenagers for the parasite Epstein.

Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Giuffre now facing sexual assault allegations

The claims are at the centre of a defamation suit being brought against Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Giuffre by Rina Oh, who alleges she "touched her without consent""> ... e-27190196">
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501277 time=1684642896 user_id=2156
Can you just stick to one issue at a time please.. what TWO minors are you talking about? There are no two minors. JUST that ugly fat cunt Giuffre...And yes, I have pictures.

 Virgina Giuffre (nee Roberts) met Andrew in a London nightclub when she was over 17 but younger than 18 ....what was the prostitute doing in an adult night club at 17?... there were no two minors....Andrews lady friends have ALWAYS been adult women. He has NEVER gone with "minors."

The legal age for consent in the UK is 16. In the USA in 32 states, it is 16 also and in NY it is 17.... Giuffre was NOT a sexual minor.

This is her story which I am assuming you know nothing about...

Giuffre wagged high school often, got hooked on drugs and then hooked on the streets for money to buy drugs in her early teens. She also lived with two different men, one was 65 and a child sex trafficker and paedo... Her father took her to Epstein when she was just over 16 but not quite 17 to work. The job was supposed to be a masseur .... well, we know where that ended up. Giuffre admitted in court she lied and she also admitted to procurring young teens for Epstein. If she went back to America she would have got done for trafficking like Epstein. She had to make a deal if she came back to America she would't be charged.

There was a father, mother and covid that was delaying the civil court case and ANDREW OFFERED TO STEP DOWN from his Royal duties (and it was accepted) and settle with the whore (who was locked down in Perth and still is in Perth) and made a 5 figure donation to her charity...  Andrew did not pay millions to Giuffre like tabloids like to spiel... just 5 undisclosed figures to her charity...

This is why I get so jacked off because once the journalists make up bulldust and write it in the papers ya just cannot move it out of people's pinheads once they read it....

As I have said, Giuffre says she met Andrew at an adult bar in London....How the fuck was he was supposed know she was illegal if that really happened?.... the whore bragged to her other hooker mate, she got Andrew into bed. If that is true, then who was the rapest?

Also, Giuffre has had a habit of claiming rape pre-Epstein that were investigated and were dropped from lack of evidence... and post-Epstein which I cannot be fagged writing about now... I'll write about it later.

The legal age rises to eighteen where a position of trust is involved. As in an authority figure. We have agreed that the Royal function is not purely ceremonial, that there is actual authority there, it would be the same had a school teacher or priest had jammed is old feller into her. This is why Justin Trudeau was accused of statutory rape of his students a couple of years ago. Students (those that have not legally attained age of majority yet) are not legally considered liable for their actions. Adults are.

Or were, once upon a time. Irrespective of yours or my views on the legitimacy of the plaintiffs allegations, their social standing or even their physical attributes and whether they should be held accountable for being fat and ugly enough to woo the elderly into abusing them with their spunk cannons, groping any woman's erogenous zones can be considered an act of sexual aggression these days, see Donald Trump's hot mic comments about women letting rich and famous guys grab them on the pussy... contrast the moral outrage and furore that erupted there with the tenor of the allegations surrounding the photo of Roberts with Prince Andrew' groping her. Their best defence was to cry "photoshop" like some wet behind the ears flamer wannabe... when confronted with screencaps.

I've seen the photo, It doesn't look shopped to me. There were other occasions that involved Roberts and Prince Andrew too, including a menage a trois in New York with a girl whose name escapes me for the moment, as well as being witness to further rapes conducted by Epstein himself. New York treats prostitution as a Class B misdemeanor, with those soliciting it guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. If one of the parties is considered a minor, the charge becomes a class B felony. Depending on the level of coercion, more charges may be considered.

Prince Andrews was never found guilty of any of these allegations, but he wasn't found not guilty either. When facing with civil proceedings (which do not attract such penalties) he preferred to pay settlements not to his accusers, but to charity instead. This at the height of the #MeToo and #BelieveHer movement no less. I find that.... odd. I also find it odd that he, an alleged innocent man, should be nonetheless forced to step down from his royal duties in a "the bullies sent Mean Things about you; go to your room" moment. I also question why later on, he would agree to provide testimony against Jeffrey Epstein only to utterly fail to pony up same when push came to shove.

And this is but one chapter in his reported improprieties. There is the matter of his association with fashion executive Peter Nygard, accused of multiple accounts of luring females to his island in the Bahamas to be molested, raped and sodomized. I'm either looking at a very unlucky and foolish man or a piece of dirt sexual predator of the highest order and given Buckingham Palace's reaction to the affair, I'm inclined to think I know which it is. In previous generations royal family members were thrown in the tower for much less. Some even ended up getting their necks ventilated for it. As a woman who supports the death penalty, don't you wonder where that tradition went? Because I'm sure Virginia Roberts) could tell you, and it's not as though you'd have to leave your country to find out.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501278 time=1684644158 user_id=2156
QuoteThere's a reason why muslim women are largely respectful... it comes from a lifetime of subservience to the muslim men you despise. You could never do it yourself, you aren't the type. Those men see themselves as being in a position of power and privilege over their womenfolk.

I know... I would most likely kill all of them by joining the Women's Kurdish Army...

Muslims don't go to heaven if a woman kills them....bwahahaha

Not very woke of their God, is it?  :laugh3:

Quote from: caskur post_id=501279 time=1684644265 user_id=2156
Politically... I am right down the middle.... but lean left on a couple of issues...

I tend to view the spectrum more as a horse shoe myself. Or even a circle. Take a look at the extreme ends, you encounter authoritarianism, the polar opposite of which is libertarianism. I prefer a little administration to co-ordinate the basic infastucture, but largely prefer to be left to my own devices to operate within it. Large and unwielfy government systems are a waste of money and time and are terminally inefficient for the investment required to keep them going.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501280 time=1684645572 user_id=2156
I doubt I am going to survive. I have developed some health issues...

Sorry to hear about your luck, kid. It comes for us all eventually.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501280 time=1684645572 user_id=2156
I will do the euthanasia thing if it gets more painful..

Is that a thing where you are? I know it is in Canada and already being abused with doctors encouraging people from the old to the terminally depressed to check out. Not in all cases mind you, but in enough cases to cause concern.

Heh... you know, I'd have pegged you to last forever. Well at least as long as Obi, which is pretty much the same thing when we get down to it. It's not like you to let anything get the better of you to the point you'd give up on it.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501280 time=1684645572 user_id=2156
I just  hope I die in my sleep...

I am not scared of dying, just the way I die.

I have 22 grand nieces and nephews and some nieces haven't bred yet... they'll have to clean up the mess we leave behind.

I used to be angry about that now I don't care. I too planted lots of trees... my carbon print is very low...

Fuck the carbon footprint. When the loudest voices on environmental matters are happily zipping to and fro overhead in their chartered jets, I tend to think they're treating the whole thing as a bit of a grift personally. If you've led a good life, I'd argue you might reasonably expect a little comfort in your autumn and winter years.

Tomorrow is another gift from God. Think of it in those terms, tell your man you love him and give him a hug. He's earned it as much as you have, facing whatever is ahead together is infinitely more comforting than facing it alone.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501282 time=1684649845 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501264 time=1684631971 user_id=3409
Prince Andrew got off exceptionally lightly, meanwhile both Epstein and later Maxwell were incarcerated on charges of sex trafficking to... who exactly? No-one? How exactly does that work, that you could lock up two professionals for sexually trafficking children and yet not be able to definitively provide a single instance of where they actually did it?

ANDREW HAD no need to "get off lightly".... he didn't do anything illegal. HOWEVER the slut accuser is being done for sex trafficking for Epstein. Apparently it was Giuffre that used to score the young teenagers for the parasite Epstein.

Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Giuffre now facing sexual assault allegations

The claims are at the centre of a defamation suit being brought against Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Giuffre by Rina Oh, who alleges she "touched her without consent""> ... e-27190196">

Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


I am not repeating myself again....

 Giuffre was a prostitute before she met Epstein and a procurer of young girls for Epstein when she started working for him. She admitted in court.

She may have been a victim when she was 13/14 but by the time she was hooking for Epstein getting $4,000 a pop she was no longer a victim.

The photo you have up there has no original. It has mysteriously vanished.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


lol,... I'm not dying yet... I just hurt my back and feel like dying!!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


My advice is, watch Lady C.  She explains the problem even a 6 year old can understand.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol