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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

avatar_Erica Mena


Started by Erica Mena, May 12, 2023, 07:00:22 PM

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Quote from: Herman post_id=500461 time=1683938343 user_id=3396
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=500458 time=1683937841 user_id=2845
It's not a money thing. Just gotta focus on more important things happening. All positive, of course.

Everyone can go to SG if it's up. I'm sure Biggie will see to it.

I just took a look, it aint. I liked what we had here. I aint ready to retire from forums yet, but I sure as hell aint interested in VF and especially BF.

I know another Canadian forum... right leaning and old codgers... I will pm you the link.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Shen Li

Quote from: Blazor post_id=500703 time=1684080353 user_id=2221
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=500566 time=1684016328 user_id=3389

And it's not really worth anyone's time anymore.

I get more satisfaction in jerking off than I do getting on forums these days. At least after jacking off I know I've only wasted a couple minutes.




Quote from: Blazor post_id=500749 time=1684113124 user_id=2221
Quote from: Aylana post_id=500743 time=1684111577 user_id=3385">


Ok!!! You win! Hahahahahahaha

Good to meet you  ac_drinks

What does the Japanese say lol? I know you started with "hello".

Where is the bathroom?


I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.


Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.'s not difficult. Once he realizes his shit gets deleted he gives up. I kept up with him with no problem. Far as I'm concerned he is permabanned and has been for a few years. Cronus (my admin account) will be able to keep up with it. Soon as the ownership changes........
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: Frood post_id=500797 time=1684146100 user_id=1676
Quote from: DKG post_id=500790 time=1684143054 user_id=3390

Neither an I. We don't get a lot of traffic, but we offer an alternative to the toxic repetitive childishness of BF.

If you want traffic, I may be able to help.... but with my own time constraints (I'm not connected while in the bush and I often work 50-65 hours per week)

I can't guarantee the types of traffic though....  :43(2):

It's always been my secret hidden power. Recruit by streaking around with undies on head on fire and comical birdy turds, while taking on 50-100 people simultaneously at any one forum in multiple windows while doing the same for further forums.

I can get you the traffic. If sc'T is on board,  even much much more, because we bounce off each other, and he's like a virtual killer bloodhound.

What inevitably happens is you drag a dozen or three back, they register, and a handful stay.

New blood.....

It's been a while but I can put in an appearance, sure. Conditional on whether or not the admin and owners mind the... unusual ambassadorial skills I tend to employ, shall we say? As much fun as raiding can be, it does require a scootch of application and effort, something that would be wasted should the people paying the bills not enjoy at least some interest in where it might lead.

Suggest you nudge them privately to see where their headspace is on the issue. While you're at it, you might table that other matter I mentioned to you a few days ago - I'm inclined towards it I think, but it will need an admin to make it happen.


Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.

seamonkey actually wants to be banned.... hes subject to abuse on every forum hes joined.... hes the overwhelming choice for "biggest idiot" by everyone thats been exposed to him.... he knows that virtually every post he makes will be picked apart and beat down or completely ignored.... yet he doesn't have the self-discipline to walk away.... thats why he strives to be such a visable pariah.... in hopes that some sympathetic admin will pull his plug.... he hasn't got the resolve required to end it himself....

Shen Li

Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=500827 time=1684187737 user_id=1582
Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.

seamonkey actually wants to be banned.... hes subject to abuse on every forum hes joined.... hes the overwhelming choice for "biggest idiot" by everyone thats been exposed to him.... he knows that virtually every post he makes will be picked apart and beat down or completely ignored.... yet he doesn't have the self-discipline to walk away.... thats why he strives to be such a visable pariah.... in hopes that some sympathetic admin will pull his plug.... he hasn't got the resolve required to end it himself....

UR describing an inebriated Mel, not Seadunce.


Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.

One of the problems with that is many of the 'Seacreeper' posts are made by other 'Guests'.


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=500827 time=1684187737 user_id=1582
Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.

seamonkey actually wants to be banned.... hes subject to abuse on every forum hes joined.... hes the overwhelming choice for "biggest idiot" by everyone thats been exposed to him.... he knows that virtually every post he makes will be picked apart and beat down or completely ignored.... yet he doesn't have the self-discipline to walk away.... thats why he strives to be such a visable pariah.... in hopes that some sympathetic admin will pull his plug....

Pull his plug, eh? I think I heard something about that...

An estimated Valley attorney, has picked up a client who is suing a sex toy company. Said client purchased a butt plug that was advertised as '100% silicone'. Client wears butt plug to MRI appointment. Much to client's dismay, butt plug in fact has a metallic core. Butt plug is accelerated at the speed of sound [...] into client's chest cavity. Described in memo as an 'anal rail gun'. Client survived with major injuries.""> ... 0961112064">


Quote from: cw_ post_id=500840 time=1684197328 user_id=3226
Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.

One of the problems with that is many of the 'Seacreeper' posts are made by other 'Guests'.

I dunno, I grew up in a time where if you didn't like what you liked on the radio, a quick flick of the knob got you past that station and on to something else. Kids these days... they'd rather REEE for someone to smash the radio AND the station, organize boycotts, kick the staff out on the street et cetera et cetera...

Seems an awful lot of effort to go to over something that can be solved with a simple flick.


Quote from: cw_ post_id=500840 time=1684197328 user_id=3226
Quote from: Aylana post_id=500813 time=1684170019 user_id=3385
I think every BC member should have the power to delete any Seacreeper post they see on the forum...that will help keep things clean and spam free.

One of the problems with that is many of the 'Seacreeper' posts are made by other 'Guests'.

My gut tells me that if he got the boot you would see the Seamidget pretender posts disappear too.

Berry Sweet

Quote from: DKG post_id=500789 time=1684142978 user_id=3390
Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=500786 time=1684132472 user_id=164

Nice!  I know I'm not always around, but im willing to mod, to delete stupid posts, spam, pedo crap and a constant influx of videos.

I too am also going on a trip next month.  I haven't been on an airplane since Disney world.  It should be fun...the kid is coming too.

Enjoy your trip!

Thanks Berry and happy belated Mother's Day to you. You are a very stable poster and you have been around a long time. I will get Cronus to give you some mod porivileges. kid got me a nice gift...and is now making me a mug in school for my birthday...I'm excited!

It's all good, I'll be ready when the time comes.  Can we ban weebs from posting videos? That's all he does.  It's the same ones over and over...Ice T and other old school rap shit no one cares about.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=500852 time=1684201886 user_id=164
Quote from: DKG post_id=500789 time=1684142978 user_id=3390

Thanks Berry and happy belated Mother's Day to you. You are a very stable poster and you have been around a long time. I will get Cronus to give you some mod porivileges. kid got me a nice gift...and is now making me a mug in school for my birthday...I'm excited!

It's all good, I'll be ready when the time comes.  Can we ban weebs from posting videos? That's all he does.  It's the same ones over and over...Ice T and other old school rap shit no one cares about.

As I said, that will be up to Cronus. But, if past experience is any indication of what he does in the future, I say old Cronus will probably give him a warning and then there will be consequences if he keeps up the youtube spamming bullshit.


Quote from: Herman post_id=500872 time=1684204614 user_id=3396
Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=500852 time=1684201886 user_id=164 kid got me a nice gift...and is now making me a mug in school for my birthday...I'm excited!

It's all good, I'll be ready when the time comes.  Can we ban weebs from posting videos? That's all he does.  It's the same ones over and over...Ice T and other old school rap shit no one cares about.

As I said, that will be up to Cronus. But, if past experience is any indication of what he does in the future, I say old Cronus will probably give him a warning and then there will be consequences if he keeps up the youtube spamming bullshit.

Or I could make a Weebles specific thread to move everything into. We'll see. Nothing has changed over yet as far as admin duties/powers are concerned. Not going to be any major changes in philosophy as far as me coming back. You know me. I try to be as fair as I can. The rules are the rules. Gotta love Rule #9
the best circus always has the biggest freakshow.... thats just the human condition....