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avatar_Erica Mena

This woke shit

Started by Erica Mena, May 17, 2023, 11:07:51 AM

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Shen Li

Quote from: Lokmar
Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush

While I agree with him that the boycotts have worked, I suspect this bullshittery will be back in full force next year, and then the next, and then the next, until the blood flows deep. These people have to be butchered.
Bullying corporations with ESG horseshit won't end anytime soon.


Quote from: Shen Li
Quote from: LokmarWhile I agree with him that the boycotts have worked, I suspect this bullshittery will be back in full force next year, and then the next, and then the next, until the blood flows deep. These people have to be butchered.
Bullying corporations with ESG horseshit won't end anytime soon.

Exactly. There's no compromising with this crazy shit cause they'll never stop.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Lokmar
Quote from: Shen LiBullying corporations with ESG horseshit won't end anytime soon.

Exactly. There's no compromising with this crazy shit cause they'll never stop.
Mmmm, well it's going to require a conscientious effort on the part of those of us who see the problem to get that pendulum moving in the opposite direction. The good news (relatively speaking) is that Joe Normie is slowly waking up to the truth of what a number of us have been saying for years and that hiding their heads under the parapet and hoping that it will pass them by just won't work.

Remember; "history doesn't repeat, though it does rhyme". There's plenty of historical anecdotes of presumed unassailable elites being deposed, it can happen again. The key is enough people prepared to understand that they are losing ground and they will continue to lose ground until they stand up and Fight as though they have already lost it all.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


The Oceangate CEO Stockton Rush said he doesnt want to hire experienced 50 year old white guys because they are "uninspirational".

Uncertified submarine with an inexperienced operator... Diving to the depth of 4000 meters where the pressure is so high that a little leak cuts you in half.

But you dont have to worry about being cut in half because any kind of loss of hull integrity means that the submarine gets crushed like an empty beer can in microseconds.

Godspeed, dumbasses.

Sorry for the 19 year old kid... Had his whole life ahead of him.


Quote from: OdinsonThe Oceangate CEO Stockton Rush said he doesnt want to hire experienced 50 year old white guys because they are "uninspirational".

Uncertified submarine with an inexperienced operator... Diving to the depth of 4000 meters where the pressure is so high that a little leak cuts you in half.

But you dont have to worry about being cut in half because any kind of loss of hull integrity means that the submarine gets crushed like an empty beer can in microseconds.

Godspeed, dumbasses.

Sorry for the 19 year old kid... Had his whole life ahead of him.
I read that as admission of responsbility for the missing submarine by the CEO.


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush
Quote from: LokmarExactly. There's no compromising with this crazy shit cause they'll never stop.
Mmmm, well it's going to require a conscientious effort on the part of those of us who see the problem to get that pendulum moving in the opposite direction. The good news (relatively speaking) is that Joe Normie is slowly waking up to the truth of what a number of us have been saying for years and that hiding their heads under the parapet and hoping that it will pass them by just won't work.

Remember; "history doesn't repeat, though it does rhyme". There's plenty of historical anecdotes of presumed unassailable elites being deposed, it can happen again. The key is enough people prepared to understand that they are losing ground and they will continue to lose ground until they stand up and Fight as though they have already lost it all.

Agreed. Support for these degenerates has finally stopped its upward trajectory and is finally falling, thankfully.


An interesting editorial in The Spectator about how the Pride movement lost it's way.

Even just a few years ago, Pride was about tolerance for others and about sending a message that the state and other individuals should not interfere in the private life of an adult.

Shoving pronouns down people's throats, compelled speech, and shoving this stuff in front of children has only made things worse for everyone, including LGBT people.

Why Pride lost the public

'Gays and women are bearing the brunt of the gender ideology nonsense'

What happened to Pride? After decades of progress for gay rights, growing acceptance of gay marriage and the normalization of same-sex relationships, Pride is unexpectedly political again. Why?

In search of an answer, I spoke to prominent LGBT thinkers and writers, many of them dissenting voices when judged against the views of many LGBT advocacy groups. Their answers surprised me. Across the board they all said some version of "this was inevitable."

"The core reason for the backlash is pretty simple: children," Andrew Sullivan explains. "The attempt to indoctrinate children in gender ideology and to trans them on the verge of puberty has changed the debate. Start indoctrinating and transing children... and you will re-energize one of the oldest homophobic tropes there is: 'gays are child molesters.'"

Glenn Greenwald largely agrees: "What destroyed the culture war consensus was their cynical and self-interested decision to transform the LGBT cause into one that no longer focused on the autonomy of adult Americans to live freely — which most people support — but instead to demand the right to influence and indoctrinate other people's children."

"They are calling them 'trans kids' and medicalizing them at an early age. Lying about puberty blockers. Lying about young girls getting irreversible surgery and so on," says trans man Buck Angel.

An average person will likely refer to this shift as "woke" and wonder how "the trans stuff" is suddenly everywhere, all at once. Parents are baffled when three out of four of their twelve-year-old daughter's friend group "identify" as boys or, even more confusingly, nonbinary. People started putting pronouns in their social media bios, on their work résumés and in their email signatures. Biological men are competing in women's sports and being placed in women's prisons. In medical magazines and birthing classes, women are suddenly referred to by dehumanizing terms such as "birthing persons" and "uterus havers."

We've arrived here thanks to a confluence of forces. Perpetual victimhood pushed by activist groups that need a reason to exist and continue collecting money. The corporatization of Pride. The hijacking of the movement by gender ideology.

"You can't dress toddlers up in extreme political propaganda while lecturing the parents on committing child abuse for not transitioning their kids and expect everyone to keep quiet," trans writer Chad Felix Greene tells me.

The real slippery slope hasn't been the gay rights movement, as right-wing pundits often say. "When I see some of them going after Pride, they appear to blame gay people for the nonsense peddled in the name of Pride today — when in truth gay people are the victims of it," comedian Andrew Doyle said.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: DKGAn interesting editorial in The Spectator about how the Pride movement lost it's way.

Even just a few years ago, Pride was about tolerance for others and about sending a message that the state and other individuals should not interfere in the private life of an adult.

Shoving pronouns down people's throats, compelled speech, and shoving this stuff in front of children has only made things worse for everyone, including LGBT people.

Why Pride lost the public

'Gays and women are bearing the brunt of the gender ideology nonsense'

What happened to Pride? After decades of progress for gay rights, growing acceptance of gay marriage and the normalization of same-sex relationships, Pride is unexpectedly political again. Why?

In search of an answer, I spoke to prominent LGBT thinkers and writers, many of them dissenting voices when judged against the views of many LGBT advocacy groups. Their answers surprised me. Across the board they all said some version of "this was inevitable."

"The core reason for the backlash is pretty simple: children," Andrew Sullivan explains. "The attempt to indoctrinate children in gender ideology and to trans them on the verge of puberty has changed the debate. Start indoctrinating and transing children... and you will re-energize one of the oldest homophobic tropes there is: 'gays are child molesters.'"

Glenn Greenwald largely agrees: "What destroyed the culture war consensus was their cynical and self-interested decision to transform the LGBT cause into one that no longer focused on the autonomy of adult Americans to live freely — which most people support — but instead to demand the right to influence and indoctrinate other people's children."

"They are calling them 'trans kids' and medicalizing them at an early age. Lying about puberty blockers. Lying about young girls getting irreversible surgery and so on," says trans man Buck Angel.

An average person will likely refer to this shift as "woke" and wonder how "the trans stuff" is suddenly everywhere, all at once. Parents are baffled when three out of four of their twelve-year-old daughter's friend group "identify" as boys or, even more confusingly, nonbinary. People started putting pronouns in their social media bios, on their work résumés and in their email signatures. Biological men are competing in women's sports and being placed in women's prisons. In medical magazines and birthing classes, women are suddenly referred to by dehumanizing terms such as "birthing persons" and "uterus havers."

We've arrived here thanks to a confluence of forces. Perpetual victimhood pushed by activist groups that need a reason to exist and continue collecting money. The corporatization of Pride. The hijacking of the movement by gender ideology.

"You can't dress toddlers up in extreme political propaganda while lecturing the parents on committing child abuse for not transitioning their kids and expect everyone to keep quiet," trans writer Chad Felix Greene tells me.

The real slippery slope hasn't been the gay rights movement, as right-wing pundits often say. "When I see some of them going after Pride, they appear to blame gay people for the nonsense peddled in the name of Pride today — when in truth gay people are the victims of it," comedian Andrew Doyle said.
This^. I don't give a short sharp shit what two consenting adults do to each others bodies privately as long as they keep it to themselves. If they choose to run a float down main street, have the decency to cover their bodies up like the rest of us and not otherwise ram their way of life down everyone's necks... fine. And if that was all it had ever been... well Lokmar might still roar for their execution because it offended him, but really... who could honestly say they were being adversely affected? Homos and lezzos by their nature do not reproduce, they are (to put it bluntly and perhaps unkindly) evolutionary dead ends and, if considered a problem, then at least a problem that eventually solves itself.

None of this is something I see as being something to get worked up over.

The real problem is the hijacking of that movement by activists into what we see today. I am heartened to see a growing number of shirt lifters and mattress munchers finding their voice on that score because it represents (to me at least) something I said above; namely that hiding ones head under the parapet and hoping trouble would pass them by doesn't work. The results speak for themselves - activists are attempting to legitimize their continued reason for existence in the absence of the initial cause by creating new causes that neither heterosexuals nor homosexuals were arguing in the first place. The FBI did similar in the wake of prohibition being repealed.

"We have a right to your kids"? I've worked alongside plenty of the rainbow brigade who were as disgusted with that argument as you and I are. And just like you and I, they were late in expressing their discontent, preferring rather to remain silent in the hope of not losing what they had fought for - namely the right to get on with their lives unmolested by some crackpot continuing to agitate for argy bargy's sake.

Circle the wagons. Anything that looks like it wants to steal what you've worked and fought for goes outside the circle, to fend for itself and raise whatever hell it cares to without our support or charity.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: DKGAn interesting editorial in The Spectator about how the Pride movement lost it's way.

Even just a few years ago, Pride was about tolerance for others and about sending a message that the state and other individuals should not interfere in the private life of an adult.

Shoving pronouns down people's throats, compelled speech, and shoving this stuff in front of children has only made things worse for everyone, including LGBT people.

Why Pride lost the public

'Gays and women are bearing the brunt of the gender ideology nonsense'

What happened to Pride? After decades of progress for gay rights, growing acceptance of gay marriage and the normalization of same-sex relationships, Pride is unexpectedly political again. Why?

In search of an answer, I spoke to prominent LGBT thinkers and writers, many of them dissenting voices when judged against the views of many LGBT advocacy groups. Their answers surprised me. Across the board they all said some version of "this was inevitable."

"The core reason for the backlash is pretty simple: children," Andrew Sullivan explains. "The attempt to indoctrinate children in gender ideology and to trans them on the verge of puberty has changed the debate. Start indoctrinating and transing children... and you will re-energize one of the oldest homophobic tropes there is: 'gays are child molesters.'"

Glenn Greenwald largely agrees: "What destroyed the culture war consensus was their cynical and self-interested decision to transform the LGBT cause into one that no longer focused on the autonomy of adult Americans to live freely — which most people support — but instead to demand the right to influence and indoctrinate other people's children."

"They are calling them 'trans kids' and medicalizing them at an early age. Lying about puberty blockers. Lying about young girls getting irreversible surgery and so on," says trans man Buck Angel.

An average person will likely refer to this shift as "woke" and wonder how "the trans stuff" is suddenly everywhere, all at once. Parents are baffled when three out of four of their twelve-year-old daughter's friend group "identify" as boys or, even more confusingly, nonbinary. People started putting pronouns in their social media bios, on their work résumés and in their email signatures. Biological men are competing in women's sports and being placed in women's prisons. In medical magazines and birthing classes, women are suddenly referred to by dehumanizing terms such as "birthing persons" and "uterus havers."

We've arrived here thanks to a confluence of forces. Perpetual victimhood pushed by activist groups that need a reason to exist and continue collecting money. The corporatization of Pride. The hijacking of the movement by gender ideology.

"You can't dress toddlers up in extreme political propaganda while lecturing the parents on committing child abuse for not transitioning their kids and expect everyone to keep quiet," trans writer Chad Felix Greene tells me.

The real slippery slope hasn't been the gay rights movement, as right-wing pundits often say. "When I see some of them going after Pride, they appear to blame gay people for the nonsense peddled in the name of Pride today — when in truth gay people are the victims of it," comedian Andrew Doyle said.

definitely many gay people are victims of this new puritin movement. I met an online lesbian fighting to save kids from puberty blockers and kid groomers.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur
Quote from: DKGAn interesting editorial in The Spectator about how the Pride movement lost it's way.

Even just a few years ago, Pride was about tolerance for others and about sending a message that the state and other individuals should not interfere in the private life of an adult.

Shoving pronouns down people's throats, compelled speech, and shoving this stuff in front of children has only made things worse for everyone, including LGBT people.

Why Pride lost the public

'Gays and women are bearing the brunt of the gender ideology nonsense'

What happened to Pride? After decades of progress for gay rights, growing acceptance of gay marriage and the normalization of same-sex relationships, Pride is unexpectedly political again. Why?

In search of an answer, I spoke to prominent LGBT thinkers and writers, many of them dissenting voices when judged against the views of many LGBT advocacy groups. Their answers surprised me. Across the board they all said some version of "this was inevitable."

"The core reason for the backlash is pretty simple: children," Andrew Sullivan explains. "The attempt to indoctrinate children in gender ideology and to trans them on the verge of puberty has changed the debate. Start indoctrinating and transing children... and you will re-energize one of the oldest homophobic tropes there is: 'gays are child molesters.'"

Glenn Greenwald largely agrees: "What destroyed the culture war consensus was their cynical and self-interested decision to transform the LGBT cause into one that no longer focused on the autonomy of adult Americans to live freely — which most people support — but instead to demand the right to influence and indoctrinate other people's children."

"They are calling them 'trans kids' and medicalizing them at an early age. Lying about puberty blockers. Lying about young girls getting irreversible surgery and so on," says trans man Buck Angel.

An average person will likely refer to this shift as "woke" and wonder how "the trans stuff" is suddenly everywhere, all at once. Parents are baffled when three out of four of their twelve-year-old daughter's friend group "identify" as boys or, even more confusingly, nonbinary. People started putting pronouns in their social media bios, on their work résumés and in their email signatures. Biological men are competing in women's sports and being placed in women's prisons. In medical magazines and birthing classes, women are suddenly referred to by dehumanizing terms such as "birthing persons" and "uterus havers."

We've arrived here thanks to a confluence of forces. Perpetual victimhood pushed by activist groups that need a reason to exist and continue collecting money. The corporatization of Pride. The hijacking of the movement by gender ideology.

"You can't dress toddlers up in extreme political propaganda while lecturing the parents on committing child abuse for not transitioning their kids and expect everyone to keep quiet," trans writer Chad Felix Greene tells me.

The real slippery slope hasn't been the gay rights movement, as right-wing pundits often say. "When I see some of them going after Pride, they appear to blame gay people for the nonsense peddled in the name of Pride today — when in truth gay people are the victims of it," comedian Andrew Doyle said.

definitely many gay people are victims of this new puritin movement. I met an online lesbian fighting to save kids from puberty blockers and kid groomers.
I am an adults can do whatever they want fan of liberty. Hormone blockers and major surgery for kids is insane.


Absolutely insane.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskurAbsolutely insane.


I LMFAO that most of you people are too fucking blind to realize that tolerating kweirdos was always gonna lead to this. You're really no different than that average jigaboo that keeps pulling the lever for democRAT while crying about jigs getting mowed down in the streets. I'm going to magically predict this shit gets worse and continues to baffle your tiny minds.


Quote from: LokmarI LMFAO that most of you people are too fucking blind to realize that tolerating kweirdos was always gonna lead to this. You're really no different than that average jigaboo that keeps pulling the lever for democRAT while crying about jigs getting mowed down in the streets. I'm going to magically predict this shit gets worse and continues to baffle your tiny minds.
I think the average person can see what is happening. It has nothing to don with consenting gay adults anymore.


Quote from: DKG
Quote from: LokmarI LMFAO that most of you people are too fucking blind to realize that tolerating kweirdos was always gonna lead to this. You're really no different than that average jigaboo that keeps pulling the lever for democRAT while crying about jigs getting mowed down in the streets. I'm going to magically predict this shit gets worse and continues to baffle your tiny minds.
I think the average person can see what is happening. It has nothing to don with consenting gay adults anymore.

Its the predictable evolution of consenting gay adults. I said this type of shit was going to happen at least 2 decades ago. I came up with my prediction from reading the Bible and even backing it up with world history. Tolerating gay perversion and even worse yet, canonizing it in law, literally nets a society this type of bullshit. The day of reckoning is coming. The One and Only God that Adolph shitler isnt convinced exists is going to see America destroyed. Ours is the one nation on earth that declared its independence from england on the authority of God. Its was a great and momentous thing but it came with strings.