Quote from: JOE post_id=502406 time=1685545024 user_id=97You do whatever you do mate. If I'm wrong and your hedge of stocks and minted gold win through for you, great. If I'm right... well, it's been nice knowing you all, I don't imagine much of the stuff you take for granted in the now is going to be worth a pinch of shit when it all goes down.Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=502387 time=1685535595 user_id=3409
...interesting perspective.
Not necessarily what I or others would want to hear.
But your pov has its merits.
I too am somewhat doubtful about RRSPs, 401k plans, TFSA plans whatever you call 'em.
Y'know I was with a friend the other day recently retired & he showed me this website from one of the major Canadian banks which would be equivalent to one of the larger banks in the US like JP Morgan.
And it has this TFSA calculator.https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/investments/tfsa.html?utm_dc=ga_SEG_32398921_100067799035_605021343480_kwd-369681853179_c_g_&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4NujBhC5ARIsAF4Iv6d8dJudVRnGBDQ1_8mem8k0aghsAnoe4fLDnANOaybcQBFjsLOn_GkaAlh2EALw_wcB"> https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/investment ... h2EALw_wcB">https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/investments/tfsa.html?utm_dc=ga_SEG_32398921_100067799035_605021343480_kwd-369681853179_c_g_&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4NujBhC5ARIsAF4Iv6d8dJudVRnGBDQ1_8mem8k0aghsAnoe4fLDnANOaybcQBFjsLOn_GkaAlh2EALw_wcB
anyways, long story short, he advised me that if I constantly contribute to this fund for the next 30 years on a regular basis, that I will have this nest egg ready all throughout my retirement.
Now while I like my friend very much (BTW he is conservative like many of you in this forum) and think he's a very honest decent guy, I am somewhat skeptical about their claims. The website has this line that if you I keep giving money to them on a regular basis, soon, that amount will grow to $1 million compounded annually!!!
Now while I certainly don't knock anyone trying to grow their retirement fund or saving for retirement, in the back of my mind I have some doubts about this model. Rather than keeping or locking the money into this bank or any other, wouldn't it be wiser to make gains with this fund - ie TBill, savings bonds, gic's whatever, and then use the extra money left over to buy hard goods such as gold, land, hardware, whatever - while the USD/canadian/AUS dollar are actually worth something?!
In other words...take the money and run while you can still buy something with it.
Given the world situation, I just don't believe in this 'buy and hold' mentality.
And if our dollars keep getting devalued and are constantly worth less, doesn't seem they'll be able to buy much in 10 years even if the TFSA/401k plan keeps 'growing' and gives one the illusion that they are 'millionaires' when in fact the dollar buys half as much as it used to.
Anyways that's just me hunch. Feel free to poke holes in it and tell me if you think it's inaccurate.
Always looking for new ideas or fresh insights/persepctives.
Old age pensions were sold as being a government managed hedge against the citizen's winter years. Until they weren't, at which point governments partnered with business for a new system to pay into.
Anyone that believes the corporate managed superannuation schemes will not face the same fate as the old age pension is only kidding themselves.
You are putting your trust in systems with a proven track record of failure. Corruption, greed... these vices find their way in wherever wealth is perceived.
It only takes the swish of a pen and a little coercion to take it all from you. Most of you will "REEEEEE" when it happens. But that will not prevent it from happening.