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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Jim Crow Joe

Started by Herman, June 14, 2023, 07:33:03 PM

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Jim Crow Joe is rumored to be passing an executive order that would give hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of American citizens amnesty. The proposal is set to be called "Parole in Place."

Which of course will open up a pathway to permanent legal status and U.S. citizenships for some beneficiaries by removing an obstacle in U.S. law that prevents those who entered the U.S. illegally from obtaining green cards without leaving the country.


The US Supreme Court let Biden admin off the hook for suppressing free speech it deemed 'misinformation.'

Missouri v. Biden, the case that became known as Murthy v. Missouri before the U.S. Supreme Court, came about in response to the Democratic administration's well-documented efforts to shut down critics and questioners of its COVID-19 policies and preferred narratives during the pandemic — policies and narratives that have largely been demonstrated in the years since to have been unfounded, ruinous, or both.

The states of Missouri and Louisiana were joined by other plaintiffs, including the coauthors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Drs. Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, in taking legal action against President Joe Biden, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Anthony Fauci, and various Biden administration officials.


Team Jim Crow Joe lies like a rug.

Oliver the Second

^^^ I have GOT to get that Clown World T-shirt   :t2723: 


Quote from: Oliver the Second on June 28, 2024, 10:13:16 PM^^^ I have GOT to get that Clown World T-shirt   :t2723: 
Me too.


Sound like anyone we know?

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The Biden presidency was a scam.

After a disastrous debate performance, the news media, which had been shamelessly gaslighting the public over Joe Biden's cognitive capacity for years, seemed to turn on the president in unison. Biden stuttered, stumbled, and bumbled his way through a grueling 90 minutes during which he alternated between slurring his confused answers and staring into nowhere with his mouth agape.

Examples of the president's cognitive decline have become so prevalent that journalists were forced to label any embarrassing videos of the geriatric commander in chief as "cheap fakes" in the hopes of shaming the public into ignoring the obvious. Despite this deep investment in running cover for Biden's senility in the past, anchors on networks like CNN and MSNBC spent their post-debate spin sessions speculating on the possibility that the elderly leader might need to step aside. This discussion was treated as a sudden revelation instead of acknowledging the self-evident fact: The Biden presidency was a scam from the start.

Americans seem more interested in speculating on who will get the rose next rather than facing the reality that our political system is fake.

The election of 2020 was probably the most contentious presidential result since 1876. The American people were asked to believe that Biden, who hid in his basement for much of the campaign, also won the most votes in the nation's history. The future president was in better shape back then, but it was still quite clear that he was starting to lose the ability to recall key facts or engage in discussion for extended periods. Even in 2020, several pundits joked that they did not care if Biden collapsed and was replaced after his election if he kept Donald Trump out of the White House.

The regime officials went all out to prevent Trump's re-election. They raised pandemic fears to an apocalyptic level, actively encouraged coordinated race riots across the nation, and radically transformed the voting process forever. Even if one doubts the more salacious claims of voter fraud, Mollie Hemingway's excellent book "Rigged" lays out how tech CEOs, government actors, Democratic operatives, and the media openly colluded to defeat the incumbent president. An oligarchy installed Biden as president, never expecting him to fulfill the duties of the office.

Biden started his term with at least some degree of awareness, but it has been clear for the last few years that he has not been running the show. The American people are completely unaware of who, in fact, is responsible for disastrous inflation, open borders, and endless foreign war, which is exactly how the ruling class likes it. Oligarchies prefer to avoid accountability, and Biden creates the perfect shield. An unspecified set of elites make decisions in the shadows, and then the shambling zombie of a president is wheeled onto the stage to read a teleprompter and take the heat.

None of this resembles the system outlined in Article II of the Constitution, but no one seems to care. The corporate press praises how spry Biden looks and dismisses contrary evidence as "fake news." Conservative commentators play endless videos of Biden wandering the stage after forgetting where he is but still pretend the president is responsible for his administration's decisions. While it's common for presidents to delegate significant tasks to advisers, it's clear that under Joe Biden, unelected bureaucrats and power brokers have completely captured the Oval Office.

When it comes to public discourse, setting the frame is key. The frame of a discussion delineates its boundaries. While endless speculation and debate may fill that frame, the discussion is ultimately defined by the space the media has created to contain it. If you, as a journalist with a duty to hold the powerful accountable, had instead propped up an obvious fraud, how would you avoid the consequences?

People are highly sensitive to status, which in our modern world is conferred by credentials, wealth, and media visibility. Even when something is obvious, if the facts go against the narrative power is advancing, people are scared to notice it. Everyone already knew Biden was a zombie. We learned nothing new last week. With his particularly embarrassing debate performance, however, the media gave people permission to acknowledge what was already clear. This permission acts as a pressure release valve, allowing all the pent-up discourse around the topic to fill the frame the media had constructed.


The U.S. State Department is leading an international scheme at President Joe Biden's behest to leverage America's resources and reputation abroad to support LGBT activism, the acceptance of gender ideology, and the normalization of non-straight lifestyles. A recent report has revealed some of what goes into establishing an LGBT-affirming monoculture worldwide.

The State Department's new "progress" report on the implementation of Biden's directive indicated that the agency has helped bankroll various LGBT activist organizations through the Global Equality Fund — a "public-private partnership" it manages with the support of a coalition of other countries and organizations. Through the GEF, the State Department has supported activist groups in African nations whose lawmakers were drafting or passing legislation supposedly criminalizing non-straight status or conduct.

According to the document, the State-run GEF has "supported 116 LGBTQI+ organizations in 73 countries with grants ranging from $8,000 to $25,000, and cumulatively total more than $3,200,000 over the last five years."

Meanwhile, the U.S. Agency for International Development has dumped over $7 million into activities at its missions that "integrate LGBTQI+ equities across a range of development sectors."

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The president has no business talking about the weaponization of government and equality before the law while these three people face prison time.

Joe Biden ripped into the Supreme Court following its ruling last week over Donald Trump's presidential immunity. "Each, each of us is equal before the law," he said in a brief nationally televised address. "No one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States. [With] today's Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed for all practical purposes."

Really, Mr. President? Do you, of all people, have the audacity to claim that "no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States?" You should know about some people who are actually being targeted by your administration.

Paul Vaughn, a Christian pro-life father of 11 children, was facing over a decade in prison for a peaceful protest in Tennessee at an abortion clinic. He was charged with violating the Face Act for praying in the hallway. Upon his imminent sentencing, he said, "It's real easy for me. I can go and go to battle and go to jail as an individual, and it's not a big loss." Would you have the courage to say that in such a moment? I pray I would.

"The challenge comes when you're leading your family through it, when you're talking to your 3-year-old and your 23-year-old and your other family," Vaughn continued. He said he wanted to pray to God every day to be ready to "take on that day with whatever circumstances come my way and a humility and a grace and a spirit-led life that represents him in our society and our community around us."

How many politicians order their life in such a way after truth and justice, versus power and greed?

Vaughn ended up avoiding prison time. Instead, the judge ordered him to six months of home confinement and three years of supervised release — for praying in a hallway. What would Biden have to say about him? Do you think the state is being weaponized against Paul Vaughn?

Last week, Steve Bannon reported to prison for contempt of Congress. There are now 15 people in the Biden administration who have been deemed in contempt of Congress. None of them are being prosecuted. But Donald Trump's people are.

I don't agree with Bannon on everything. He's a thought leader who I strongly disagree with at many times, but he should not be going to jail.

"I am proud to go to prison," Bannon told reporters. "If this is what it takes to stand up to tyranny; if this is what it takes to stand up to the [Attorney General Merrick] Garland corrupt criminal DOJ; if this is what it takes to stand up to Nancy Pelosi; if this is what it takes to stand up to Joe Biden — I'm proud to do it."

How about Dr. Eithan Haim? He was the anonymous whistleblower behind Christopher Rufo's groundbreaking story that exposed Texas Children's Hospital's continuation of transgender treatments on minors even after it said it stopped. Even though he was anonymous, the Justice Department found out who he was and sent armed agents from the Department of Health and Human Services to his house. Now, he and his expecting wife are being charged with felonies. What does Biden say about him?

Please, Mr. President, don't talk to me about "out-of-control tyranny" from the Supreme Court. The court has done exactly the opposite. It has protected the presidency while it is dismantling the administrative state.


Border Patrol holding centers in the San Diego area remain over capacity despite the Biden administration's claim that it is clamping down on the influx of illegal crossings at the southern border, the New York Post reported.

The news outlet revealed that holding facilities in the region are at 150% capacity as of Tuesday morning. Based on internal agency data leaked to the Post, the centers are equipped to detain only 1,000 individuals but are currently supporting 1,500 illegal immigrants.

Meanwhile, the administration announced that it plans to shut down ICE's largest detention center in Dilley, Texas, which can hold 2,400 criminal illegal aliens.

According to the administration, Biden's June 4 executive order was designed to crack down on illegal crossings; however, the action includes many exemptions. One of the biggest loopholes is that the White House announced separate directives for the San Diego sector.

Just days after the executive order was slated to take effect, Border Patrol agents in Southern California were told to release illegal aliens from most Eastern Hemisphere countries into the interior of the U.S., a memo obtained by the Washington Examiner revealed. Foreign nationals from more than 100 countries, except for Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan, are to be issued a notice to appear and released on their own recognizance.


Jim Crow Joe gave an Oval Office address telling Americans to lower the political temperature. He might want to follow his own advice. He told folks to out Trump in the bullseye.


Biden gets snippy when he doesn't know the questions in advance.
gay, conservative and proud


Trump immediately reacted on his platform Truth Social, saying "Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was!"
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When a reporter asked Jim Crow Joe if he dropped oout of the 2024 presidential race because of his age, he shook hios head no.


Kamala Harris and the Democrats need their media friends to magically make everyone forget the record, but the reality is that she owns it.

The magicians in the Democratic Party sure know a lot of tricks. First, they were able to create the illusion that Joe Biden hasn't been in cognitive decline for years, even "fooling" the corporate press (if you believe their claims). Then — abracadabra! — they were able to magically replace Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate without her receiving a single presidential primary vote.

As a big part of Biden's administration, Harris owns his record. But don't worry! With the help of their friends in the corporate left-wing media, the Democratic magicians are trying to make that disappear, too.

No matter the smoke and mirrors, Joe Biden has made life worse for most Americans — and by extension, Kamala Harris has as well.

In the short number of days since it was announced that Biden and many other Democrats were backing Harris, the race to memory-hole his awful record and give her the appearance of a good record, or at least a clean slate, has begun.

A slew of articles have appeared in the past week trying to sell Biden's so-called accomplishments. Slate published a story lauding Biden's "true legacy" of "full employment," arguing that "Biden's labor market has more than compensated for rising household costs." Tell that to Main Street America. A new CNN poll found that 39% of Americans "worry most or all of the time that their family's income won't be enough to meet expenses," a number that is two percentage points higher than when the same poll was taken during the Great Recession.

The Columbus Dispatch ran with an opinion piece alleging that "Biden accomplished more good in 4 years than any president since Abraham Lincoln." Wow! While he certainly accomplished a ton, none of it was good.

Biden oversaw historic inflation and a collapse in the personal savings rate. In his term, home prices become completely unaffordable for a huge number of Americans. He oversaw deficits-to-GDP more than double the historic average and interest payments on the national debt explode past $1 trillion.

Credit downgrades? Don't forget about that. The U.S. debt was downgraded for the second time ever under Biden, the first time being when he was Barack Obama's vice president, and now stands near $35 trillion.

And that's just part of his economic record. There is also illegal immigration and the border crisis. Merrill Matthews reported in January 2024 that by that time, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States had doubled under Biden. Let's not forget foreign policy or America's weakened position on the global stage, especially in the wake of the Afghanistan bugout debacle.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats need their media friends to magically make everyone forget the record, but the reality is that she owns it. She doesn't get a free pass or a magic wand to make the abysmal record go away.

Biden in the first weeks of his administration put Harris in charge of the immigration crisis. Now the same media that regularly identified Harris as "border czar" is trying to claim that never happened. Axios published a story headlined, "Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign," written by the same reporter who in 2021 wrote, "Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis."

Another Axios article stated, "Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the 'root causes' that drive migration." After online backlash, an editor's note was hastily appended: "This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a 'border czar' in 2021."

The corporate press will continue to try to convince you otherwise, but Kamala Harris owns the Biden administration record.

No matter the smoke and mirrors, Joe Biden has made life worse for most Americans — and by extension, Kamala Harris has as well. Whatever rabbit they try to pull out of their hat to cover that up doesn't change reality, and Harris and the entire administration must be held accountable for that record.