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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

  • US election 2024 5 0 5 1

US election 2024

Started by DKG, August 16, 2023, 02:55:00 PM

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Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on November 12, 2023, 12:10:30 AMRoe v Wade shouldn't have been on the books from the start. Punting it back to the individual states was the best move that could have been made.

Where the republican party comes unstuck on the issue is having argued that it should rightly be legislated at the state level, you now have shitheads like Lindsay Graham pushing for federal regulation again. That's enough ammunition for the likes of Joe to start chimping from the pulpit.

Roe v Wade was overturned. Good deal. We now have 50 different standards we can choose to support, it's a lot more doable than expecting everyone to adhere to one... whatever that standard may be.

Agreed overall. Its an optics problem for the republicans and as always, democrats get in the drivers seat when it comes to optics while the republicans are still looking for the fukin car keys.
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Quote from: Lokmar on November 11, 2023, 02:33:52 PMYep. And why the hell did that happen? Buckets of dead babies that looked big enough to walk me down to the bus, thats why. Libtards kept insisting that late term abortion was bullshit, then they got caught. The horrors from that outing led to Roe v Wade getting tossed. STILL, its an absolute lie to say Republicans made abortion illegal.

FOR DECADES, Republicans tried to get democRATs to agree to some form of limits. I say read it and weep, libtards.
Both sides are too extreme. There are Democrats who want no limits on abortion and some Republicans want no abortion period.


Quote from: Brent on November 12, 2023, 06:32:53 PMBoth sides are too extreme. There are Democrats who want no limits on abortion and some Republicans want no abortion period.

The democRATs have had their way exclusively for the last 50 years. Sure, there are some republicans that would see it eliminated completely but that hasnt happened in ANY state. Lets say it did in 20 of them. That would still leave plenty of placed like illinois where you could not only get an abortion, you could get one up to 9 months AND you would get it for free, AND they would pay you travel expenses.


Senator Tim Scott announced late Sunday that he was dropping out of the 2024 race.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Thiel on November 12, 2023, 10:06:07 PMSenator Tim Scott announced late Sunday that he was dropping out of the 2024 race.

He's a good man and I hope to see him continue in government for a very long time.


Quote from: Lokmar on November 12, 2023, 10:52:50 PMHe's a good man and I hope to see him continue in government for a very long time.
I am sure he will.
gay, conservative and proud


Stack Data Strategy is projecting that former President Trump would beat President Joe Biden for the presidency if the election were held today.

Stack published a polling model on Monday that found Biden wining the popular vote but losing the electoral college by 292 votes for Trump, to 246 votes for Biden.

It projected that Biden would lose four states he won in 2020: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia.

It projected Biden as the winner in two other swing states of Michigan and Nevada.


Biden /vs/ Trump in a head to head match-up is an easy Trump win.

However RFKJr seems to have a surprising amount of momentum despite the vehemence with which "the left" has rejected him over his stance on things like Israel. Like the Cornel West campaign RFKJr's potential influence boils down to ballot access. If both independents have roughly equal amounts of ballot access they could cancel each other out; if one has significantly more access than the other that could certainly tip the election one way or the other.

That's not even counting the Greens who will likely run Stein again, or the Libertarian candidate, or the chance of a No-Labels candidacy by someone like Manchin.

If nothing else 2024 should be... interesting. LoL


Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical general election matchup among young voters, an NBC News poll released Sunday found.

Among voters ages 18-34, Biden saw 42% support. That's compared to Trump, who led him with 46% support. The poll is an early warning for Biden's campaign ahead of the 2024 presidential election that young voters could be peeling away from him.


The U.S. Supreme Court has denied several challenges to Donald Trump's eligibility to run for the White House in 2024 based on the 14th amendment.
gay, conservative and proud


A federal district court in Rhode Island on Monday rejected a bid to disqualify former President Donald Trump from candidacy in the 2024 presidential elections, citing an earlier ruling by an appeals court that rejected a similar claim.
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Jim Crow Joe might decide after Christmas not to seek reelection. They say in this video Kameltoe Harris would be the democRAT nominee.


Despite all the power of the FBI and DOJ used to defeat Trump, he keeps gaining in the polls. The democRATs only hope is put Trump in jail.


Tucker Calrlson said this, "you cannot allow the president of the United States to use the Justice Department to knock the front-runner out of the race." :thumbup2:


I read that Hillary Clinton and the scumbag Romney/Bush/McCain wing of the GOP are pouring money into Nikki Haley's campaign.