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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

  • US election 2024 5 0 5 1

US election 2024

Started by DKG, August 16, 2023, 02:55:00 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Lokmar on April 09, 2024, 09:44:06 AMObviously, I cant read the minds of all those people but I've NEVER talked to a fair minded person of ANY political persuasion that thought aborting a 7 month old baby was anything other than repulsive.

Now thats not to say I reject Trumps declaration. I completely agree abortion should be a states rights issue EXCEPT when that kid is viable. At the very least, if that kid can be pulled out of its mom and survive unaided by medical intervention, it needs to be illegal to butcher it. From a casual stroll through the inferwebs, that is somewhere between 25 to 28 weeks.

here's the thing tho -- they are attempting to enact laws that will make that a very legal possibility -- so working off the mindset that you don't put on a condom unless you're going to fuck it makes sense that this a goal that is still in reserve until society becomes deviant enough to actually stomach it.

and that day is fast approaching.. but libtards will convince the airheaded idiots like the ones we see growing like fungi at Bastard Factory that this is NOT a possibility. And when it does become a reality those animals will seek to justify or ignore it like the useful idiot line towing morons they are. And that is what the left counts on

This is a LOSING battle for us my friend. It truly is.

So we as conservatives have to ask ourselves if we want to lose big or we want to lose not so big.

Take this stupid and utter failure of a  stance and lose the election outright and have the abortion until birth philosophy permeate throughout the entire country PLUS all the other horrendous policies that come by default with electing some vermin cocksucker on the left


Lose smaller by saying "let blue states be as degenerate as they want to be on this matter" and persevere our moral uprightness in our states and not have to deal with the horrid policies and potential stacking of the last sane holdout that comes with losing the election

You're telling me that some crotch rockets who will more than likely become libtards have to go in order to preserve some semblance of democracy in areas where it still has the possibility of thriving? -  I say fuckem... kill em twice if you need to.


 We lose because of weakness and apathy and years of saying "some of us have a job, you know".  Under estimating our opposition.

 Not because we don't compromise with the devil enough. 

 We have been compromising and loosening our values for Democrat causes so long that's WHY we are in this mess today.

 We aren't getting out of it by compromising more.  I mean think about it like much of the steaming pile of feces do we need to clean off the living room floor to make the room smell tolerable?

 What Lokmar is saying is our opposition won't take a compromise. They always push and push for more. We get weak on this, next year we will be agreeing to just killing retarded newborns. Everytime we stomach one thing they push the bar to the next thing.

 Lincoln said slavery should be a state rights issue.

 (It isn't just libtards getting abortions. There are religious Trump voters dragging their 15 year old "prize" daughter to the farthest clinic they can get to in a weekend as I type this)
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My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

Well, it's either let them kill their own sprogs in their own cesspools or go to war with them to purge the adults and the sprogs simultaneously


Die on this hill like Mike Pence did and have them run the whole country into the ground for the next 100 years

Like I said, this is a losing proposition no matter how you slice it

I believe abortion is Murder. I believe it's abhorent and worthy of God's wrath. and I truly hope he holds them to account for their crimes against these unborn AND I believe it's a spit in his face. No need to convince me, you're preaching to the choir.

But I am willing to turn a blind eye to it as long as they keep it confined to their own decaying cesspools. What can I tell you. I'm selfish that way. Guilty as fucking charged. And damn proud of it.

it will be IMPOSSIBLE to win on a platform which the left will use big tech to twist and turn from a very sound and reasonable philosophy  into "Yoo will be raped by cons and forced to have their babies!!!!"

which you know the average moron in this country will buy that line of bullshit, hook line and sinker.

c'mon people, wake up and know thy enemy.. this is God's problem to sort out. NOT OURS!

but if you make it OURS with this stupid hysteria it will be 10X worse 10X faster and it will be in ALL 50 States instead of just the cesspools that could use a couple million of abortions anyway.. a lot of retroactive ones too!

fight the fights that can be fought and won on important matters.

this is why we fucking lose! we always try to be the bigger and more moral and in the process lose our fucking shirts..  It's just like our soliders being shipped off into urban combat in areas where the enemy has NO rules of engagement. We go there and try to follow entire checklists of processes and procedures to carefully extrapolate just the enemy and you know what? The enemy uses that playbook against us and ends up decimating us in the process

Did you not see the red wave turn into a purple sneeze? Why you think that was? Are you not seeing how Israel is being smeared by a verified TERRORIST ORGANIZATION?

 The average person in this country is stupid! And not just mildly stupid.. I'm talking sewage major and admong stupid!

 but that stupid person, unfortunately, has the power to cancel out one intelligent vote by the mere fact that they BREATHE

nope... let em have all the abortions they wish. Do fucking mail-in abortions if you fucking need to


Quote from: Dove on April 09, 2024, 08:11:55 AMNot upset.

 I don't agree at all and I'd ask you to really pull this apart to the core and reconsider.

 As long as abortion is legal, we have no fundamental right to our lives. That's the foundation of all our other rights.

 We simply cannot accept the philosophical concept of personhood that permits abortion. We cannot allow the degrading of human life. Making humans into property.

 Allowing abortion put us on the fast track to all the other depravity we have today. 

 I would literally die on this hill. If I compromised on cheapens and wrecks my entire value system.
I gather you disagree with Trump's position to leave it up to the states?
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Thiel on April 09, 2024, 04:45:23 PMI gather you disagree with Trump's position to leave it up to the states?

 He can't ban it.

 I mean, yes and no. Politically it is a sound position and as I said before, Lincoln handled slavery the same way.

 It comes down to human rights.

 There are people right now who think that it's extremist beliefs that we are granted inalienable rights by our creator. That's our foundation and they think it's extreme.

 So we have a bunch of people who think humans grant rights to humans. Which means humans can remove them.

 It shouldn't be up to the states because we are now agreeing that our rights are granted to us from the government. The right to our lives should be preserved by the government.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


I like decentralization, so I support giving states more autonomy to decide issues for themselves.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on April 09, 2024, 04:31:01 PMgo to war with them to purge the adults and the sprogs simultaneously

Do fucking mail-in abortions if you fucking need to

These are my 2 favorite lines from this post!
Funny As Fuck! Funny As Fuck! x 1 View List


if you want to stop abortion then better care of an embryo and fetus should be execised.

you have to make sure pregnant women dont drink, take drugs or smoke so babies aren't burdened with Foetal Alcohol Syndrom, in other words, cut down how many retarded children are born.

it's unfair to disadvantage people and our society that have to look after them a whole lifetime.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur on April 09, 2024, 06:49:58 PMif you want to stop abortion then better care of an embryo and fetus should be execised.

you have to make sure pregnant women dont drink, take drugs or smoke so babies aren't burdened with Foetal Alcohol Syndrom, in other words, cut down how many retarded children are born.

it's unfair to disadvantage people and our society that have to look after them a whole lifetime.

My biggest problem is defending aborting late term.

Oliver the Second

In related news...

Arizona Supreme Court rules to ban nearly all abortions, reverting back to penal code

PHOENIX — In a historic decision Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled the state must adhere to a 123-year-old penal code provision barring all abortions except in cases when "it is necessary to save" a pregnant person's life.

The law, which can be traced back to as early as 1864, also carried a prison sentence of two to five years for abortion providers. There is a 14-day stay on the law.

Justices heard opening arguments in the case last December, when abortion rights opponents claimed the state should revert to the 1901 ban, and advocates asked the court to affirm the 2022 law allowing abortions up to 15 weeks.

When he signed the law in March 2022, then-Gov. Doug Ducey stated the 2022 law would not override the older law.

In late 2022, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled both abortion laws in the state must be reconciled, or "harmonized," and that abortion is legal through 15 weeks when provided by licensed physicians in compliance with the state's other laws and regulations.

The state Supreme Court was asked for clarity following months of uncertainty and legal wrangling over which law should apply in the state.


Quote from: Lokmar on April 09, 2024, 06:59:48 PMMy biggest problem is defending aborting late term.

That is very rare and sad because babies can die at 7 months or any stage  then  have to be aborted.... I knew one such young lady who unknowingly carrying around a dead baby.  Late stage abortions happen only from some major catastrophe .... anyway, I'm glad I don't have to worry about it.

many aborigines are alcoholics and give birth to children who don't stand a chance and it boils my blood they (and others) aren't brought to account for their actions. And there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: Oliver the Second on April 09, 2024, 07:07:17 PMIn related news...

Arizona Supreme Court rules to ban nearly all abortions, reverting back to penal code

PHOENIX — In a historic decision Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled the state must adhere to a 123-year-old penal code provision barring all abortions except in cases when "it is necessary to save" a pregnant person's life.

The law, which can be traced back to as early as 1864, also carried a prison sentence of two to five years for abortion providers. There is a 14-day stay on the law.

Justices heard opening arguments in the case last December, when abortion rights opponents claimed the state should revert to the 1901 ban, and advocates asked the court to affirm the 2022 law allowing abortions up to 15 weeks.

When he signed the law in March 2022, then-Gov. Doug Ducey stated the 2022 law would not override the older law.

In late 2022, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled both abortion laws in the state must be reconciled, or "harmonized," and that abortion is legal through 15 weeks when provided by licensed physicians in compliance with the state's other laws and regulations.

The state Supreme Court was asked for clarity following months of uncertainty and legal wrangling over which law should apply in the state.

Just more gross abuse of women when it should be the men jailed for unwanted pregnancies.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur on April 09, 2024, 07:29:15 PMThat is very rare and sad because babies can die at 7 months or any stage  then  have to be aborted.... I knew one such young lady who unknowingly carrying around a dead baby.  Late stage abortions happen only from some major catastrophe .... anyway, I'm glad I don't have to worry about it.

many aborigines are alcoholics and give birth to children who don't stand a chance and it boils my blood they (and others) aren't brought to account for their actions. And there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

Perhaps abortion means something slightly different in your country.

A late term baby that has died is not aborted. In fact, the typical method of removal is natural childbirth.

What I am referring to, they induce labor, deliver all but the head, then use a sharp object to penetrate the base of the skull, murdering the child. It is never ever necessary.


Quote from: caskur on April 09, 2024, 07:33:22 PMJust more gross abuse of women when it should be the men jailed for unwanted pregnancies.

I never put my wang where it wasnt asked.


Quote from: Lokmar on April 09, 2024, 09:11:24 PMI never put my wang where it wasnt asked.
Jo Jo is always asking for it.
gay, conservative and proud