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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

  • US election 2024 5 0 5 1

US election 2024

Started by DKG, August 16, 2023, 02:55:00 PM

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Quote from: Garraty_47 on April 15, 2024, 02:18:28 PMHe's lost ground to one degree or another with youth, black and brown (especially Arab and Muslim), women, etc.

He couldn't afford a significant drop in any yet he has them across the board.

This latest student debt relief scam is an acknowledgement that he, or at least his team, is aware that the younger voters are probably the easiest claw-back since he's unwilling or unable to change any existing policies but if we look at the details of his proposal those are the people least likely to benefit from any relief.

It's not going to even come close to doing what they hope it'll do.

Same with dangling the possibility of a Julian Assange pardon... either do it or shut the fuck up and the damage there has already been done because of the years Julian's already spent in prison.

Short of actually and radically changing course on things like Ukraine and Israel/Gaza, which isn't going to happen, #GenocideJoe hasn't got a chance. Even if he shut down the proxy war and abandoned Israel people like me still wouldn't ever vote for him because of the shit he's already done going back to his years in congress.

On top of all that his cognitive frailty is still being largely ignored for now but it will absolutely become more of an issue the closer we get to November. Every week it seems we get another account from someone who had a disturbing interaction with the doddering jackass.

He'll be lucky if the democrats don't forcibly replace him at/after the convention but that might not work for them either. They've waited too fucking long for anyone else they swap in to distance themselves from the stench of this administration.

I keep thinking "any minute now, dems are replacing biden". Then I marvel that it hasnt happened yet.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Lokmar on April 15, 2024, 02:25:36 PMI keep thinking "any minute now, dems are replacing biden". Then I marvel that it hasnt happened yet.

why would they when they have perfectly pliable puppet in Biden and a system of cheating down fucking pat that has proven to be investigation resistant?

why chance that and perhaps get someone in who might just express a lucid thought of their own like Fettermen?
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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on April 15, 2024, 02:28:01 PMwhy would they when they have perfectly pliable puppet in Biden and a system of cheating down fucking pat that has proven to be investigation resistant?

why chance that and perhaps get someone in who might just express a lucid thought of their own like Fettermen?

Thats a damned good point. I never thought FetterFrankenstein would ever utter a coherent sentence let alone a reasonable one!

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Lokmar on April 15, 2024, 02:31:20 PMThats a damned good point. I never thought FetterFrankenstein would ever utter a coherent sentence let alone a reasonable one!

I gave that guy a lot of shit but all in all he's actually impressed me as of late .

Even if I dont agree with someone I can totally respect them standing up for what they believe and bucking the party line.

I did it with Pence and Roberts and I'll do it with a stinking rodent democrat. why? Because I'm not a partisan hack like the lemmings on the left
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Quote from: Garraty_47 on April 15, 2024, 01:28:47 PMWho did they ask?
What did they ask them?
What was the sample size? Margin of error?

In 2016 all "the polls" said Hillary was going to walk away with an easy win, too.

Fuck those polls.

Biden has lost support in every demographic that helped him squeak out a victory in 2020.

The demented asshole is toast.
I should have posted the link. My bad.


Quote from: DKG on April 16, 2024, 11:39:07 AMI should have posted the link. My bad.

No worries.
I wasn't intending that to be a "post proof" thing, just making a point about the (un)reliability of polls.
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Quote from: Garraty_47 on April 16, 2024, 12:06:02 PMNo worries.
I wasn't intending that to be a "post proof" thing, just making a point about the (un)reliability of polls.
I just saw another headline that implies that Biden is closing the gap in swing states. I didn't bother reading the article.


Quote from: DKG on April 21, 2024, 08:59:08 AMI just saw another headline that implies that Biden is closing the gap in swing states. I didn't bother reading the article.


Where are they dredging up those poll responders?
The Biden regime has done literally nothing to win back any of the voters it's lost because of one reason or another while doubling down on most of the things pissing people off.

How the fuck could he be "closing the gap" on anything?

I hope that's just establishment media dancing dangerously close to fatal levels of Copium intake.

#GenocideJoe has got to go.
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Quote from: Garraty_47 on April 21, 2024, 09:37:04 AM/facePalm

Where are they dredging up those poll responders?
The Biden regime has done literally nothing to win back any of the voters it's lost because of one reason or another while doubling down on most of the things pissing people off.

How the fuck could he be "closing the gap" on anything?

I hope that's just establishment media dancing dangerously close to fatal levels of Copium intake.

#GenocideJoe has got to go.
I am going to stop reposting these misleading poll results.
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I will add this though. Gavin Newsom is "very concerned" about the effect of having Kennedy on the ballot in swing states. In other words, they want to keep him off the ballot and out of the debates.

Why not skip the entire inconvenient election and just appoint Biden to another term.
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Quote from: DKG on April 22, 2024, 06:48:40 AMI will add this though. Gavin Newsom is "very concerned" about the effect of having Kennedy on the ballot on swing states. In other words, they want to keep him off the ballot and out of the debates.

Why not skip the entire inconvenient election and just appoint Biden to another term.

I'm sure they would love to do exactly that.
The democrats have proven with their primaries that they don't actually care about "democracy".

As for Kennedy, he's only the excuse they're queuing up to explain Biden's losses in those states. They're gonna give RFKJr the Jill Stein treatment (concoct ties to Russia/Putin, etc.) and unfortunately it'll probably work for a lot of people because Kennedy might gather even more votes than Stein did in 2016 thus making the "spoiler" accusation more believable.

In corporate media a candidate never loses because they suck or deserved to lose. It's always the dum-dum voters' fault, or "foreign interference", or a "spoiler", or simply "bad/ineffective messaging". Anything and everything to avoid admitting the candidate's policies and actions were unacceptable.

The one thing the corporate media will never ever do is suggest people ought to start questioning the systems themselves that elevate these yahoos and try to sell them to voters as viable options. That conversation, which leads rapidly to abandoning the entire wholly corrupt duopoly, is a non-starter for them.
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Quote from: Garraty_47 on April 22, 2024, 07:33:17 AMI'm sure they would love to do exactly that.
The democrats have proven with their primaries that they don't actually care about "democracy".

As for Kennedy, he's only the excuse they're queuing up to explain Biden's losses in those states. They're gonna give RFKJr the Jill Stein treatment (concoct ties to Russia/Putin, etc.) and unfortunately it'll probably work for a lot of people because Kennedy might gather even more votes than Stein did in 2016 thus making the "spoiler" accusation more believable.

In corporate media a candidate never loses because they suck or deserved to lose. It's always the dum-dum voters' fault, or "foreign interference", or a "spoiler", or simply "bad/ineffective messaging". Anything and everything to avoid admitting the candidate's policies and actions were unacceptable.

The one thing the corporate media will never ever do is suggest people ought to start questioning the systems themselves that elevate these yahoos and try to sell them to voters as viable options. That conversation, which leads rapidly to abandoning the entire wholly corrupt duopoly, is a non-starter for them.

RFK Jr has a few good things going for him,policy wise... but he's not a whole candidate and wouldn't have the stomach (or bile enough) to do what is necessary to set aside his extracurricular predilections and carry the nation into the hands of somebody who loves the Bill of Rights.

Sorry, but he's a pet project candidate pet... whether he realizes it or not.

Trump is the only hand grenade left.
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Quote from: Frood on April 22, 2024, 08:25:14 AMRFK Jr has a few good things going for him,policy wise... but he's not a whole candidate and wouldn't have the stomach (or bile enough) to do what is necessary to set aside his extracurricular predilections and carry the nation into the hands of somebody who loves the Bill of Rights.

Sorry, but he's a pet project candidate pet... whether he realizes it or not.

He's only an "independent" because he's butthurt the democrats wouldn't give him a coronation and instead hitched their wagons to Biden again. If they had given RFKJr a fair shot in a normal primary he'd still be flying the donkey flag and so would his V.P.

I believe his candidacy is half ego and half a petulant desire to punish the democrats for not lining up behind him when they had the chance. Never mind the fact that the DNC signaled early on they weren't going to have a primary; RFKJr thinks his last name entitles him to the presidency regardless of the DNC's wishes. In his mind the DNC is supposed to be subservient to him, not the other way 'round, and when they balked him (as they made very clear they would) he threw a fit.

In some ways the only difference between RFKJr and Cornel West is West's crippling fear of being branded a spoiler like Ralph Nader. West will sabotage his own campaign before he lets that happen whereas Kennedy embraces the "spoiler" label because fucking the democrats is one of his motivations.
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West is an absolute fuckwit though...

I wouldn't let him hand me a bag of fast food through a drive in window, because it be poisoned with dermal contaminates of stupid.
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Quote from: Frood on April 22, 2024, 09:14:54 AMWest is an absolute fuckwit though...

I wouldn't let him hand me a bag of fast food through a drive in window, because it be poisoned with dermal contaminates of stupid.

Brother West is a talented orator but not exactly presidential material. How far *away* from presidential material has been thoroughly and excruciatingly exposed by his candidacy.
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