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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

  • US election 2024 5 0 5 1

US election 2024

Started by DKG, August 16, 2023, 02:55:00 PM

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Polls show Trump may have tripled his support among black voters in the last four years.

Atop CNN analyst revealed Monday that Donald Trump is "careening toward a historic performance" in the 2024 election.

At this point in the 2020 election, then-candidate Joe Biden was winning 86% of the black vote, while Trump was winning just 7% of the vote. Today, Biden is winning 70% while Trump is winning 21% — a net-gain of 30 points for Trump.


 I was thinking about old Stormy Daniel's this morning.

Back in the early 2000s if someone had told me fucking Stormy Daniel's was gonna become part of American history just by being the shitty, nasty whore she is....I'd have totally believed it lol

 All of us at Penthouse called her Skankzilla. She was so mean and nasty to all of us for no real reason.

 Like how dare other strippers exist. She acted like we all had no right to be there and we should all just fuck off and go home and all the men will just shower her with all their money because in her mind they all showed up just for HER. Because she did porn,  I guess. A lot of the men didn't even know who she was and couldn't be less interested. Not all men are into that big titty blonde look. least back then...strippers are like the upper crust of sex work and look down upon the percentage who go into porn and other forms of prostitution.

 Dancing requires skill and is work. Anyone can just spread their legs....not everyone can be a dancer.

 Stormy was an awful dancer so...fitting she just did porn and became an escort.

 There is point where a dancer decides to either leave the industry or sell her soul and become an escort. Maybe that's why she was such a hatin ass bitchy bitchy. She resented the rest of us because we were doing pretty decent without the prostitution and many of us had other job skills and options to go to. For some...dancing was their second income. 

 I just wish I had the phone I have now back then. I would totally show you guys a video of her getting into an actual fight with another stripper over vaginally deodorant. Omg. It was the most ghetto thing I have ever seen go down in a strip club dressing room....and I've worked at clubs in Detroit. This was high end Penthouse New Orleans where the regulars are 6 figure earners in feilds like engineering and medical. Attorneys. Big wigs in pharmaceuticals. Famous people go there. I met the cast of the Sopranos and pretended i watched the show. I met that midget from Austin Powers (mini me). I met Bill Mosely and Captain Spalding. I saw Bruce Willis. It wasn't an odd occurrence to see famous people. Ron Jeremy's disgusting hedge hog ass was even in there a few times, trying to finger people.

 And she's in back having a loud ghetto tantrum over pussy deodorant  :crampe:

 I saw her give an interview and she is SO fake. She doesn't even speak like that. All proper sounding. She was seriously a horrible person. Still is a horrible person.

 I cringe so hard when I see people talking her she's some fucking hero.

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My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Maybe that's the reality of how most famous people git ahead eh  avatar_Dove Dove? Shamelessly sell their souls, eh?

Oliver the Second

Quote from: JOE on June 18, 2024, 09:05:27 AMMaybe that's the reality of how most famous people git ahead eh  avatar_Dove Dove? Shamelessly sell their souls, eh?

Oh god now Joe and Lokmar are going to start arguing about the value of souls  :Doh2:
Funny As Fuck! Funny As Fuck! x 2 View List


Quote from: Dove on June 18, 2024, 08:55:50 AMI was thinking about old Stormy Daniel's this morning.

Back in the early 2000s if someone had told me fucking Stormy Daniel's was gonna become part of American history just by being the shitty, nasty whore she is....I'd have totally believed it lol

 All of us at Penthouse called her Skankzilla. She was so mean and nasty to all of us for no real reason.

 Like how dare other strippers exist. She acted like we all had no right to be there and we should all just fuck off and go home and all the men will just shower her with all their money because in her mind they all showed up just for HER. Because she did porn,  I guess. A lot of the men didn't even know who she was and couldn't be less interested. Not all men are into that big titty blonde look.


I consulted the koran (pig shit be upon it) and learned the following:
"A husband is not allowed to keep his two wives in a house without their previous agreement since it causes harm to them due to the Ghirah (a feeling of great fury and anger when one's honour and prestige is injured or challenged) they have that leads to disputes and disagreements.'



Quote from: Oliver the Second on June 18, 2024, 09:23:13 AMOh god now Joe and Lokamar are going to start arguing about the value of souls  :Doh2:

What Would Muhammed Do?  :popcorn:


Quote from: Lokmar on June 18, 2024, 10:09:33 AMI consulted the koran (pig shit be upon it) and learned the following:
"A husband is not allowed to keep his two wives in a house without their previous agreement since it causes harm to them due to the Ghirah (a feeling of great fury and anger when one's honour and prestige is injured or challenged) they have that leads to disputes and disagreements.'


 In "higher end" clubs, there is a much different dynamic between the dancers. They all work together to keep eachother safe and to help eachother make money.

 She was just disgusting and mean.
Informative Informative x 1 View List
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: JOE on June 18, 2024, 09:05:27 AMMaybe that's the reality of how most famous people git ahead eh  avatar_Dove Dove? Shamelessly sell their souls, eh?

 I would say thats true in most cases but not all.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove on June 18, 2024, 11:23:28 AMIn "higher end" clubs, there is a much different dynamic between the dancers. They all work together to keep eachother safe and to help eachother make money.

 She was just disgusting and mean.
Joe is an asshole.


Quote from: Dove on June 18, 2024, 11:23:28 AMIn "higher end" clubs, there is a much different dynamic between the dancers. They all work together to keep eachother safe and to help eachother make money.

 She was just disgusting and mean.
Jo Jo is my boyfriend. Back off.
Shut The Fuck up!  Shut The Fuck up!  x 1 View List
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Thiel on June 18, 2024, 01:37:59 PMJo Jo is my boyfriend. Back off.

Best keep that faggit on a leash!!!


Quote from: Dove on June 18, 2024, 11:23:28 AMIn "higher end" clubs, there is a much different dynamic between the dancers. They all work together to keep eachother safe and to help eachother make money.

 She was just disgusting and mean.

Bitch looks like a nasty skank. She doesnt look like she was ever very pretty, just slutty.


Quote from: Lokmar on June 18, 2024, 06:46:20 PMBest keep that faggit on a leash!!!
I do. Handcuffs too.
gay, conservative and proud


Minnesota is a toss up state right now. Deep blue Minnesota. Of all places, hold shit.

If Trump wins in November, the Biden team will really regret persecuting Trump.


Quote from: Herman on June 18, 2024, 10:02:17 PMMinnesota is a toss up state right now. Deep blue Minnesota. Of all places, hold shit.

If Trump wins in November, the Biden team will really regret persecuting Trump.

I bet the deep state crashes the stock market if Trump wins as payback, hey avatar_Herman Herm?

Trump will become the Herbert Hoover of the new millennium eh.
Shut The Fuck up!  Shut The Fuck up!  x 1 View List