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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

  • US election 2024 5 0 5 1

US election 2024

Started by DKG, August 16, 2023, 02:55:00 PM

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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on January 04, 2024, 09:24:32 PMworse than that!

They'll tell you the current crisis is Trump's fault.

Yes yes, even after the guy fought for FOUR fucking years to get a wall built to keep these cretins out.
Remain in Mexico that Jim Crow Joe reversed. Are they ignorant of that too.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Herman on January 04, 2024, 09:37:49 PMRemain in Mexico that Jim Crow Joe reversed. Are they ignorant of that too.

Democrats are stupid stupid people.

I remember those idiots on the left saying the wall would be ineffective and showed a picture of 3 or 4 young migrants scaling the wall. That was their justification for stonewalling a project that would have mitigated this crisis

yeah, since 0.0001% of the migrants have both the intelligence and the physical strength and endurance to actually scale the wall that means the wall is COMPLETELY USELESS

Democrats are fucking morons of the dumbest order. Safes have been broken into from time to time and locks have been defeated too. Does this mean that banks should no long use safes to store their money and leave the fucking doors open after hours?

idiot dolts I swear



Quote from: Biggie Smiles on January 04, 2024, 09:48:19 PMDemocrats are stupid stupid people.

I remember those idiots on the left saying the wall would be ineffective and showed a picture of 3 or 4 young migrants scaling the wall. That was their justification for stonewalling a project that would have mitigated this crisis

yeah, since 0.0001% of the migrants have both the intelligence and the physical strength and endurance to actually scale the wall that means the wall is COMPLETELY USELESS

Democrats are fucking morons of the dumbest order. Safes have been broken into from time to time and locks have been defeated too. Does this mean that banks should no long use safes to store their money and leave the fucking doors open after hours?

idiot dolts I swear

Brother, there is a reason countries all over the world have either built or have planned border barriers. The problem aint that democRATs think they don't work. The problem is that democRATs know they do work. That is why they oppose them.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Herman on January 04, 2024, 09:53:59 PMBrother, there is a reason countries all over the world have either built or have planned border barriers. The problem aint that democRATs think they don't work. The problem is that democRATs know they do work. That is why they oppose them.

oh I know that. The idiots on the left will parrot this narrative with a straight fucking face though

I remember gutting apegirl and the seamoron over this subject while I was still posting at Barnyard Farm animals dot com


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on January 04, 2024, 09:57:59 PMoh I know that. The idiots on the left will parrot this narrative with a straight fucking face though

I remember gutting apegirl and the seamoron over this subject while I was still posting at Barnyard Farm animals dot com
Seamoron is as ignorant as he is stupid. Costa Rica, where he lives will be building a border barrier to keep Nicaraguans out.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Herman on January 04, 2024, 10:43:20 PMSeamoron is as ignorant as he is stupid. Costa Rica, where he lives will be building a border barrier to keep Nicaraguans out.
the irony is delicious isn't it?


Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Herman on January 04, 2024, 10:47:38 PMHell ya.
libtards are always spitting in the sky and urinated into the oncoming wind

then wonder why they smell like fucking piss all the time
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Chicago Alderman Brian Hopkins (D) said Thursday that he doubts Chicago would have become a "sanctuary city" if the city knew what it would have meant for the future.

The alderman pointed to an effort to add a referendum to the city's March ballot that sought to ask voters if they want to maintain Chicago's status as a sanctuary city. Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) blocked that effort, Hopkins explained.

"Our status as a sanctuary city first was established way back in the '80s. This is not new. We put this flag in the ground a long time ago. No one at that time had any idea that it would lead to this today. This was completely unpredicted and it's completely unprecedented, and nobody thought a sanctuary city would mean what it means," he said.

gay, conservative and proud

Biggie Smiles

Supreme court agrees to take up the case of whether trump should be removed from the ballot

watch every last shitbag parasite scumbag leftist subhuman filthy democrat slime-ball vote the way we know they are going to vote

I'll put money on it
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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on January 05, 2024, 07:58:51 PMSupreme court agrees to take up the case of whether trump should be removed from the ballot

watch every last shitbag parasite scumbag leftist subhuman filthy democrat slime-ball vote the way we know they are going to vote

I'll put money on it
They will not rule to allow states to remove Trump from the ballot.
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Quote from: Herman on January 05, 2024, 09:42:10 PMThey will not rule to allow states to remove Trump from the ballot.

I really hope you're right....but I also want to see this country devolve into a civil war and watch all these mexcrements flee death like rats on a sinking ship only to get mowed down.


Quote from: Lokmar on January 05, 2024, 10:38:14 PMI really hope you're right....but I also want to see this country devolve into a civil war and watch all these mexcrements flee death like rats on a sinking ship only to get mowed down.
Bet on the Supreme Court overruling Colorado and Maine.
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As Ben Shapiro points out, it is not looking good for Biden.

Trump is leading by 2.2% in the RealClearPolitics polling average. That doesn't sound like a lot until you realize that Trump trailed Joe Biden in that same average on election day 2020 by 7.2% — and only lost by 4.5%.

Or that Hillary Clinton was leading in that same average by 3.2% on Election Day 2016 and only won the popular vote by 2.1%. Donald Trump almost always outdraws his polling number.

What's more, Biden is stuck in neutral. Why? The answer is obvious: Biden lied to voters. He campaigned as a moderate in the primaries, capitalized on that image in the general while pushing steadily to the left, and then governed from the left.

Now, says political scientist Ruy Teixeira, "Biden is polling behind Trump nationally and in every swing state, with the possible exception of Wisconsin. Trump is preferred to Biden by wide margins on voters' most important issue, the economy and inflation, as well as their second most important issue, immigration and border security and crime and public safety. Biden's approval rating at this point in his presidency is the lowest of any president going back to the 1940s, when the era of modern polling began."

That's presumably why he's going to go on a Trump-bashing tour beginning this week, labelling Trump a racist and a fascist.

This isn't likely to work. At all.

It's unlikely to work because everyone knows Trump. Everything about Trump is baked into the cake. Everyone knows that Trump's 2020 post-election activities didn't change the outcome of the election; Biden, after all, is president. What's more, the pitch that Trump is more racist than Biden doesn't work. Biden is the DEI president, a man who has yammered incessantly in favor of racial carve-outs and staffed his administration based on intersectional characteristics.

The pitch that Trump is a fascist won't work either. As even George Will, a Trump opponent, points out, "Joe Biden is, like Trump, an authoritarian recidivist mostly stymied by courts." Will gives a litany of Biden constitutional violations: "the eviction moratorium, the vaccine mandate, the cancellation of student debt," among others.

This means that Biden is going to have to actually succeed to win.

The only thing that might save him would be ... you know, good things happening in America.

But his policies prevent just that.
gay, conservative and proud


Rich Lowry bestowed on a recent column this provocative title: "Brace Yourselves: The Left Will Roil the Country Again If Donald Trump Beats Joe Biden." No kidding! For Trump's enemies on the left, Lowry pointed out, "saving democracy doesn't mean upholding the rules no matter what and letting the voters decide the election and the fate of the next president. No, it means blocking Trump by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences for the rule of law, democratic politics, or faith in our system of government."

There is indeed an excellent chance the left will go nuts if Trump squeaks back into the presidency. Lowry is certainly correct that "the reaction will make the pro-Hamas protests that have roiled campuses and disrupted transportation nodes around the country look small by comparison." Think George Floyd riots but on a scale that dwarfs even those!

And the left will also organize throughout other hollowed-out, one-time Western constitutional democracies (like Germany and Canada) to drive home their dissatisfaction with the American electorate. I would expect to see our cities set aflame, with race-baiting Democratic politicians on hand to incite mob violence.

As in the George Floyd riots, the corporate press here and among their counterparts in other Western countries will justify the violence as "righteous indignation" and, if things really become unruly, place the blame on "MAGA Republicans." In other words, a further top down war on working class voters who had the gall to voter for someone other than the Führer Biden.