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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

avatar_Biggie Smiles

Ok this is the thread where we get to laugh at these dinosaur politicians blue screen in real time

Started by Biggie Smiles, September 01, 2023, 12:25:40 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Credit to avatar_Bonesaw for the blue screen comment. I almost fell off my chair laughing when he said Mitch McConnell blue screened in public  :crampe:  :crampe:

Now we're going to have a thread where we compile all the blue screens

Shen Li

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Nikki Haley called Senate 'the most privileged nursing home,' and says it's time for McConnell, Feinstein to leave. She is right.


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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Bonesaw on September 01, 2023, 02:56:39 PM"Just say aye."

Dear god, that MSNBC twatwaffle is what passes for "context"? "Shut your hole you befuddled biatch and vote the way we tell you to" is all the context needed, ffs...

Quote from: Garraty_47 on September 01, 2023, 03:41:09 PM

I might be being unfair to Democrats and TDS sufferers alike here, but I distinctly recall throwing out the cautionaries during the primaries for 2020. Basically saying "you don't like Trump, fine, I get it... but at least watch what you're replacing him with and choose wisely". Because the democrats were not stuck for candidates as I recall - they literally could have had any of them, they did not need to push a person that even then was showing clear signs of encroaching dementia.

You might have sympathy for the people in that video Garraty, I do not. This is the consequence of the "win at any and all costs" attitude they've adopted and yes, I am aware there are elements of that on the Right too. The only policy I saw getting pushed on the left was "Trump is an evil dumb baby and we're not Trump". Election promises get broken all the time and If that was theirs, well...

So no, their discomfiture at events such as these doesn't invoke any sympathy from me. I don't even have the regard for an "I told you so" to the people I warned in the 2020 election cycle. This egregious state of affairs is something they might have fought to circumvent, their willingness to involve themselves in attack politics instead is the reason they are looking unmoored and despairing now.

I cannot and will not feel sorry for those who behave like idiots when their chooks finally come home to roost.
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles




Days after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) froze for 30 seconds while speaking to reporters after a speech in Covington, Kentucky, voters and political insiders are debating whether there should be age limits in place for anyone seeking political office.

The episode is similar to one Mr. McConnell experienced in the U.S. Capitol last month where he froze while speaking to reporters and has raised questions about the fitness of the 81-year-old to lead the Senate Republican caucus or finish his term in office.

How can he, Feinstein and Fetterman continue collecting a paycheque they cannot perform.


oe Biden Friday delivered a speech on the latest jobs numbers. He celebrated how unemployment had been below 14 percent for 19 month. In fact, the national employment rate was less than four percent in that period.