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Re: Forum gossip thread by Thiel

Loonie Left's Double Standards With Anti-Israel Protests

Started by Anonymous, July 26, 2014, 03:17:42 PM

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Big fucking surprise. The Left ignores Boko Haram and ISIS crimes against humanity, but is outraged about the Gaza conflict. How fucking predictable. :roll:  
QuoteAh, so this is what it takes to get Canadian protesters to really take to the streets over Middle East turmoil.

For a while there, one had good reason to worry we'd lost our edge. A couple of international events saw hundreds, thousands of civilians killed around the world and the marches were few.

Remember last month there was non-stop news coverage about Iraq and Syria?

Western nations have poured many resources into the region over the years trying to create stability. While it's clear we botched a lot of it up, it's still alarming to see the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

They want to impose their strict view of Islam all over the region. They've got the GPS set to world domination and you better not get in their way.

They've held Mosul, Iraq's second biggest city, for over a month now. So they're feeling quite emboldened. What does this mean for the regular Iraqi?

Well, rape is on the rise. Kidnapping is on the rise. According to a United Nations report, in just a couple of weeks in June ISIS killed more than 1,000 Iraqi civilians and wounded another thousand.

This is not an easily contained situation. It could greatly expand. And with it expands the harm to civilians.

Yet few Canadians have taken to the streets over this. The only reported anti-ISIS protest was a Shia group in Calgary (ISIS is Sunni). Strange given that we consider ourselves citizens of the world and tend to protest every chance we get.

Canadian Muslims haven't been rising up to oppose this use of their religion to slaughter thousands and impose harsh, misogynistic laws against millions.

Likewise the militant uprising in Nigeria. Relative silence. No critical mass mobilization. Although to be fair, a few humble tweets were lobbed in the direction of Boko Haram when the Islamist group kidnapped 300 girls to sell into slavery. So people over here at least blinked.

The other weekend a further installation of SlutWalk took place in Toronto and they certainly didn't focus on the true patriarchies out there – groups like ISIS and Boko Haram.

They were too fixated on protesting the fact that three years ago a cop at York University said something stupid – which is really just an affliction that happens to everyone who steps foot on the York campus.

But fear not. Canadians haven't lost the protest vibe. Now that the ongoing turmoil in Israel has come out of hibernation once again, many are taking to the streets. Pro-Palestinian activists have marched in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Amsterdam and all across Europe.

In Calgary, pro-Palestinian protesters assaulted a pro-Israel family. One Toronto protester told Sun News "I am so shameful to be called a Canadian."

So what's going on here? Why don't the people willing to assault their fellow Canadians on the street over Israel seemingly not care about worse headline grabbers around the world?

Gaza has 2 million people; Israel 8 million. Iraq and Syria combined have a population of 55 million.

Israel and the Palestinian territories cover some 16,000 square kilometres. Iraq and Syria? Over 600,000 sq. km.

Is it the civilian body count? Is it the human rights angle? Is it the amount of land involved? Is it the respective populations? Can't be any of these. Because if it were, they'd be out in much larger numbers against ISIS and the like.

Is it irrational religious rage? Racism? Well, those are out of the question because they're just so un-Canadian.

Strange. Guess we'll have to chalk this up as one of life's great mysteries."> ... -standards">


Which of those things did righties take to the streets about?
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Real Woman"Which of those things did righties take to the streets about?

We don't take to the streets. We 're too busy working to pay for the bill the occutard crowd sends us. ;)



You're leftist hating bullshit is getting rather pathetic.  Sorry to say.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Real Woman"Riiiight.

You're leftist hating bullshit is getting rather pathetic.  Sorry to say.

So,  the  occutards don't leave a bill behind?? :?


im not getting the lingo here, Whats a Loonie Left?


It's rightie code for "I want to sound like an unreasoned fucktard".
Beware of Gaslighters!

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Keeper"im not getting the lingo here, Whats a Loonie Left?

it is actually the looney left......they are the crazies that fuck up everything they touch...which is pretty much everything you are in contact with on a daily basis.....think useless govt. programs....think intrusive govt. regulations......think endless infantile rules and red tape....that is what the looney left uses as oxygen to breathe....they are busybodies who feel they need to interject themselves in every facet of your life...they all suffer from a common form of mental illness


The far left - the only party that has never been in federal power.

Who is fucking up what now?
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Obvious Li"
Quote from: "Keeper"im not getting the lingo here, Whats a Loonie Left?

it is actually the looney left......they are the crazies that fuck up everything they touch...which is pretty much everything you are in contact with on a daily basis.....think useless govt. programs....think intrusive govt. regulations......think endless infantile rules and red tape....that is what the looney left uses as oxygen to breathe....they are busybodies who feel they need to interject themselves in every facet of your life...they all suffer from a common form of mental illness

They love to protest too. They are totasl fucking hypotwats about it though as we see from this anti-Israel shit.


Where as righties won't get off the couch if they can't profit from the misery of others.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Asides aside .....
QuoteThe Left ignores Boko Haram and ISIS crimes against humanity, but is outraged about the Gaza conflict. How fucking predictable

it  not only makes up close to 100% of Ham-Ass (vile hate-propelled Muslim Brotherhood on steroids) support ... but also supports islam / makes excuses for it no matter what vile things it does every day  period ... has been supporting it  for as long as I can recall. Hell, Ham-Ass is somewhere between  ISIS and Al Q for radical theology / ideology, hate of all not islamic  and evil methods.

Saying it doesn't, apart from denying the obvious, would be as silly as saying the other guys do not support capitalism

I don't know what it is in the mindset that makes it claim to support women and peace and at the same time hypocritically defend Misogyny / Supremacy Inc.

Many theorize that is because both intrinsically hate Western society ... the old put most revered (or at least loudly claimed) fundamental   beliefs aside and go with   "my enemy's enemy is my friend" concept .... Ask Imam Querky
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Real Woman"Where as righties won't get off the couch if they can't profit from the misery of others.

I almost forgot, the left creates a non existent emergency and makes a tidy profit making life worse fr the same people they feign giving a shit about. Greenpeace, occutards and all the TIDES funded hypotwats are laughing all the way to the bank at our expense.
QuoteSaying it doesn't, apart from denying the obvious, would be as silly as saying the other guys do not support capitalism

I don't know what it is in the mindset that makes it claim to support women and peace and at the same time hypocritically defend Misogyny / Supremacy Inc.

Many theorize that is because both intrinsically hate Western society ... the old put most revered (or at least loudly claimed) fundamental beliefs aside and go with "my enemy's enemy is my friend" concept .... Ask Imam Querky

Western leftists are for the most part hypocritical blowhards. Protesting against Israel's "crimes" while ignoring the barbarity of Bok Haram, Hamas or ISIS is proof of that.


Righties just make better TVs so you can watch things unfold from afar.
Beware of Gaslighters!