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Mega-List: Israel's Crimes & Controversies

Started by Aryan, October 19, 2023, 02:23:40 PM

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(20) Lavon Affair (1954) a failed false flag operation where Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli Military Intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, their foiled plan was to blame the attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood:

(23) USS Liberty (1967) where Israel deliberately attacked an American Cargo Vessel, killing 34 and wounding 174 without any repurcussions.

CIA Document, Still Partly Censored:

"But Sir, It's an American Ship.", "Never Mind, Hit Her!"

NSA's director, Lt. Gen. Marshall Carter, later told Congress:

The attack "couldn't be anything else but deliberate."

Benson Buffham, a former deputy NSA director, said in an interview:

"I don't think you'll find many people at NSA who believe it was accidental."


(1) Jewish Community Watch: "Israel becoming a safe haven for paedophiles worldwide" (2016):

(3) Jeffrey Epstein has also invested millions of dollars in Carbyne, an Israeli start-up company in which former Israeli prime minister and current election candidate Ehud Barak is the controlling shareholder (2019):

(7) Child abuser Malka Leifer, wanted for 74 charges of sexual abuse escaped from Australia to Israel. On October 2019, Jerusalem Court released her on bail despite many opposing it. The Israeli President refuses to meet alleged victims of Malka Leifer during his visit to Australia. She also has connections w Israel's former health minister (2019) (Update: Due to public pressure, she has been extradited back to Australia in 2021):

Testimonies from Israel's Whistleblowers:

Breaking the Silence

Ex-IDF Veteran Eran Efrati: "I was the terrorist":

Erica Mena



Them filthy muhzies blew up their own hopsickle the other day and people just like hitler jr blamed "THA JOOOOOOOZ!" even though they have video of the stupid muhzies blowing up their own shit. I predict within a short time, hitler jr's websites will STILL blame "THA JOOOOOOOOZ!", justifying it with some bullshit about fake videos and fake muhzie radio communications.

Prove me wrong.

Shen Li

Quote from: Lokmar on October 19, 2023, 03:45:54 PMThem filthy muhzies blew up their own hopsickle the other day and people just like hitler jr blamed "THA JOOOOOOOZ!" even though they have video of the stupid muhzies blowing up their own shit. I predict within a short time, hitler jr's websites will STILL blame "THA JOOOOOOOOZ!", justifying it with some bullshit about fake videos and fake muhzie radio communications.

Prove me wrong.
The CBC implied it was Israel that blew up the hospital.
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What if I told you that the...

Hospital is still standing and the MUSLIM rocket hit the parking lot.

The deathtow is possibly in the 10's.
Informative Informative x 1 View List


Latest video analysis from several sources shows Iron Dome intercepting the Hamas home-made missiles, including the one they're trying to say hit the hospital. Shortly after the last interception there are two explosions on the ground, the second being the hospital.

The damage at the site of impact is consistent with an air burst... not the kind of explosion you'd expect from one of Hamas' low-tech missiles but perfectly reasonable if it were an Israeli missile with sophisticated ordnance.

Even if the missile was one of Hamas' (which seems impossible) that doesn't change the fact that Israel is conducting an ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Fuck Israel and #FreePalestine.
Shit Post! Shit Post! x 2 Informative Informative x 1 View List

Erica Mena

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Reggie Essent

Quote from: Garraty_47 on October 19, 2023, 05:29:49 PMLatest video analysis from several sources shows Iron Dome intercepting the Hamas home-made missiles, including the one they're trying to say hit the hospital. Shortly after the last interception there are two explosions on the ground, the second being the hospital.

The damage at the site of impact is consistent with an air burst... not the kind of explosion you'd expect from one of Hamas' low-tech missiles but perfectly reasonable if it were an Israeli missile with sophisticated ordnance.

Even if the missile was one of Hamas' (which seems impossible) that doesn't change the fact that Israel is conducting an ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Fuck Israel and #FreePalestine.

You support Jihadis?  When did you submit to the Will of Allah and become a muslim?
That's fire That's fire x 1 Funny As Fuck! Funny As Fuck! x 1 View List


Quote from: Odinson on October 19, 2023, 05:03:34 PMWhat if I told you that the...

Hospital is still standing and the MUSLIM rocket hit the parking lot.

The deathtow is possibly in the 10's.

I actually saw this but hadnt confirmed it. I'd tell you I'm disappointed BTW.


Quote from: Garraty_47 on October 19, 2023, 05:29:49 PMLatest video analysis from several sources shows Iron Dome intercepting the Hamas home-made missiles, including the one they're trying to say hit the hospital. Shortly after the last interception there are two explosions on the ground, the second being the hospital.

The damage at the site of impact is consistent with an air burst... not the kind of explosion you'd expect from one of Hamas' low-tech missiles but perfectly reasonable if it were an Israeli missile with sophisticated ordnance.

Even if the missile was one of Hamas' (which seems impossible) that doesn't change the fact that Israel is conducting an ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Fuck Israel and #FreePalestine.

Bullshit! The iron dome couldnt possible intercept the rockets just a few seconds after they launched. Not only is it looking like Hamas blew its own shit up, there's stories circulating that the hopsickle didnt even get blown up at all and all the damage was isolated to the parking lot.

Oh yea, and fuck them filthy stinking muhzies. I wanna see em gassed and burned just like hitler did to the jews. They lie about everything. I hate those assholes almost as much as faggits!!!
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Even Ilhan Omar has been forced to walk back comments that the explosion at the hospital was caused by Israel.
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The hospital, in fact, it's a parking lot, was hit definitely a hundred percent by Islamic Jihad barrage shot fired at 6:59 p.m. We have three different videos from different angles showing it. We have the ballistics. We know that an Israeli bomb would have created a crater, which does not exist.


Quote from: DKG on October 19, 2023, 06:47:52 PMEven Ilhan Omar has been forced to walk back comments that the explosion at the hospital was caused by Israel.

THAT stupid nigger bitch needs split roasted between two camel cawks!
Funny Funny x 2 View List


Calling a genocide a genocide isn't the same as "supporting jihadis" or any of that foolishness.

I knew this would happen and it's why I stayed quiet for so long.


No biggie.
This situation will run its course eventually and then we can talk about something else.
Funny As Fuck! Funny As Fuck! x 1 View List

Erica Mena

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