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Truedope Courting The Islamofascist Vote

Started by Anonymous, August 24, 2014, 01:40:00 PM

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No doubt baby Trudeau will be Canada's next PM. He is completely unqualified for the top elected job and his latest strategy to bring the ethnic vote back to the Grit party is dangerous.
QuoteJustin Trudeau doesn't campaign a lot in churches these days. Not since he announced his ban on Liberal candidates who are pro-life Christians.

Trudeau doesn't spend much time in Jewish synagogues either, other than the occasional fundraiser.

But he always makes time to visit a mosque during his travels. It's his central ethnic outreach strategy.

There was once a time when the default state for new immigrants was to vote Liberal. But after 10 years of relentless courtship by the Conservatives, especially by Jason Kenney, that pattern has changed. Many minority groups now vote for the Conservatives in greater proportion than do old stock Canadians.

So in the 14 short months before the next election, the Liberals have decided to go for the one group that feels aggrieved by Harper's conservative policies: radical Muslims, including those who actually side with terrorist groups.

Of course, most Canadian Muslims want to live in peace and freedom like the rest of us. But many don't abide Harper's strong support for Israel. And according to a 2007 Environics poll of Canadian Muslims, taken after the arrest of the so-called Toronto 18 terrorist plotters, a significant number actually support terrorism. Fully 13% of Canadian Muslims said the planned terrorist attacks would have been either completely or somewhat justified.

There are about a million Muslims in Canada – which means about 130,000 actually support a massive terrorist attack on their own country. Add to that Muslims who wouldn't go so far as to support terrorism against Canada, but who merely despise Harper's support for Israel, and you're talking about a very large voting block – especially in certain ridings, including Trudeau's own.

Which is precisely why Trudeau has targeted them. And he's hired the right guy for the job: Omar Alghabra, the Saudi-born extremist who used to run the anti-Semitic Canadian Arab Federation. That lobby group claims that Hamas and Hezbollah are not terrorists. Normally, in politics, Alghabra is someone you keep far away from you. But Trudeau keeps Alghabra very close – he's been the key to unlocking the anti-Israel vote, the anti-Semitic vote, the pro-Hamas vote, and the pro-sharia vote.

That's why, during Trudeau's whistle-stop visit to Edmonton last week, Trudeau found time to squeeze in a visit to the Al Rashid mosque. It's Canada's oldest mosque, and until about 20 years ago, it was very moderate – very Canadian. And then the extremists took over. You can see the change in photos of how the congregation's women were dressed as recently as the 1990s, compared to now. It's fundamentalist now. Including one Al Rashid imam who went back to Egypt to run the Muslim Brotherhood's administrative office, and was arrested for inciting violence.

So who did Trudeau meet with during his visit to Al Rashid? One woman was Saima Jamal. She's the activist who organized the pro-Hamas protest on the steps of Calgary's City Hall last month that turned into a riot, sending a Jewish family to the hospital.

Although Jamal told reporters she apologized for the riot and that organizers did not condone it, in private, on her Facebook page, it appears she was laughing about the violence, writing, "Bahaha. After today they would be foolish to show up again in another protest in Calgary as long as they live."

Trudeau met with Jamal. She's a senior organizer for him, having sold hundreds of memberships for him in the Liberal leadership race.

Trudeau didn't meet with the victims of the pro-Hamas riot. He met with the woman who organized the protest, and laughed at the victims.

This is not a mistake. It's a strategy. When Trudeau says he's "proud" to campaign at Montreal's Wahhabi mosque – named by the Pentagon in 2008 as one of nine al Qaida recruitment centers in the world – he means it.

When he posed for pictures with Omar Subedar, the Toronto imam who published an article on the proper method of beating your wife, it wasn't an accident. It's a strategy.

Stephen Harper has the Jewish vote. So Trudeau is chasing the Muslim vote. The more extremist, the better."> ... emist-vote">


How does Truedope plan on dealing with the homegrown Islamofascist element?
QuoteThe most troubling aspect of the beheading of American journalist James Foley by Islamic extremists is not his decapitation itself. We've seen this kind of brutality and barbarism before in the name of Allah.

The gruesome 2002 beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl by senior al-Qaida leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) was very much the same: a forced propaganda statement by a cowering victim, followed by a deranged appeal to Allah by his captor, culminating with the captor slowly sawing off the victim's head with a knife.

In both the Pearl and Foley murders, the jihadis chose to maximize the pain inflicted and the duration of the victim's suffering.

It was as much torture as slaughter. These ghastly Islamists succeeded in making medieval Shoguns, hooded executioners and guillotiners appear civilized and humane by comparison.

But as traumatic as the images are of freelancer Foley's butchering by an Islamic State extremist, what is even more troubling is the nationality of his killer: a Brit.

When KSM hacked off Daniel Pearl's head, there was an element of the killing that was expected, or at least unshocking. A reporter captured by a Muslim extremist from a Muslim country – Pakistan (or perhaps Kuwait) in KSM's case.

The threat seemed a long way off.

But in the death of Foley, the killer is a Westerner. That brings the threat closer to home.

Foley was murdered in a far-off Muslim country, but he was killed by someone who, like him, had come from a First World country.

Thousands of radicalized Western Muslims – from Britain, France, Germany, the United States and even Canada – have poured into the Middle East to fight for the establishment of a Muslim caliphate, governed by harsh Sharia law and from which more terror attacks on Western targets, similar to the 9/11 attacks, can be launched.

Also, while none of these Western jihadis has yet returned to spread their poisonous ideology or commit barbarous acts back home, it is not a question of if one of them will, but when one will.

That's the truly frightening aspect of James Foley's murder.

British intelligence sources estimate that there are now more British Muslims travelling to Syria to sign up to fight for Islamic State (which until very recently was better known as ISIS – Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) than there are signing up for the British army.

Even though most of these Islamist recruits were born and raised in Britain (as Foley's executioner appears to have been), they feel greater loyalty to their violent, deadly variant of Islam than to their home country or to Western values.

Voice analysis of the video made by Foley's captors shows the masked, left-handed knife murderer who removed his head had a "multicultural London" accent. That's the accent of someone from an ethnic community in the British capital, but likely one who has lived there his whole life.

Not all Muslims or even most Muslims are extremists. But a growing number are, including a growing number in North America.

It's difficult for politically correct Canadian leaders to confront this threat, but they must. Leaders such as Liberal Justin Trudeau have to stop making visits to radical mosques and Muslim community centres, then brushing off criticisms as racism or unfounded hysteria.

Doubly difficult, truly moderate Muslims in Canada must confront the threat in their own midst by challenging radicals to adopt Western values and reporting those who will not to police.

The time for claims that Islam is a religion of peace is over. There are peaceful individual Muslims and congregations, but there are too many violent, radical Muslims to ignore any longer."> ... sm-at-home">


QuoteSun News' cynical attacks on Justin Trudeau have crossed the line into anti-Muslim hysteria

For a while now, Sun News has been doing its best to portray Justin Trudeau as a sort of Islamist fifth columnist. This week, one Sun host told viewers that Trudeau is in thrall on Mideast issues to a "Saudi-born Muslim extremist" who "supports" terrorists. The same host warns darkly that there are three times as many Muslim voters in Canada as Jews.

This is not surprising, since some of the network's journalists seem to regard themselves as semi-official members of Stephen Harper's opposition-research team. And since many Sun viewers already suspect that Trudeau was born in Kenya along with Barack Obama, its Muslim Menace programming presumably plays well to the network's base.

This week, the network began a new campaign relating to Trudeau's visit to al-Sunnah al-Nabawiah mosque in his Papineau riding. A Sun host claims that visiting such a mosque is akin to "gladhanding for votes" in a prison full of criminals.

In fact, the network botched the story: In the clip that Sun News had loaded on its web site as of 2pm on Thursday, the host reads out an old statement from the U.S. government, declaring that the mosque is among nine institutions where "known al-Qaeda members are recruited, facilitated or trained." But the statement actually didn't say "are." It said "were." As this CBC report from 2011 indicates, the reference relates to several jihadis who passed through Montreal in the late 1990s.

If Sun News has information suggesting that al-Sunnah al-Nabawiah mosque remains a hotbed for terrorist recruitment and indoctrination, CSIS no doubt would want to hear about it. Then again, CSIS has been on this beat since 9/11. And thanks to their efforts (as well as whistleblowers within the Islamic community), there has been a wholesale purge of terror-implicated figures within Islamic mosques, charities and community groups all over the Western world, including here in Canada. No doubt, al-Sunnah al-Nabawiah mosque peddles all sorts of dogmatic Muslim theology that most of us don't like. But if there is any evidence that the place has been connected to terrorism over the last 15 years, I'm yet to see it.

We have been hearing quite a bit lately about how anti-Israeli activism and rhetoric often crosses the line into anti-Semitism. And this is a valid concern. But am I the only observer who is unsettled by Sun News' casual suggestion that visiting congregants at a mosque is morally akin to visiting convicted criminals in a prison? Or the network's strategy of scaremongering confused viewers about the number of Muslims in this country? Or libelling a Trudeau advisor as some sort of al-Qaeda cheerleader because his geopolitical views happen to lie to the left of John Baird and Stephen Harper?

Justin Trudeau's riding of Papineau is one of the poorest and most diverse in Canada. It is full of immigrants who are wrestling with the process of integrating into Canadian life. What sort of MP would we want for such a riding — one who brags to Sun News viewers about how he wouldn't set foot within 50 feet of this or that house of prayer, lest he be tainted by association with the teeming Muslim hordes who pray therein ... or someone who actually seeks to engage with these people and draw them into the political mainstream?

If al-Sunnah al-Nabawiah mosque contains a single congregant who lies afoul of Canada's anti-terrorism laws, send in the cops. Better yet, send in CSIS undercover agents to penetrate the would-be conspirators and keep our country safe. But if all you've got is a faded memo about stuff that happened when Bill Clinton was still President, send in the politicians. It's a mosque, not a prison — even if the folks at Sun don't see much of a distinction.">//


Wow Jonathan Kay does not see anything wrong with Baby Trudeau visiting the KKK of mosques. I think many mainstream Canadians would disagree with him.
QuoteIn 2013, when he was campaigning in a Muslim mosque in Calgary, Justin Trudeau bragged about how many mosques he visits in his hometown of Montreal.

He listed them: the Bangladeshi mosque, the Pakistani mosque, the North African mosque and the Wahhabi mosque.

The first three are geographical locations. But Wahhabi Islam is an ideology, not a place.

Wahhabism is to the rest of Islam what the Ku Klux Klan is to the rest of Christianity. It's an extremist fringe that believes in violence.
Or, as it's called in Arabic, jihad.

Wahhabism was an obscure sect until the dictators of Saudi Arabia decided to bankroll it. Over the past 30 years, an estimated $100 billion of Saudi oil money has been pumped into mosques around the world, on the condition that they follow Wahhabism. That includes mosques in Canada.

It would be as if Texas were a theocracy that spent $100 billion in oil money setting up little KKK churches around the world. That's what Saudi Arabia has done.

And that's what the Wahhabi mosque in Montreal, called the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah mosque, is like.

A 2006 documentary by CBC investigators showed the mosque pushing vile Wahhabi propaganda on its members. The mosque believes in death for infidels and stoning for gays and adulterous women. The CBC showed the anti-Semitic propaganda that mosque was handing out to little Arab children. More recently, the mosque was named in a leaked U.S. Pentagon study as one of the nine world centres of recruitment for al-Qaida.

This is the mosque that Trudeau went to campaign in, for votes.

When Sun News asked Trudeau about this last week, he dug in his heels. He said he was "proud" to have campaigned there. He said the U.S. is known for making "mistakes" in who it labels as terrorist sympathizers, though he had no evidence to the contrary. He boasted of his visit.

Trudeau has made a big deal about rooting out pro-life Christians from his party, saying they're forbidden from running as his candidates. But he wants people to know he's fine with Wahhabi Islam.

This isn't the first time Trudeau has associated with Muslim extremists linked to terrorism. He accepted an invitation to speak at a conference in Toronto that was initially sponsored by IRFAN, a Muslim group that had its charity status revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency for transferring funds to the Hamas terrorist group. (IRFAN withdrew as sponsor just before the conference.) Trudeau accepted the invitation, and indeed spoke there – never condemning Hamas. He has also appeared at events sponsored by other terrorist-linked groups.

Once could be a mistake. Twice is careless. But again and again Trudeau happily goes to the most extremist Muslim groups in Canada – and never to chastise them. He's either tone deaf to Canadian concerns about terrorism or he truly has no problem with extremists, or at least courting their votes. Remember, Trudeau's first reaction to the Boston Marathon terrorists was to tell Peter Mansbridge that they had likely been "excluded" from our western society, and that's what drove them to violence. He blamed us, the victims.

Other Liberals with better judgment realized how bad Trudeau looked, especially when Hamas's terrorism is on TV each night. Ralph Goodale, the last Liberal MP in Saskatchewan, said the U.S. terrorism report only came out after Trudeau visited the mosque, and that in any event, it was "trivial."

But the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah has been in the news for more than a decade. It's where the Ahmed Ressam, the convicted Millennium Bomber, prayed. It has received international coverage, in PBS, the Associated Press, and in a half dozen Canadian newspapers for extremism, going back to the year 2000. And then there's that major documentary on Montreal CBC in 2006.

Maybe Justin Trudeau didn't know any of that. But he knows now. And he is very clear, no matter what Goodale says. He still says he's "proud" to campaign at the Wahhabi mosque. We should believe him."> ... ontroversy">


I am not a fan of Justin Trudeau, but I am going to vote Liberal anyway.


He makes a good Wahhabi

If he were PM, at least we would have good relations with Saudi Arabia
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc li tarte"He makes a good Wahhabi

If he were PM, at least we would have good relations with Saudi Arabia

Is that a conservative type of Islam cc li tarte?


Yes. It is the Fundy base from which all radicalism is derived. Saudi is mainly  ... or at least is controlled by Wahhabis. There seems to be a fine (is any) line between Wahhabis & Salafis  ... but Salafis are behind ISIS and much of the radical fundamentalism growing within the islamic world. While the 2 are in effect 1, Salafis resent being called Wahhabi ... the islamic world is in great upheaval now .. and fighting itself everywhere

That said, seems what the Wahhabis promoting  the spread islam by infiltration has gotten out of their control. IS (ISIS / ISIL) calls itselfSalafi and puts fear into the Saudi Wahhabis as does the Muslim Brotherhood. islam is now at war within itself as one can clearly see now ..the K' Book's instructions  is being followed literally more now that before  ...  like everywhere in the world we look ... N Africa, S africa, Muddle East ..... and  including within every single Western country.

Saudi, the creator of it all  is now fearful of radicals from the Brotherhood to Al Q to IS, and Salafi who see themselves as purer than  Wahhabis . ...

This is because islam is not a real religion - it is an ideology of war / supremacy based upon islam becoming supreme ... now, it has various factions of it each thinking they are supreme over the other factions.

 If all that sounds jumbled it is because it is .. jumbled ..... In short, they have created a huge mess c/w killing spree for control of islam that is showing signs it  may never end

Whether by ignorance or by design (or by both). that is what this Kaybeker is supporting to gain power.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Big Wave Dave

I expect the prime minister of Malaysia to court crazy Islamics, but not the next prime minister of Canada.

Gary Oak

Mohamed Mahathir did a great job with Malaysia in spite of what everybody thinks of his in the west.  I can see Canadiscams like Seoulfag voting for Trudeau and he is also an enemy of Canada and Canadians just as his dad was.


Quote from: "Gary Oak"Mohamed Mahathir did a great job with Malaysia in spite of what everybody thinks of his in the west.  I can see Canadiscams like Seoulfag voting for Trudeau and he is also an enemy of Canada and Canadians just as his dad was.

I give Mahathir full marks for implementing economic liberalization policies that raised competitiveness, stimulated growth and raised living standards. However, he does have a legacy of corruption and cronyism. The Bakun Dam in Sarawak is a prime example with Mahathir and the local Barisan Nasional government selected a head contractor close to Mahathir without an open tendering process.

Also, his persecution of the Sultans had the effect of increasing Islamization. The royals were a good nationalistic counterweight to foreign funded Islamist groups.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Gary Oak"Mohamed Mahathir did a great job with Malaysia in spite of what everybody thinks of his in the west.  I can see Canadiscams like Seoulfag voting for Trudeau and he is also an enemy of Canada and Canadians just as his dad was.

I give Mahathir full marks for implementing economic liberalization policies that raised competitiveness, stimulated growth and raised living standards. However, he does have a legacy of corruption and cronyism. The Bakun Dam in Sarawak is a prime example with Mahathir and the local Barisan Nasional government selected a head contractor close to Mahathir without an open tendering process.

Also, his persecution of the Sultans had the effect of increasing Islamization. The royals were a good nationalistic counterweight to foreign funded Islamist groups.

It seemed he didn't like the United States and their deputy Australia. It may have been for his domestic market though. The US continued to be a major investor in Malaysia under his leadership.

Gary Oak

Unlike most malays he is prejudiced against anglo saxon whites and the nations created by them ie; Australia, New Zealand, the USA etc... however that doesn't mean that he didn't do a very good job in raising the economy of Malaysia and the safety there. That death penalty for drugs is very effective.


Quote from: "Gary Oak"Unlike most malays he is prejudiced against anglo saxon whites and the nations created by them ie; Australia, New Zealand, the USA etc... however that doesn't mean that he didn't do a very good job in raising the economy of Malaysia and the safety there. That death penalty for drugs is very effective.

On the economic front he was quite successful. However, the sultans were a stabilizing nationalistic counterweight to the negative Islamic influence. By trying to curb their power and influence people parked their nationalism with Islam. That was a stupid thing to do.


I Don't know about this? The Liberals are considering compulsory voting.

Good or bad idea?"> ... 38036.html">