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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

C02 emissions spike after after every C02 party like COP28

Started by Thiel, December 14, 2023, 09:10:16 PM

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This editorial appeared in the Toronto Sun.

Nothing Canada does about climate change will ever be enough to satisfy the "net zero" emissions crowd, to which Trudeau and Guilbeault cater.

The reason is that the deck is stacked against Canada from the start, because we are the coldest and second-largest country on earth, with a relatively small population and a resource-based economy.

Because of that, Canada will always be condemned as one of the world's worst "per capita" contributors to global warming, as if every family has an oil well in its backyard.

In the real world, our emissions — 1.6% of the global total — are not enough to materially impact climate change, as reported by Canada's independent, non-partisan parliamentary budget officer.

The argument Trudeau and Co. make when facing international criticism about not doing enough to address climate change is that things would be worse under the Conservatives.

That may be true, but it's irrelevant to the question of where more than $200 billion of public money the Trudeau government is spending to fight climate change going.


Quote from: Brent on December 17, 2023, 02:58:50 PMHow the hell can progtards condone this blatant hypocrisy every year.
How can we the public take seriously any of the many, many climate NGO's that do not condemn these ostentatious spectacles.
gay, conservative and proud


The earth's population will be about 9 billion by 2050. Almost all of the growth in population will be in developing countries. They will all want cheap reliable electricity, and transportation. Wind and solar will not provide that for them.

Developed countries may reach net zero, but we will not end fossils in the coming decades. Not a chance with so many more people wanting power, air conditioning, and transportation.
gay, conservative and proud


I wasn't sure which thread to post this in, so I will post it here.

The jet setters that are provileged enough to attend the COP summits, want to spend a fortune of other people's money on things that are not going to provide much value to people.

Adjusting to climate change is the way to move forward
QuoteUnited States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry says it will take trillions of dollars to "solve" climate change. Then he says "there is not enough money in any country in the world to actually solve this problem."

Kerry has little understanding of money or how it's created. He's a multi-millionaire because he married a rich woman. Now he wants to take more of your money to pretend to affect climate change.

Bjorn Lomborg, an author and former director of the Danish government's Environmental Assessment Institute (EAI), points out there are better things society should spend money on.

Lomborg acknowledges a warmer climate brings problems. "As temperatures get higher, seawater, like everything else, expands. So we're going to maybe see three feet of sea level rise. Then they say, 'So everybody who lives within three feet of sea level, they'll have to move!' Well, no. If you actually look at what people do, they built dikes and so they don't have to move."

People in Holland did that years ago. A third of the Netherlands is below sea level. In some areas, it's 22 feet below. Yet the country thrives. That's the way to deal with climate change — adjust to it.

"Fewer people are going to get flooded every year, despite the fact that you have much higher sea level rise. The total cost for Holland over the last half-century is about $10 billion," says Lomborg. "Not nothing, but very little for an advanced economy over 50 years."

For saying things like that, Lomborg is labelled "the devil."

"The problem here is unmitigated scaremongering," he replies. "A new survey shows that 60% of all people in rich countries now believe it's likely or very likely that unmitigated climate change will lead to the end of mankind. This is what you get when you have constant fearmongering in the media."

Some people now say they will not have children because they're convinced climate change will destroy the world. Lomborg points out how counterproductive that would be: "We need your kids to make sure the future is better."

He acknowledges climate warming will kill people.

"As temperatures go up, we're likely to see more people die from heat. That's absolutely true. You hear this all the time. But what is underreported is the fact that nine times as many people die from cold. ... As temperatures go up, you're going to see fewer people die from cold. Over the last 20 years, because of temperature rises, we have seen about 116,000 more people die from heat. But 283,000 fewer people die from cold."

That's rarely reported in the news.

When the media doesn't fret over deaths from heat, they grab at other possible threats.

CNN claims "climate change is fuelling extremism."

The BBC says "a shifting climate is catalyzing infectious disease."

U.S. News and World Report says "climate change will harm children's mental health."

Lomborg replies, "It's very, very easy to make this argument that everything is caused by climate change if you don't have the full picture."

He points out that we rarely hear about the positive effects of climate change, like global greening.

"That's good! We get more green stuff on the planet. My argument is not that climate change is great or overall positive. It's simply that, just like every other thing, it has pluses and minuses. ... Only reporting on the minuses, and only emphasizing worst-case outcomes, is not a good way to inform people."
gay, conservative and proud


Trudeau's cabinet has a huge carbon footprint, but they don't want us driving or even heating our homes.

Shen Li

Canada has taken climate alarmism to such an extreme that this country might not be a G7 country or possibly a G20 nation in the future. If we do become "Net Zero" it would have the same effect as taking a cup of water out of an olympic sized swimming pool would have on lowering the water level of that pool. That cup of water would come at a huge cost to Canadians.

QuoteAs was recently noted by Benny Peiser of Net Zero Watch, COP28 is happening while the Green Agenda is in deep crisis and is falling apart around the world.

There is a massive backlash against the cost of Net Zero policies. Renewable energy projects have been scrapped including major wind projects in the US and the UK.

Electric vehicle sales have slumped.

Germany is facing an energy crisis, frantically bringing coal fired plants back into service to replace the energy lost when they shuttered their nuclear plants for nebulous environmental reasons.

The Dutch Farmers party has made major gains in two successive elections after their environmentalist government in their obsession to achieve net zero tried to restrict them out of existence.

Argentina has elected a new president who has called climate change a "socialist lie." Even French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for the EU to pump the breaks on net zero regulations.

Why? Because net zero policies are unpopular and damaging. It is all well and good to talk about targets and goals and objectives, but when rubber hits the road and daily lives are affected, that's another story. People have come to see that pursuing these absurd policies comes at an enormous societal and economic cost.

If a country wants affordable, reliable power to keep the lights on and heat their homes, they need the baseload power that oil and natural gas provide.

Canadians can't afford groceries or pay their rent or buy homes. We are suffering an affordability crisis. The relentless taxation on our lives from a carbon tax to a second carbon tax (the Clean Fuel Standard), to Minister Guilbeault's newest schemes, are all part of the Net Zero policies that are destroying our economy.

Remember this is all fuelled by the preposterous notion we can somehow affect the climate if we reduce our greenhouse gases from 1.4% of global emissions to 0.4%.