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avatar_Conservative Perspective

Smoking with kids in car now illegal under West Virginia law

Started by Conservative Perspective, March 23, 2024, 02:15:55 PM

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Conservative Perspective

Smoking with kids in car now illegal under West Virginia law

West Virginia on Friday became the 12th state in the country to ban smoking in vehicles with children present, under a bill approved by Republican Gov. Jim Justice.

Source: Smoking with kids in car now illegal under West Virginia law


My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on March 23, 2024, 03:11:46 PMExellent

When I was a child my friend's father used to drive us while he smoked the occasional cigarette avatar_Dove

Guess what? We're all still alive.

And none of us became smoke addicts. Even his son who's still alive quit smoking.

I wonder if all this fuss over smoking is even worth it. Now all these ex smokers are turning to marijuana and hard drugs as a substitute for tobacco.

Seems 'bad' tobacco is the lesser of 2 evils.

My city of Vancouver used to be full of smokers. Now its filled with the stench of marijuana and people who are drug addicts.

Btw we have a lotta suicides in Vancouver too. They frequently jump off the bridges just like they do in San Francisco.

Way more people in my city die by suicide and drug overdose than homicide. And much of it is linked to drug addiction.

Personally I prefer the 'bad old days' when everyone smoked. It was actually healthier and suicides were lower.


As a liberal I say that political correctness is driving us nuts avatar_Dove.

With all these nutcases in power pushing unreasonable social agendas on us the population is getting so stressed out now in your country and mine.

Our children are getting burned out and its driving them crazy too.


I think a pretty high percentage of smokers were also pot smokers.

Senile J, I think there are other factors that are contributing to the hard times you are all experiencing in that shithole city you live in.


Smoking in cars with any adult is frickin inconsiderate. Smoking with kids in the car who cannot leave is criminal.
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