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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aylana

avatar_Oliver the Second

Parents of Michigan school shooter sentenced to 10-15 years in prison

Started by Oliver the Second, April 09, 2024, 08:42:06 PM

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Another thing I would do to discourage excessive gun hoarding is to introduce a tax on people like L okmeer .

That oughta help reduce the gun problem in America alright.
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Quote from: Oerdin on April 11, 2024, 12:41:35 PMI am saying on fentanyl makes people stop breathing.  He swallowed his stash and killed himself.  The officer, who was a rookie, did exactly what the academy trained him to do which is to restrain and handcuff an uncooperative suspect who was being lawfully detained for committing a felony.None of those police did anything wrong.

I have to disagree.

Right off, I bought into the narrative that Chauvin outright murdered him and said the cop should have been executed. Then I watched the tape.

I dont know if the cop knew Floyd swallowed the drugs as it was only AFTER slow mo review of the body cam footage that you can see the bag in Floyds mouth. Its a fact though that he gave himself a lethal dose of drugs. Floyd did that part to himself.

Floyd was going haywire saying he couldnt breathe and was resisting being put into the car. I have to wonder, was he freaking out because he was worried he just fucked himself or was he actually in the early stages of a heart attack? The cops finally decided to cuff him and put him on the ground, face down. Floyd kept saying he couldnt breath and eventually started passing out as he got quieter and stopped fighting/resisting, and finally went limp.

Now you can see the asian cop get real concerned as Floyd started getting quiet and again when he passed out. At that point, he should have acted but deferred to Chauvin. IMO, Chauvin was purposely being defiant of the crowd that was pretty much ordering him to get Floyd up. THESE are the moments that the crime occurred. It was a willful failure to act that resulted in Floyds death.

Like it or not, cops are charged with rendering aid in a situation like this, not just letting someone die or worse yet, adding to the problem.

I dont believe it was murder but it was definitely way worse than manslaughter.


Quote from: JOE on April 12, 2024, 06:53:46 AMAnother thing I would do to discourage excessive gun hoarding is to introduce a tax on people like L okmeer .

That oughta help reduce the gun problem in America alright.

How would you do that, dumbass? They already made it illegal for me to have my AR-15's. Did that work?

People like you here will be the first to be eliminated when the time comes.


Quote from: JOE on April 11, 2024, 08:03:21 PMThere ought to be a longer period towards attaining fully licensed gun ownership.

A graduated gun licensing program.

Maybe 5 years & an ongoing licensing maintenance/renewal after that.

That is, the person actually demonstrates they not only able to handle a gun, but are also law abiding citizens of good standing without criminal records and mental illness. And the police can always check on them, even confiscate the weapons and take away their licenses if they break the law. And the gun owner has gone through an extended period where they can gain the public's trust to be able to own and store guns.

I know people here don't like that, but guns are dangerous instruments.

It's similar to lethal chemicals - the government doesn't grant everyone that privilege to handle them for industrial purposes
They have to write exams, demonstrate that they are mentally fit and law abiding before they are allowed to.

The same with being granted a license to fly a plane. If the government thinks a guy is a terrorist who's gonna ram a plane into buildings, they don't let them have it.

You dumb dickhead, owning a gun is a God given right. Stick to your own jackbooted faggit assed governing system.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on April 11, 2024, 12:50:30 PMBro -- you just told me you have no idea what the facts of this case are

Derrick Chauvin was a police officer for 19 years.

If you think that makes him a "rookie" then we should just stop having this conversation right now

Ok, I confused one of the other cases.  The facts remain that the guy died of an O.D..


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BTW they did call an ambulance and attempted first aid so, yes, they did attempt to render assistance.