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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

avatar_Conservative Perspective

Harris' record as prosecutor could complicate effort to replace Biden as Dem nominee

Started by Conservative Perspective, July 07, 2024, 04:44:17 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Garraty_47 on July 07, 2024, 08:00:59 PMHow is anyone surprised the democrats do that stuff?

Am I the only one who remembers Donna Brazile, a CNN contributor and DNC operative, slipping CNN town hall questions under the table to Hillary? What kind of idiot thinks that was the first and last time they pulled such fuckery?

I would put money on a specially designed teleprompter being embedded within the font plate of Biden's podium used during the debate to help him make it through. Hence the reason he kept looking down most of the time

Biggie Smiles

But a couple of Russian trolls on FecesBook and Instagarbage constituted all out election interference which the DNC and their slimebucket industrial war complex wish to avenge to this very day.

The hypocrisy is nothing short of astonishing.
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34 felony convictions, 91 indictments, 2 impeachments and nearly a billion in civil penalties ranging from rape to racketeering.

But Biden has gray hair though! 
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Quote from: Gremlin on July 07, 2024, 08:08:18 PM34 felony convictions, 91 indictments, 2 impeachments and nearly a billion in civil penalties ranging from rape to racketeering.

But Biden has gray hair though! 
That says more about Biden than him just having dementia now doesn't it.

Political persecution of opponents is par for the course in Zimbabwe, not America.

We will see if you feel the same way Apegirl, when folks in the Biden crime family get a taste of their own medicine when Trump wins.

Something tells me you will be quoting democRAT propaganda that will be accusing the White House of using the FBI and DOJ to presecute Trump's enemies. The irony will be frickin hiliarious.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Gremlin on July 07, 2024, 08:08:18 PM34 felony convictions, 91 indictments, 2 impeachments and nearly a billion in civil penalties ranging from rape to racketeering.

But Biden has gray hair though! 

Welcome back princess. Slow day of government funded fag festivities over in Gomorrah county Oregon I'm guessing?

Hey, at some point during the week provided you are not too busy having your cheekbones & eyelids laminated by some burly tattooed stranger at some seedy brothel nearest you perhaps you could be a sport and respond to this thread?

avatar_DKG  is an honest man looking to have an honest discussion.,18011.msg546454.html#msg546454
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Fucking Homo! Fucking Homo! x 1 View List

Trump’s Niece

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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Gremlin on July 07, 2024, 08:21:37 PMNo such place exists, Piggy Lards.

Not on an official map or jurisdiction I'm sure.

But neither are Juneteenth or Troon Platoon Pride month legitimate holidays to the sound of mind.

But we all know your penchant for making up completely fabricated bullshit as you go along. 72 genders and counting.. whut?

So perhaps Gomorrah county can be your brain seed, inspired by your superiors here. A movement YOU get to start and embellish with your vast skill and expertise as it pertains to all things Phallic and Faggot. I'd wager you striking success in such a pursuit considering the vast majority of the inhabitants nearest you are more than likely shit stabbing reprobates much like yourself.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Erica Mena on July 07, 2024, 08:24:06 PMFuck off, you tuck dicked spammer

I love it.

I try to be diplomatic in my approach to incinerating these cockroaches. but lil sis? She gets right to the point with the weed whacker  :crampe:
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Trump’s Niece

We don't want his ladyboy behavior here. Buffalo Bill needs to take his ass back to BF where he can be amongst his kind.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Erica Mena on July 07, 2024, 08:58:49 PMWe don't want his ladyboy behavior here. Buffalo Bill needs to take his ass back to BF where he can be amongst his kind.

buffalo brig whut?  :crampe:


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 07, 2024, 07:09:37 PMIt's almost as if the entirety of this small home we call earth  remains suspended beneath your broad and capable shoulders, revealing to you, and only you, that which a mind unburdened with the powers of the omnipotent could never hope to grasp.

And yet I'm impartial enough to point out the glaring flaws of either side avatar_Biggie Smiles Bigly. I've actually been sparing towards Trump on most issues or incidents tho I believe he was complicit in the January 6 incident. And I've been rather harsh on Biden and the Democrats for not getting rid of him by now. So, whether you believe it or not I try to find a balance in my POV

But all you and others do here is think "I'm good and perfect, but the other side is completely evil and flawed." You guys (and the Democrats too) have this 'Holier than Thou' attitude. You refuse to see the flaws of your own troupe as well.

Just as all liberals and democrats are are not extreme nor hold extremists positions, the same could probably be said of conservatives and Republicans.

Actually Bigly I don't really mind secular MODERATE conservatives.
They think a bit like me, but we differ on some issues.

However, admittedly I don't like the Religious Right in your country or Mine. Overwhelmingly my worst experiences with Right Wing people have been with those types. And worse, they stabbed me in the back and even stole from me.

Actually I'm not even sure if these 'Rightists' get complete control of your party if the Moderates will be able to stand calling themselves Republicans anymore
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Quote from: JOE on July 07, 2024, 09:51:31 PMAnd yet I'm ......

You know when you fucked up? When you made your sadness over biden going full retard known. You are about one step above seamolester now. At least you arent even lower tho. One step above aidsman would be worse, josephine.


Just to set the record straight, lets not forget BOTH biden AND Harris supported throwing people in jail. Lets not forget "racial jungle"

Then again, you aint a genuine nigger if you dont vote biden!


Quote from: Lokmar on July 07, 2024, 10:08:03 PMYou know when you fucked up? When you made your sadness over biden going full retard known. You are about one step above seamolester now. At least you arent even lower tho. One step above aidsman would be worse, josephine.

No...seamajor and admin both think Biden is a swell guy... L okmeer!

and they can't just seem to wrap their heads around the idea that mayabe, just maybe it's time for Biden to go. And that there may be better alternate candidates who could step up to the plate, replace him and do a better job

I truly don't understand this fixation in their party about keeping Biden around when it's evident that his mind is failing him and he probably has alzheimer's or dementia

However, since I'm not a card-carrying Democrat & have nothing invested in that Party, don't make any campaign contribution to them, I'm not invested in Biden either.
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