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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Tampon Tim

Started by Herman, September 30, 2024, 07:04:07 PM

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The reality for Democrats is that Walz has more to lose than Vance. While Democrats across the country have had to answer for presidential policy pronouncements Harris herself refuses to explain, Walz has joined his running mate in the shadows. An Axios analysis published Sept. 19 showed Vance beating Walz on media appearances many times over, on national TV (24-1), local TV (15-1), press conferences (12-0), and national newspapers (8-0).

Worse yet, the man Democrats hoped to portray as a Homer Simpson-esque, all-American dad has repeatedly stumbled over a career spackled with politically calculated lies — just the sort of thing the Vance team will be prepared to remind the country about in the debate. Here are five that might be making an appearance Tuesday evening.

Stolen valor. This is the most obvious line of attack, though the corporate media has done its best to claim it just ain't so. Most reporters are so far removed from military service that weekends in the National Guard seemed indistinguishable from service in a combat zone. Unfortunately for the Democrats, a decade's worth of interviews and speeches show Walz making explicit and false claims about his retiring rank, his reasons for resigning, and his nonexistent service in a war zone. His fellow soldiers have the receipts to back it up.

What began as a major Democratic talking point quickly faded to the background. Memories of John Kerry's swift boat escapades still sting. By the time he sat sheepishly beside his boss for their big Dana Bash interview on CNN, he excused a decade of stolen valor as a grammatical mistake.

Then there's that time he blamed the mayor of Minneapolis for the deadly rioting in the city. No joke. He went to the torched city, where a police precinct was among dozens of buildings destroyed by a criminal mob, and slammed city officials. When the mayor produced his text messages and phone calls begging for the governor to send in the National Guard, Walz's people said those don't count as a formal request. Grammar and formal requests. Truly amazing stuff.

And then there's the whole IVF thing. In-vitro fertilization is a big part of Walz's identity. It featured prominently in his Democratic National Convention debut as a personally outraged story to highlight Republicans' push to outlaw the fertility treatment. Democrat-aligned reporters lapped it up. NBC aired a story about his family's "seven-year IVF journey." Taxpayer-funded NPR called Walz "a new kind of reproductive messenger."

The problem is that the whole thing was a lie. Walz and his wife never used IVF, and none of their children were conceived through it. Further, no Republican of any note has called for outlawing the process. Yet another blatant political lie. Politically helpful lies are a near-constant for Walz.

There's that time he claimed schoolchildren in Minnesota didn't miss more than 10 days of school during COVID. In reality, he ordered the schools closed for the rest of the school year.

He also falsely alleged that Trump wants to create a government agency to monitor women's pregnancies to prevent abortions. Walz said this agency was the brainchild of the conservative Project 2025. Trump has never suggested any such thing. Nor is there any mention of it in Project 2025's proposals, which, in any case, are not a part of Trump's campaign and have been repeatedly disavowed by the Republican nominee.

None of these are folksy exaggerations. As the Spectator's Ben Domenech pointed out in the magazine's podcast, they bear no resemblance to, say, Joe Biden's omnipresent yarns. They are all politically calculated lies, and they fly in the face of the folksy "Coach Walz" reputation Democrats and their media friends have worked so hard to mint from scratch.

"If Walz were just claiming he used to wear an onion in his belt (it was the style at the time), his aggressive fictionizing would have a certain charm," Domenech wrote. "Instead, it reads as a bizarre aspect to a newly nationalized political character, one who tells lies to gain advantage rather than just entertain the bored voter."

Together, they form a calculated habit. If Vance decides to lean into them Tuesday night, things could get spicy fast.

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Biggie Smiles

Tim is going to get train wrecked.

Anyone wanna take bets as to how long and how many times Tampon boy will try the failed and stupid couch dig? And then ask the crowd "do you see what I did there?" because he lacks the fucking wit and confidence to tell a joke in such a way that he is confident it with both be funny and easy to get by his audience?

When he did that the dumb dick reminded me of Fat Pig Oak everytime she attempted a run at sarcasm. She'd literately have to write <sarcasm> in a different colored font or as some kind of shiny emoji at the end of her post because she was totally unsure of her ability to pull it off. And to a certain extent she was right about herself in that particular regard.. as pulling off well placed sarcasm does require some degree of above average intelligence. Which that dumb fat cow certainly lacks
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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 30, 2024, 07:19:33 PMTim is going to get train wrecked.

Anyone wanna take bets as to how long and how many times Tampon boy will try the failed and stupid couch dig? And then ask the crowd "do you see what I did there?" because he lacks the fucking wit and confidence to tell a joke in such a way that he is confident it with both be funny and easy to get by his audience?

When he did that the dumb dick reminded me of Fat Pig Oak everytime she attempted a run at sarcasm. She'd literately have to write <sarcasm> in a different colored font or as some kind of shiny emoji at the end of her post because she was totally unsure of her ability to pull it off. And to a certain extent she was right about herself in that particular regard.. as pulling off well placed sarcasm does require some degree of above average intelligence. Which that dumb fat cow certainly lacks
Or like that X wanker with the dozen laughing emojis to remind folks he thinks he is funny. What a retard.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Herman on September 30, 2024, 07:26:40 PMOr like that X wanker with the dozen laughing emojis to remind folks he thinks he is funny. What a retard.
that guys is a fucking idiot

only the most desperate of attention starved tards even bother responding to that drooling hyena

Prof Emeritus at Fawk U

It will be a repeat of the Trump-Biden debate only with just a slight amount of more coherency, but only so slight.
Watch what you say to me or I'll mind FAWK U.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 30, 2024, 07:44:21 PMthat guys is a fucking idiot

only the most desperate of attention starved tards even bother responding to that drooling hyena
That clown makes Joe look like a valued contributor.
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Lie, lie, lie. No fact checking of Tampon Tim.

Prof Emeritus at Fawk U

At least Tim didn't say 'We finally beat Medicare'.
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Watch what you say to me or I'll mind FAWK U.


gay, conservative and proud


I don't like libertarians like John Stossel. But, if you can get past the pro market baloney in this video, you get a glimpse of what Walz wants to do at the national level.


Cracks are beginning to show in Harris' inner circle, as evidenced by recent leaks to the liberal press. The cause appears to be Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's numerous bald-faced lies — or what Politico has euphemistically referred to as "verbal errors" and "problem(s) misspeaking."

Four individuals in Harris' camp spoke anonymously to Politico, indicating that despite the vetting process, they were blindsided by some of Walz's more egregious whoppers, such as his repeated yarn about being in Hong Kong during the infamous massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Once the truth came out about the governor's military record and retiring rank, the Harris campaign reportedly had to revise Walz's biography. Whereas it previously listed the governor as a "retired command sergeant major," it was adjusted to indicate that Walz once held the command sergeant major rank — a critical distinction, granted he reverted back to the rank of master sergeant after failing to complete the necessary coursework.

Politico noted that the Harris campaign also felt compelled to claim Walz "misspoke" when he said in 2018 that he didn't want "those weapons of war, that I carried in war" accessible to law-abiding Americans. Of course, Walz never served in combat, having bailed out of the service around the time his battalion received word it would soon be deployed to Iraq.

When Walz was exposed for lying about "us[ing] I.V.F. to start a family," having actually used intrauterine insemination to have children, Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for the Harris campaign, once again used the magic word, claiming Walz "misspoke."

Walz also appears to have misspoken when he falsely claimed:

in his 2005 congressional campaign biography that he was "named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his service in the education, military, and small business communities";
that over 80% of schoolchildren in Minnesota didn't miss more than 10 days of school during the pandemic;
that Project 2025 calls for the tracking of "all pregnancies" and would require women "to register with a new federal agency" upon conception;
and that his son witnessed a shooting, having actually been inside a nearby recreation center at the time the episode occurred outdoors.

Shen Li

Was that Walz clown vetted at all. I found out about the lies about nearly completing his PHD on a Chinese forum ffs.

QuoteAs recently as 2011, Tim Walz claimed in official biographies for his campaign and congressional office that he was on the verge of completing a doctorate in education, a decade after he enrolled in a doctorate program at St. Mary's University of Minnesota in the small town of Winona.

"We can confirm that Governor Walz attended Saint Mary's from 2001-2004 in our doctorate level Ed.D. program," the school's communications director, Ashly Bissen, told the Free Beacon. "He did not complete the degree program."

Walz would nonetheless claim through 2011 that he was an active student "nearly finished with his doctorate at St. Mary's University in Winona, Minnesota," as his congressional biography put it, four years after he arrived on Capitol Hill.

That claim, like so many others Walz has made about his biography over his political career, was at best a stretch and at worst a lie, the same sort of résumé padding characteristic of other fibs and misrepresentations Walz has made throughout his political career.

But academic dishonesty stands out, including exaggerations. Rep. Andy Ogles (R., Tenn.) last year apologized for stating he had a degree in economics when he'd only taken one economics class and gotten a "C." The CEO of Yahoo was forced out in 2012 after it was discovered he lied about majoring in both computer science and accounting in college. He only majored in accounting.

Walz, who'd been teaching high school for over a decade, started a course of study at St. Mary's in 2001, enrolling in a "cohort doctoral program," a second spokeswoman told the Free Beacon. He stopped taking classes at St. Mary's in 2004 and never earned a degree, the spokeswoman said.

Walz earned a master's degree in "experiential education" (an academic term for hands-on learning, a feature of Walz's work as a teacher) from Minnesota State University, Mankato, in 2002. St. Mary's told the Free Beacon that the school accepted Walz into its doctoral program on the condition that he'd earn his master's at nearby Minnesota State.

Getting a master's degree is an early step toward earning a doctorate, which requires years of additional study and research and can also require teaching college-level courses and successfully defending a dissertation.

Nonetheless, when Walz ran for Congress in 2006, roughly two years after his last recorded year in the St. Mary's doctoral program, he portrayed himself on the campaign trail and in Congress as an active student "nearly finished" with his doctorate. A 2006 voter guide published by the Minnesota Star Tribune indicated that Walz's Ed.D. was "in progress."

That year, Waltz defeated a five-term Republican incumbent, Gil Gutknecht, who recently told the Free Beacon, when asked about Walz, that "all political figures are guilty of a bit of puffery. He frequently went well beyond that into prevarication."

Indeed, as a sitting member of Congress, Walz continued to claim for years that he was finishing his doctoral degree.

Walz's years of misstatements about his academic background are part and parcel of a pattern of prevarication that has followed him from the high school classroom to Capitol Hill to the Minnesota governor's mansion—and now, should Kamala Harris prevail in November, to the Naval Observatory. The misrepresentations, embellishments, and falsehoods have been carefully woven together to create a portrait of a patriot-scholar and exemplary product of the American heartland.

Walz boasted during his 2006 campaign launch that he was "named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce," a false claim that the Chamber's then-president demanded that Walz correct. Walz's campaign manager at the time claimed Walz had won an award from the Junior Chamber of Commerce and attributed the error to a "typographical error."

Walz also made the exaggerated claim during his maiden congressional run that in 1989, he'd "earned the title of Nebraska Citizen-Soldier of the Year." In fact, he was one of 52 reservists invited to a brunch for recipients of the "Citizens Soldiers Awards," an event sponsored by a mysterious civic group called Ak-Sar-Ben, which is "Nebraska" spelled backward.

Walz further stated that his yearlong teaching stint in China came through a program at Harvard University for which he was hand-picked by the school. While the program was founded by Harvard undergraduates, it does not appear to have ever been officially associated with the Ivy League school.

Walz has also lied about his own family, telling MSNBC in July that his "two beautiful children" would not be alive without in vitro fertilization. His kids were not conceived through IVF but rather through a non-controversial, far less costly, and far less invasive procedure known as intrauterine insemination. The lie gives Walz, a middle-aged man, a personal connection to the battle for so-called women's reproductive rights that Democrats see as a winning issue this year.

Walz's most controversial claims, however, pertain to his time in the Army National Guard.

Walz, who served in the guard for 24 years, has said he carried guns "in war." His campaign promoted news stories that described him as one of a "number of veterans from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq" running for Congress.

But Walz never served in Afghanistan. While he spent time in Norway and Italy working in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, he never saw combat and never set foot in the war theater. When his National Guard battalion was being eyed for a deployment to Iraq, Walz issued a March 2005 campaign press release pledging to "serve if called upon" and run for Congress from the Middle East. But two months later, in May, he retired from the guard. By July, his old unit received notice of the deployment, and Walz never joined them in Iraq.


Walz seems to be even more fake than most politicians with even less intelligence.
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Quote from: Oerdin on October 09, 2024, 10:19:24 AMWalz seems to be even more fake than most politicians with even less intelligence.
He gets a pass too. If Vance had misrepresented himself like Walz has, would he too get a pass. Not a chance.
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Tampon Tim once again found himself at odds with the U.S. Constitution earlier this week when he insisted that the Electoral College "needs to go" in favor of a national popular vote.

Afterward, the Harris-Walz campaign quickly scrambled to clean up Walz's latest seemingly anti-constitutional blunder.

In response to Walz's comments about the Electoral College, the Trump campaign suggested the Minnesota governor harbors animus for the U.S. Constitution in general.

"Why does Tampon Tim hate the Constitution so much?" said a tweet from Trump War Room, employing a humorous nickname given to Walz for implementing a policy that allows Minnesota public schools to offer feminine hygiene products in boys' bathrooms.

"He hates the First Amendment. He hates the Supreme Court. He hates the Electoral College. But he sure loves communist China!"

A tweet from Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt added, "Is Tampon Tim laying the groundwork to claim President Trump's victory is illegitimate?"