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Islamofascism Preached In Canadian Mosques And Universities

Started by Anonymous, February 04, 2015, 05:02:16 PM

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From Brain Daly at QMI Agency
QuoteTerrorist ideology is being preached in Canadian mosques and universities and Ottawa is slow to stop the "brainwashing," a Senate committee has heard.

Calgary imam Syed Soharwardymadethecommentson Monday to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence.

He said Canada is under threat as intolerance is preached to youths across the country.

"I was in a Friday prayer in Toronto, and the imam there, with almost 300 to 400 people praying, openly said: 'When you see a non-Muslim coming on a street from the opposite side, don't give him a way; try to block it so he or she can just go against the wall,' " Soharwardy told Senators.

The imam also criticized Canadian-based organizations that organize university lectures to "brainwash young kids."

Sohardwardy, who is from Pakistan, said the ultimate culprits are the Wahhabi and Salafi sects of Islam that are prevalent in Saudi Arabia.

He accused Saudis of bringing Canadians youths to the gulf state, and mentioned that "five young boys" from Vancouver are planning to make a "small pilgrimage."


Yes, Islam is such a peaceful ideology that fully embraces Islam and tolerance. ac_rollseyes
Quote A Toronto-area imam is under fire for using derogatory language against Jews and Christians, calling for Allah to "destroy" the enemies of Islam from within and calling on God to "damn" the "infidels."

The address, given last Friday by Imam Said Rageah at the Abu Huraira Centre and then posted on YouTube (watch it above), is an attack on those who have been calling for a ban on the niqab and burka, both of which cover the faces of women.

"Allah protect us from the fitna [sedition] of these people; Allah protect us from the evil agenda of these people; Allah destroy them from within themselves, and do not allow them to raise their heads in destroying Islam."

Tarek Fatah, a Canadian Muslim author and commentator, said that type of language could be interpreted as a call to violence. As well, the imam asks Allah to "damn" Christians and Jews.

"The cleric's ritual prayer asking for the defeat of Christians and Jews and the victory of Islam is not unique," Mr. Fatah said. "It is uttered by many clerics across Canada spreading hate instead of harmony.  There should be no room in Canada's mosques for such hatred, especially when most of these institutions get [tax-free status]."

The Abu Huraira Centre attracts about 800 to 1,000 people to a typical Friday service. A man who worked at the centre said that many women who attend only wear the hijab, which covers the head, and do not wear any covering on their faces.

The National Post repeatedly attempted to reach Mr. Rageah for an interview, but was unsuccessful.

Throughout the 35-minute speech he uses the word "kuffar" to describe non-Muslims.

In referring to those Muslims who would seek allies outside the Muslim community to bring about legislation that would ban face coverings, the imam said: "You will see a lot of them going to the kuffar, taking them as friends and allies. The wrath of Allah is upon them. If they were true believers they would never take them as allies."

At its most benign, kuffar means "non-Muslims." But others say the most common usage is considered highly offensive, akin to calling a black person a "n****r," Mr. Fatah said.

"It goes back to the Arab use of the word against black slaves. It's used in a very derisive manner."

Professor Amir Hussain, who teaches theology at Loyola Marymount College in Los Angeles, but grew up in Toronto, said he does not read the word "destroy" in a literal way.

"For me, I don't see the remarks 'destroy them from within themselves' as hoping for violence. Rather, I see it as him asking that the group implode from within. Granted, implode and destroy are of course violent metaphors, but I liken it to him asking for the organization to disintegrate."

Earlier this month, the Canadian Muslim Congress called on Ottawa to ban the wearing of the burka or niqab in public. They said the right should not be protected by the Charter's guarantee of religious freedom because nowhere in the Koran is there a requirement for women to cover their faces in public. They argue that the burka "marginalizes women." The Koran does call for modesty.

Much of Mr. Rageah's address questions why the liberty of certain Muslims should be infringed upon. He even berates fellow Muslims for being far too passive in the face of attacks on their freedom.

"I'm appealing to the congregation not [to] allow such foolish people to be in charge of the affairs of the umma [family of all Muslims] to the point they would make such serious decisions for us. Our wives have the right to wear it. We should not allow them to dictate how we live. What we should do. Where we should eat. Enough is enough."

Walid Saleh, professor at the centre for the study of religion at the University of Toronto, said much of what Mr. Rageah said must be taken in the context of how Muslims may use terms in the midst of a religious service.

"If you ask me [kuffar] is unreformed language that is unbefitting for a multicultural society. That being said, it is religious language that is Quranic, and in the hadith [the oral tradition], so the issue is internal: how do traditional Muslims want to refer to non-Muslims? Using this language is regrettable, but one is not sure how far one can go in demanding a change."

However, he said the imam could have simply used non-offensive language to refer to non-Muslims.

"He could call them Christians and the Jews, either by their [neutral] Arabic names or even better, Ahl al-Kitab, or People of the Book, a rather positive Islamic term. In this sense there are options. That he chooses to use the term kuffar, is not innocent as such."

However, Prof. Saleh said it was important to note that he was asking his members to write letters to the government to make their objections known.

"So, you can see that the democratic notions are seeping through. He is fully aware of the limitation of his position.""> ... f-harmony/">


Quote from: "Shen Li"From Brain Daly at QMI Agency
QuoteTerrorist ideology is being preached in Canadian mosques and universities and Ottawa is slow to stop the "brainwashing," a Senate committee has heard.

Calgary imam Syed Soharwardymadethecommentson Monday to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence.

He said Canada is under threat as intolerance is preached to youths across the country.

"I was in a Friday prayer in Toronto, and the imam there, with almost 300 to 400 people praying, openly said: 'When you see a non-Muslim coming on a street from the opposite side, don't give him a way; try to block it so he or she can just go against the wall,' " Soharwardy told Senators.

The imam also criticized Canadian-based organizations that organize university lectures to "brainwash young kids."

Sohardwardy, who is from Pakistan, said the ultimate culprits are the Wahhabi and Salafi sects of Islam that are prevalent in Saudi Arabia.

He accused Saudis of bringing Canadians youths to the gulf state, and mentioned that "five young boys" from Vancouver are planning to make a "small pilgrimage."



Some Good news; Jordanian pilots have been bombing the hell out of ISIS targets in Syria. Will it make a diff? We'll see.

Lance Leftardashian

Canada has freedom of speech and freedom of religion and it is only fair that muslims are allowed to preach,teach and to follow the religion of their choice in Canada.
I care, you pay


Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"Canada has freedom of speech and freedom of religion and it is only fair that muslims are allowed to preach,teach and to follow the religion of their choice in Canada.

Violence, murder and bigotry are not religion. It's a vicious ideology.


Follow the Islamofascist money trail.
QuoteMONTREAL - The RCMP continues to investigate Islamist terrorist financing in Canada 10 months after it raided IRFAN-Canada for allegedly funnelling money to Hamas, QMI Agency has learned.

A source told QMI that as recently as September, Mounties were investigating other Canadian-based Muslim groups for links to terrorism.

"It is still active," the source said of the RCMP's probe.

No charges have been laid in Project Sapphire, which involved wiretaps, two months of surveillance in the Toronto area and in Montreal.

Police raided IRFAN locations in Mississauga, Ont., and Montreal last April 28 and Ottawa declared the group to be a terrorist organization the following day.

The RCMP's 113-page search warrant, obtained by QMI, says IRFAN funnelled $14.6 million to Hamas.

IRFAN had its charity status revoked in 2011 but the RCMP said the group continued to raise money and send funds to Hamas.

IRFAN denies any wrongdoing and is currently fighting its terrorist listing in Federal Court.

QMI has learned that intelligence investigators on three large local Canadian police forces are pressing for a wider probe into the terrorism money trail.

The IRFAN-Canada search warrant names three organizations that gave money to the charity, including two the RCMP suspect did so under the table.

One is the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), which owns or controls at least 35 schools and mosques across Canada.

The Mississauga, Ont. umbrella group gave $296,514 to IRFAN from 2001 to 2010, according to tax records.

MAC issued a statement late last month following a QMI investigation that showed RCMP believe the group continued to provide money to IRFAN even after it lost its charity status.

"MAC has not supported IRFAN in any way since the allegations that led to its delisting as a charity by the Government of Canada in 2011," the group said.

Also named in the RCMP warrant is the Islamic Centre of Quebec, based in a large, minaret-adorned building in north-end Montreal.

The 50-year-old ICQ, which bills itself as the first mosque in Quebec, was visited by IRFAN's Montreal representative and another man on March 21, 2014, the RCMP warrant says.

The other man was working undercover for the Mounties.

"At 14:10 hours, (REDACTED) exited the Islamic Centre of Quebec together with an undercover operator, operating under the name (REDACTED)," the warrant reads. They sat at a Tim Hortons for half an hour, then parted ways. "At this time, (REDACTED) was carrying what appeared to be the IRFAN receipt book."

QMI Agency's repeated attempts to reach ICQ went unanswered.

The third organization listed in the warrant is Human Concern International (HCI) an Ottawa-based charity with offices in Beirut, Somalia and Pakistan.

HCI granted $68,820 to IRFAN between 2005 and 2009, according to tax records.

An RCMP wiretap revealed that "the user of the Montreal IRFAN telephone number ... was in contact with HCI office in Montreal in October 2013 and December 2013."

The content of the phone call wasn't in the warrant. HCI's lawyer, Michel Drapeau, told QMI the call was "of a purely personal nature caused by the fact their respective children are attending the same school."

HCI has previously raised red flags at the federal level for alleged links to infamous terrorists.

Canadian al-Qaida financier Ahmed Said Khadr, father of convicted murderer Omar Khadr, ran HCI's Pakistan office at the time."> ... 44509.html">